Time Designs Magazine
"All The News Fit to Print"ZX81 TS 1000 QL Arctan Computer Ventures offers programs for ZX81/TS1000 users; E. Arthur Brown has exclusive publishing rights to The Hacker’s Handbook; Dungeon of Ymir version three available; Money Machine II available; Soundesign and Tracer available from RMG; replacement SCLDs from Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group; Tomahawk from Knighted Computers; ROMON for Sinclair QL; Zebra Systems purchased the…
"Remember Back When.."Fred reminisces about the Timex/Sinclair computers.
"S" and "Q" Keys with "CAT*" CommandTS 2068 Type-in program Documents and investigates a problem with pausing and resuming a directory listing with the Zebra FDD.
- "Thread Spooling" With the Cumana QL Disk Drive InterfaceQL Type-in program
- 10 Commandments of Good Desktop Publishing
128K and EnigmaZX Spectrum The 128k Spectrum (code name “Derby”) has been launched in Spain, and will be available in the Spring in Britain. Essentially two computers in one: when turned on, the 128k mode is on automatically but type “SPECTRUM”, and it becomes a 48k Spectrum Plus, completely compatible with all the existing Spectrum software.
1987 Federal Income Tax CalculatorZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 Type-in program Program to calculate 1987 taxes.
1st Annual North American Timex/Sinclair User Group DirectoryListing of user groups.
2050 Modem Is HereTS 2050 The Westridge TS 2050 telecommunications modem is at last really here. It is exactly the same modem that Timex promised and took orders for, but never came through on. It is manufactured and sold by Westridge Communications, a division of Anchor Automation in Marina Del Ray, California.
- 2068 Cassette DirectoryTS 2068
2068 Color DemoTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Short program to demonstrate color.
2068 Gazer's GuideTS 2068 Type-in program The program spits out values by time of day for which compass direction (azimuth) to look and how high off the horizon (altitude) to look, to find just what we are searching for. By using any set of RA and Dec values in an astronomy book or from magazines like ASTRONOMY or SKY AND TELESCOPE,…
2068 Graphic GoodiesTS 2068 Type-in program A couple of graphic goodies that won’t take hours to type in but demonstrate some neat graphic capabilities of the TS2068.
2068 Program IndexTS 2068 Type-in program Short, simple “directory” program.
2068 Tax CalculatorTS 2068 Type-in program Program to calculate taxes for 1986.
2068 Technical Manual ReleasedTS 2068 At last! Here is the one that has been promised for some time now. The 2068 Technical Manual isn’t fancy, but it is big. Over 280 pages! It is crammed with detailed information on the in and outs of the 2068 logic circuitry, and also the enhanced display modes. This was the information that Timex…
2068 Tic Tac ToeTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to play against the computer.
2068 TurboloaderTS 2068 Type-in program Program to double loading speed from tape. Adapted from original Spectrum program, written by Esben Krag Hansen.
2068/Spectrum WaresTS 2068 Updates on software and hardware for the TS 2068 to allow it to use ZX Spectrum programs.
3-D Tic-Tac-ToeTS 2068 Type-in program This variation of tic-tac-toe has three, identical playing fields. A player can win, or score points, when three of his marks are arrayed in a straight line in any direction.
8k ROM UpgradeTS 1000 Software review Improved ZX81/TS 1000 ROM from Tom Bent. Changes include normal FAST mode, 6 character shape improvements, change British pound symbol to an apostrophe, LPRINT decimal numbers with leading zeros, fast SCROLL, proper divide of numbers in repetitive math, proper CLS action, fixed display file, DIMension single string arrays up to 64K and invoke LPRINT commands…
A Broken 2068? Fix It Yourself!TS 2068 Hardware project Method for testing for and repairing bad RAM chips.
A Graphics Problem for the T/S 2068TS 2068 Type-in program A “serious” graphics display for the 2068 and 2040 printer.
A Letter From Fred Nachbaur (concerning the PC8300 "Timex Clone")TS 1000 Documents some of the differences between the TS1000 and PC8300.
A Mickey Mouse Solution To A Graphic ProblemTS 2068 How to use the Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Mouse with Zebra’s Tech Draw and the Zebra Graphic Tablet.
A Mini Solution to a Maxi ProblemTS 2068 Loading Spectrum cassettes into the 2068 with the aid of a small amplifier.
A Monitor Adapter for the T/S 1500TS 1500 Hardware project Instructions on how to add composite out video to the TS 1500.
A National Sinclair OrganizationThe Sinclair Northamerica Users Group (SNUG) was proposed at the 1988 Sunstate T/S Winterfest.
A Portable TS Computer?TS computer owners have always considered their exceptionally small micros to be portable, to some degree. While perhaps lacking in slick packaging, the power and flexibility is all there. The special mathematic functions would be especially useful in business, engineering, and educational applications.
A Review of the MTERM IITS 2068 Terminal program for the TS 2068 and TS 2050 modem.
A Study In NumbersTutorial on numbering systems common with computers.
A Touch of Grey: ZPRINT-80TS 2068 Software review If you own a full-size dot matrix printer and a Centronics interface, you can now produce full-page graphic screen dumps. You will also be able to faithfully reproduce your color artwork in shades of gray, thanks to Zebra Systems Inc. “ZPRINT-80”.
A&J Micro Drive SystemTS 2068 Subroutine to create a command line and execute it from within a running program.
