Date: Fall 1993
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Our DealersList of dealers in 1993.
- Did You Know? 2068/Larken TipsTS 2068
The Tasman 'B' CPITS 2068 Make it work with the Larken DS-400.
- Inexpensive Z-88 Parallel to Serial ConverterZ88
News ItemTimex said Sunday it had shut down its factory in Dundee, Scotland, following one of Britain’s most bitter industrial conflicts of recent years. [Dateline 8/30/93]
Input/OutputLetters from Jeffrey Kuhlmann, Daniel Chattin, Dane Stegman, Louis A Simon.
- Special Notice to QL-ers!QL
16K MemopakTS 1000 Two versions of the Memotech 16K RAM pack.
Television CompatibilityTS 1000 TV sets incompatible with the 1000.
Compatible Cassette RecordersList of cassette recorders from Timex. Observes that the Minisette-9 is a near look-a-like for the T/S 2020.
ZX81 Basic Programming por Steven VickersTS 1000 Description of the Spanish language manual for the Investronica ZX81 clone available in Argentina.
The Dayton Computerfest“The DMA T/S representatives Gary Ganger and Tim Swenson manned a booth …”
- From the Chairman's Desk
Included 5 page supplement from RMG Enterprises and a 5 page public domain library listing.