Zebra Systems, Inc.
Incorporated in February 1983, and founded by Stewart Newfeld, Zebra Systems developed products for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2068 computers. Newfeld quit a job as plant manager of a manufacturing company to start Zebra Systems, Inc.
Newfeld designed a keyboard-beeper, joystick adapter, A/D converter, and a speech-synthesizer for the TS1000, TS1500 and TS2068. He marketed Zebra products by taking out advertisements in various Timex/Sinclair oriented magazines.
It was a small company, and at its peak, had six employees. Newfeld was the hardware designer, manager/president, and chief cook and bottle washer. In addition, there was a computer programmer; two production people who assembled, soldered and tested product; and one general assistant hobby computer enthusiast. Nearly everyone pitched in with customer service duties, shipping clerk, etc.
Zebra employees included:
Al wrote software, manuals and ran the bulletin board system for Zebra. One BASIC program he wrote made cassette labels. According to Al:
“Zebra did most of the order processing on an IMSAI 8080 upgraded with a Z80 card. We used dBase II with a custom written system to take orders and print out mailing labels and invoices. I also used that system to do the typesetting for our catalogs with a program called Fancy Font (with an RX-80F/T printer). Later, we upgraded to Televideo MS-DOS compatible system, and I just continued to use Fancy Font on it until we got a Mac with a Laserwriter.”
Tom Gee was a hardware design engineer. He created circuit designs for products, including designing the printed circuit boards. He also diagnosed and repaired problems with products returned by customers. Tom also authored some of Zebra’s software.
Jeff Street wrote software for Zebra, most notably the OS 64 cartridge.
Zebra’s survival in the first few years after Timex stopped selling computers was in no small part accomplished by purchasing large quantities of books, software cassettes, trackballs, ZX81 kits, and more at closeout prices.
Just before starting Zebra, Newfeld worked for a company repurposing a large manufacturing building in Bronx that had loading docks and fork lifts.
His former boss let him store entire pallets of computer surplus after he started Zebra.
When Melbourne House got rid of their Timex/Sinclair products, he was offered the remaining copies of “The INS and OUTS of the TS1000 & ZX81” by Don Thomasson. He purchased them for 10 cents a book, but had to take the pallet of 2000 books. Being able to handle and store 800lb pallets long term was critical to Zebra.
Other notable closeout purchases were 2,800 ZX81 kits, hundreds of RAM and other modules from Memotech, thousands of WICO Trackballs, thousands of books and software cassettes.
In 1985, they imported a small quantity of floppy disk controllers and drives from Timex of Portugal for the TS2068 computer.
Zebra continued to support Timex/Sinclair computers long after Timex stopped supporting them and transitioned to supporting other personal computers from Atari, Commodore and Radio Shack.
Zebra Systems is now a web and computer consulting company.
"All The News Fit to Print"ZX81 TS 1000 QL Arctan Computer Ventures offers programs for ZX81/TS1000 users; E. Arthur Brown has exclusive publishing rights to The Hacker’s Handbook; Dungeon of Ymir version three available; Money Machine II available; Soundesign and Tracer available from RMG; replacement SCLDs from Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group; Tomahawk from Knighted Computers; ROMON for Sinclair QL; Zebra Systems purchased the…
"S" and "Q" Keys with "CAT*" CommandTS 2068 Type-in program Documents and investigates a problem with pausing and resuming a directory listing with the Zebra FDD.
2068 Product GuideTS 2068 Wafadrive, Beaver Computer Product’s software, stereo audio jack for 2068, Zebra software.
2068 Review: Greeting Card DesignerTS 2068 Software review Thanks to Zebra Systems (the same great folks that brought us Tech-Draw… ZPRINT80… and many other fine products), we now have… GREETING CARD DESIGNER!
A Half Dozen or More TOS ToolsTS 2068 Type-in program This program was converted from Bill Jones “LKDOS TOOLS BY THE HALF DOZEN” published in the July issue. There are many differences between LKDOS and TOS. Rather than using RANDOMIZE USR 100, TOS uses an asterisk after the BASIC command to denote that it is a disk command. TOS has a serial printer driver and…
A Mickey Mouse Solution To A Graphic ProblemTS 2068 How to use the Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Mouse with Zebra’s Tech Draw and the Zebra Graphic Tablet.
- A Review of Tech Draw Jr.TS 2068 Software review
- A Test Drive of the Zebra Floppy Disk Drive SystemsTS 2068 Hardware review
A TOS (Zebra) Disk NewsletterTS 2068 Ron Havlen started FDD Express, a resumption of the defunct TOPS Newsletter.