ACZ General LedgerTS 2068 Software review ACZ GENERAL LEDGER 2.000 is a small business accounting system for the TS 2068 computer. This program will provide the small business with the following financial reports: Monthly and Year To Date Income Statements, Ledger Detail, Balance Sheets, Chart of Accounts, Trail Balance, and Journal Entries.
- Adapting the TI Keyboard to the 2068TS 2068
- Adding a Joystick For the Spectrum/2068TS 2068
Adding Professional Features to Tasword TwoTS 2068 Type-in program If you have ever used a word processor for a more expensive computer, like an Apple //e, you have noticed a few features not found on Tasword Two. I regularly use PFS:Write on the Apple //e in my planetarium.
Address BookReview of Zebra Systems’ Address Book.
Adventures in the RAM Jungle and Other MysteriesTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Exploration of RAM organization in the ZX81/TS1000.
Adventures in the RAM Jungle and Other Mysteries (Part Two)TS 1000 At the end of Part One of this article, published in the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER issue, we emerged, unscathed by any “BUGS” from the upper RAM jungle onto the plateau of the safe area. We now descend into the lower RAM jungle where a giant bug lives, ready to devour the unwary.
Adventures in the RAM Jungle and Other Mysteries [Conclusion]TS 1000 TS 1500 Conclusion to the series about understanding RAM allocation on the TS 1000 and 1500 computers.
AERCO FD-68 Disc Drive System for the 2068 Part 1TS 2068 Hardware review Pre-review of the disk drive system. Jurries reviewed unit number 20 from the initial run.
AERCO FD-68 Disc Drive System for the 2068 Part 2TS 2068 Hardware review So far, Aerco has upgraded their EPROM to version .87. Only two features are not included at this date. They are the .CHR (Character Array) and the .DAT (Numeric Array). This means that you can’t save and load string type data.
AERCO FD-68 Disc SystemTS 2068 Tips for using the AERCO disk system.
AERCO Merge FunctionTS 2068 Type-in program Technique for merging programs with the AERCO FD-68.
AERCO Users ColumnTS 2068 Conversion changes for TASWORD II and PRO/FILE to make them compaible with the AERCO disc system.
Aerco Users ColumnTS 2068 Description of features and converting PRO/FILE 2068.
Alarm ClockTS 2068 Type-in program Simple program to turn the computer into an alarm clock.
- All Caps, Please
AlphabetizerTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Short routine to alphabetize data.
American FootballTS 2068 Software review Review of the ZX Spectrum game.
AMX MouseTS 2068 Hardware review From the time I first got my hands on the Zebra Graphics Tablet, I have been investigating the use of a mouse for my TS2068. Granted, the Zebra Track ball for the 2068 is quite impressive, but my search for a Mouse continued. After a little British research I found that the best choices for…
An American OriginalTS 2068 Software review Preview of Diamond Mike from JRC Software.
Another Look at 2068 Graphics: More or LessTS 2068 Type-in program Introduction to plotting graphics and how to speed them up.
Ant AttackTS 2068 Software review Review of the ZX Spectrum game, running on Spectrum emulator.
Asleep at the WheelTS 2068 Software review Short review of Pyjamarama, a game for the ZX Spectrum.
AstronomerTS 2068 Software review Review of the program from CP Software. Requires a Spectrum ROM.
Automatically Set RAMTOP Without Destroying the ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Set RAMTOP from within a program.
Bank Switching and Operating System - BSOSTS 1000 Software review Review of extension to ZX81/TS 1000 that adds bank switching RAM features to the computer.
BASIC2text .... Extending the use of MTERM IITS 2068 Type-in program Program to remove non-ASCII control codes and expand tokens to full ASCII equivalents so that programs may be uploaded to BBSes and shared with other users.
BASLOADTS 1000 TS 2068 Software review Review of program to convert TS 1000 programs to the TS 2068.
Beginning Z80 Machine CodeTS 1000 Tutorial This time we will discuss the I/O instructions. For those of you that are wondering what I/O means, it is Input and Output. When I was new to computerdom, I thought I/O referred to my financial status
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 1TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program First in a series of articles about programming Z80 machine code on the 1000 and 2068.
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 10TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 2TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 3TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 4TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial Math on the Z80 with addition and subtraction functions.
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 5TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 6TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial Lesson focuses on the stack and instructions that use the stack.
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 7TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial One of the series of introductory machine code programming articles.
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 8TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Unusual Z80 instructions that don’t have a common theme or set.
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code: Final LessonTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Beta Basic 3.0TS 2068 Software review Extension to Sinclair Basic with 100 new or enhanced commands.
Beyond the TS 1500 (ZX81/TS1000) User Manual: Your RAM MemoryTS 1000 Tutorial In order to become more than a novice programmer, it is essential that you understand completely the structure of your Random Access Memory (RAM) and how it functions. This is also a prerequisite for future articles in this series. Much of the material presented in my articles is written to correct, what in my opinion…
Bits and PiecesAERCO FD-68 disk drive interface; A & J Model 2000 stringy floppy; RAMEX offers Millenia K disk interface/package; T/S Smart Terminal Telecommunications guide; ZX81 software; Knighted Computers obtains Quicksilva software rights; new buyer’s guide from D. Lipinksi; other updates.
Bits and PiecesNews from the UK; Mini Xmod communications package; additions to user group list; repair changes; Oliger/Kingsley disk system; TI 99/4A keyboard for the 1000 and other updates.
