ZXir QLive Alive!
16K MemopakTS 1000 Two versions of the Memotech 16K RAM pack.
1994 Update from UPDATEUpdate on the status of the newsletter from the publisher.
- 50 TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
A Challenge to ProgrammersTS 1000 Challenge to create disk utilities for ZX81/TS1000 that exist for TS2068 users.
A Fast Well-Behaved Pattern Flood FillTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Tutorial on the display file and a machine code flood fill routine.
A Four-Part Rescue OperationCall to archive Sinclair and Timex/Sinclair knowledge.
- A Library of LarKen Procedures and Functions in HiSoft PASCAL for Sequential File HandlingTS 2068
- A Proposal for the Creation of a True Type Font for Documenting and Archiving of Sinclair Program ListingTS 1000 TS 2068
A Short History of the Z88Z88 Most of this article is compiled from news events appearing in Z88 FAX News and Z88 EPROM. Z88 FAX News was an American publication printed on FAX paper in a newspaper style format. Z88 EPROM is the newsletter published by the Z88 Users’ Club in the United Kingdom. The club has a worldwide membership. Z88…
A Surprise Box of TricksZ88 Hardware review Z88 Review
- A Trip to the ZX-Team Land
- A Word to the Wise
- Adjust Dataspace PleaseQL
An Updated ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Description of a 1000 with internal 64K, a “serial data port” and other mods.
- Announcing the IKI (IBM Keyboard Interface for 1000/2068)TS 1000 TS 2068
Another 2068 Color Monitor AdapterTS 2068 Hardware project RGB monitor interface using a transistor and integrated circuit (74LS04).
- Autostart Problem with LogiCall?TS 2068
- Batteries for the Z88Z88
Benchmarking the ZX81TS 1000 Comparison of “magic numbers” between BASIC, Forth, Partial Pascal and MCODER.
Borken LINKFolding of Sinc-Link.
- Bug in SOL BBSTS 2068
C Programming and the Timex/Sinclair 2068TS 2068 Tutorial Introduction to Z88DK Small C Cross Compiler to develop programs in C for the 2068.
- CAI/ESF Stringy FloppyTS 1000 Hardware review
- Can NASQLUG Take Up the Slack?QL
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 2ZX81 TS 1000
Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 4ZX81 TS 1000 Compilation of articles/resources on load/save issues.
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 5ZX81 TS 1000
Cassette Save/Load Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 3TS 1000 Reprint of Overcoming Cassette Loading and Saving Problems from Synchro-Sette v2 n4, April 1983.
- Cassette Tape Load/Save MonitorTS 1000 Hardware project
Changing a REM Statement from ZX81 BASICZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program This is an editor in BASIC that works much like the m/c LDOS editor for entering an LDOS command line.
- Changing the Permanent Screen Attributes From Within a HiSoft Pascal ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- Character String Emulation In HiSoft PascalTS 2068 Type-in program
- Chrismas Return LabelsTS 2068 Type-in program
CivilizationTS 1000 Type-in program 1K “version” of Micropose Civilization.
Clean Screens Please!TS 2068 Request for change to how users save programs to prevent cluttering screen with feedback from Larken disk command calls.
Clefs pour le ZX Spectrum et Timex 2000 ([Color] Keys for the ZX Spectrum and timex 2000)TS 2068 Tables of color intensities/hues from all black to max white.
Compatible Cassette RecordersList of cassette recorders from Timex. Observes that the Minisette-9 is a near look-a-like for the T/S 2020.
- Complex ASCII RotationQL
- Compound Interest & InvestingTS 2068 Type-in program
Computus InterruptusTS 2068 Reference Originally published in SINCUS News.
- Computus Interruptus 2TS 2068 Reference
- Creating Your Own TS-2068 Character SetTS 2068 Type-in program
- D.U.S. Disk Utility SoftwareTS 2068
Daisy Be Good - ITS 2068 Series of articles dealing with Bill Jones’ suite of word processing programs.
