Date: Spring 1994
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
- Frustrated PC Users Flood Help Lines
Did You Try This?TS 2068 Type-in program Short program to make moire patterns.
- Moving RAMTOP in ZX-81/TS-1000ZX81 TS 1000
- ZX-81 POKEs & CallsZX81 Reference
- QL WoesQL
- QL Video Output CircuitQL
- TIMACHINE and the FDD SystemTS 2068
Ni-Cad ChargerTS 1000 Hardware project Constant current charger for TS 1000.
TS-2068 - CMOS on BoardTS 2068 Hardware project Change most ICs on 2068 to CMOS to reduce power consumption, for running off batteries.
- LogiCall ReviewTS 2068 Software review
- VU-3D 10 Years LaterTS 2068 Software review
- QL Date Gate: Making Modifications to DBEASYQL
- Oliger Utilities - SoftwareTS 2068
- From Chairman's Disk
Input/OutputLetters from David Lassov, Leon Howell, Dave Barnes, Dr. D. H. Williamson, Gene Ray, D. G. Smith, Wayne Knaust, Richard Jelen, Rod Gowen, Robert Shade, Gil Parrish.