Various documents for Timex/Sinclair computers, software, etc. Includes catalogs, manuals, letters and more.
- 1510 Command Cartridge Player manual (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- 16 Point Font Designer (Lemke Software Development) 1988
- 2-Bit Software brochure (2-Bit Software) 198x
- 2020 Computer Program Recorder manual (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- 2040 Personal Printer Operating Manual (Timex Computer Corporation) 1982
- 2068 fig-Forth manual (Hawg Wild Software) 1984
- 2068 Income Statement Instructions (Executive Workshop)
- 2068 LOAD Notes 198x
- 2068 Programmer's Cartridge Toolkit
- 32/64K Non Volatile RAM board for the T/S 2068 Computer (Thomas B. Woods) 1986
- 64 Column Basic for the TS 2068 198x
- 8K Nonvolatile Memory for the Sinclair ZX81 Microcomputer documentation (Hunter Electronics) 1983
- A & J Notes 198x
- A Brief History of JRC Software June 5, 1984
- A Guide to Creating RLE Graphics on the TS 1000 and TS 1500 198x
- A&J Micro Drive Manual 1.0 Addendum (A&J Micro Drive) 1984
- A&J Microdrive Model 2000 instructions from Knighted Computers (Knighted Computers) 198x
- A&J Microdrive Schematics (A&J Micro Drive) 1982
- A&J Model 2000 flyer (A&J Micro Drive) 198x
- A&J Printer Interface instructions (A&J Micro Drive) 198x
- A&J Stringy Floppy dealer packet (A&J Micro Drive) 1985
- A&J Stringy Floppy for ZX81 TS1000 (A&J Micro Drive) 198x
- Aardvark Technical Services Catalog February 1983
- ACZ General Ledger manual (Cottage Technology) 1984
- Adding a Reset Button to Your TS-1000 or TS-2068 198x
- Adding a TTL Monitor to your TS-2068 198x
- Adding the Larken RAMDisk to an Existing LKDOS System 1985
- Additions and Modifications to System Initialization (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Addressing the 256K RAM (AERCO) 198x
- Advanced Interface Designs HRG manual (Advanced Interface Designs) 198x
- Advanced Interface Designs Z-XLR8 advert (Advanced Interface Designs) 198x
- AERCO catalog and flyers 1985
- AERCO CP-ZX v3 Centronics Printer Interface (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Dealer Price List Feb 1 1985 (AERCO) 1985
- AERCO Disk Config (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Dual RS-232 Serial Interface (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO FD-68 Disk File Manager 198x
- AERCO FD-68 Floppy Disc Interface manual 1985
- AERCO Model CP2068 Instructions (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Model FD-68 Instructions (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Model FD-ZX Instructions (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Product Flyer (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO RB-ZX V5 ROM Board (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO RPM Release 1.1 (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO Stepper Motor advert (AERCO) 198x
- AERCO TS 2068 Disc System (AERCO) 198x
- Affordable Plotting for the 2068 1984
- AFR Software brochure (A.F.R. Software)
- Alphacom 32 Users Manual 1981?
- Alphacom Letter to Customer 1985
- American Express Boosts Sales of the ZX81 (Sinclair Research Ltd.) June 18, 1982
- Androids instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Another Hot Z II Fix 198x
- Application Development Library (Timex Computer Corporation) November 1983
- Arctic Z-80 Assembler v1cr 1987
- Articles about the Tasman Interface 1985
- Artworx manual (NovelSoft) 1988
- Astronomical Research at the Hopkins Phoenix Observatory January 17, 1985
- Autofile Manual of Operations (CAI Instruments, Inc.) 198x
- Backgammon instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 198x
- Bank Expansion Unit Development Documents (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Bank Switching Controller Chip (Functional Specification) (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- BANKMON v1 (Jack Dohany) 1985
- Banta Software flyer (Banta Software)
- Banta Software letter to user groups
- Basically Programming catalog 198x
- Basil's Right-Typer or Write Your Own Word-Processor Program 198x