Bits and PiecesNews about Sinclair Research Ltd., two Timex-based BBSes join FidoNet, SOFTAID fundraising cassette, update on Timex Portugal. Shorter updates on MSCRIPT, RMG Enterprises, an RS-232 interface from Edward Loxterkamp, speech software from Tad Painter, software from Frank Lockhart, Jim Clatfelter and Peter McMullin.
Bits and PiecesTS 2068 Maxwell deal to buy-out Sinclair falls through. Update on Portugal 2068 and disk drive. Further details on AERCO FD-68. BBS guide. Newsletter for Memotext/Memocalc users. Vendors cut prices.
Braxx BluffZX Spectrum Software review Review of the game.
Breaking and Saving 2068 ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program Techniques for breaking commercial programs to create back-up tapes.
BrickworkerTS 2068 Software review BRICKWORKER is a utility-type of program for those who require help, or are interested in the “art” of brickworking. BRICKWORKER will operate on either the Spectrum or the un-aided TS 2068 computer.
Build this Super Simple ModemTS 2068 Type-in program Hardware project Short article and program on interfacing directly to the telephone line via the MIC jack. Program uses BEEP command to generate necessary tones.
Cassette to Larken DiskTS 2068 Type-in program Converting cassette-based programs to work with the Larken disk system.
Catch A Dragon!ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program Program to plot “dragon curves.” A dragon curve is a regular fractal which forms from an infinitely repeated construction process.
- Cavern: A Space Arcade Game
Character AnalysisTS 2068 Type-in program Utility to define the binary and decimal value of a byte; useful with user defined graphics.
CK TypeTS 2068 Type-in program A new “standard” for “fool-proof” typing of TS2068 program listings in magazines.
CK Type 1000TS 1000 Type-in program Checksum program for the 1000.
CKTYPE 1000 (Machine Code Version)ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine code version of Stan Lemke’s program.
Classy Front End, Part ITS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Program demonstrates printing with variable-width fonts using PLOT/DRAW.
Classy Front End, Part IITS 2068 Type-in program In designing a machine code utility one faces the inevitable quandry of too many desires and not enough space. I wrote a wish list of features and then settled from that on a “short list” of must-haves. These fell into three categories (being BASIC compatible, being flexible and easy to use).
- Classy Front End, Part IIITS 2068 Type-in program
Classy Front End, UpdateTS 2068 Type-in program Patching a bug from the fourth article in the series.
Classy Front End: WindowsTS 2068 Type-in program Continues article from prior issue with window and porthole code.
Classy Front End: WindowsTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Two kinds of windows options are described. The first are rectangular with shadows down two sides and the second are round windows for quick footnotes, status reports et cetera. Bingham calls the later “portholes”.
ClevelandMidwest Sinclair Computer Conference is scheduled for August 27 and 28, in Lakewood, Ohio.
ColossusTS 2068 Software review Like it’s namesake, the Colossus of Rhodes, Lemke Software Development’s graphic banner designer utility “Colossus” stands head and shoulders above similar software. Colossus contains features that heavyweight software developer Broderbund Software has just recently added to its popular program “The Print Shop”.
Come to the FairPlans for Midwest Timex/Sinclair Computerfest, held May 3 and 4, 1986, are finalized.
- Comments by the Editor
Comments by the EditorCommodore… soon to join our ranks?
Comments on CK TypeTS 2068 Type-in program Improved and condensed (to one line) version of Stan Lemke’s program.
Comparing the Data Base ServicesArticle discusses using a Timex/Sinclair computer with Compuserve, The Source, Delphi and NewsNet.
Compass Compiler Assembler PackageTS 2068 Software review Review of the BASIC language compiler from JRC Software. Reviewer notes shortcomings of the compiler.
- Contsentration
Correction for JOSQL Type-in program Corrections to bugs in previously published program.
- Cosmos: QL Software ReviewQL Software review
Coupon Magic, The Dealer's Den: 2 ProgramsTS 2068 Software review Review of the two programs. Bill’s Coupon Magic is written by Bill Erickson. Dealer’s Den is by Timothy Kessler.
Creating a Four Port Expansion DecoderZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Memory-mapped IO for the 1000 computer.
CUBE-ITTS 2068 Type-in program Game based loosely on Boggle.
Data/Read on TS 1000TS 1000 Type-in program Simulating Data/Read.
- Datagen
Dear MSCRIPTERSTS 2068 Updates, bug report and version report.
Dear MSCRIPTersTS 2068 Updates and features new in version 6.
Designing WindowsQL Type-in program Program for determining window sizes.
- Desktop Publishing on the TS2068TS 2068 Software review
Deux Ex MachinaTS 2068 Software review Short review of game for the ZX Spectrum.
DK'Tronics Sound SynthesizerReview.
Editor's CornerEarly in September of 1984, we decided to call our new T/S computer magazine “TIME DESIGNS” for several reasons. One of those reasons was not because of TIMEX (as the “X” has obviously been dropped). At this same time, many users groups had changed their name to SINCLAIR/TIMEX (instead of the reverse), due to their…
- Editor's Corner
Editor's CornerQL QL news,
- Editor's Corner
- Editor's CornerTS 1000
Editor's CornerDescribes trip to California, where he met with John Warburton (Sunset Electronics), Jim Howell (A & J Micro), Bob Orrfelt and Dave Clifford.
