Date: Summer 1991
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Input/OutputNewsletter exchange; about censorship; mailing; help!; Mile High to return.
- From the Chairmans Disk
LibraryTimex/Sinclair public domain library available as of June 1, 1991.
- Dayton ComputerFest August
- QL Survivor's Source BookQL
Happiness is a Converted T/S 1016 RAM That Works!TS 1000 Hardware project Addition to two part article in Time Designs in 1986.
- T/SNUG, Quanta and PD-QL SoftwareQL
- International QL ReportQL
Solar System ReviewTS 2068 Type-in program Modified from the magazine Computers and Teachers.
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000