- BB-1 Manual 1983
- BBDOS 4.0 General Information (Bill Bell) 198x
- BBDOS Manual (Bill Bell) 1984
- Bill Harmer letters
- Boisvert letters 1988
- Brainchild Computer Works postcard 1984
- Brief Overview of Artificial Intelligence on the Spectrum 198x
- Budget Robotics book announcement (Budget Robotics & Computing) 198x
- Build a 2764 Based "Cartridge" Board and Programmer for Your '81 (John Oliger Co.) 1983
- Build a 2764 Based Cartridge Board and Programmer (John Oliger Co.) 198x
- Busyness sales description
- Byte-Back 1989 Catalog 1989
- Byte-Back contact information 2009
- C.E.S. Letter
- CAI/ESF (Exatron Stringy Floppy) Operation Manual 198x
- CAI/O Interface Module Operation Manual 198x
- CAI/P40 Printer Instruction Manual 198x
- Calliope Software price list and flyers (Calliope Software)
- CASBOARD 2068 manual 1986
- Casino 1 Instructions 1983
- Casino Black Jack manual (Thomas H. Nooter) 1983
- Characterization of a Pulsed HF Optical Resonance Transfer Laser October 1982
- Chess BBS 2068 instructions 198x
- Chicago Area Timex Sinclair User Group Tape 0 listing 1987
- Chicago Area Timex Sinclair User Group treasury report 1990
- Circuit Board Hint 198x
- Circus Coloring Book (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- Clone manual (RMG Enterprises) 1986
- Colossus manual (Lemke Software Development) 198x
- Column Arrangement of Numbers 198x
- COMPASS Compiler manual 198x
- Composer/Checkbook Balancer keyboard overlays 1981
- Composer/Etch-A-Screen Reference Cards 1981
- Compusa FDC-100 flyer (Compusa Corporation) 198x
- COMPUSA FDC-100 Series Users Manual 1983
- Computer Continuum Analog Interface Board manual (Computer Continuum) 1982
- Computer Engineering Organization (memo) (Timex Computer Corporation) May 2, 1983
- Computer-Wear Software brochure (Computer-Wear Software) 198x
- Computer-Wear Software letter (Computer-Wear Software) 1984
- Computer-Wear Software letter and price list (Computer-Wear Software) 198x
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connecting the Amdek Amdisk III to the Zebra FDD 3000 198x
- Connection Diagram for J1 on the 2050 Modem Board 198x
- Converting the FD-68 RGB for Positive Sync Monitors (AERCO) 198x
- Converting Your Sinclair Keyboard Mule Electronics 1982
- Cooling Estimator instructions 198x
- Cosmonics flyers
- CP-ZX Very Smart Centronics Interface for ZX81, TS1000 (AERCO) 198x
- Crazy Bugs Instructions 1983
- Cricket House Keyboard instructions (Cricket House)
- Cricket-Soft Word Processor
- Curry Computer price list (Curry Computer) 198x
- Custom Electronics Device Corporation flyer
- Custom Keyboard Tip 198x
- Cyberzone manual (Softsync, Inc.) 1983
- DAMCO Press Release (DAMCO Enterprises) 1985
- DAMCO Pricelist (DAMCO Enterprises) 1985
- Data-assette flyers (Data-assette) 198x
- data-assette Price List 198x
- DEF 2068 instructions 1985
- Description of Word-Master (Jack Dohany) 1990
- DIS disassembler (Jack Dohany) 1986
- Discount Software flyer (Discount Software, Inc.) 198x
- Disk File Manager
- Do It Yourself Emulator
- Dock It: EPROM Programmer Manual for the TS2068 Computer with ROM disassembly 1985
- Draft Microdrive, LAN and RS232 Software Documentation (Timex Computer Corporation) April 4, 1983
- Dragmaster Instructions 1983
- Draw II instructions (Peech II Productions) 198x
- Drop Down Menus (QL program) 198x
- E-Z Key 60 (E-Z Key) 198x
- E-Z Key Advert 198x
- E. Arthur Brown Co. (No. 2) 1983
- E. Arthur Brown New Product Reports (EB4) 1984
- E. Arthur Brown New Product Reports (EB5) 1984
- E. Arthur Brown New Product Reports (EB6) 1984
- E. Arthur Brown Price List EB3 1984
- E. H. Enterprises sample letter 1983
- Ed Grey Enterprises' Catalog for Summer/Fall '88 1988
- EPROM Cartridge Download Routine 198x
- EPROM UPD 198x
- EPROMs are Alive and Well ... and Living in Redwood City 198x
- ESF/81 Monitor Program manual (A&J Micro Drive) 1982
- Evaluation of Performance: Lon Hildreth (Timex Computer Corporation) 1984
- Evaluation of the AERCO 2068 Disc Interface 1985
- Exatron Stringy Floppy Brochure (A&J Micro Drive) 198?
