Timex Computer Corporation

While the Timex Corporation is best known for its watches, it also produced a number of other products since its inception as a clock company in the mid-1800s. During World War II, the company produced fuse timers for defense products, continuing through the 1950s and the Korean war.
After the Korean war ended, Timex expanded its wristwatch operations. Traditionally the domain of jewelers, Timex opened new distribution channels in department stores, cigar stands, drug stores and other mass-market outlets. Demand for the company’s watches required increased production capacity and Timex built new plants in the United States, Europe and Asia.
Excess Production Capacity
Timex, as a result of its numerous plants across the world, had excess production capacity that opened a new market for the company as contract manufacturer. One of the company’s first clients was the Polaroid Corporation. Timex was the exclusive manufacturer for all Polaroid companies, worldwide, throughout the 1970s, eventually making more than 44 million cameras.
Timex also produced computer components for major manufacturers and the Nimslo three-dimensional 35mm camera.
Agreement with Sinclair
This excess capacity led Timex’s agreement with Sinclair to manufacture the ZX81 computer, at its Dundee, Scotland plant.
As part of the agreement, Timex had the option to market the ZX81 under its own name, once sales of the Sinclair ZX81 in the United States exceeded 500,000 units. The agreement extended to future Sinclair computers, resulting in the Timex Sinclair 2068.
The Timex Computer Corporation, a subsidiary of Timex Corporation, was formed to design and market Timex Sinclair products in the United States.
Timex/Sinclair 1000
Timex announced that it would manufacture and market the Timex Sinclair 1000, the first computer to break the $100 price barrier, on April 20, 1982. Sinclair had sold 500,000 ZX81 computers in the US prior to the announcement. Timex sold 600,000 of its computer in just the first three months, securing a staggering 25 percent of the total U.S. home computer market at the time.
Timex/Sinclair 2068
Launched in late 1983, the TS 2068 entered a crowded marketplace. Coupled with a less strenuous marketing effort than what accompanied the TS 1000 launch, the 2068 struggled to find a niche that extended well beyond the existing base of Timex/Sinclair owners.
Timex Exits Home Computer Market
Timex announced its exit from the home computer market in the U.S. on February 22, 1984. Mike Jacobi, vice-chairman of marketing and sales at Timex, said “We believe instability in the market will cause the value of inventories to decline, making it difficult to make a reasonable profit.”
Jacobi was alluding to video game crash of 1983, which affected the home computer market and led to Texas Instruments and Mattel, among others, to withdraw as well. Commodore’s price war with Texas Instruments affected all other manufacturers and had driven the price of the TS 1000 down from $99 to as low as $19.
Timex Portugal
Timex’s manufacturing facility in Portugal continued to refine and develop new products after Timex exited the home computer market in the United States. They produced the Timex Computer 2068 and 2048, as well as disk drive systems and other products.
Key Employees
The corporation started with six employees:
- Bob Behler, engineering
- Carlos Dragovich, production
- George Grimm, software manager
- Margot Murphy, marketing services manager
- Dan Ross, vice president and chief operating officer
- Billy Skyrme, director of product planning
The key decision makers were Danny Ross, Kirk Pond and Rex Naden.
Eventually, others joined Timex as they needed more expertise to launch the 2068. They included:
- Lem Tarshis, executive vice president at Timex
- Kirk Pond, executive vice-president
- Rex Naden, vice-president of research and design
- Ed Tyranski
- John Houlihan, design manager
- Gary Grimes, design manager, computer products
- Lou Galie, director of engineering
- Tom Belpasso, IC engineer, project engineering manager
- Al Biderman, product manager, hardware development
- Michael Branigin, manager, computer hardware engineering
- Daniel Chen, senior project engineer
Computer Systems Architecture
- Victor Schiff, manager, computer systems architecture
System Software
- Scott McCourt, manager of system software
- Dave Boyle, software engineer
- Lon Hildreth, software engineer
- Will Collum, software engineer
Test and Operations
- Bruce Honnold, manager of test and operations
Quality Control
Other employees
- Sam Barron, San Francisco Bay area representative
- Charles Durang, writer
- Jack Ewald, Eastern Region manager
- Sue Mahoney, technical support manager
- Paul Schirloff, editor of Ramblings
- Doug Smith, manager, product planning
- Martha Warner-Dubay
- Phil Wright, technical liaison to “Silicon Valley” sources
'RithmeticTS 1000 Software review Review of Supermath by Timex.
$99! ComputerTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the TS 1000 and overview of software and hardware available for the computer.
$99.95 Timex Sinclair 1000 microcomputer debutsTS 1000 Calling it a “mile-stone in the 125-year history of the Timex Corporation,” Timex introduced a $99.95 personal computer with 2k memory, which was developed by Sinclair Research and is essentially an upgrade of the Sinclair ZX81 micro. Further enhancements (to be available in the last quarter of this year) include a communications-interface devices and a…
10 REMA good source within Timex reports that “The Timex Computer Corp. is no longer.” The source explains that the TCC has essentially been dissolved and all its functions absorbed into the Timex parent corp. With the departure of VP Ross, the hierarchy seems to be Timex VP Kirk Pond, in charge of three more-or-less equal…
10 REM: Take the Money and RunEditorial on Timex and its role in the computer community.
1500s On Their Way, 2068s Close BehindTS 1500 TS 2068 Our Timex source says a few TS1500s began their way to your local stores the first week of September. The FCC approved the TS2068 recently; expect it in stores by October.
16K Sinclair/Timex Computer for $150TS 1000 Announcement of the T/S 1000. Will be available in computer stores, department stores, jewelry stores and drug stores, more than 100,000 outlets in all. 16K RAM, printer and modem promised for fall.
16K Timex Sinclair 1500TS 1500 Product announcement for Timex Sinclair 1500, priced at $79.95.
1983 Winter Consumer Electronics ShowTS 2000 Mindware MW-100 printer, Data-assette announced add-ons and software packages and the Jupiter Ace was shown. A photo of the Timex Sinclair 2000 (in Spectrum case) also shown.
1984 Winter Consumer Electronics ShowTS 1500 TS 2068 TS 2050 TS 2040 1500, 2068 shown as well as TS 2050 modem, TS 2080 80-column dot matrix printer, TS 2040 printer. Softsync announced Personal Accountant for a variety of computers, incl Timex.
- 2068 Circuit DiagramTS 2068 Reference
3 in 1: Mixed Game Bag 1TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Timex.
A $100 Home ComputerLast week Timex Corp. announced that it will begin marketing a new compact, lightweight model – the Timex Sinclair 1000 – for just $99.95.
A 16K Computer for $79.95TS 1500 Product announcement for the Timex-Sinclair 1500.
A Brief Overview of the Chicago Consumer Electronics Show and National Computer Conference in HoustonTS 1000 ZX Spectrum The Sinclair Spectrum was introduced in the US at the CES. TIMEX was actively promoting the $99.00 TIMEX/Sinclair computer.
A Computing PhilippicTS 1000 TS 2068 Commentary on Timex, its computers and its relationship with consumers. Notes that the group grew to 120 members. When the TS 2068 was announced, at least 100 peripheral manufacturers requested documentation so they could develop software and hardware.
A Guide to Your Computer's Special Service NeedsWhere/how to get service.