- Daisy Be Good - IITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - IIITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - IVTS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - IXTS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - VTS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - VITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - VIITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - VIIITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - XTS 2068
- Daisy Be Good - XITS 2068
- Daisy Be Good Update, Part 1TS 2068
- DataStore() and DataFetch(): Two LarKen DOS Procedures for HiSoft PASCALTS 2068 Type-in program
- Dayton ComputerFest August
- Dayton ComputerFest August
- DBEasy - New Version 1.6 ReviewQL
Deriving Your Tax Threshold from Your Voting StatusTS 2068 Type-in program Calculate income tax rates. Program included.
- Did You Know? 2068/Larken TipsTS 2068
Did You Try This?TS 2068 Type-in program Short program to make moire patterns.
Did You Try This?TS 2068 Type-in program Headline, a program from “The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home Computers”.
Digitizing and Synthesizing Sound with the Stock 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program to digitize and synthesize music and speech through the tape port.
Directory to Printer PDS DOCQL Type-in program Information about a SuperBASIC utility to send directory listing to the printer.
- Disk DoctorTS 2068
- Disk Drive Dress-UpTS 2068
- Diskette Menu Program for the Timex/Sinclair 2068 (LarKen DOS Version)TS 2068
- DMA ComputerFest Report
- Editorial on Sinc-Link
EmulatorsList of emulators across various platforms.
- End of a Year and Looking Back: The Chairman reminiscences! [sic]
ErrataTS 2068 Correction to program on page 17 of the Fall 93 issue.
- Errata: Code Missing from "Improving a Sector_COPYing Program"QL
Expand Your ZX-81 Memory to 32KZX81 Hardware project Translation of article from ZX-TEAM-MAGAZIN.
- EZ80 Micro Computer
- Few Useful Z88 CLI RoutinesZ88
- Font Loader in HiSoft PascalTS 2068 Type-in program
- From Chairman's Disk
- From Internet to LarKen-2068TS 2068
- From the Chairman's Desk
- From the Chairman's Desk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
From the Chairman's DiskEnd of UPDATE magazine (Oct 87 – July 96).
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
From the Chairman's DiskTS 2068 Don ships the last of his TS-2068 equipment to Jack Boatwright; moves.
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
- From the Chairman's Disk
From the Chairmans DeskPrinter issues, thoughts on MSCRIPT, Larken and Oliger disk systems.
- From the Chairmans Desk
- From the Chairmans Desk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Chairmans Disk
- From the Editor
- From the Editor: Better Late Than Never
- From the Editors Desk
- From the Editors Desk
- From the Editors Desk
- Frustrated PC Users Flood Help Lines
Fun With Hardware Part I - The PlatformTS 2068 Hardware project Homebrew memory and IO expansion device for the 2068.
- Function for Creating User Defined Graphics (UDGs) in HiSoft PascalTS 2068 Type-in program
- Garbage GobblerTS 2068 Type-in program
Gator's Twisted PairTimex/Sinclair BBS.
- Get Out The Mineral Oil
- Graphics Procedures for HiSoft PascalTS 2068 Type-in program
Happiness is a Converted T/S 1016 RAM That Works!TS 1000 Hardware project Addition to two part article in Time Designs in 1986.
Hitchhikers Speed the Job Use Some Hitching Bits as a FlagmanMachine language tutorial about using registers.
How to Be ChicNote about a British group that supports the Spectrum.
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 1 – Pokes
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 2 – Convetional Hacking Techniques
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 3 – Easy Loading Systems
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 4 – Decrypters
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 6- Commercial Protection Systems
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 6 – Cont.
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 6 – Cont.
How to Hack on the ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Part 7
I Can't Believe What I Saw!TS 2068 Unusual code listing for Manager program.
- IBM-AT Keyboard Interface for the ZX-81ZX81 Hardware project
- Improved TS-2068 Internal ROM Bypass ITS 2068 Hardware project
- Improving a Sector_COPYing ProgramQL
- Inexpensive Z-88 Parallel to Serial ConverterZ88
Input/OutputWarren Jackson writes; Marie Kendoll writes; Robert Shade writes; Ivan Zachev writes; Jay Shepard writes.