- Exatron Stringy Floppy ROM Disassembly (A&J Micro Drive) 1984
- Executive Accounts Program
- Executive Inventory-Invoicing Instructions
- Executive Menu Master instructions
- Executive QL Sound Explorer
- Executive Workshop flyer
- Expansion Board for Sinclair Computers 1982
- Experimenters Guide to the WC2050 Modem Board 1986
- Experimenting With The Byte Back Modem 1985
- Express v1 (S & K Software) 198x
- Express v1.0 manual 1986
- Extended Paint manual (Dave Franson) 1986
- Fall of the Third Reich manual (Sharp's) 198x
- FD-68 EPROM v8.9 Update (AERCO) 198x
- FineSoft flyer
- Flash for TS 1000 1985
- Flash for TS 2068 1985
- Font Manager (Jack Dohany) 1987
- Fort Worth Timex/Sinclair User Group 2068 Club Library Tape
- Frank Lockhart Price List 198?
- Fun Golf manual 1983
- Fun with Hot Z II 198x
- Future Commands Planned for JLO SAFE V2 (John Oliger Co.) February 1988
- Future Commands Planned for JLO SAFE V2 October 1987
- G. Russell Electronics Ads 198x
- G. Russell Electronics Catalog 1988 1988
- Gladstone Electronics February 1983 catalog 1983
- Gladstone Electronics Summer 1983 catalog 1983
- Gladstone Electronics Winter 83-84 catalog 1983
- Gladstone's Organic Micro System Information and User Guide 1983
- Glen Ten-Eyck letter to Rod Gowen June 15, 1985
- Glen Ten-Eyck printer routine July 2, 1985
- Greeting Card Designer for the Timex Computer [advertisement] 198?
- Guardian instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Hacksel Centronics Interface manual (Hacksel Electronics) 198x
- Hardcopy (A QL Utility) 198x
- Heath Computer Services flyer (Heath Computer Services) 198x
- Hi-Res Word Processor
- Hi-Z User Manual 1984
- HiSoft Pascal Manual 2013
- Hitachi HFD305S Instruction Manual 1984
- Home Improvement Planner Instructions 1983
- Hot Z 2.51 User Notes (Sinware) 1986
- Hot Z-2068 Command List (Sinware) 198x
- Hot Z-2068 Users Notes (Sinware) 1984
- Hot Z-2068 Users Notes typeset (Sinware) 1984
- HOT Z-II User Manual 1983
- HOT-Z Key Commands 1983
- How to Convert Tasword II to the 2068 Microdrive 1985
- How to Grow Up to the Megabyte Micro 198x
- How to Program a 2764 EPROM Using Hot Z (John Oliger Co.) 198x
- How to Run Pro:File 2068 on the A&J Microdrive 1985
- How to use the 2068 User Cartridge Board 1984
- Hunter advert (Hunter Electronics) 1983
- Hunter Board Manual 1984
- Icon Package (Lemke Software DevelopmentMountaineer Software) 1987
- Important Information memo
- Information on Other of Our Publications 1989
- Infoworld T/S 2068 Review (memo) (Timex Computer Corporation) December 15, 1983
- Installation of the Cricket House Keyboard
- Installing Timex/Sinclair 2068 Emulators 2023
- Instant Sorting 198x
- Instructions for Applying Zebra Graphics Tablet Labels (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 1985
- Intercomputer flyers
- Interface a Joystick to Your TS-1000 or ZX81 198x
- Introducing the Timex Sinclair 2068 1983
- Introduction to Customized MScript version 5 (Jack Dohany) 198x
- IREG (Explosion Simulator) for the TS 1000 198x
- ISTUG BBS Documentation 1987
- It Happened at the Fest... 198x
- Jack Dohany letter to Dick Wagner Apr 4 1990 1990
- Jack Dohany letter to Dick Wagner June 14 1990 1990
- Jack Dohany letter to Don Lambert Oct 30 1995 (Jack Dohany) 1995
- Jack Dohany letter to Rod Gowan Jan 22 1994 1994
- Jack Dohany letter to Rod Gowan July 29 1995 (Jack Dohany) 1995
- JK-310 Manual 1982
- JLO 2068 Floppy Disk Interface 1986
- JLO SAFE DOS v2.51 Disassembly (John Oliger Co.) 1988
- JLO SAFE V2.4 Errata (John Oliger Co.)