A Touch of Grey: ZPRINT-80TS 2068 Software review If you own a full-size dot matrix printer and a Centronics interface, you can now produce full-page graphic screen dumps. You will also be able to faithfully reproduce your color artwork in shades of gray, thanks to Zebra Systems Inc. “ZPRINT-80”.
Across the PondZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Comparison of market in UK to that in US, especially after the departure of Timex Computer Corp. Despite official support, Timex users persist and an “underground” support scene exists. Discusses MSCRIPT, commissioned by Timex from Micro-Systems for the 2068, available from 21st Century Products, and Zebra Systems’ drawing package for use with their adapted Koala…
Across the PondZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Updated version of MSCRIPT; now returns to BASIC for file save/load. Feature added by Zebra. Greeting Card Designer from Zebra. ZPRINT-80, also from Zebra, supports Aerco, both Tasman, and A&J interfaces with LPRINT, LLIST, COPY.
Across the PondZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Overview of telecomputing and bulletin board options, including Zebra’s bulletin board. Modem options for QL covered. Softsync’s shift to IBM noted, as well as Nigel Searle’s role in the company.
Across the PondTS 2068 Updates on the 2068 scene. Knighted Computers has been licensing Spectrum titles for conversion to the 2068. Quicksilva, Virgin, Digital Integration and Durell’s lines are licensed. Zebra continues to innovate, introducing the OS-64 cartridge, ZTERM and Printshop clones. AERCO’s long anticipated CP/M has been launched as RP/M, a licensed version of CP/M for the 2068.
Across the PondZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Spectrum ROM options and Z-link, a twister board, are discussed. DAMCO Enterprises’ Rainbow Plus Interface, which is both twister and ROM that keeps the cartridge slot free. Several vendors are importing products from UK sources. Mass storage options for the 2068 are available from AERCO, Ramex International, A & J Microdrive and Zebra Systems. Zebra…
Across the PondTS 2068 QL Describes how news of Amstrad’s buyout of Sinclair has impacted the American scene. Carol and George Whitham, who founded A+ Computer Response, had taken on the QL. Also reporting on the 1986 Midwest Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest, including details about Zebra Systems’ programmer’s working up to the last minute before the show.
An Update on Using the Portuguese Disk DriveTS 2068 Hardware review Experience with the system continues to be very positive. The only recurring problem has been a cable that sometimes does not make connection.
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesQL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & PiecesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits and Bytes
Bits and PiecesAERCO FD-68 disk drive interface; A & J Model 2000 stringy floppy; RAMEX offers Millenia K disk interface/package; T/S Smart Terminal Telecommunications guide; ZX81 software; Knighted Computers obtains Quicksilva software rights; new buyer’s guide from D. Lipinksi; other updates.
Bits and PiecesNews about Sinclair Research Ltd., two Timex-based BBSes join FidoNet, SOFTAID fundraising cassette, update on Timex Portugal. Shorter updates on MSCRIPT, RMG Enterprises, an RS-232 interface from Edward Loxterkamp, speech software from Tad Painter, software from Frank Lockhart, Jim Clatfelter and Peter McMullin.
Blippo Sound Effects GeneratorTS 1000 Hardware review The Blippo sound effects generator is a low-cost add-on module for the ZX81 or TS1000. It connects through the computer’s rear expansion port, and as all sensible peripherals, provides another expansion port at its rear.
- Connecting The Amdek Amdisk III to the Zebra FDD 3000TS 2068 Hardware project
Contest Nears ConclusionTS 2068 QL 60+ contestants who submitted over 80 programs to the Big Contest; Timex 2068 disk drive has been submitted to the FCC for approval; Kirt Olsen of Syntax has stated that he will not take on any new subscribers; QL is out of the FCC (after one year) and is available by mail order.
D..base-1 for TOSTS 2068 Revised version of Bill Jones’ program for the TOS operating system, Zebra OS-64 and a centronics printer interface.
Dear EditorUsing Firstloader; response to review of HOT Z-2068; information about Timex Sinclair User.
Design Tips for the Zebra Designer SeriesTS 2068 Banner, Greeting Card and Sign Designer are programs that give us the chance to be a little creative, and make even more constructive use of your 2068. After spending much time with all three programs, I have come up with a few suggestions to make your final product even more impressive.
DOS-64: A ReviewTS 2068 Software review Review of MakeDOS-64, a machine code system which allows use of the OS-64 cartridge code on an Aerco Disk Drive without loss of Aerco DD commands, and with access to the full 256K RAM via bank switching.