A piece of cake in DundeeZX81 Lynd Church goes to Scotland to discover just how the ZX-81 is manufactured. In keeping with its philosophy of sub-contracting all manufacturing processes, Sinclair Research appointed Timex to produce the ZX-81 when it was introduced in March 1, 1981. Since that time, production at the Timex plant at Dundee has increased from 10,000 to 60,000…
A Watchful Look at the Timex 1000TS 1000 In the mid-60’s, four musical moplops, leading a legion of other musical moplops, descended on the U.S. mainland. They called ii the “British Invasion.” The ’80s has seen another British Invasion, and this time in the form of a little black plastic device with honest computing abilities and a price tag that can only be…
A ZX/TS Celebration in BostonTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 On October 22, 1983, the Boston Computer Society’s Sinclair-Timex User Group celebrated their Second Anniversary at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. And what a celebration it was, with exhibits, seminars, and new Timex/Sinclair product announcements! Group Director Sue Mahoney and her staff (Will Stackman, Jack Hodgson, Jeff Parker, Beth Elliott, Bob Masters) organized what must…
Across the PondZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Inaugural column about the American side of the Sinclair world. Gives a brief overview of Sinclair history in America, discusses marketing of the TS 1000, introduction of the TS 2000 and eventual launch of the TS 2068. The ZX printer could not pass the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission, so Timex contracted with Alphacom…
- Also from Timex: a new printerTS 2040
Amusement for Brainy TypesTS 1000 Software review Reviews of The Nowotnik Puzzle, Mega Mind and The Cube Game.
AnnouncementSue Mahoney has accepted the position of Technical Support Manager with the Timex Computer Corporation.
B-17 Reunion: The "Little Computer That Could" And A Data-Base Program Bring WWII Vets Together With New TiesTS 1000 Software review Roberts uses Timex Organizer to keep records for his locksmith business and to track B-17 vets.
Behind the Screens: Timex Sinclair SupportTimex will honor warrantees, dropping everything else.
Big ad campaign spurs sales of world's cheapest computerTS 1000 Spurred by a big national advertising campaign, sales of the Timex Sinclair 1000 personal computer have taken off. Although Timex will not say just how many of the little machines it has sold so far, a spokesman revealed that Timex manufacturing plants are producing one every ten seconds and production still has not caught up…
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 1500 TS 2068
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and BytesTS 2068
- Bits and BytesTS 2068
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
Britain helps public schools buy microsZX Spectrum If elementary schools can raise half the cost of a [computer], then the Dept of Industry will contribute the rest. … [The] government just added the new Sinclair ZX Spectrum to its list of supported products. The Spectrum was introduced in the United Kingdom in April and 30,000 units have sold since then.
Bytelines: News and Speculation about Personal ComputingTS 1000 Under “Sinclair News”: estimated that more than 600,000 ZX81 and TS1000 units sold to date. Sinclair ceasing distribution in US; Timex taking over.
Bytelines: News and Speculation about Personal ComputingTS 1000 Under “Market Share for the PC”: estimated that more than 750,000 TS1000 units shipped to date. Sinclair talking about microdrive for the Spectrum. Memotech working on 5 1/4″ disk drive for the 1000.
Can Timex maintain its image of clocklike efficiency?Editorial about issues Timex has had marketing its computers and touching on articles in the issue.
CES Show in ChicagoReport from the Consumer Electronic Show in Chicago. Sinclair dropped price of ZX81 to $99; showed ZX Spectrum. Timex displayed the TS 1000.
Changes at the Top of TimexSue Mahoney and Dan Ross laid off.
Checking Out Library Computer LendingTS 1000 TS 1500 Libraries in the U.S. and Canada are lending Timex/Sinclair computers and accessories to patrons.
Color TS2000, 16K TS1500, Modem This SummerTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 Timex reports it will begin sales this August of TS2000s with 16K or 48K RAM, color/sound capabilities and bank-switching. The 16K version will sell for $149.95; the 48K for $199.95, says Timex. Both versions contain 24K ROM, including 8K ROM for cartridge capabilities and bank-switching. With bank-switching the computer can potentially use up to 256…
Computer Lending Grows at Public LibrariesWhen librarians at the Connetquot Public Library in Bohemia, L.I., announced in a recent newsletter that the library would soon have three personal computers that could be checked out and taken home, they were nearly overwhelmed by the response.
- Computer Literacy is a Hit at Timex Sinclair Celebration
Computer market is on its way homeAt a seminar for venture capitalists, Fred Gibbons, president of Software Publishing in Mountain View, Ca., reported that 100,000 VIC 20s, Texas Instruments 99/4A and Timex Sinclairs were being snatched off store shelves each month.
Computer Workout: TS 2068TS 2068 Hardware review While many computer companies play “Waiting For Peanut” before upgrading their current machines, Timex Sinclair has forged ahead with the 2068 Personal Color Computer, which should be readily available by the time you read this. The TS 2068 is a 48K computer that is based on the extremely successful Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, introduced a…
Computer-Curious Clog HotlineTS 1000 Questions about the TS1000 backed up long-distance phone lines in Middlebury. When the Timex Computer Corporation began to sell the TS1000 in July and then set up a toll-free number in September to handle consumer questions about it, the company office in Middlebury did not anticipate receiving up to 50,000 calls a week.
Computerized Dee-JayTS 1000 Explains how one user created a database for 3,500+ records in The Organizer and some techniques he used to compress data.
Computers and ConfusionTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 Two new computers from Timex! That’s good news. The 2000 series is described on page 12. We looked at the 1500 in our previous issue. We’re glad these new machines are with us. Rut having said that, let’s look at the way Timex brought them to us. No sooner had we all bought our T/S…
Computers Dropped by TimexThe Timex Corporation, after watching sales of its inexpensive home computers dwindle to virtually nothing over the last year, officially abandoned its efforts yesterday, saying it had determined it could not make a ”reasonable profit” on the machines.
Computers follow consumers homeTS 1000 Drawing considerable retail traffic during the [1982 Summer Consumer Electronics Show] was Timex, which starts national deliveries late this month on its under-$100 TS 1000. Dan Ross, vice president, computer products, told Mart the unit will be on allocation at the beginning. “Having it on allocation allows us to bring some needed order and integrity…
Connections: Help for Timex OwnersGames to Learn By, in Williamsburg, MA and run by Marty Warner-Dubay, a former Timex software engineer, is continuing to support the Timex computers.
Consumer Electronics ShowTS 1500 TS 2000 This is where the big stores make their commitments for the Fall and Christmas buying season, so Timex was present with information on the TS1500 and TS2000 computers. The TS1500 is a sleek, silver and gray 9″ x 5.5″ x 1.5″ computer with a Sinclair ROM but with built in 16K internally with the capability…
Crazybugs and CyberzoneTS 2068 Software review Reviews of Crazybugs (Timex) and Cyberzone (Softsync).
Dan Ross - TimexMr. Daniel Ross, Vice President of Operations, Timex Computer Corporation, was the second speaker at our Anniversary meeting. He described the Timex company — its relationship with Sinclair Research, its announced computer products, and its plans for a national user group. Timex is the company largely responsible for popularizing the wrist watch. According to Dan,…
Dear EditorTS 2068 TS 2040 Comments on Timex leaving market; question about 64 column mode; thermal paper for the 2040; questions about various programs.
Dear EditorTS 1000 TS 2068 Comments about Timex leaving market; request for documentation/manuals.
December HighlightsSue Mahoney presided over a discussion of the state of the Timex computer commuty and Timex Corp’s marketing strategy. Two vendors demonstrated their programs.
Disappearing Computers: A Progress ReportResources for orphaned computer users.
Editor RamblingsGladstone selling Sinclair thermal printer. Gladstone replacement keyboard also mentioned. Memotech GP-100 printer. CAI/40 printer from CAI. Timex demo booths at K-Mart. Winky board. Mistakes in Sept 1982 issue. Run-It Software Club.