- John Mathewson catalog 198x
- John McMichael price list 1984
- John Oliger Co ZX81 TS1000 Product List (John Oliger Co.) 198x
- JRC Software flyer (JRC Software) 198x
- Kapkit 1000 advert and manual
- KAPKIT 1000 article 1986
- Keyboard Conversion instructions 1981
- Keyboard Mania 1986
- Keyboard Tutorial, Turtle Graphics, Home Accounting manual 1983
- Knighted Computers catalog 198x
- Knighted Computers catalog 0585 1985
- Knighted Computers price list July 1984 1984
- Knighted Computers TS 2068 catalog 198x
- Knighted Computers TS 2068 March 1986 catalog 1986
- Knighted Computers Winter Catalog 1987 1987
- Lamo Lem Brochure (Lamo-Lem) 198x
- Lamo-Lem flyer (Lamo-LemSimulusion) 198x
- Larken Disk Drive manual (LARKEN Electronics)
- Larken Disk Drive manual - 2 (LARKEN Electronics)
- Larken Disk Drive manual versions L3 and L3F (LARKEN Electronics)
- Larken Disk Interface Schematic 1992
- Larken Maxcom instructions (LARKEN Electronics)
- Lemke Advertisements (Lemke Software Development) 1987
- Letter from Basil Wentworth to Paul Bingham 1988
- Letter from Cedric Bastiaans to Basil Wentworth March 27 1988 1988
- Letter from Charles Stelding to SyncWare News 198x
- Letter from Curry Computer to Charlie Day July 22 1985 (Curry Computer) 198x
- Letter from Dave Hill to Tom Bent 1986
- Letter from David Ellis to Basil Wentworth re Window 1988
- Letter from Fred Nachbaur to Jeff Moore Mar 7 1987 1987
- Letter from Fred Nachbaur to Mel Nathanson 1988
- Letter from Harry D. Peters about submission to SyncWare News April 23, 1985
- Letter from Herbert Moulds to SyncWare News 1985
- Letter from Kenneth Majors to SyncWare News Apr 15 1985
- Letter from Kenneth Majors to SyncWare News Apr 26 1985 1985
- Letter from Larry Zunk 1985
- Letter from Les Cottrell to Bob Swoger with Larken disk interface schematics 1993
- Letter from Paul Bingham to Basil Wentworth and Scope listing 1988
- Letter from Pete Petri to Fred Nachbaur 1986
- Letter from Peter McMullin to SyncWare News 1985
- Letter from Quantum Computing about the QL (Quantum Computing) 1987
- Letter from Robert Shade to Frank and Carol Davis 1994
- Letter from Shaun Ralston to Henry April 1983
- Letter from Sinclair Research to Charlie Day Nov 7 1984 1984
- Letter from Sinclair Research to Tom Bent re 8K ROM Upgrade (Sinclair Research Ltd.) July 26, 1984
- Letter from Thomas Arbster to SyncWare News 1985
- Letter from Timex Computer Corp to Charlie Day Jan 17 1984 (Timex Computer Corporation) January 17, 1984
- Letter from Wes Brzozowski to SyncWare News 1985
- Letter from Willard Bill Fadner to Tom Bent 198x
- Letter to Don Lambert (Lemke Software Development) 1988
- Letter to RMG Enterprises (Lemke Software Development) 1988
- Letter to Sinclair user groups December 16, 1982
- Letter to TS 2068 Purchaser 1983
- Listing: Speech Synthesizer COMPILE 1984
- Listing: Speech Synthesizer DEMO 1984
- Listing: Speech Synthesizer SPKSUB 1984
- LJH Enterprises flyer (L.J.H. Enterprises) 198x
- Lon Hildreth notes on making a cartridge (Timex Computer Corporation)
- Lon Hildreth's Notebook (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983-84
- Machine Code Made Easier book review 198x
- Mailing List
- Mailing List by Mountaineer Software doc (Mountaineer Software)
- Making 2068 Back-ups on the A&J Microdrive 1986
- Mandelplot for the TS 2068 1987
- Mastermind keyboard overlay (Lamo-LemSimulusion) 198x
- Mathematics 1 1982
- Mattsoft Games flyer 1982
- MD-68 Modem Manual 1984
- Megabyte from My Computer? 198x
- Memo re Enhancements and Bug Fixes (Timex Computer Corporation) Sept 8, 1983
- MEMO TO: West Los Angeles ZX Computer Users Group January 18, 1984
- Memotech Keyboard and Buffer manual 1982
- Memotech Memopak HRG manual 1982
- Memotech Memopak I/F Centronics manual 1982
- Michael Zerbo Planet Finder query letter 1987
- MicroAce Video Upgrade kit instructions (MicroAce) 198x
- Microsync brochure 198x
- Mike's Notebook 198x
- Mindware MW-100 advertisement 198x
- Mindware MW-100 flyer (Mindware, Inc.) 198x
- Mindware MW-100 manual 198x
- Mini XMOD 1.5 manual 198x
- Miracle Systems Ltd QL Hard Disk User Guide
- Miracle Systems Ltd Super Gold Card Supplement
- More software from ... Softsync, Inc.: Timex TS-1000, Sinclair ZX81 1982
- More Software From... SoftSync, Inc.