EnterExcitement for First Annual Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest. Speakers include Mark Fendrick, Jerry Chamkis, Jack Roberts, Thomas Woods.
- FDD Express Also FoldsTS 2068
FDD Express: More LettersTS 2068 Letters from Bob Orrfelt about the FDD technical manual he was writing; Jack Dohany about Zebra FDD system; Dennis Bryant about Amdek DXY-100 Plotter and sound; Tom Dunlop about moving Profile 2068 to disk.
Fixing my FDD3000TS 2068 From C.A.T.U.G. Nite-Time News
For Your SinclairTS 2068 Z88 Desktop publishing software from Lemke Software Development and Charles Stelding. Z88, Spectrum +3 announcement. Notes about Second Annual Midwest Timex Sinclair Computer Fest. PC8300, products from John Mathewson, Specterm 64, Larken disk interface, Sharp’s, more.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Column announcing hardware, software for Timex/Sinclair owners. Products from Bruce Taylor, Fred Nachbaur, Tom Woods, John Oliger, Jack Donahy, 21st Century Electronics, Zebra Systems, Steve Wyatt, G. Russell Electronics and Tad Painter listed.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Product announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.
ForumTS 1500 TS 2040 Screen interference with Zebra Disk System; 2040 paper feed problems; translating to other languages; balance of articles; UV lamp warning; Spectrum +2 announcement; TS1500s in music lab at community college; microdrive info wanted.
From the Cluttered Desk: Reader Input Plus Other Notes of InterestTS 2068 David G. Hansen of Madison, Wisconsin, is the 2068th subscriber.
- Graphics for Zebra's Designer SeriesTS 2068 Software review
- Greeting Card DesignerTS 2068 Software review
Grey Scale and DTPTS 2068 Overview of Zprint 80 from Zebra and Color2Grey by John McMichael.
Hardware Review: Joystick AdaptorTS 1000 Hardware review Zebra’s plug-in joystick adaptor, a small module, lets you attach an Atari-style joystick to your ZX/TS.
- Hardware Review: Zebra Graphics TabletTS 2068 Hardware review
I Can't Believe What I Saw!TS 2068 Unusual code listing for Manager program.
- Improving the Zebra Graphics TabletTS 2068
- Improving Zebra Graphics TabletTS 2068 Hardware project
Joystick Patch for Timex FroggerTS 1000 Type-in program Patch to Frogger so it will work with Zebra joystick interface.
Joysticks to the WorldTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Zebra joystick interface and Atto Soft joystick, which solders directly to the motherboard.
- Koala Pad With Zebra Graphics Interface Including ZPaint and Tech DrawTS 2068 Hardware review Software review
- Letter from Stewart Newfeld
Machine Code Track ReaderTS 2068 Type-in program Program to read disk tracks on the Zebra/Timex FDD system.
Machine Specifics: OrphansTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware and software for 1000/1500 from Zebra, RMG and Markel Enterprises. Spectrum ROM from Knighted, Sprites 2068 from Zebra, ROMSWITCH from Russell Electronics.
Microdrives!TS 2068 Zebra Systems has the Sinclair microdrives running on a 2068 (with a Spectrum ROM). They should have a bus conversion out soon for attachment of those and other Spectrum peripherals.
- Mid-West TS Computerfest
More on TS Disk DrivesTS 2068 Hardware review Brief review of the Timex FDD disk system.
- New Products
- New Products & RumorsTS 2068
New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n10)ZX81 TS 2068 Cryptic Gold; fifth generation computing; ZX-Calc accounting system; budget robotics; graphics tablet from Zebra; programmer’s market; monitor tuners; Oddball Software Magazine.
New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n7)AFR Software announces new programs; Zebra operates bulletin-board system for T/S users; Soft Images offers the 1983 cumulative edition of Literature Analysis of Microcomputer Publications, an index of 130 periodicals.
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- News from the Mailbag
Now You Can Draw on the Screen with a Panda PadTS 1000 TS 2068 Based on the Koala Pad, Zebra Systems’ Panda Pad lets you draw on the TS1000 and TS2068.
NY Out of Numbers - Zebra AC ChangedZebra reports 1400 calls during the first 8 weeks of operation. This level of activity encouraged them to upgrade from the TRS-80 Model I to a Model 4 with 4 disk drives.
- OnlineTS 2068 Type-in program
OS-64TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Zebra Systems’ OS-64 cartridge.