Editor RamblingsMagazine printed with daisy wheel printer. Spectrum micro drives not disk. Sinclair and Timex sales figures. Amateur radio users. Educational software from 2-Bit Software. Program of the month club. Winky Board 2.
Editor RamblingsCassettes now come with a loader program. ZX-99 tape control system. T/S-1000 now being sold in U.S. Outside software support to be sold through stores. Kopak Touch-a-Matic, upcoming hardware.
Editor RamblingsCorrections to programs. Timex T/S-1000 computer sweeping the country. Keyboards from data-assette. Memotech RAM packs. Microdrive from SyncWare. Mindware printer delay. Computer judge assigments made by computer in Chicago. What is VU-CALC?
Editor RamblingsMistakes in the January 1983 issue. Sidewinder, a new printer from Mindware. Synchro-Sette tapes bulk produced. CFASTDATA, CFASTDUET from Cosmonics. Printer interface from CRC Software. Timex Computer Club; Ramblings newsletter. New user group newsletters.
Editor RamblingsForth for the ZX/TS. Modem in the works. Update on TS 1500 and TS 2000 pricing.
Editor RamblingsTS 2000 K Mart selling 1000 for 29.97. Price drop for Winky 2. TS 2000 as a business machine. Computech offers educational programs. New 64K RAM packs from Barlog and Gladstone.
Editor RamblingsTS-1500 news: Timex plans to manufacture a limited number to test market. Timex drops 16K model of TS 2000. Memotech announces MTX-512 computer. Radio Shack MC-10. Micro price war aftermath: Atari and Intellivision have experience mult-million dollar losses. Timex and Radio Shack have show disappointing sales figures.
Editor RamblingsTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 TS sales below expectations: one source says fewer than 30,000 TS 2068s sold since introduction. TS 1500 cassette signal seems better than 1000. TS 1000 selling for as low as $9.95. Timex tight lipped about peripherals.
Editor's CommentsKrampitz reports on situation with T/S Connections, whether it has or has not taken over service from the Timex repair service in Little Rock, Ark.
Educator's NewsletterThe TEC News is a quarterly newsletter to be published by the Timex-Sinclair Educator’s User Group at Texas Wesleyan College in cooperation with the Timex Computer Corporation.
EF's 50 Best GamesTS 2068 Software review Round-up of the magazine’s top 50. Flight Simulator for the TS 2068 is number 45.
EnterTimex no lnger in the computer business.
EnterQueries about taking over the TS2068: Timex reports 20 parties have inquired about the prospect. Sync, TS User cease publication.
Events: January 30 - February 4TS 2068 A demonstration of the new Timex/Sinclair 2068 color computer and peripherals will be given by Billy Skyrme, director of product planning for Timex Computer, to the South Bay Timex/Sinclair Users Group.
Ever Hear of the T/S 3068? (And Other Matters)TS 2068 At a recent meeting of the LIST (Long Island Sinclair Timex) user group, the former head of Research and Development department of the Timex Computer Corporation, Billy Skyrme, attended a gave a talk. Mr. Skyrme is currently the president of Psion, Inc., the manufacturer of the Organizer pocket computer. While Mr. Skyrme admitted that he…
Exclusive Review: Timex PrinterTS 2040 Hardware review Review of the TS 2040 printer.
Filing and Inventory SystemsTS 1000 Software review Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
- For Your Information: Tidbits About CP/M, TS/TC2068, TC2048, ZX81, TS1500 and QLZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 QL
From the news desk: Born-again Timex“The Timex/Sinclair computer is about to be born again,” says David Higgenbach, who is trying to negotiate distribution rights to the Timex/Sinclair line of inexpensive home computers, which Timex no longer markets. Higgenbach says he would market the computers under the name Timestar through his company Trinity Magnum. Timex officials confirmed they are at least…
Game Playing on the T/S 2068: Chess ReviewTS 2068 Software review Review of Chess from Timex.
GozzipSinclair announces ZX-83, Timex the 2000. Timex plans a 3000 for 1984. Mindware printer back ordered for six months.
Grimm's Fairy TrailsTS 1000 Software review Review of Timex’s response to PACMAN. The maze-pursuit game has 6 levels of play, from crawl to very fast.
Guest EditorialEditor of Computer Shopper weighs in on departure of Timex Corp.
Hardware Review: What Hardware Should We Buy?Discusses trends and changes in hardware production. For example Sinclair/Timex has stopped mass marketing its computers while others (such as the IBM junior) has finally made its appearance. Strongly advises schools to re-evaluate their hardware purchasing programs in light of these and other changes. (JN)
Headlines -- February 24, 1984: Timex Leaves the MarketTimex Computer Corporation drops out of the home computer market! You read it right. Timex is not continuing with its computer product line.
- Higgenbottom Rumor #7832 ... Straight Poop from Timex
Highlights of the April MeetingSue Mahoney demonstrated “Ator the ABC Gator”. Program synchronizes display of letters with song recorded on cassette tape. Al Spencer reviewed The Parrot by R.I.S.T. Mahoney distributed the first issue of Ramblings.
Highlights of the August MeetingBrint Jefferis gave a review of ToolKit, available from Gladstone. Burt Fisher reviewed VOTEM. Sue Mahoney demonstrated preproduction models of the TS 1500 and TS 2068.
Highlights of the January MeetingTS 2000 Introduction of the TS-2000, the Timex version of the Spectrum. Timex has made formal announcement of the TS-2000 at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show (1983) in Las Vegas.
- History of Timex Corporation
Home Computer Crash of 1983-85Describes the impact of the video game and home computer crash, fueled in part by Sinclair and Timex’s computers.
How educational are the "educational" programsTS 1000 Software review Brief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
How to Buy a Timex ComputerTS 1500 TS 2068 “We do not have a primary plan to sell computers by mail. The 800-24-TIMEX number provides referrals to stores,” said Timex VP Dan Ross.
I Break for Arcadians: MazogsTS 1000 Software review In this adventure game, your hero is a black shadow in the shape of a man. Keying guides you left, right, up or down in a maze as you search for treasure. The screen shows a tiny portion of the maze. If your figure takes three steps in any direction, a new small area (originally…
In Focus: Home Is Where the Computer IsTS 2000 Overview of home computers; each described according to a standardized terminology. Timex Sinclair 1000 and 2000 listed.
Inside Story [Editorial]TS 2068 Timex’s withdrawal from the computer market caused publication to pull a review of the 2068 that was scheduled for the previous issue.
- Is Timestar a Dark Star
K-Mart Committing to ComputersTS 1000 K-Mart announced that 1100 stores will handle the Commodore VIC-20, up from 550 stores two months ago. In addition, a spokesman confirmed that the chain has committed an equal dollar amount (around $10 million) of TI 99/4A home computers. The chain also expects to handle the lower-priced ($100) Timex/Sinclair unit.
Key Support Operations Will StayAnnouncements of support from SoftSync, Byte-Back, Microsync Services, Thomas B. Woods, Banta Software, Kopak. Timex will honor warranties.
Large Scale Fun for Small Scale ComputersTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Keystroke Management (2-Bit), TS Destroyer and Space Raid (SoftSync), Millepede (Axis Software), Meteorites (SoftSync) and Merchant of Venus (Timex/Crystal Computing).
Let this software help you run your homeTS 1000 Software review Reviews and compares four programs specifically designed to help manage money; one to set home files straight (birthdays, recipes, phone numbers, and so on) and one full 16K program just for all those bonus coupons that accumulate.