- More UPD Info 198x
- Mountaineer Software advertisement original
- Mountaineer Software icons and fonts
- Moving an AROS Cartridge Onto Your AERCO Disk System (AERCO) 198x
- Moving RAMTOP in Timex/Sinclair 1000 Computers February 2, 1985
- MPC User Manual 1983
- MTERM II Tutorial by Bill Ferrebee (Mountaineer Software)
- MTERM Software Manual (Micro Systems Development) 1984
- Multi-Draw 2068 Instructions 1985
- Multi-Draw 2068 notes from Knighted Computers (Knighted Computers) 198x
- Music Design 2000 manual (Arrow Software) 1987
- Music Educator I instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Music Library 1983
- Musicola instructions
- New England Software sales flyer
- New York Times Advertisement April 8, 1984
- NGM, Inc. flyer
- Nothing so smart was ever so simple ... (brochure) 1983
- Oliger 2068 Expansion RGB Circuit Instructions
- Oliger 2068/Spectrum Joystick Interface (John Oliger Co.) 1985
- OmniDisk
- OMNIDISK manual (RMG Enterprises) 1986
- Partial Pascal manual 1983, 2021
- Pascal for the TS2068 198x
- PC-Import (Minny Electronic Inc)
- PC8300 "Timex" ROM Documentation 1987
- PCLS 1000 1985
- Penetrator instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- PERICON a 198x
- PERICON-a (model 1) 198x
- Personal Accountant manual 1983
- Personal Portfolio Manager manual 1983
- Pet ASCII Output Program 1986
- Pheonix Enterprises flyer (Pheonix Enterprises) 1984
- Pix-FX manual 1988
- Pixel Print Font Package (Lemke Software Development) 1987
- Pixel Print Plus v3.1 Manual (Lemke Software Development) 1988
- Pixel Print Plus! manual January 16, 1988
- Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor v 2.0 manual 1986
- Planet Finder instructions (RMG Enterprises) 1984
- Poly-Scroll 198x
- Preliminary Information on the Oliger/Kingsley Disc System (John Oliger Co.) 1984
- Press Release: Timex/Sinclair 1500 May 17, 1983
- Press Release: Timex/Sinclair 2000 May 17, 1983
- PreVIEW (QL Program) 198x
- Printscreen Utility User Manual 1985
- Pro/File 2068 Manual (Thomas B. Woods) 1984
- Pro/File 2068 preliminary manual 1984
- Problems in Using the New V.24 "Merge" Command February 1988
- Problems in Using the New V.24 "Merge" Command February 1988
- Programming 2764 and 27128 EPROM (for TIMEX-2068 Programs Written in BASIC Only) Using the John Oliger Co. 2068 EPROM Programmer and 2068 User Cartridge Boards June 5, 1985
- Projects plus Application Manual 1983
- PRX Experimental Printer Driver (Jack Dohany) 1987
- Public Domain Software Revisited 198x
- Pyramid Electronics Flyer 1984
- QL Tip 198x
- QRL Quick RLE graphics encoder decoder for the 2068 198x
- Quantum Computing Catalog (Quantum Computing) 1987
- Quantum Computing Price List (Quantum Computing) 1987
- Quick Mode for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500 198x
- R.S. Panwar flyer
- RAMDisk Backup & Restore Utility 1988
- Ramex 2068 A Catalog Preview (RAMEX International) 198x
- RAMEX brochure 198x
- Ramex Intl brochure (RAMEX International) 198x
- Ramex Millenia K Disk System flyer (RAMEX International) 198x
- Rampager manual (Calliope Software) 1983
- Random Access DVC-2 manual (Random Access) 198x
- RD Labs RD 8100 brochure (RD Laboratories) 198x
- Relocating Machine Code Programs in the TS-2068 198x
- Removing LENSLOK Protection from Art Studio 198x
- Replacing the VHF modulator with a UHF modulator on the ZX81 (Computer Continuum) 198x
- Report Generator User's Manual (Ener-Z) 1983
- RMG Enterprises catalogs 1991
- RMG Enterprises T/S 2068 Color Computer catalog 1989
- RMG Update News for April 1991 April 1991
- RMG Update News for August 1991 August 1991
- RMG Update News for July 1991 July 1991
- RMG Update News for June 1990 June 1991
- RMG Update News for June 1991 June 1991
- RMG Update News for March 1991 March 1991
- RMG Update News for March 1991 March 1991
- RMG Update News for May 1990 May 1990
- RMG Update News for May 1991 May 1991
- RMG Update News for November 1991 November 1991