Input/OutputT/SNUG attempts to raise funds to purchase remainder of Rod Gowen’s inventory before he sends it to the landfill. Letters from Earl Keilglass, Robert Schimke, John Pegram, Andrew Dansby, David Lassov, Gilliam Parrish, Hugh Scriven, Al Feng, Francine Sklar, Bob Hartung, Rod Gowen, Harry Miller, Frank Davis, Bob Barnett, Rod Gowen, Jack Boatwright, Bob Swoger,…
Input/OutputNewsletter exchange; about censorship; mailing; help!; Mile High to return.
Input/OutputHelp!; Gil Parrish writes; Louis Eisen writes; Joan Kaly writes; Rod Humphreys phoned; To Bill Ferrebee.
Input/OutputQuanta-Gate? Letters from Ken Krack, Glen Hufstedler, Charlie Fox, Don Lambert, Andre Baune, Joe Rampolla, Byte-Back’s Dave Leech, Phil of Sunset Electronics, Chuck Kereluck, Paul Anderson, David Lebowitz
Input/OutputLetters from Ken Krack, Alvin Ronal Albrecht, Dave Bennett, Hugh Polley, Mort Binstock, James Caldwell, Bob Madaris, Gil Parrish, Joseph Rampolla.
Input/OutputLetters from Marvin Johnson, Joe Rampolla
Input/OutputLetters from Don Berry, Thomas Simon.
Input/OutputLetters from Terry Graham, Edward Radtke, Wayne Knaust, Greg Newkirk, Dan Elliott, Fred Henn, Alexander Sweitzer, William Hanes, Albert Seyler, Les Cottrell.
Input/OutputLetters from David Lassov, Leon Howell, Dave Barnes, Dr. D. H. Williamson, Gene Ray, D. G. Smith, Wayne Knaust, Richard Jelen, Rod Gowen, Robert Shade, Gil Parrish.
Input/OutputLetters from Jack Payne, William Horner III, David Lassov, Francine Sklar, Greg Simmons, Quentin Kent, Gilliam Parrish.
Input/OutputLetters from Jeffrey Kuhlmann, Daniel Chattin, Dane Stegman, Louis A Simon.
Input/OutputLetters from Richard Jelen, Edward Snow, Robert Gilbert, Gene Ray, Robert Barnett, Robert Hartung, Rod Gowen, David Lassov.
Input/OutputLetters from Wes Brzozowski, Edwin Phillips, R. Arthur Gindin
Input/OutputLetters from Robert Dyl, David Lassov, Dave Bennett, Wes Brzozowski, Thomas Simon, Gyro Burns, Ruth Fegley, Gertie Anderson
Input/OutputLetters from Carlos Delhez, Robert Gilbert, Larry Crawford, Rod Gowen, Fred Henn, Gilliam Parrish, Greg Bridgewater.
Input/OutputLetters from Les Cottrell, Tim Swenson, Robert Gilbert, Francine Sklar, Harry Miller, David Lassov, Joan Kealy, Bill Cable, Gilliam Parrish, Ferdinand Gunther, Carl Jones.
Input/OutputLetters from Robert Hartung, Paul Robinson, Alvin Albrecht, William Harmer, Donald Lambert, M. H. Binstock, Fred Henn, Leo Moll.
Input/OutputLetters from Peter Liebert-Adelt, Fred Henn, Jose Moreno, David Lassov, Kimmy Posey, Simeon Dwyer, Justin Clark.
Input/OutputLetters from Hugh Scriven, Peter Lievert-Adelt, Gil Parrish, David Lassov, Frank Davis, Bob Swoger, Steve, Johnson, Jose Moreno, George Chambers, Ken Harbit, Jack Dohany, Les Cottrell.