- Letter from TimexTS 2068
Lowest Price YetTS 1000 The Timex Computer Corp., with headquarters in Middlebury, CT, has announced the first computer priced under $100. The Timex Sinclair 1000 is compact, lightweight, fully-assembled, and priced at $99.95. Timex supports their computer with optional 32-column printer, telephone modem and 16K memory expansion module. Software for business, education and personal use will be available, according…
March HighlightsTS 2068 Marty Warner-Dubay, formerly of Timex and now with Games to Learn By, reported on the condition of the Timex community. Estimated that 45-50,000 TS2068s had been sold by March 1984, 10-15,000 were in Timex’s warehouses and 90,000 were still at the factory in Korea. Dave Wood’s book was cancelled; thinking of self-publishing.
March News from The T/S ConnectionT/S Connection “received just about everything from Little Rock” [the Timex repair facility]. Calls to Timex computer department in Connecticut and Arkansas redirect caller to T/S Connection for repairs or service.
Mass-marketing computers means shedding the jargonThe Timex Sinclair 1000 computer, which sells for $99 and hooks up to a television set, has also seen phenomenal sales growth since a giant ad campaign this fall. ”We were receiving 50,000 calls a week on our 800 (telephone) number after we ran our ads in September,” said Daniel Ross, vice-president of Timex Computer…
Meet the man who clogged up Connecticut's phone systemIn our premier issue, Timex Sinclair User features an exclusive interview with Dan Ross, the man who heads up the Timex computer division. His decisions will hopefully make T/S computing ever more fascinating in the future. Managing Editor Joe Gladstone reports. Probably the man most difficult to reach in the computer business is Dan Ross,…
Mini-Reviews: Timex Sinclair User, Nightgunner, moreTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Timex Sinclair User magazine, Multi-Program tape from SyncWare, Nightgunner from Softsync, Key Stroke Management and Truth Tables from 2-Bit Software, Inventory Control and Manufacturing Control from Timex.
Mixed-Use 4-Pack is a Mixed BlessingTS 1000 Software review Review of Powerpack 1 from Timex.
Money Talks; Timex ListensTimex withdrew from retail sales of home computers and will employ their resource in other product lines.
More Software: Educational SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Educational software from Softsync and Timex.
More Software: Timex Household ProgramsTS 1000 Software review Reviews Home Asset Manager, Home Improvement Manager, Personal Finance Planner from Timex.
Mystery clouds Amstrad dealTS 2068 The credibility of Amstrad’s deal with Sinclair has been further eroded with news that, far from having “worldwide rights to the Spectrum” as claimed by Amstrad in its announcement to the Stock Exchange on April 7, Portugal and the eastern bloc countries are excluded from the deal. Rights to the Spectrum in these areas are…
New Computer From TimexTS 1500 The Timex Corporation announced a successor to its highly popular Sinclair 1000 home computer, and said the new machine would have eight times more memory capacity than its predecessor.The new machine, called the Timex Sinclair 1500, will hold up to 16,000 characters in its memory and sell for about $80.
New From the Boston Blow-OutTS 1500 TS 2068 Report on the BCS Sinclair/Timex user group celebration. Notes that Timex showed microdrives, promised to deliver modem in 1984. Other products announced included an 80 column printer, the 1510 cartridge dock and 2020 tape recorder.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n5)New products from Timex, J.V. Kane, Silicon Valley North, ZX-Panding, Computer Engineering Services, M-Ware, W.D. Maples, Kaltek Calculator Technology, J.J. Castillos, Florida Creations, Stuart Software, Laserscan Electronics, International Publishing & Software, 2-Bit Software, LINC.
New Sinclair ComputerZX81 ZX Spectrum Spectrum announcement. Sinclair has also come to an agreement recently with Timex to distribute the computers in North America; the two companies have been in close alliance for some time as the ZX81 and Spectrum are both manufactured in Timex’s Scottish plant.
New software announced for the Timex/Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Mindware Incorporated, the first company to market a printer for the Sinclair ZX81 and Timex/Sinclair 1000 computers in the United States, recently announced a series of 20 “quick-loading” software packages for the machine. According to Michael Levy, Mindware president, Timex expects to sell 350,000 Timex/Sinclair computers in the U.S. by the end of 1982.
New Timex ConfigurationOUT (ROSS): IN(X): NEW: GOTO start: seems to be the BASIC command line issued by Timex’ visionary chairman, T. Fred Olsen.
News AnalysisAnalysis of the entirety of Timex and impact of economic factors on all elements of its business.
- News Flash
News From TimexWhere are the TS2068 manuals? Timex originally produced 200 copies of the manual on a photocopier. As orders outstripped production, the manual was sent to a printer. During the week of July 30, 1000 copies were mailed at bulk rate.
News ItemTimex said Sunday it had shut down its factory in Dundee, Scotland, following one of Britain’s most bitter industrial conflicts of recent years. [Dateline 8/30/93]
Newsletter of users of the Timex/Sinclair, no cost for educatorsThe Timex/Sinclair Educators Group at Texas Wesleyan College, in cooperation with Timex, is going to publish a quarterly newsletter (The TEC News) dedicated to users of low-cost computers in educational settings.
No Faire for TimexTimex was not at 8th West Coast Computer Faire.
No News About No DealNo persons knowledgeable about the bulk sale of Timex inventory or any proposals from any potential buyers were available at Timex. Doug Smith verifies that all computer hardware inventory is sold, and a bulk buyer bought much of it.
Now in CanadaTS 1000 TX Computers Canada (the official name of Timex Computers in Canada) will be launching the TS1000 in Canada this summer.
Of Things To Come1983 Summer Consumer Electronics Show included representatives from Timex.
Outline of the Sinclair and Timex ComputersTable of the various models.
PenetratorTS 2068 Software review Penetrator is a fast action arcade-type game written for the Timex-Sinclair 2068. The game is packaged in a neatly styled box with excellent instructions.
PerceptionsTS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068 The TS2000 series of computers claims an extensive group of features – both hardware and software. The machines feature 24K ROM. The TS2048 has 16K RAM at its disposal while the TS2068 wields a well-utilized 48K RAM.
- PinballTS 1000 Software review
Plans for T/S 1000 UpgradeTS 1500 TIMEX is planning to introduce a new Sinclair/Timex machine to the American market in the near future. It will be an upgraded version of the T/S1000, of which Americans have been critical since it was introduced last year. The T/S1500 will be introduced on June 1. It will have a regular typewriter-style keyboard with movable…
Portuguese Timex T-2068 Computer & Timex Disk Drive System: A Hands-On EvaluationTS 2068 TC 2068 Hardware review Timex is still in the home computer market—in Europe! When Timex bowed out here in early 1984, their computer manufacturing facilities in Portugal continued their work, primarily, so everyone believed, manufacturing for Sinclair in England. Apparently, this was only partly true. Their research and development department was still at work, perfecting the products only hinted…
Printer Prices PlummetAlphacom recently closed a deal with Timex, estimated to be worth $54 million, to supply printers for the Timex/Sinclair computer line on an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) basis.
Production 1500s and 2068s Sold in USTS 1500 TS 2068 Early shipments of TS2068s are selling well — Sears reordered 4000 units according to Dan Ross, Timex VP. A few units available at the Boston Computer Society TS Celebration disappeared quickly. Buyers snapped up 1500’s as well. Early tests suggest 1500 compatibility with most peripherals.
Publisher's Remarks: Stay-at-Home MicrosZX81 TS 1000 Clive Sinclair has been doing a first-rate job of getting his ZX-81 computers into the hands of people interested in learning about small computers. He’s been selling mostly via mail order so far. Starting in July, Timex will take over, selling the small computer through their chain of dealers.