- RMG Update News for October 1991 October 1991
- RMG Update News for September 1991 September 1991
- Robotec catalog
- Robotec Price List (Robotec, Inc.) 198x
- ROMFIX Installation Instructions 198x
- ROMSWITCH Installation Instructions 1984
- RPNZL Users Manual (Golden Stair, The) 1983
- Run Z-XLR8 on TS 1500 198x
- S & S Company price list 198x
- S and K Express documentation (S & K Software) 1986
- Screendesign manual (Arrow Software) 1986
- SEKTOR 2068 manual (RMG Enterprises) 1986
- Sequential Random Access File Utility (LARKEN Electronics)
- Serial Communications Operation Manual 198x
- Servicing the Wafadrive
- Shareware 198x
- Sharp's Catalog (Sharp's) 1989
- Sharp's Flyer 1990
- Sharps dealer price lists (Sharp's)
- SHREB 3.00 New and Modified Command Summary 2022
- Silicon Mountain Computers catalog 1987
- Silicon Valley North flyer 1983
- Simulated Underlining Cursor Routine 1985
- Sinclair flyer (Sinclair Research Ltd.) 198x
- Sinclair IF1 Interface ROM Assembly (Sinclair Research Ltd.) April 29, 1983
- Sinclair Migration 1.01 1987
- Sinclair order form (Sinclair Research Ltd.) 198x
- Sinclair ZX 8K ROM Upgrade 1985
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum Software Catalog September 1982
- Sinclair ZX81 8K ROM Upgrade manual 1985
- Sinclair ZX81 Software
- Sinware letters about Hot Z-2068 (Sinware) 1984
- SiriusWare flyer 1982
- SoftSync letter and flyers
- Software by Soft-Way
- Software Engineers (advertisement) (Timex Computer Corporation) 1982
- SONUS 198x
- Soundesign manual (Arrow Software) 1986
- Space Adventures Coloring Book instructions (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- SPEC-DOS and TX-DOS 198?
- SpecTerm-64 Telecommunications Software User Guide and Technical Manual v4 (Grey & Clifford Computer Products) 1986
- Specterm-64 User Guide and Technical Manual v4 (Grey & Clifford Computer Products) 1986
- Specterm-64 v4.1 manual (Grey & Clifford Computer Products) 1987
- SpectraTERM 1.30 for the MD-68 Modem 1984
- Spectrum 32 EPROM version C (Jack Dohany) 198x
- Speech Synthesizer (2068) Word Lists
- Speech Synthesizer for Timex 2068 instructions (Tad Painter) 198x
- Speech Synthesizer Word Libraries (Tad Painter) 198x
- Speech Synthesizers for Timex Computers (Tad Painter) 198x
- Spelling II instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- SRAM Hi*Res Extended BASIC manual (Silicon Mountain Computers) 1986
- States and Capitals (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Stringy Floppy for Timex/Sinclair 198x
- Supplementary Printer Driver Software for the Tasman Centronics Interface 1984
- Systems and Solutions flyer (Systems and Solutions, Ltd.) March 1982
- T/S 2040 Printer Schematic 1984
- T/S 2050 Schematics 198x
- Tad Painter Documents 1984
- Tape Unlocker 198x
- Tarot by Jean Wilcox Cards and their Meanings (Wilcox Software)
- Tasman Interface Operating Instructions 1983
- Tasman Interface Operting Instructions with appendix 1983
- Taswide Instructions (Tasman Software) 1983
- Tasword Conversion (Lemke Software Development) 1987
- Tasword Two manual 1983
- Tech Draw manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 1985
- Technical Memo #0004: TS2068 I/O Port Map (Timex Computer Corporation) November 2, 1983
- Technical Memo #0005: TS2068 Advanced Video Modes (Timex Computer Corporation) November 21, 1983
- Technical Memo #0006: TS2068 Connector Specification (Timex Computer Corporation) January 4, 1984
- Telescope Selection by Computer 1985
- The 32K Non-Volatile RAM Owner's Manual (Thomas B. Woods) 1986
- The Amazing Bi-Plot 198x
- The Banner Designer User's Manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- The Complete Machine Code Tutor 1984
- The Daisy System Software Ensemble (Gulf Micro Electronics) 1989
- The John Oliger Co. 2068 EPROM Programmer 1984
- The John Oliger Co. Product Lists 198x
- The Rainbow Plus Spectrum Interface manual (DAMCO Enterprises) 198?