- Editor's Corner
- Editor's Corner
Editor's ForumIt’s very hard to think about doing anything constructive with your computer during the summer when so many other things confront you that are much more appealing. But never-the-less, I usually use this time of the year to work on one particular project. Something to keep the fingers limber–the brain from going stale, anything to…
- Embellishing MTERM II
Entering and Recalling Text in Machine CodeTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial and code for storing text in machine code.
ErrataArticles planned for this issue are still in the works.
ErratumTS 1000 There were a few typos in the article “Adventures In The Ram Jungle (Part One)”.
Ever Hear of the T/S 3068? (And Other Matters)TS 2068 At a recent meeting of the LIST (Long Island Sinclair Timex) user group, the former head of Research and Development department of the Timex Computer Corporation, Billy Skyrme, attended a gave a talk. Mr. Skyrme is currently the president of Psion, Inc., the manufacturer of the Organizer pocket computer. While Mr. Skyrme admitted that he…
- Exclusive Interview: Nigel Searle, "Sinclair Insider"
Exploring the Mysterious QL: JOS - Adding Your Own Commands to Super BASICQL Type-in program Using procedures to add your own commands to Super BASIC
ExtensionsThree newsletters with type-in improvements to Pro/File 2068, published by Robert C. Fischer.
Factory Service Still Available“Factory service will continue more or less indefinitely…at this time, there are no immediate plans to discontinue this service,” reported a Timex spokesperson.
Finally - Full color screen dumps for the 2068TS 2068 Full color prints available with John McMichael’s interface and an Okimate 20.
First Class Fonts IITS 2068 Software review 1st Class Fonts II’s main program has three basic parts: a library of “fonts” (or type styles), a simple word process and a “definer” that allows the user to modify or change any character within one of the font sets.
For Your QL: Archive SecretsQL Type-in program Tips for using Archive.
For Your SinclairTS 2068 Z88 Desktop publishing software from Lemke Software Development and Charles Stelding. Z88, Spectrum +3 announcement. Notes about Second Annual Midwest Timex Sinclair Computer Fest. PC8300, products from John Mathewson, Specterm 64, Larken disk interface, Sharp’s, more.
For Your SinclairTS 2068 TS Machines Thrive in South America When the Timex Computer Corporation here in the States closed their doors for good, a rumor was going around that thousands of TS2068’s had been “dumped” upon the South American consumer electronics market. But the rumor couldn’t be substantiated and was soon forgotten. Later on, an “unauthorized” Spectrum clone…
- For Your Sinclair: New Releases
For Your Sinclair: New ReleasesZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 QL External keyboard for TS2068, sound booster, RGB interface and cartridge adaptor from John Mathewson. Utility tape for TS1000/ZX81/TS1500 from LST Software. PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises. Compuserve announces GIF format. Desktop publishing program from Charles Stelding. Hardware/software to print to Commodore 1520 plotter. Archive utilties for QL.
From Outer Space?Is it a power pack from one of the George Lucas space fantasies, or is it a miniature magnetic tape drive from an IBM main frame? No to both. It is a new data cassette from Recoton Corporation. The first thing you will notice is the clear plastic housing which allows complete inspection and viewing…
- From the Editor
From the EditorAbout the cover: Tim Woods’ son in a Sinclair C5; Sinclair contracted with Hoover to manufacture the vehicle in the US. Paul Bingham designed the new logo.
From The Editor's Cluttered DeskComments on an earlier, tongue-in-cheek editorial about IBM clones.
From The Editor's Cluttered DeskZX81 QL Z88 Themed issues; where to get your computer fixed; computer in business; Maryland doctor uses ZX81; Brazil’s TK 90X; Fred Nachbaur, QL’s price hits rock bottom; more QL news from the UK; Sir Clive’s Z88 update; dates to remember.
From The Editor's Cluttered DeskTelecommunications II; computer graphics; send in the clones.
From the Rumor MillFred Nachbaur is reportedly developing a Timex/Sinclair clone that will incorporate many improvements.
- Games for the Sinclair QL: A PotpourriQL
GAMESMATE FixTS 2068 Hardware project Fix to fully decode the GAMESMATE Kempston compatible joystick interface so it doesn’t conflict with other peripherals.
Get LuckyTS 2068 Type-in program Lottery number picker.
Good News (For TS 2068 Owners)TS 2068 It appears that the software famine for TS 2068 computer owners may soon be over. A device called the Spectrum Emulator has been introduced here in the U.S. It will allow software produced for the English Sinclair Spectrum to run on the 2068.
Graphex-PanderTS 2068 Type-in program BASIC screen dump program for the Gorilla Banana printer with Aerco or Oliger print interface.
- Great TS User Groups
- Guidelines for Ordering from Over-Seas
Ham RadioTS 1000 TS 2068 Timex/Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group (TSARUG) organized a FIDO network node.
Happy Letters: A Teaching Tool for Young Children Using Sound and GraphicsTS 1000 Type-in program This program generates a random character, either a letter or a number, and displays it on the screen, enlarged to eight lines. The Player presses the matching key on the ZX81 keyboard and is rewarded with a “Happy Face” and a song.
Hatch Your Own... Mickey-Mouse GraphicsSuggestions for taking photos of TV screens with an SLR.
Herb's BASIC One-LinersTS 2068 Type-in program One line tips/tricks.
Hi-Res/64 Col. Graphics UtilityTS 2068 Type-in program Utility to convert a standard 32 column screen to a 64 column screen.
High-Res Blackjack for the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program High resolution graphics version of Blackjack using Silicon Mountain’s SCRAM Hi*Res Extended Basic and non-volatile RAM board.