Q&A: Dan RossTS 2068 Timex has changed a lot since the days when it used to strap its watches to snowplows for TV commercials. Today Timex is one of the contenders for the brass ring of mass-marketing microcomputer sales. Following last year’s million-selling Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex recently shipped its color computer, the T/S 2068, a $199 48K RAM computer…
Q&A: Nigel SearleTS 2068 QL Nigel Searle, managing director of Sinclair Research, came to Boston in May from the company’s home in Cambridge, England, to show the QL Computer to the Boston Computer Society. The QL represents a dramatic leap forward from the old Timex/Sinclair series – which pundits called the “first disposable computers” – and from the Spectrum, Sinclair’s…
Quote Without CommentTimex Computer order form.
Reader InputLetter about printing to Seikosha GP-100A printer; open letter to Timex Corp about TS2068 software.
- Recent Happenings
REMContact information for Timex and Sinclair.
Remarks from The Publisher ... Wayne GreenThe Timex people made some very serious marketing errors. Oh, they got the 1000 into tens of thousands of retailers and sold thousands by mail order. But selling a system to Middle America is a different ball game.
Repair InformationContact information and pricing for replacement parts.
Resources (Sync v4 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Retail Chains to Offer Home Computers for $100 to $300
Review of The Organizer from TimexTS 1000 Software review Review of the data base program from timex.
- Review: PenetratorTS 2068 Software review
Review: The Timex Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Hardware review Timex Corporation has joined the ranks of manufacturers offering personal computer by making a close relative of the Sinclair ZX81 under agreement with Sinclair Research.
Rumors & GossipPrice of the 2068 expected to drop to the $50-100 range since Timex exited the market. As many as 60,000 units were reported in dealer stocks.
Rumors Persist, But Still No DealDespite many persistent rumors, Timex says no group has emerged to take over their computer business.
Rumour Not RumourUpdate on Dave Higginbottom; secured $22m loan.
September News from The T/S ConnectionTS 2068 Stu Lotwin passed away. Update on David Higgenbottom’s talks with Timex.
Sinclair's Quantum Leap in the U.S.TS 2068 QL Sinclair announces QL, intended for availability in the fall. Formerly referred to as ZX-83. Editor predicts exit of Timex in light of advertising and product delays.
Softly, softlyZX80 TS 1000 TS 2000 David Kelly talks to Sue Currier, President of the US software house, SoftSync. SoftSync is one of only several companies in America independently producing and marketing software for the Timex/Sinclair machines – material referred to in the US as third-party software. Like so many companies thriving in the home computer boom, SoftSync came into being…
Software for Defunct MachinesTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 Companies profit by selling programs for discontinued micros. C. Michael Jacobi, vice-president of marketing and sales for consumer products at Timex, advises that software is available via their direct response ads in USA Today and major newspapers. They offer 25 “pieces of software” for the 2068. Sears and Best Products also carry machines and software.
Software ReviewTS 1000 Software review The Home Asset Manager, The Coupon Manager, The Checkbook Manager, The Gambler, and Supermaze, all for the TS1000, reviewed.
Software Review: T/S 2068 Checkbook ManagerTS 2068 Software review Review of the program Timex Computer Corp program for the TS 2068.
Some micros may dieTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2000 It looks a little like the situation in the U.S., where the price war at the cheap end of the market has meant that both Texas Instruments and Atari computer operations are said to be running at a loss and sales of Times Sinclair machines have been sliding. The T/S problems led Sir Clive Sinclair…
Some Names at TimexTwo remaining contacts at Timex.
Some Names at TimexContacts of individuals still working at Timex Computers.
- Some Names at Timex
Special Report: 2068 Is Returning to USTS 2068 TC 2068 Reports on Bob Dyl’s efforts to bring the Portuguese 2068 to the United States. When Bob Dyl of the English Micro Connection contacted Timex of Portugal to see if he could obtain supplies of their new floppy disk system and 2068 “silver avenger” computer (as so nick-named by the British computer press), both of which…
Spectrum launch in the StatesTS 2000 ZX Spectrum Timex, the company that manufactures the TS1000 are soon to launch the American equivalent to the ZX Spectrum. Designated the TS2000, it is basically an upgrade of the British machine, i.e. with some of the bugs ironed out!
Strategic Planning for Global Competition[Timex] developed with a single product line. In two decades, from 1950 to 1970, Timex expanded to a dominant position in the worldwide wristwatch industry with an inexpensive pin-lever watch engineered for mass production and assemble. Blocked from selling its watches through jewelry stores – the traditional distribution channel – Timex introduced its product in…
Study forecasts split in personal-computer marketWhat does Timex have in common with IBM? Within the next few years both companies may end up leading different ends of the burgeoning personal computer market. Timex has North American marketing rights to a new version of the inexpensive Sinclair ZX81 computer called the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
Sue MahoneyArticle about Susan Mahoney, condensed from an article in The Waterbury Republican American, Oct. 18, 1983. Describes her commitment to the Timex/Sinclair computers, which led to her participation in the Boston Computer Society’s Timex/Sinclair group, organizing the celebration in 1983 and being fired from Timex.
Sync NotesDiscussion of current issue, announcements of Timex Command Cartridge.
T-S NewsTS 2068 Eight page booklet appears in December issue of Discover and other magazines. Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group and QZX newsletter. Product and catalog announcements from Hawg Wild Software, E. Arthur Brown. Hotline and newsletter from Timex. Sinclair Research announces ZX Microdrive.
- T/S ResourcesTS 2068
- T/S Resources
T/S UpdateTS 2068 Emulator news from Dewey; Pinball available from Sunset Electronics. Timex sold all hardware and software to New York liquidator.
T/S UpdateTS 2068 Updates about product availability from Doug Dewey (Spectrum Emulator), Sunset Electronics, more. Timex sold all hardware, most of software to a liquidator in New York.
- Tell Timex Contest
- Tell Timex Contest
The 2040: Efficient, Fast and AffordableTS 2040 Hardware review Review of the printer.
- The 2068 Super System, Still a Big FutureTS 2068
The Chicago Consumer Electronics ShowTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 TIMEX had a fantastic booth. A number of Muppet-type puppets appeared on a CRT and interacted with a running dialogue with the passers by. Needless to say, large crowds sporadically gathered. When questions were asked about TIMEX products, other CRTs would light up and commercial-type explanations were given. About 10 each of the new TS-1500s…
The Complete Gamer's Guide for all Timex and IBM PC UsersTS 1000 Short descriptions of games from Creative Software, HES, Melbourne House, Mindware, Orbyte Software, Reston Publishing, Softsync, Timeworks and Timex.
The Computer: A New Tool for the GardenTS 2068 Software review Yard Improvement Planner, by Timex Computer Corp. for the 2068, is one of the programs mentioned.
The Crystal BallAmerican Express is now selling the Sinclair ZX81 computer, the world’s cheapest micro, through the mail, in a brochure inserted into bills sent to credit card customers. This could well become the most popular computer in history, primarily because of its low price ($150) and also because they have been selling extremely well in England.…
The Demise of Timex Computer CorporationI was one of the first people to learn that Timex was getting out of the personal computer retail market. A friend of mine, who was working there, called me to tell me the news just minutes after she received the word herself. My first reaction was that it was hard to believe, although Timex…
The Fall Computer Collection At The Summer Consumer Electronics ShowTS 2000 TS 2048 Overview of computers shown at the 1983 Summer Consumer Electronics Show. Timex showed the 2048 (“48K RAM and 24K ROM”) and T/S 2024 (“24K RAM and 16K ROM”), this time in the Timex case, and the Timex/Sinclair 1500.