- The Series 1 Interface Add-In for Timex Version of the Warajevo 2.51 Emulator 1998
- The Series 1 Interface Plug-In for Timex Version of the Warajevo Emulator 1997
- The Sign Designer User's Manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- The Third Language 198x
- The Timex Survivors Flyer 1984
- The Trident instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- The TS2068 Non-Volatile RAM Kit 198x
- The Z-88
- The ZX Assembler & Disassembler 19
- The ZX80 Home Computer Package manual 1981
- Thomas B. Woods Pro/File 2068 Announcement 1984
- Thomas Woods price list (Thomas B. Woods) 198x
- Thurnall Electronics TE-10 Manual
- Timeworks Computer Control Center flyer (Timeworks, Inc.) 1983
- Timex 2068 magazine insert brochure 1983
- Timex Computer Club hardware and software price list (Timex Computer Corporation) March 1984
- Timex Computer FDD3000 Service Manual 2002-01-07
- Timex Computer Software, Winter Issue 1983
- Timex Corporation to Manufacture and Market the First Personal Computer Priced Under $100 April 20, 1982
- Timex Letter re TS 2050 modem (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Timex Microdrive Operating System (Timex Computer Corporation) October 12, 1983
- Timex Price List May 1983 May 1, 1983
- Timex Product Art and Headlines May 1983
- Timex Sinclair 1000 Quick Reference Card (Wiley Press) 1983
- Timex Sinclair 1000 Series Software June 1983
- Timex Sinclair 1000, Sinclair ZX81 software 1983
- Timex Sinclair 1000/1500 BASIC Quick Reference Guide 1983
- Timex Sinclair 1500 Compatible Cassette Recorders 1983
- Timex Sinclair 2000 Third Party Software Guide May 1983
- Timex Sinclair 2068 Keyword Reference Card 2023
- Timex Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer Quick Reference Card (Wiley Press) 1983
- Timex Sinclair Computer Service Contract Application 1983
- Timex Sinclair Computer Service Contract Application (1500/2000) (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Timex Sinclair Printer 90 Day Warranty (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Timex Sinclair User flyer and sales materials June 1983
- Timex/Sinclair 1000 Branching Techniques 198x
- Timex/Sinclair 2000 System Software Home Bank (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Timex/Sinclair 2000 System Software Home ROM Extension (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- Timex/Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer Diagnostics Cartridge Operation Manual 1985
- Timex/Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer Diagnostics Cartridge Source Code 1985
- Tips & Tricks of the User Group Masters for the Sinclair ZX-81 v0335 1996
- Tips Tricks and Techniques of the User Group Masters of the ZX81-TS1000 Computer 1991
- Tips, Tricks and Techniques of the User Group Masters of the ZX-81 TS1000 Computer v033 1991
- Tom Woods NVRAM Board 198x
- Toronto Timex Sinclair Users Club Information Sheet 1988?