Input/OutputLetters from David Johnson, Kenneth Harbit, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Bob Swoger, Frank Davis, Jose Moreno, Steve Johnson, John Shepard, Alvin Albrecht, Joan Kealy
Input/OutputLetters from David Lassov, Keith Watson, Jon Kaczor, Bob Swoger, Frank Davis, John Pegram, Al Feng, Joan Kealy, Jose Moreno, Gil Parrish, Tim Malone, Don Lambert
Input/OutputLetters from Rod Gowen, Ata Tursucu, Hugh Howie, Les Cottrell, Tim Swenson, David Lassov, Jon Kaczor, Steve Johnson, Donald Lambert, Joch Merz.
Input/OutputLetters from David Lassov, Jose Moreno, Gil Parrish, Seymour Miller, Don Lambert, Bob Swoger, Jon Shepard, Ken Harbit, Steve Johnson, Les Cottrell, Jeff DeCourtney, Robin Barker Di-Ren, George Chambers, Earl Kielgass.
Input/OutputLetters from Donald Lambert, David Lassov, Gil Parrish, Al Feng, Wally Swentko, Robert Gallagher, Rod Gowen, Seymour Miller, Frank Davis, Stuart Honeyball, Bob Swoger, David Tubbs, Jay Shepard, Bill Cable, Gerald Anson, Leon Howell, Robert Hartung, Don Walterman, John Impellizzeri, Tim Swenson.
Input/OutputLetters from Seymour Miller, Hugh Scriven, Ed Kingsley, David Lassov, Bob Swoger, Robert Hartung, Tim Swenson, Donald Lambert.
Input/OutputLetters from Bob Swoger, Fred Henn, Tim Swenson, David Lassov, Al Feng, Bill McKelvey, Dennis Smith, Rod Gowen, Robert Hartung, Jay Shepard, Ken Harbit, Wilf Rigter, Frank Davis, John Impellizerri, Matthias Jaap, Bill Collins, Garry Lancaster
Input/OutputMore of the Rod Gowen liquidation saga. Letters from Jack Boatwright, Michael Henderlight, Harriet (Joan) Kealy, David Lassov, Fred Henn, Jochen Merz, Alvin Albrecht, Andy Dansby, John Franke, Rod Gowen, Terry Jones, Al Feng, Russ Perry, Jay Shepard, Bob Swoger, Bill McKelvey, George Chambers, Frank Davis, Tim Swenson, William Girnius.
Input/OutputLetters from Paul Anderson, Dennis Smith, David Lassov, Bob Hartung, Fred Henn, Scott Gillespie, Jay Shepard, Jack Boatwright, Rod Gowen, Louis Florit, Josh Payne.
Input/OutputZX81 Letters from Bob Swoger, Les Cottrell, Jack Boatwright, Peter Liebert-Adelt, David Solly, Jay Shepard, Louis Florit, Frank Davis, Rita Jean Willis, John Pegram, Jerry Anson.
Input/OutputLetters from Ed Kingsley, Al Boehm, Jose Moreno, David Solly, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Jack Boatwright, Jeff Burrell, Don Oviatt, Earl Kielglass, Ken Harbit, Bill McKelvey, Bill Marriott, Frank Davis, Luke Perry, Conrad Perfett, Keith Watson, Mark McCann, Robert Hartung, Fred Henn,
Input/OutputTS 2068 Letters from David Solly, Bob Swoger, Glen Goodwin, Jack Boatwright, Fred Henn, Don Oviatt, Rod Gowen
Input/OutputLetters from Joan Kealy, Dane Stegman, Stephen Waldman, Richard Burt, William McBrine, Joe Rampolla.
Input/OutputLetters from Joe Rampolla, Antonio Castro, Jack Boatwright, Jim Mach, William Girnius, Larry Kenny, Rod Gowen, Al Feng, Mike Kandrac, Douglas Dunbar, Dean Mikolajczyk, Alvin Albrecht, Jay Shepard, Joan Kealy, Ron Gilvert, David Lassov, Don Lambert, Luke Perry, George Zimmerman, John Kasza, Frank Davis, Jeff Burrell, Dane Stegman.