The Guy From TimexTS 2068 Timex planned to manufacture and sell a 3068 computer with 1 meg. of memory, 256 colors, and virtual memory for a target price of $199.95. This was just one of the bits of information that was revealed by Mr. Billy Skyrme, the President of Psion America, formerly of the Timex Computer Corp., during the Feb.…
The Higgenbottom RumorTimeline of events to date.
The New ArrivalsTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 Overview of the Timex Sinclair 2000 and 1500.
The New Wave of Home ComputersTS 1000 Summer CES. Sinclair showed Spectrum. Timex debuted 1000. Data-Assette showed its keyboard and ZX-99.
The Rise and Fall of the Timex Computer Corporation, Part 1: What Happened?I don’t know exactly what came to your mind when you heard the news, but as for myself, I experienced the five classic reactions to a death. First denial, then anger, and so on. It crept suddenly up on us all like a trap catches a mouse. We should have seen it coming. We should…
The Rise and Fall of the Timex Computer Corporation, Part 2: On the Drawing BoardTS 2068 Throughout the month of January and even into the early part of February, before the bad news had hit, the product planning department at Timex was bustling. Led by director Billy Skyrme, a long time company employee, this division was creating a bit of excitement among TS user groups and in the computer press. Speculation…
The Timex/Sinclair 2040 Personal PrinterTS 2040 Hardware review At $99.95, the 2040 is the cheapest printer on the market designed specifically for the TS1000 or ZX81. Although it is by no means comparable to an 80 column, 8 1/2 inch paper cruncher, its 4 inch, 32 character format is adequate for its intended purpose, to produce legible hard copy of displays and program…
The writing on the wallTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 It is a widely-held belief that whatever happens in the United States will, sooner or later, happen on this side of the Atlantic If that is so, we must view with some anxiety the sudden withdrawal of Timex from the home computer market in the U.S, a withdrawal announced with a somewhat ominous prediction from…
Things to ComeJack Ewald, eastern regional manager for Timex, visted the club and spoke of plans for 1984, including delivery of the TS 2050 modem.
Three Software ReviewsTS 1000 Software review Reviews ZX PRO/FILE, Critical Path Analysis and The Fantastic Music Machine.
TIMEXTS 2000 This month Timex goes to the Consumer Electronics Show to announce a range of existing new products.
TIMEXTS 1000 Timex launches TS2040 printer. TS1500 will retail for $99.95. Timex developing more software.
TIMEXTS 2000 Speculation on TS 2000 features and availability.
TIMEXNews about upcoming products from Timex including the 1500, 2000 and modem.
Timex 800 Number Still ActiveTS 2068 Timex says you can still buy 2068s and software from them via their 800 number.
Timex buys it upZX81 Sinclair Research have signed a deal with Timex in America to get the ZX81 sold through some 171,000 retail outlets in the States. Very shortly, lucky Americans will be able to buy ZX81s from the same shops which sell jewellery, perfume and Timex watches. Uncle Clive will get a royalty on all sales under the…
- Timex DevelopmentsTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068
Timex disc drives arriveTS 2068 The latest in the growing number of disc systems for the Spectrum has been launched recently by Timex (Portugal) Ltd. It offers the use of up to four drives, each of which can access up to 140K; only uses two bytes of Spectrum memory — unused ones in the system variables; has a very versatile…
Timex exec resigns amid company reorganizationDaniel Ross resigns as vice-president of operations for Timex Computer Corporation.
Timex hits at SinclairTimex is selling Spectrums independently due to monies owed by Sinclair.
- Timex Hits at Sinclair
Timex Hits at SinclairReprinted from the Sunday Times of London.
- Timex introduces the 1500TS 1500
Timex is in computer field with under-$100 unitTS 1000 The computer is a Sinclair design; from 25 to 30 software packages will be offered at first. Next month marks Timex’s entry into the personal computer market with an under-$100 unit the company feels will “break the price barrier we feel has stood in the way of millions of American consumers entering the computer field,”…
Timex leaves Sinclair without U.S. distributorTS 2068 Timex Corporation’s recent decision to stop marketing home computers has left Sinclair Research without a method for distributing computer products in the U.S. It appears that the British firm will not be able to distribute its 2068 home computer in the U.S. The English version of the machine, called the Spectrum, is that country’s most…
Timex Meets Dave HigginbottomUpdate on Higgenbottom’s effort to take over the 2068.
Timex modifies ZX-81 for U.S.ZX81 TS 1000 TIMEX is learning from its close association with Sinclair Research and introducing its own low-cost microcomputer in the States. Selling at $99.95, the Timex Sinclair 1000 is a 2K RAM version of the ZX-81 and is the first computer to sell for less than 100 dollars. The ZX-81 costs slightly less than 150 dollars.
Timex needs higher profileMagazine still seeking entries to programming contest. Timex absent from the West Coast Faire.
Timex NewsTS 2040 Sue Mahoney reports Timex printer is being shipped. Newsletter is being prepared; will be called Ramblings.
- Timex NewsTS 2068
- Timex News UpdateTS 2068
- Timex of Portugal
Timex Plans Computer to Retail at About $100ZX81 TS 1000 The Timex Computer Corporation, an affiliate of the company that introduced the world’s first inexpensive wristwatch, yesterday introduced the first personal computer to retail at around $100.
- Timex Portugal Coming to American Market!TS 2068
Timex Printer and Modem InfoTS 2050 TS 2040 Timex’s 40-column thermal printer will be available in Dec.82 for $99.95, says Timex VP Danny Ross. Despite its 40-column format, it LLISTs in screen format (32-col). Ross also said Timex’s new 300-baud modem will be ready first quarter of ’83.
Timex Quits But We'll Go OnComments on Feb 22, 1984, announcement and user group plans.
- Timex Quits But We'll Go On
- Timex responds
Timex reveals upgrade plansTS 1500 TS 2068 TIMEX has revealed its plans for two new microcomputers, the 1500 and 2048, in the States. The specifications of the new computers were shown for the first time at a computer show in Chicago. The 1500 will be an upgraded version of the TS-1000, the U.S. version of the ZX-81, which has attracted some criticism…
Timex says it's leaving the home-computer marketTS 2068 Timex joined the list of home-computer drop-outs with last month’s announcement that it plans to cease production and sales of the Timex/Sinclair 1500 and 2068 color computer. The company plans to continue manufacturing computers and peripherals for other companies.
Timex Says No DealTimex says no proposal has been received to take over retail sales of their computers. Judging from newspaper ads, they continue to sell off inventory via mail and phone.
Timex shows color computer with 48K for under $200TS 2000 TS 2068 Timex introduced its color computer, which has 48K RAM and sells for $199.95. It is the first color computer having at least 48K RAM to list at less than $200. The new computer is a modified version of Sinclair Research’s Spectrum computer, which Sinclair sells outside the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. version, the Timex/Sinclair…
Timex Shows New PeripheralsTS 2050 Timex displayed new products at the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Timex Sinclair 1000TS 1000 The Timex Computer Corporation will enter the personal computer market with the Timex Sinclair 1000. Sales will begin in July through the more than 100,000 Timex retail outlets, including computer stores, department stores and chains, consumer electronics, jewelry, and drug stores. This step is the result of an agreement between Timex and Sinclair Research Ltd.…
Timex Sinclair 1000 sales disappointingTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2000 One blot on the rosy scene of the Sinclair Research financial year was the disappointing performance of the Timex Sinclair 1000 in the U.S. Two factors seem to have affected sales badly, the raging personal computer price war which brought the selling price of the TS 1000 crashing to a derisory $39 and what some…
Timex Sinclair Celebration in BostonTo commemorate their 2nd year, the Boston Computer Society’s 800-member Sinclair Timex User Group will bring together TS owners, user group reps from all over and hardware, software, publication and service vendors for a day-long show and workshops.