- Tracer instructions (S & K Software) 1986
- Translation of Z88 article November 1987
- Translations (2040 printout) 198x
- Tree-Forth manual (Soft Magic Corp.Tree Systems of Grand Rapids) 198x
- Tree-Forth manual 1983
- TS 1000 Brochure (Timex Computer Corporation) 1982
- TS 1000 Scrollist 1985
- TS 1000 User Manual Clarification and Corrections (Timex Computer Corporation) 1982
- TS 1500 User Manual (memo) (Timex Computer Corporation) August 9, 1983
- TS 2000 System Software Design Specification (Timex Computer Corporation) May 9, 1983
- TS 2000 System Software Engineering Release (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- TS 2068 Memory Map and ROM Disassembly 1985
- TS Disk Ref v1 n1 June 1989
- TS-2050zx Modification Kit Documentation (Clifford & Associates) 1986
- TS-2050zx Modification Kit Documentation (Clifford & Associates) 1986
- TS-2068 Christmas Labels 1985
- TS-2068 HOME ROM Bypass 198x
- TS1500 Meets Oliger Video 198x
- TS1500 Reverse Video 198x
- TS2000 Bug Fixes & Enhancements (Timex Computer Corporation) September 19, 1983
- TS2000 System Software (memo) (Timex Computer Corporation)
- TS2060 Interface Product Specification (Preliminary) (Timex Computer Corporation) January 24, 1984
- TS2068 Complete System Variables Map 1985, 2023
- TS2068 Greeting Card Designer User's Manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- UM-64 Memory Manual 1984
- Understanding and Upgrading the TS1016 RAM Pack 198x
- Unofficial Technical Manual for the ZX-81 LDOS Disk Controller
- Updates for Model 2000 Micro Drive (A&J Micro Drive) 1985
- Use of the Timex/Sinclair 2000 with Your Television (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- User's Guide to CP/M (Timex (TMX) Portugal) January 17, 1986
- User's Manual for the A&J Printer Interface (A&J Micro Drive) 1985
- User's Manual for the Model 2000 Stringy Floppy (A&J Micro Drive) 1984
- Using MCODER2 20xx
- Using the John Oliger Expansion System to Create Instant-Load (EPROM) Software for the TS 1000 Computers part 3 1985
- Using the John Oliger Expansion System to Create Instant-Load (EPROM) Software for TS 1000 Computers 1985
- Variable Names and Addresses with the AERCO 2068 Disc Interface 1985
- Video Secrets Revealed 1981
- Votem advert (Down East Computers) 198x
- VU-3D Instructions (Timex Computer Corporation) 1983
- VU-Calc Instructions 1983
- VU-File Instructions (TS 2068)
- Wafadrive Engineering Bulletin (DAMCO Enterprises) 198?
- War in the East manual 1984
- Westinghouse Sinclair User Group List 1982
- Westridge 2050 Modem flyers (Westridge Communications) 1984
- Winky Board II Instructions 198x
- Winky Board II Kit Assemble Instructions 198x
- Winky Board II Warranty 198x
- Word Juggler instructions (Syber, Inc.)
- Word-Master v2 Oliger Disk Variety (Jack Dohany) 1990
- WordSinc II.3 (Powell Hargrave) 198x
- WRX16 Revisited 198x
- WRx16 Version 2 198x
- Yacht manual (Wilcox Software) 1988
- Z-SI/O Serial Interface Module Installation and Programming (Clifford & Associates) 1986
- Z-XLR8 Manual (Advanced Interface Designs) 198x
- Z-XLR8 manual 1982
- Z88 Manual A, B, Other
- Z88 Sourcebook
- ZCOMM 2K and 16K manual 1984
- Zebra Floppy Disk Drive System user manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 198x
- Zebra Graphics Tablet owner's manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 1985
- Zebra OS-64 Manual 1985
- Zebra Systems - 1985 Fall/Winter Catalog 1985
- Zebra Systems - 1986B Catalog 1986
- Zebra Systems - Summer 1987 Catalog 1987
- Zebra Universal Prototyping System For The TS-1000, TS-1500, TS-2000, ZX-80, ZX-81 and Spectrum 1983
- Zebra Z.A.D. Analog to Digital Interface
- Zemog Scientific ZX81/TS1000 Software Catalog 1982
- ZEUS Z80 Assembler 1983
- ZEUS Z80 Assembler manual 1983
- ZPRINT 80 Printer Support Package manual 198x
- ZTERM64 manual (Zebra Systems, Inc.) 1986
- ZX 81/TS 1000/TS 1500 Character Reference Sheet 2023
- ZX Appeal member list Summer 1988 1988
- ZX Assembler User Manual 1982
- ZX Forth manual 1982
- ZX Pro/File: A Machine Language Data Base For The Timex manual 1983
- ZX Spectrum Monitor and Disassembler
- ZX Spectrum ROM Assembly Code (Timex Computer Corporation) November 23, 1983
- ZX Spectrum/TS 2068 Character Reference Sheet 2023
- ZX-TERM*80 (Silicon Mountain Computers) 1987
- ZX.ASZMIC User Manual 1982
- ZX81 Assembly Instructions 1981
- ZX81 Home Computer Package manual 1982
- ZX99 User Manual 1982