- OS-64 BugTS 2068 Reference
- Peripherals; the Little Timex Has Its Fans Even NowTS 1000
- Potpourri
- Press Release: Zebra Graphics SystemTS 2068
Product NewsTS 1000 TS 2068 Oliger 2068 floppy disk interface available; Larken drive controller with Spectrum ROM; uncased 2050 modems; Tech Draw Jr, Spectrum Emulator cartridge, Zebra Talker from Zebra; Amdek plotter; Jack Dohany’s shareware announcement.
Review: Zebra Disk DriveTS 2068 Hardware review One user’s experience with the FDD3 disk system.
- Review: Zebra OS-64 Sixty-Four Column CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review
- Review: Zebra OS-64 Sixty-Four Column CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review
Review: Zebra Systems Spectrum EmulatorTS 2068 Hardware review User perspective on the Zebra Spectrum Emulator. Requires OUT 244,3 to activate.
- Review: Zebra Systems Spectrum Emulator CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review
- Review: ZPrint 80 Universal Print DriverTS 2068 Software review
Sign Designer, Banner DesignerTS 2068 Software review Design and print greeting cards, signs, and banners with your 2068 and full-size printer. The quality of Sign Designer and Banner Designer are equal that of Greeting Card Designer. Commands are identical for all three progams. With the Graphic Designer Utility (provided with each of the three programs), you can design your own graphics that…
Sinclair News NetworkU.S. QL – $299; 128k Spectrum, Pocket TV Performs Well, Product News; User Group Update.
- Supplier NewsTS 1000 TS 2068
Switchable Spectrum ROM Project for the TS 2068TS 2068 ZX Spectrum Hardware project I recently purchased some Spectrum ROMs from Zebra Systems with the hope that I might be able to make my own “ROM-switch” circuit without having to pay the price of those that are commercially available. When I examined the TS-2068’s ROM circuitry I realized that this was an easier task than I had originally assumed.
T-S NewsTS 2068 Zebra Systems announced that the price of the Zebra-Talker has been reduced and the software is compatible with their disk drive. Thomas Woods has developed a 32K Bank-Switched programmable memory cartridge for the 2068.
T.O.S. Disk Drive "Start" ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Create an autoloading menu for Timex/Zebra FDD system.
- T/S Resources
- T/S ResourcesTS 2068
- Tech Draw SamplesTS 2068
- Tech-Draw Screen LoaderTS 2068 Type-in program
The 64 Column Operating System CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review Reprint of Zebra instructions for the cartridge.
- The February Report
The Mscript File Printer that printed the above ArticleTS 2068 Type-in program Refers to the DOS-64 review by Pete Fischer. Discusses switching between 32 and 64 column modes in OS-64 and code for an Mscript file printer is included.
The Portuguese ConnectionTS 2068 Tips on using the Zebra disk drive system.
The Portuguese ConnectionTS 2068 Converting VU-3D, VU-CALC, VI-FILE and Timex Chess to the Zebra disk system.
- The TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems: Combinations to Achieve Increased CapabilityTS 2068
- The Zebra Graphics Tablet: A ReviewTS 2068 Hardware review
Those Zebra IconsTS 2068 Overview of Zebra’s contribution of a common file format to desktop publishing with TS 2068.
- TIMACHINE and the FDD SystemTS 2068
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL Z88
Timex TipsTS 2068 Tips for using the Byte-Back Modem with the TS 2068; calling machine code routines; using the OS-64 cartridge.
- Timex/Sinclair News & Resources
TMX Disk Operating System Boot Disk ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Program to automatically load from disk when the computer is booted.
- To Disk or Not to DiskTS 2068
- TOS Revealed By CP/MTS 2068
- TOS System RepairTS 2068
- Tricks of the TradeTS 2068
- True 64 Columns on the 2068TS 2068 Software review
TS-2068 ActivitiesTS 2068 There are now three predominent disk systems for the TS-2068. Their order of usage is: LKDOS, Oliger SAFE DOS, TOS, and Aerco FD-68. TOS DISK users hang in there with determination but receive little support. User activities during 1989 has been away from the Aerco FD-68, mostly toward LKDOS. Quite a number of FD-68 users…
Using Tasword II with the Zebra Serial PortsTS 2068 Printing from Tasword via the serial port on the Zebra disk drive system.
Using the OS-64 Cartridge with TOSTS 2068 How to boot TOS with the OS-64 cartridge installed.