Input/OutputTS 2068 Letters from Paul Anderson, Dane Stegman, Jack Boatwright, Joan Kealy, Paul Anderson, Andy Barber, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Luke Perry, Don Lambert, David Lassov, Fred Henn, Jeff Burrell, Joe Rampolla, Earl Kielglass, John Oliger.
Input/OutputLetters from Joe Rampolla, John Pegram, Al Feng, David Leech, Jeff Burrell, Rod Gowen, Dane Stegman, Robert Webster, Tom Parks, Bob Swoger, Hugh Scriven, Fred Henn, Bill Cable, Keith Watson, Don Lambert, Jay Shepard, Juan Carpio.
Input/OutputLetters from Luke Perry, Rod Gowen, Darrell Hamilton, Frank Mills, David Lassov, Leon Howell, Dave Bennett, Wilf Rigter, David Solly
Input/OutputLetters from Don Lambert, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Robert Gilbert, Jeff Burrell, Joe Rampolla, Al Feng, Robert Swoger, Louis Florit, David Solly, Keith Watson, Johnny Red, Alvin Albrecht, John Donaldson, Jeffry Sczepaski, Luke Perry
Input/OutputLetters from Paul Anderson, David Lassov, John Caylor, Stephen Beals, Peter Liebert, William McBrine, Luke Perry, Louis Fornit, Johnny Red, Tim Swenson, John Donaldson, Bob Swoger, Jay Shepard, Dane Stegman, David Solly
Input/OutputLetters from David Solly, Tim Swenson, Jay Shepard, Don Lambert, Dean Mikolajczyk, Jack Boatwright, Louis Florit, Peter Leibert-Adelt, Paul Harris.
Input/OutputLetters from will Knight, Joan Kealy, Tim Swenson, John Donaldson, Leon Howell, Don Lambert, Jay Shepard, Jose Moreno, Paul Harris, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Jeff Burrell, Dick Dryon, Dave Bennett, Uwe Schonewolf.
Input/OutputLetters from Dean Mikolajczyk, Peter Liebert-Adelt, Robert Webster, David Solly, Armand Drucker, Burke Mawny, David Hartmann, Dane Stegman.
Input/OutputLetters from Luke Perry, Earl Kielglass, Mike Ingall, Paul Holmgren. Death of Fred Henn, crash involving Frank and Carol Davis.
Input/OutputLetters from Ruth Fegley, Jack Boatwright, Ed Kinglsey, Donald Lambert, Bob Hartung, Al Feng, Louis Florit, Robert Swoger, Tony Firshman.
Input/OutputLetters from Hector Picone, Don Lambert, James Coles, William McBrine, Scott Rossell, Tony Firshman, Ruth Fegley, David Solly, Don Dindang.
Input/OutputLetters from Jack Boatwright, Loic Daneels, David Solly, Louis Florit, Luke Perry, William McBrine, Les Cottrell, Bob Hartung, Jim Ditton, Keith Watson, Don Lambert, Callum Davidson, Robert Swoger.
Input/OutputLetters from Albert Boehm, Robert Swoger, Les Cottrell, Keith Watson, John Simpson, Peter Liebert-Adelt, David Solly, Glen Goodwin, Mark Anderson, Andre Baune, Joan Kealy, Callum Davidson, Tony Firshman, Joseph Rampolla, Harriet Kealy.
Input/OutputLetters from Abed Kahale, George Chambers, Bill Harmer, Roy Wisti, Pete Paglia, Hugh Scriven, Bill Allen, Bob Madaris. Recover from MSCRIPT crash, work on disk library, Oliger users.
- Insomnia Over the Z88Z88
- International QL ReportQL
- Introducing Aurora QL Graphics CardQL
IRA Pay-OutTS 2068 Type-in program Reprint from THE RAMTOP.
- JLO with LKDOS CartridgeTS 2068
Key Top ProtectorTS 2068 Protect TS 2068 keyboard with plastic cling film.