House PaymentsTS 2068 Type-in program Program to amortize a home loan.
How to Connect With (and Use) a BBSTS 1000 TS 2068 Instructions on how to connect.
- How to Convert a Surplus WC2050 Modem into an RS232 Serial Interface for your TS1000/1500/2068TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware project
How to Make Music with the TS 2068, Part 1TS 2068 Digital computers like the TS 2068 deal with two voltages. These are 0v and +5v, or rather something is true (+5) or something is false (0). We could also call this switched on or off. A popular process today, is to control external equipment with analogous properties and multiple control voltages, with digital computers
I Built a QL KitQL Hardware review Review of user-assembled QL available from dealers.
I.S.T.U.G. TS2068 BBSTS 2068 Software review Review of the simple BBS program written by the Indiana Sinclair Timex User Group.
- Improving the Zebra Graphics TabletTS 2068
In Our MailbagTS 2068 Type-in program More on the TS-PC controversy; don’t let ’em burn; drop down menus; TS2068 graphics; prime factors; a faster joystick.
In The MailbagTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program An open letter to the readers; guest editorial: the “Sleeper Has Awaken”; newer Sinclair user; puzzle of the month fan; last of the simple computer?; Timex/Sinclair — “The Real Thing”; ZEUS Utility revisited;
Inside the PC 8300Hardware review Overview of the TS1000 “clone”.
InterestZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program This program computes interest over a certain period of time, at a selected interest rate.
Internal 64K RAM for the TS/ZXTS 1000 Hardware project Upgrade to 64K with a 43256 static RAM chip and some memory decoding.
Introduction to Computer ControlTS 1000 Hardware project Introduction to using the TS 1000 as the basis for a robot.
It Came in the MailTS 2068 Type-in program Letters from readers. Solution to Puzzle of the Month from a prior issue; using serial printers with the TS2068; articles on disk; QL machine code; a program to keep young children occupied on the TS2068.
It Really Is a "Quantum Leap"!QL Sinclair Research has done it again! Their new personal computer with 128k RAM, two micro-drives, and four software packages, sells for the almost unheard of price of $499.
Joystick Wrap AroundTS 2068 Type-in program BASIC program that uses boolean logic to demonstrate horizontal and vertical wrap around.
Just ReleasedComprehensive public domain software library maintained by VISTA (Vashon Island Sinclair Timex) is available. Software available to perform color screen dumps to the Okimate 20, when connected via parallel interface. New business software from Bottle Cap Software, Byte Power. Zunk Custom Electronics is offering CADZ and games from Magicksoft. For QL users, EMSoft and Meta…
KaleidoscopeZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Many “Kaleidoscope” programs have appeared over the years. These simple, but fascinating graphics displays have been adapted to virtually every computer ever built. The ZX81/TS family is no exception. Unfortunately, since the Z80 CPU in these machines is {effectively} clocked at only -5 mHZ in SLOW mode, the result is rather slow and BO-RING.
LabelmakerTS 2068 Type-in program Program to print cassette labels.
LanguagesIn many fields of learning and occupations, unique and customized languages have evolved, due to the need for efficiency and standardization. Take the medical field for instance. When a doctor writes out a prescription, to you it looks like no more than sloppy scribbling, but to the pharmacist, it is a clear order written in…
Larken Disk-Operating SystemTS 2068 Hardware review When I was looking for a disk operating system, the first thing I wanted was a system that would work on ALL of the ROM configurations available for the TS2068. At that time, I was running MSCRIPT, TASWORD II witha Spectrum Emulator, and ZTERM modem software with the Zebra OS-64 cartridge. Secondly, I was looking…
LARKEN TS1000 Disk Drive InterfaceTS 1000 Hardware review Disk interface with built-in DOS for ZX81/TS 1000 computers. User supplied power supply and compatible disk drive.
LettersTS 2068 User attempting to build a printer interface; user views on QL; disassembly of the BEEP routine from ROM.
- Letters
- Letters
LettersTS 2068 Hardware project BBS software for 2068; redirect screen output to printer; circuit to map one key to two key closures; number of days between dates.
LettersTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Gorilla printer offered by DAK; how to use VU-FILE and VU-CALC with 64k; bubble sort for 1000; column reviewing Adventure programs suggested; short machine code routine for sound; joystick program.
LettersTS 2068 Type-in program Micro-Prolog for Spectrum; A&J help request; 2068 music; MSCRIPT; Sinclair joysticks; 80 column VU-CALC printing; Spinning Wheel.
LettersTS 2068 Update to Gazer’s Guide form Nov/Dec 85 issue; more about Astronomer reviewed by Bingham in v2n2; Radio Shack thermal paper for the 2040; updates to Dunnington’s articles about RAM; math errors in 2068 ROM; printers; travelling with the 2068.
LettersTS 2068 Type-in program Redirecting output from the screen to the printer on the 2068; Ski and Cavern games a hit; mathematic equalities; help with Larken disk drive; football prediction program.
LettersQL Type-in program TS2068 disk drive systems; QL news from the UK; LOAD loader; QL users plea; hurrah for Novelsoft; April fooler; new car shopper.
LettersTS 2068 Tasword Two, Okimate color printer, joystick routines.
LettersAnswers to question from Vince Stimmel in previous issue from Branson Wilcox and William Andrews. Richard Hurd on machine language articles; Bob Orrfelt on debugging the 2068 ROM; Doug McRoy on printing a screen from the QL.