Timex Slashes PriceTS 1000 TS 2000 Timex lowered their TS1000 price to $69.95 and extended the $15 rebate deadline to April 30. The TS2000 release date is slated for the second quarter but most observers agree this is optimistic.
Timex Speeds UpTS 2068 Timex has narrowed the TS2000 computers to one model, the TS2068, in an effort to speed up delivery.
- Timex Stops Clock on Computer Operations
Timex Tech Manuals ShippedTS 2068 Reference Timex shipped its initial stock of photocopied 2068 Tech Manuals and has orders for its scheduled print run.
- Timex Technical ManualTS 2068
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068
Timex to Market SR Products in North AmericaSinclair just announced a license with Timex to manufacture and retail Sinclair computers, peripherals and software via Timex outlets in N. America.
Timex to Offer TS2068 Technical InformationTS 2068 Timex Technical Memos 1-9 and the 3rd Party Software Guide will be amended, correct and distributed.
Timex to Sell Replacement Parts for TS1000TS 1000 You will be able to get Timex replacement parts for your TS1000 sometime this spring. Timex repair facility will sell parts and schematics.
Timex UpdateSpoke with [David] Higgenbottom about his effort to acquire licensing rights to Timex computers.
- Timex Update
Timex will market Sinclair computerZX81 At a press conference held in London last month, Sinclair president Clive Sinclair released details of an extensive marketing agreement with Timex Corporation. Sinclair has licensed Timex to use Sinclair technology to manufacture and market personal computers, peripherals and software throughout North America.
Timex Withdraws From Home Computer MarketTS 2068 Timex announced they were abandoning their computer product line as of February 22, 1984.
Timex, Sinclair, and the ClonesTS 2000 TS 2068 At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, there was much fan-fare surrounding the official introduction of the Timex/Sinclair 2000. Dan Ross, Vice-President for Computer Products, and the entire Timex crew were there as well as Clive Sinclair and Nigel Searle from Sinclair Research in Britain. On a much lower key, a Sinclair clone…
Timex: 16K TS2000 Scrapped; Software DealsTS 2000 TS 2068 Timex will produce only 48K RAM versions of the TS2000, called the TS2068, says Timex spokesman Carl Folta. The $199 TS2068 will experience further delays, with release now set for the middle of September.
Timex's Marketing Cited for Poor SalesThree decades ago, the Timex Corporation made its name by turning wristwatches into commodities, selling inexpensive, reliable timepieces in thousands of drugstores and discount outlets across the country.Yesterday, industry analysts said the same strategy effectively killed the company’s chances in the home computer market. And the company’s traditional secretiveness, they added, greatly slowed the efforts…
Timex/Sinclair games offer excitement or ennuiZX81 TS 1000 Software review Here’s some more recreational software for you hard-working Timex/Sinclair 1000 (and ZX81) owners. Reviews of Mothership (Softsync), Gulper (HES), Bat-Cage (Timex).
- Timex/Sinclair News and TipsZ88
- Timex/Sinclair Sales Drop
Timex/Sinclair Sales DropTS 1000 TS 2068 Sales of the Timex 1000 (ne Sinclair ZX81), once the most popular home computer, have plunged. Orders for its new 1500 and 2000 models are far less than projected. Timex, which pioneered the super-cheap home computer and led in the pricing battles, sold 550,000 units in its first five months. Sinclair had sold 150,000 ZX81s…
Timex/Sinclair successTS 2068 THE Timex/Sinclair 2068 has been selling well in the States, despite reports that Timex has had difficulty with the new computer. The machine, which includes a ROM cartridge port and an RS232 interface, has been described as an upgrade of the Spectrum and has a bigger and more manageable keyboard. Better graphics facilities include the…
Timex/Sinclair TS1000 SoftwareTS 1000 Product announcement for IRA Planner, Home Improvement Planner, Punctuation Master, Ator the ABC Gator, Geometry I, Algebra I, Algebra II from Timex.
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 TS 2068
- Timexly Tips
- Timexly Tips
Timexpectations: What Can You Expect?What to expect from the magazine and future Timex products.
- Tips on How to Deal With a Death In the Computer Maker FamilyTS 1000
To Buy or Not to Buy?Software review Reviews of Frogger from Timex, Games Sampler and Mind vs Machine by 2-BIT Software.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews of E-Z Keyboard from E-Z Key, Timex 2040 printer, Battery Backup from SyncWare.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1500 Hardware review Review of Timex/Sinclair 1500.
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Reviews of the Programmers’ Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync, CIOUTIL by Cosmonics, Flight Simulation from Timex.
TRS-80 MC-10 'battles' T/S 2000TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 The mass-market personal computer battle continues to heat up. Timex and Radio Shack have announced new home computers. Radio Shack’s TRS-80 Model MC-10 Micro Color Computer, retailing for $119.95, is now available in all Radio Shack retail stores now. The MC-10 generates eight colors and is aimed at first-time computer buyers. The 4K capacity of…
TS 2068 ReviewTS 2068 Hardware review When I last wrote about the 2068 two months ago, I really didn’t have a chance to put the computer through its paces. I didn’t even have a color TV to work with! Well, now that they are out and I have one, I had better finish that article.
- TS-2068 Gets Rave ReviewsTS 2068 Hardware review
TS1000 in Canada This JuneTS 1000 Timex Canada plans to market TS1000s sometime in June, with customer sales starting in late June or early July. The company projects an initial 100,000 unit release, says a Timex spokesperson.
- TS1000 Repair Info from TimexTS 1000
TS1000 Service Center and Computer HotlineTS 1000 Contact information for both.
TS1000 Test and ReviewTS 1000 Hardware review Syntax purchased and tested the TS1000.
TS2000 NewsTS 2000 TS 2068 Along with the TS 2048 and TS 2068 computers, 35 software packages will be released, some on cartridge.
- TS2050 ModemTS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware review
TS2068 UpdateTS 2068 TS2068s may grace your mailboxes by the end of September. Timex says Reagan’s FCC cuts delayed approval.
Two More Drop Out of U.S. Home Computer MarketAnnouncements that Timex is pulling out of the computer market after suffering almost $100m in losses. In the wake of that decision, Sinclair will market the QL.
Update: Sinclair to be sold by TimexZX81 TS 1000 Sinclair Research has licensed exclusive North American marketing rights to Timex Corp.
Using the Power of VU-CALC IITS 1000 More tutorial on using the program.
Vendor ReportTS 2050 Timex will not produce the 2060 Interface, 2065 Microdrive or 2080 printer. Hawg Wild, Tom Woods, Simulsion and Quicksilva will continue support.
Vendor Report and NotesUpdates from John Oliger, Timex.
VP Ross Released By TimexDated December 5, 1983. Ross, a longtime veteran of the computer industry, was said to be surprised and shaken by the sudden action.
Vu-CalcTS 1000 Software review Vu-Calc, developed for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 with 16K RAM, displays a table of 36 columns (numbered 01 through 36) and 26 rows (designated A through Z). Each of the 936 boxes can store up to eight characters, alpha or numeric. The screen displays 27 boxes at a time, three columns by nine rows. The “window”…
Waiting for Santa: The micro industry looks to the Christmas marketTS 1000 TS 2068 Timex dealers have even less to smile about. Ken Coach, marketing and sales director of Softsync, told InfoWorld, “The Timex-Sinclair 1000 has petered right out.” Coach hoped that the forthcoming TS 2068, the U.S. version of the Sinclair Spectrum color machine, might share the under-$200 market with Commodore, but saw no prospects for the black-and-white…
We're On Our Own Now!TS 1000 TS 2068 List of user groups, magazines and newsletters.