- Larken 2068 Disk Interface [schematic]TS 2068
- Larken Cartridge SchematicTS 2068
- LarKen Disk Drive: Spectrum Emulator CompatibleTS 2068
- LarKen Disk Interface CircuitTS 2068
- LarKen DisketteTS 2068
- Letters from Wes Brzozowski, Edwin Phillips, R. Arthur Gindin.
LibraryTimex/Sinclair public domain library available soon.
LibraryTimex/Sinclair public domain library available as of June 1, 1991.
Lil' Amp Rides Again!TS 2068 Copy programs from one computer to another via an amplifier.
- LogiCall LogicTS 2068
- LogiCall ReviewTS 2068 Software review
Lunch Hour Activity at WorkReview of Gerton Lunter’s Spectrum Emulator.
- Making Program Length Cassette Tapes
MaxComTS 2068 Updates on David Lassov’s BBS software development.
- MDIR_BAS v1.05QL
Meet Phillip KwitkowskiTS 2068 Phillip is a young, late adopter of the Timex/Sinclair 2068. In the mid-1990s, at 14, he obtained a full TS 2068, including a LarKen disk system and RAM disk.
- Memories Mean A Lot
- Memory Improves With AgeTS 2068 Hardware project
Memotech Memopak 64TS 1000 Reprint of instructions.
- Menu MagicTS 2068 Type-in program
- Mineral Oil and the Edge Connector
- Mineral Oil and the Printer Ribbon
- MODEM Time! 1st MTERM IITS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
- More Net-Surfing With The 2068TS 2068
- More on QPCQL
- More on QPCQL
- Moving RAMTOP in ZX-81/TS-1000ZX81 TS 1000
MSCRIPT Command SummaryTS 2068 MSCRIPT shortcuts.
- MSDOS to Larken and MSCRIPTTS 2068
New ItemsComputerFest 1993.
News ItemTimex said Sunday it had shut down its factory in Dundee, Scotland, following one of Britain’s most bitter industrial conflicts of recent years. [Dateline 8/30/93]
News ItemsShort notes about the group and events.
News ItemsTS 2068 Update! magazine renewal time; Welcome our new treasurer, Abed Kahale; Hard disks for Sinclair?; EPROMS for the TS2068; Dohany EPROMS for Larken.
- News Items
- News Items
- News Items
Ni-Cad ChargerTS 1000 Hardware project Constant current charger for TS 1000.
ObituariesLarry Crawford, Steve Cooper.
- Obscure CommandsTS 2068 Reference
Oliger proposes Detente with LarkenTS 2068 Bob Swoger’s LogiCall description and discussion of features. Oliger for LKDOS, allowing compatibility of Oliger/LarKen systems.
- Oliger Utilities - SoftwareTS 2068
Our DealersList of dealers in 1993.
- Parallel I/O ModificationQL
Parts InventoryTS 2068 Type-in program Inventory database.
- Past and Present Members
- PC Power Supply for Your QLQL
- Producing Flashy ListingsTS 2068 Reference
PuzzleLAMBDA device, possibly for PC8300.
- QHJ Announces New FreewareQL
- QHJ FreewareQL
- QHJ Off the NetQL
- QL CornerQL
- QL Date Gate: Making Modifications to DBEASYQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- QL ShowQL
- QL Survivor's Source BookQL
QL to IBM RGB Monitor ConnectionsQL Reprinted from LISTings newsletter.
- QL Today NotesQL
- QL Video Output CircuitQL
- QL WoesQL
- QLAMBer UpdateQL
- QLAY 0.85 First Look & MoreQL
- QLuMSi - Recent ChangesQL
- QLUSTer UpgradeQL
- QMOSAIC ChroniclesQL
- QPC The Missing LinkQL
- QPC UpdateQL
- QPC2 for WindowsQL
- QXL GhostsQL
- QXL NotesQL
- QXL Notes - SequelQL
- QXL TotesQL
Random Bits and Unverified BytesTS 1000 Rumor of a 10mb hard disk and interface for the ZX81/TS1000 circa 1987 developed/sold by someone from Dubuque, IA.