Letters to the EditorLetters about the QL, praising the newsletter.
Light Show 2000TS 2068 Type-in program Light Show 2000 will allow your cassette deck (or any other musical source) control your computer. LS 200 will poll the ear port of the TS2068 and decipher any pulse detected into one of four tonal groups. Depending on the note detected, a corresponding color pattern will be displayed on the screen.
Loan AnalyzerTS 2068 Type-in program Calculate the monthly payments based on loan amount, term and interest rate.
LollipopsTS 2068 Type-in program Program for children.
Low Cost High Tech 2068 Burglar AlarmTS 2068 Hardware project How to use your 2068 as an alarm system, connected to the joystick ports.
Machine Code Joystick RoutineTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to accurately read the joystick.
Machine Code Track ReaderTS 2068 Type-in program Program to read disk tracks on the Zebra/Timex FDD system.
Machine Code TutorTS 2068 Software review Review of The Complete Machine Code Tutor by Malcom Evans, available from Knighted Computers.
- Machine Language Program to Read T/S 2068 Tape HeadersTS 2068 Type-in program
- MacIntosh-type Menu for the 2068TS 2068
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part FourQL Type-in program Machine source code.
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part ThreeQL Type-in program Machine code portion of the program.
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part TwoQL Type-in program Program to generate Mandelbrot diagrams.
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, UpdateQL Type-in program Update to program.
MAX 1000: Make the Most Popular "Mods" Compatible On Your TS1000TS 1000 Hardware project Collection of upgrades/modifications to the 1000.
Memory/Trace Using Interrupt Mode 2TS 2068 Type-in program Challenges using interrupt mode 2 on the 2068 and how to use them.
Micro MuseFore and Next, a poem about Sinclair computers.
- Mid-West TS Computerfest
Mid-West TS Computerfest Opens May 3rdPreview of the event.
MIDI for the 2068TS 2068 Richard Hurd writes about using RAM Electronic’s MUSIC MACHINE with a twister board and Spectrum software.
Midwest Regional TS ConferenceAnnouncement for a conference scheduled for August 26 and 27, 1988.
Midwest TS Computer Fest A Huge Success - Again!More than 45 dealers and user groups displayed their wares in over 6000 square feet of space; more than 700 attended.
More "Colors" in QL's Mode 4QL Type-in program Stippling colors to create the illusion of other colors.
More About ... the Mystery of the Missing 253TS 2068 Reference Part 2 of a series of articles about the extended bank switching feature of the TS2068.
- More on the Oliger Disc Interface
MoTSart: Super Music for the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program Machine code program to play music over the MIC output or on an AM radio
- Moving an AROS Cartridge Onto Your AERCO Disk SystemTS 2068
Musician RoyalTS 2068 Software review MUSICIAN ROYAL is one of the most recent programs released for the 2068. Written by Dr. Oleg D. Jefimenko and sold by Electret Scientific Company, it proves to be one of the more comprehensive music programs available.
- National TS Users Group Directory
New and Upcoming in 1987TS 2068 QL Details about upcoming 2nd Annual Mid-West Timex Sinclair Computerfest; Larken developing RAMdisk for 2068; Thomas B. Woods will be offering RAM board in kit form that operates in the cartridge slot of the 2068. User-expandable from 8K to 120K; TS telecommunications, Sinclair QL; Zebra/Timex Disk support group; new programs and hardware.
New ItemsTS 2068 QL Software review 256K RAM from Larken; PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises; tax software from ABBA Soft; Beta Basic 3; BBSes; West coast fair planned; Pixel Print Plus.
New ReleasesZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 QL New software from Ron Ruegg; “Touring the TS2068 ROM Operating System” book from William J. Pedersen; Arnold Ramaker is developing an expansion box for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068 and QL computers; Matthew Zenkar offers utility for QL owners who use DTP software; Sinclair Artificial Intelligence Network special intereste group forming.
New Spectrum Off to Giant; Start American Travelers Abroad Report on PC ShowZX Spectrum American Timex Sinclair distributors Rob and Debbie Curry of Curry Computer and John Warburton of Sunset Electronics attended the annual Personal Computer Show in Olympia, Great Britain, the first weekend of September.
News From the DealersCurry Computing; Budget Robotics & Computing; American Design Components; WMJ Data Systems; Novelsoft; Chia-chi Chao; T & C Services; Lemke Software Development; Logic Sales Ltd.; A&J Assembly; Larken Electronics.
Night GunnerTS 2068 Software review Review of the game as translated by Digital Integration for the TS 2068.
NoticeTS 2068 Type-in program Errata for Warren Fricke’s article in the Jan/Feb 1986 issue.
Nova 1000TS 1000 Software review Nova 1000 claims to provide the humble TS1000 with the ability to perform multi-tasking. In case you are unaware, the usual method to achieve multi-tasking is to use one of the newer CPUs. The reason is that they have the additional registers and have been specifically designed for multi-tasking. Obviously then, this is no small…
Number Base ConverterTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Program to convert between number bases.
Number MadnessTS 1000 Type-in program Type-in game.
Obstacle RunTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable OBSTACLE RUN is a game for one player, or several players by comparing scores. The object is to move your piece, a heavy circle (that initially appears in the upper left corner of the screen), around the serpentine track, to the finish line, as quickly as possible.
Of String$ and ThingsTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program String usage on the TS1000/1500.