What about Timestar?TS 2068 Update re David Higgenbottom’s attempt to purchase rights to TS 2068 from Timex.
What the TS 2068 Owner Won't Be Able to GetTS 2068 Peripherals planned but not launched.
What's Become of the Sinclair-Timex Retail NetworkThe canary in the coal mine of Timex’s exit from the marketplace. Price wars and poor retailer experience resulted in less-than-full market penetration.
What's In Store: VU-3DTS 2068 Software review Review of program.
Why a Computer Show?Personally, I was tired of hearing “What can you do with a personal computer?” not to mention, “What can you do with a Timex Sinclair?” I knew that through my work with the user group and my contacts across the country that there were a lot of exciting applications. To me it was obvious that…
Will the marketplace ruin itself?TS 1000 Another forum tidbit was that Timex won’t have to pay royalties to Sinclair for the little computer after sales reach 900,000 per year. The firm expects to hit that figure easily.
Winter Consumer Electronics Show ReportTS 2000 TS 2040 Timex’s TS2040 thermal printer will hit the stores this quarter. Timex will deliver TS2000S, the US version of the ZX Spectrum, during 2nd quarter 1983.
Wish I Were, Wish I MightTimex and Dave Higginbottom exchanged letters preliminary to deciding the terms on which they may want to talk. As of this writing, no negotiations or talks are taking place.
ZX-81 taking off in the StatesZX81 TS 1000 THE ZX-81 is beginning to take off in the States. An agreement between Sinclair Research and the American Express credit card company has resulted in a flood of orders for the machine. The credit card company sent a direct mail offer to its two million card-holders in the U.S. at the end of May. In…
- 1510 Command Cartridge Player manual
- 2020 Computer Program Recorder manual
- 2040 Personal Printer Operating Manual
- Additions and Modifications to System Initialization
- Androids instructions
- Application Development Library
- Backgammon instructions
- Bank Expansion Unit Development Documents
- Bank Switching Controller Chip (Functional Specification)
- Casino 1 Instructions
- Computer Engineering Organization (memo)
- Crazy Bugs Instructions
- Draft Microdrive, LAN and RS232 Software Documentation
- Dragmaster Instructions
- Evaluation of Performance: Lon Hildreth
- Fun Golf manual
- Guardian instructions
- Home Improvement Planner Instructions
- Infoworld T/S 2068 Review (memo)
- Introducing the Timex Sinclair 2068
- Keyboard Tutorial, Turtle Graphics, Home Accounting manual
- Letter from Timex Computer Corp to Charlie Day Jan 17 1984
- Letter to Sinclair user groups
- Letter to TS 2068 Purchaser
- Lon Hildreth notes on making a cartridge
- Lon Hildreth's Notebook
- Memo re Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Music Educator I instructions
- New York Times Advertisement April 8, 1984
- Nothing so smart was ever so simple ... (brochure)
- Penetrator instructions
- Personal Portfolio Manager manual
- Press Release: Timex/Sinclair 1500
- Press Release: Timex/Sinclair 2000
- Sinclair IF1 Interface ROM Assembly
- Software Engineers (advertisement)
- Spelling II instructions
- States and Capitals
- T/S 2050 Schematics
- Technical Memo #0004: TS2068 I/O Port Map
- Technical Memo #0005: TS2068 Advanced Video Modes
- Technical Memo #0006: TS2068 Connector Specification
- The Trident instructions
- Timex 2068 magazine insert brochure
- Timex Computer Club hardware and software price list
- Timex Computer Software, Winter Issue
- Timex Corporation to Manufacture and Market the First Personal Computer Priced Under $100
- Timex Letter re TS 2050 modem
- Timex Microdrive Operating System
- Timex Price List May 1983
- Timex Product Art and Headlines
- Timex Sinclair 1000 Series Software
- Timex Sinclair 1000/1500 BASIC Quick Reference Guide
- Timex Sinclair 1500 Compatible Cassette Recorders
- Timex Sinclair 2000 Third Party Software Guide
- Timex Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer Quick Reference Card
- Timex Sinclair Computer Service Contract Application
- Timex Sinclair Computer Service Contract Application (1500/2000)
- Timex Sinclair Printer 90 Day Warranty
- Timex/Sinclair 2000 System Software Home Bank
- Timex/Sinclair 2000 System Software Home ROM Extension
- TS 1000 Brochure
- TS 1000 User Manual Clarification and Corrections
- TS 1500 User Manual (memo)
- TS 2000 System Software Design Specification
- TS 2000 System Software Engineering Release
- TS2000 Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- TS2000 System Software (memo)
- TS2060 Interface Product Specification (Preliminary)
- Use of the Timex/Sinclair 2000 with Your Television
- VU-3D Instructions
- VU-Calc Instructions
- VU-File Instructions (TS 2068)
- ZX Spectrum ROM Assembly Code
Computer Media
- Algebra 1 - Roots of Quadratic Equations
- Algebra I
- Androids
- Androids (cart)
- Auto Analyzer
- Backgammon
- Backgammon
- Bat Cage
- Blind Alley
- Budgeter
- Budgeter
- Budgeter
- Calculator
- Capitalization Master
- Carpooler
- Casino 1
- Challenger 1
- Checkbook Manager
- Checkbook Manager
- Chess
- Circuit Board Scramble
- Computer Coach
- Conversational German
- Crazy Bugs
- Crazy Bugs
- Critical Path Analysis
- Crossfire
- Cube Game
- Dragmaster
- Electric Cost Analyzer
- Flight Simulator
- Flight Simulator
- Flight Simulator
- Fortress Of Zorlac
- Frogger
- Fun Golf
- Fundamentals Of Math
- Galactic Gunner
- Geometry 1
- Grimm's Fairy Trails
- Guardian
- Guitar For Beginners
- Heating System Analyzer
- Home Asset Manager
- Home Improvement Planner
- Home Improvement Planner
- Home Improvement Planner
- Horace and the Spiders
- Horace And The Spiders
- Hungry Horace
- Introduction to Chemistry
- Inventory Control
- IRA Planner
- Kasino Kraps
- Language Usage
- Language Usage
- List Manager
- Loan Mortgage Amortizer
- Manufacturing Control
- Math Wizardry I
- Math Wizardry II
- Mixed Game Bag 1
- Mixed Game Bag 2
- Mixed Game Bag III
- Money Analyzer 1
- Money Analyzer 2
- Music Educator I
- Omnicalc 2
- Penetrator
- Pentrator
- Personal Finance Planner
- Personal Home Finance
- Personal Portfolio Manager
- Pinball
- Pinball
- Portfolio Analysis
- Power Pack 1
- Presidents
- ProPinball
- Quadra Chart
- RAM Runner
- Real Estate Investment Analysis
- Space Raiders
- Spelling Bee
- Spelling I
- Spelling II
- Stamp Collector
- States & Capitals
- States & Capitals
- Statistics
- Stock Market Game
- Stock Market Tech Analysis 1
- Stock Option Analyzer
- Store Demo
- Strategy Football
- Super Math
- Supermaze
- Swordfight
- Tarot
- The Coupon Manager
- The Gambler
- The Organizer
- The Puzzler
- The Starter
- The Trident
- Time Teacher I
- Timex Sinclair 2068 Demo Tape
- Trap
- VU-3D
- VU-Calc
- VU-Calc
- VU-Calc
- VU-File
- VU-File
- VU-File
- Word Cross
- Word Play I
- Word Play II