- Recent QL FreewareQL
RecordKeepingTS 2068 Type-in program While there are a few ‘DataBase’ softwares available for the 2068 such as PROFILE, I like to roll my own program. I needed some kind of simple record to keep track of the membership list. Of course this program can be used for any other data keeping function. 1000 records, 32 characters each and 3K…
- Refining ZCOMMTS 2068
- Relocating Machine Code Programs - TS-2068TS 2068 Tutorial
ReviewTS 1000 Software review SDA (Software Development Associates) Games One.
- Running QPC on a PCQL
- SeekQL 2.09 - Part 1QL
- SeekQL 2.09 - Part 2QL
- Sequential ParagraphTS 2068 Type-in program
- Setting and Resetting Caps LockTS 2068 Type-in program
- Seven-Bit ASCII Text Filter for the TS-2068 with LarKen disk I/OTS 2068
- Sinclair ASCII Text to IBM Text File Transfer UtilityTS 2068 Type-in program
Sinclair E-Mail ListList of members in 2003.
- Sinclair Nostalgia
Sinclair Rides the InternetList of web and FTP sites in 1994.
sirclive.ttfTrue Type fonts in characterstic Sinclair styles.
Smith's ChartTS 2068 Type-in program Program draw charts used in microwave applications.
Solar System ReviewTS 2068 Type-in program Modified from the magazine Computers and Teachers.
- Some are QXL NotesQL
Some Great NewsTS 2068 Public domain software from Jack Dohany (supports SmartWatch chip), 2068 Emulator, LogiCall 6.0.
- SPDOS or yet another T/S 2068 disk DOSTS 2068
- Special Notice to QL-ers!QL
- Speed Comparison Between 2068, PASCAL and Compiled BASIC (TIMACHINE)TS 2068 Type-in program
Stepping Rate FixTS 2068 Program to adjust stepping rate on LarKen systems; allows for reading/writing disks from other LarKen users.
- Structured SuperBasic 2.6.2QL
- Surfing the Net with the 2068TS 2068
- Surfing the Net with the TS-2068TS 2068
Surfing-the-Net with SinclairFTP sites, listserv, BBSes, usenet and gopher site.
- Surplus Items
- T/SNUG Information
- T/SNUG Meetings
- T/SNUG, Quanta and PD-QL SoftwareQL
- Tasword to M-Script File ConversionTS 2068 Type-in program
- Tax-I-QL TipQL
- Telcommunication
- Telecommunication: A La TS-2068TS 2068
Television CompatibilityTS 1000 TV sets incompatible with the 1000.
The 64 Column Operating System CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review Reprint of Zebra instructions for the cartridge.
- The Byte-Back MD-68 ModemTS 2068 Hardware review
The Dayton Computerfest“The DMA T/S representatives Gary Ganger and Tim Swenson manned a booth …”
- The Font
The IKI InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware project Schematic of IBM keyboard to TS 2068 interface.
- The LarKen Disk SystemTS 2068
- The Musical PC8300
- The Perfect Gift or How to Assemble or Replace TS1000 Parts Cheap!TS 1000
- The Rings of SaturnTS 2068 Type-in program
The RMG ProjectAttempt to organize effort to buy Rod Gowen’s stock of Sinclair items.
The Tasman 'B' CPITS 2068 Make it work with the Larken DS-400.
The Towers of HanoiDiscussion about implementing Towers of Hanoi.
The Trials and Tribulations of Reading an MSDOS Text File DiskTS 1000 Type-in program Program to read MSDOS files on an AERCO disk drive.
- The Z88 Source BookZ88
The Z88 Source BookZ88 Section 2.