Oliger 2.1 Disk System UpdateTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the 2.1 SAFE DOS ROM.
Oliger SAFE Disk System v2.2TS 2068 Updates and tips.
One More Word On "CK TYPE"TS 2068 Type-in program Shorter one-line version.
Op-Amp DesignZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Short program to assist in designing 741-based opamps.
Ordering Problems from RAMEX/Millenia KTS 2068 Hardware review Jurries describes difficulties he experienced in trying to purchase a RAMEX disk drive system.
OS-64TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Zebra Systems’ OS-64 cartridge.
Pablo Pixel-OTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Type-in high-resolution drawing program for the ZX81/TS1000. Revised version for TS 2068 included.
Pascal Disk Handler for the LarkenTS 2068 Type-in program Converting HiSoft Pascal to work with the Larken disk system.
- Paul Bingham Evaluates the Z88: Is the New Computer Too Much of a Break From Tradition?Z88 Hardware review
PC-IMPORTQL Software review File transfer and BASIC language dialect translator.
Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor Version 2.0TS 2068 Software review Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor lets you create, edit, and label original graphics and modify, merge, and analyze existing screens with electronic tools. Some of the editing functions on PS/GE are found in Apple graphics software like Mouse Paint and Dazzle Draw.
Playing With ElectricityQL Type-in program Short program to support switching between screen areas in RAM.
- Poly-Scroll
Practical 2068 Bank-SwitchingTS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and program code for using the bank-switching feature in the 2068.
Printer TipsRe-inking Gorilla Banana printer ribbons; GE TXP-1000 with AERCO and Zebra ZPRINT.
Pro/File 2068TS 2068 Software review Review of Tom Wood’s database program.
Pro/File CartridgeTS 2068 Software review Review of the database program. Cartridge-based version has greater data capacity (37k) and boolean operators.
Product NewsTS 1000 TS 2068 Oliger 2068 floppy disk interface available; Larken drive controller with Spectrum ROM; uncased 2050 modems; Tech Draw Jr, Spectrum Emulator cartridge, Zebra Talker from Zebra; Amdek plotter; Jack Dohany’s shareware announcement.
Product NewsCatalogs from Silicon Mountain Computers, Byte-Back, JRC Software. Service manuals from Sams Computerfact. RAMEX discontinues support for 2068 and Millenia K disk systems.
Product/Dealer NewsTS 1000 TS 2068 QL Larry Kenny of LARKEN ELECTRONICS told TDM about the plans for the 256K RAMdisk for the TS2068. It will use static-type RAMs complete with battery back-up. WEYMIL CORPORATION has released the DELTA DEVICE, a non-volatile memory system for the TS1000. A small circuit board contains 32K RAM divided into four 8K blocks which can be…
Professional's Use TS ComputersZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Australian Army uses 2068 as inexpensive simulator to teach soldiers the art of calling fire from an artillery battery or mortar platoon onto targets in the field. TS2068 used to run a retail business. Nursery uses TS2068 in many aspects of its business. Power transformer manufacturer uses 2068 for accounting, cost prediction and more. ZX81…
Programming ConceptsZX81 TS 1000 Tutorial An exercise in learning about the actual aspects, functions and limitations of the Sinclair ZX81 microcomputer and it’s version of the BASIC language.
Programming ConceptsTS 1000 Type-in program ZX Tic Tac Toe
Programming ConceptsTS 1000 Tutorial Part two of tutorial on programming the ZX81/TS1000.
Programming ConceptsTS 1000 Tutorial Our example program, ZX TIC TAC TOE (the listing appeared in May/June ’87 on pages 21 & 22), has the LOAD name “TTT”. When storing a program on a cassette, it is better to give it a name, especially when the tape contains other different programs. The procedure is, of course, to use a REM…
- Programming in SuperBASIC for the T/S 2068 ProgrammerTS 2068 QL Type-in program
Programming SRAM HI*RES, Part IITS 1000 Tutorial At this point, let’s give credit where credit is due. As you may know, SRAM HI*RES Extended BASIC is a collection of new commands that make use of a high-res core routine developed by Mr. Wilf Rigter. This routine is an invention anywhere as significant as the original “cheap video” system employed in the ZX81.…
- ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Programs: Pie Chart, BoxesTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Two short type-in programs.
QL Abacus/Spreadsheet "Tips", Part IQL Type-in program Suggestiosn for using the program better.
QL Abacus/Spreadsheet Tips, Part IIQL Tutorial One good indicator that QL Abacus (QL SPREADSHEET in the States) is a quality program is the fact that, despite the proliferation of other software for the QL, there is no other QL spreadsheet. It is a first-class professional computer program. The following is intended to go beyond the QL Abacus documentation in the Sinclair…
QL CraterQL Type-in program Short program to demonstrate graphics ability by plotting 3D function.
- QL Easel/Business Graphics "Tips"QL
QL EtcherQL Type-in program Etch-a-Sketch for the QL.
QL Flight SimulatorQL Software review Review of the QL game from Microdeal.
QL Gas GuideQL Type-in program Program to determine whether you should spend extra money to purchase premium gasoline instead of regular
QL KillConversion of Russian Roulette from mainframe Pascal.
QL PeintreQL Software review Painting program for the QL.
- QL Quill/Word Processor TipsQL Type-in program
QL Quill/Word Processor TipsQL Power user tips from Mike de Sosa.