USR: User group Service ReportWelcome to the first installment of thee User Group Service Report. Our current, though tentative, plans are to run this report on a regular basis alternating every other issue with another column (possibly Sinclair World Report which would tell us of European and other foreign developments – if we can talk a certain Canadian friend…
Vendor ReportUpdates from Simulsion, Zebra Systems, Gulf Micro.
- Zebra Catalog Available
- Zebra Disc RebornTS 2068
Zebra Disk Drive System for the 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Unless you have been out of the country for the past year, I am sure that you have heard about the Timex Portugal Disk Drive System that was made in Europe and might be sold here in the United States. For a time, it seemed that this system would not be sold here. But thanks…
- Zebra FDDTS 2068
Zebra Graphics Tablet AddendumTS 2068 Reprint of omitted drawing
Zebra Graphics Tablet for 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Koala Pad and adapter, plus software.
Zebra Graphics Tablet Tech-Draw SoftwareTS 2068 Hardware review ZebraPainter, TECH-DRAW and the Zebra Graphics Tablet reviewed.
Zebra JoystickTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the joystick adaptor.
- Zebra Joystick AdapterTS 1000 Hardware review
- Zebra Joystick AdaptorTS 1000 Hardware review
Zebra Light PenTS 1000 Hardware review Zebra’s pen consists of a wand about 6″ long with photocell assembly. It plugs into a board containing input jacks for the pen and ZX/TS 9V power supply, output plugs to power your computer and send the pen’s signal to the EAR port, and hardware to condition the pen’s output.
- Zebra Systems WC2050 to RS232 KitTS 2050 Hardware review
- Zebra TalkerTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware review
Zebra Talker - A ReviewTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Votrax SC-01 based speech system for the 2068.
Zebra-Talker Speech SynthesizerTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Votrax SC-01-based speech synthesis unit.
Zebra/Timex FDD Disk SystemTS 2068 Disk handler (program) and tips for using the Zebra disk drives.
- Circus Coloring Book
- Experimenters Guide to the WC2050 Modem Board
- Greeting Card Designer for the Timex Computer [advertisement]
- Instructions for Applying Zebra Graphics Tablet Labels
- RMG Update News for April 1991
- RMG Update News for August 1991
- RMG Update News for July 1991
- RMG Update News for June 1990
- RMG Update News for June 1991
- RMG Update News for May 1991
- RMG Update News for November 1991
- RMG Update News for October 1991
- RMG Update News for September 1991
- Space Adventures Coloring Book instructions
- Tech Draw manual
- The Banner Designer User's Manual
- The Sign Designer User's Manual
- TS2068 Greeting Card Designer User's Manual
- Zebra Floppy Disk Drive System user manual
- Zebra Graphics Tablet owner's manual
- Zebra OS-64 Manual
- Zebra Systems - 1985 Fall/Winter Catalog
- Zebra Systems - 1986B Catalog
- Zebra Systems - Summer 1987 Catalog
- Zebra Universal Prototyping System For The TS-1000, TS-1500, TS-2000, ZX-80, ZX-81 and Spectrum
- Zebra Z.A.D. Analog to Digital Interface
- ZPRINT 80 Printer Support Package manual
- ZTERM64 manual
Computer Media
- Banner Designer
- Circus Coloring Book
- Greeting Card Designer
- MTerm II
- MTerm II
- Phoneme Editor
- Space Adventures Coloring Book
- Sprites 2068
- Tech-Draw 2.0
- Tech-Draw 2.1
- VoiceChess
- Window Print
- Z-Term 64 v1.1
- Zebra Graphics
- Zebra Joystick Games
- Zebra Light Pen
- Zebra OS-64
- ZebraPainter 1.4
- ZPrint-80 1.2
- ZPRINT-80 Printer Support v1.3
- ZTalker 1.2 Text-to-Speech Software
- SUM v3 n10
- SUM v3 n12
- SUM v3 n6
- SUM v3 n9
- SYNC v3 n3
- SYNC v3 n4
- SYNC v3 n5
- SYNC v3 n6
- SYNC v4 n1
- SYNC v4 n2
- SyncWare News v3 n1
- SyncWare News v4 n1
- SyncWare News v4 n2
- SyncWare News v5 n5
- T-S Horizons n15
- T-S Horizons n16
- T-S Horizons n17
- T-S Horizons n21
- Time Designs Magazine v1 n6
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n1
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n6
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n1
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n6
- Timex Sinclair Shopper v1 n1
- Timex Sinclair User n2
- Timex Sinclair User n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v10 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v10 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v10 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v10 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v11 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v11 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v11 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v11 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v12 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v8 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v8 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n4