The Z88 Source BookZ88 Section 3
- The Z88 Source BookZ88
- The Z88 Source BookZ88
- TIMACHINE and the FDD SystemTS 2068
- Timex Emulation
- Timex Sinclair - ZX Spectrum ROM Routine Look-Up TableTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Reference
Timex/Sinclair Public Domain Library Available NowT/SNUG public domain library available. Librarians include Bob Swoger, Jay Shepard, D. G. Smith, Ed Snow, Al Feng and Don Lambert.
To Frank and Carol DavisEditorial about the end of Update Magazine.
- To PRINT? Or Not to LPRINT?TS 2068 Tutorial
Transferring MSDOS Files to the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and program for loading files from an MS DOS disk using a Larken disk system.
- TS 2068 - Z88 Transfer via MODEMTS 2068 Z88
- TS Bulletin & BASIC N-L
TS-1000 I/O BoardTS 1000 How a user interfaced his TS 1000 to his train layout with the Byte-Back BB-1 interface board.
- TS-2050 Modem Compatible Serial I/FTS 2068 TS 2050
TS-2068 - CMOS on BoardTS 2068 Hardware project Change most ICs on 2068 to CMOS to reduce power consumption, for running off batteries.
TS-2068 Cassette LOAD AID MeterTS 2068 Hardware project Reprinted from CRAGIST newsletter March/April 1989.
- TS-2068 ROM ByPass Board Features and Options IITS 2068 Hardware project
- TS-2068 Talks to a PC by ModemTS 2068
- TS-2068 Talks to a PC by ModemTS 2068
- TTSUC LarKen Disk LibraryTS 2068
- Turbo Switch for the ZX-81ZX81 Hardware project
- UDGs?TS 1000 Type-in program
Union City Man Conveys His Love For ComputersTS 1000 QL Z88 About Tim Swenson.
- Using a 16K Memotech Memopak That Has SwitchesTS 1000
- Using Internet File Formats on the QLQL
- VAL FunctionTS 2068 Type-in program
- VU-3D 10 Years LaterTS 2068 Software review
- Waging in the TSRoomTS 2068
- West Coast Sinclair show
What Alientates the TS-2068: The SCLDTS 2068 Solutions to some dead SCLD problems.
- Windows by Shade, Part 1TS 2068
- Windows by Shade, Part 2TS 2068
- Windows by Shade, Part 3TS 2068 Type-in program
- Windows By Shade, Part 4TS 2068 Type-in program
- Windows by Shade, Part 5TS 2068 Type-in program
- Writing More EfficientlyTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
Z-SIO RS-232 Serial InterfaceTS 2050 Convert a WC-2050/TS-2050 to a RS-232 interface.
- Z80 LCDTS 1000 Hardware project
- Z80 Workshop
- Z88Z88
- Z88 - My Memory SurpriseZ88
- Z88 - Power to YouZ88
- Z88 Batteries FeedbackZ88
- Z88 RevisitedZ88
- Zebra FDDTS 2068
- ZEUS Assembler for JLO v2.63+ Disk SystemsTS 2068
- ZEX for the ZX81TS 1000 Hardware project
- ZipaDee_Bas 1.105QL
ZQA! 1991 to 2003Index of issues and articles from 1991 to 2003.
- ZQA! Signing Off; T/SNUG to Continue
- ZX-81 Hi-ResZX81 Type-in program
- ZX-81 HiRes GraphZX81 Type-in program
- ZX-81 POKEs & CallsZX81 Reference
- ZX-81 Video Display SystemZX81 Type-in program Tutorial
- ZX-81 Video Display System - Part 1ZX81 Type-in program Tutorial
ZX-81 Video Display System - Part 2ZX81 Type-in program Tutorial ZX-TEAM MAGAZIN
- ZX-Team
ZX81 Basic Programming por Steven VickersTS 1000 Description of the Spanish language manual for the Investronica ZX81 clone available in Argentina.
- ZX96 - A Professional System Based on the ZX81TS 1000
- ZXir QLive Alive! Kick-off Announcement
- ZXir QLive Alive! Kick-off Announcement
Publisher: Timex/Sinclair NorthAmerican User Groups