- QL Quill/Word Processor Tips, Part IIQL Type-in program
QL Sound ExplorerQL Type-in program Program to make sounds.
QL SupportQL Have you heard the latest? A rumor has been circulating in Great Britain for a couple of months now, that Amstrad is rethinking their position on the QL. Amstrad executives have been keeping an eye on how the QL aftermarket support has been developing. Also, it has been common knowledge that Amstrad would like to…
QL VAL String FunctionQL Type-in program Short program to evaluate functions in strings.
Qool QLQL Hardware project Some of you who have never encountered heating problems with your QL before, might discover that about August 15, or the hottest day of the year, that your QL will suddenly blank out. Actually, it is not quite so “suddenly”. There are usually small warning signals like a ripple on the screen or the colors…
- QSPELL: A ReviewQL Software review
Quadra-Chart+TS 2068 Type-in program Short program to make pie charts.
Quanta, the Library, and Page DesignerQL Software review Review of programs and resources for the QL.
QUICKEY 2068TS 2068 Keyboard overlays for TASWORD II, MSCRIPT and other programs.
Rainbow Plus Spectrum InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Spectrum emulator/twister board from DAMCO.
- Reader Survey Results Continued
Reader Survey Results, Part OneResults from 280 readers.
RememberTS 2068 Type-in program Game based on memory.
- Resident ProceduresQL Type-in program
Review: GRAPHIQLQL Software review Review of a CAD program for the QL.
RGB Interface for the TS2068TS 2068 Hardware project Ever since I purchased my TS2068 I have longed for a REAL RGB interface. Sure, the display is OK on my 19” Sony, but the color is “washed out” and there is that ever-present background hash. I thought that by attaching a composite monitor to the monitor jack would at least clean up the hash….but…
Run Length Encoded GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program Display RLE graphics on the TS2068 in 32 column video mode.
Russell Electronics ROMSWITCHTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the plug-in board that allows for both Timex and ZX Spectrum ROMs inside the computer with a magnet reed switch on the outside.
Screen Display Storage and Memory RelocateTS 2068 Type-in program Terminal program for the TS 2068 and TS 2050 modem.
Secret StuffClive Sinclair is working on a transputer-based computer.
Serial Port DriverTS 2068 Type-in program Using the 2050 modem board to drive a serial printer.
Shoot-out at the QL Desktop Corral!QL Software review Review of several QL desktop publishing programs.
Shuttle DesignerTS 2068 Software review Design a rocket to put the assigned payload into a suborbital trajectory at the correct velocity before it runs out of fuel. If you succeed, then you are given an “access” code. The code is necessary to continue so that you can design a more complicated rocket. A second success gives you a final access…
Simply MusicTS 2068 Type-in program Basic program that uses the three sound channels of the TS 2068 to create music.
- Sinclair and Timex Directory of Suppliers
Sinclair News NetworkU.S. QL – $299; 128k Spectrum, Pocket TV Performs Well, Product News; User Group Update.
Sinclair News NetworkAmstrad buys Sinclair; QL gets A+ support; Product/Dealer News; User Group Update; Misc.
Sinclair News NetworkSinclair micro update; Meet the QL Clones, Support for QL Continues; Super ZX81 Support from Scotland; Time Designs Acquires SUM; Letter from the Editor of SUM Magazine; Product/Dealer News.
Sinclair News NetworkSir Clive’s Confessions; NOVELSOFT Emerges as Premier TS Software House; What’s In A Name?; Product/Dealer News; User Group Update.
Sketchit-GTS 2068 Type-in program Sketchit-G is an artist type of program that exploits the many capabilities of the TS2068 computer to produce graphics of all sorts on the visual screen. These displays can be copied by the TS2040 printer and/or saved on tape for future recall and merging. The Timex computer has several resident functions that can be utilized…
- Ski
Slot MachineTS 2068 Type-in program Simulates Vegas-style slots.
Smart Text TS-2068TS 2068 Software review “SMART TEXT TS-2068” is Bill Jones’ effort to create an AppleWorks environment for your TS-2068. The package includes a text editor and manager integrated with a small mailing list routine. Other convenient features are printer formatting for a variety of utilitarian purposes and in a variety of type styles.
- Software in Review: Colonize the Universe
- Software in Review: Saboteur!
Some of the Best Programming AroundEric and Kris Boisvert of BYTE POWER have put together ten issues of their electronic magazine on cassette, which adds up to more than 100 programs for the 2068.
Son of Ultra-Easy Designer GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program Patches to upgrade Ultra-Easy Designer Graphics to handle 116 UDGs.
Speak Out and Be Counted: dKTronics Speech SynthesizerTS 2068 Hardware review Dk’tronics Speech Synthesizer for the Sinclair Spectrum is available in the U.S. from DAMCO. If you have a T/S 2068 and a “twister” allowing Spectrum hardware to be plugged onto your edge connector, Dk’tronics synthesizer can make your computer speak up.
Special Report: 2068 Is Returning to USTS 2068 TC 2068 Reports on Bob Dyl’s efforts to bring the Portuguese 2068 to the United States. When Bob Dyl of the English Micro Connection contacted Timex of Portugal to see if he could obtain supplies of their new floppy disk system and 2068 “silver avenger” computer (as so nick-named by the British computer press), both of which…
Spectrum 128K BasicZX Spectrum Hardware review Overview of the new BASIC.
Spectrum Product NewsZX Spectrum Twister boards and Spectrum ROMs available. Datel Robotarm, Romantic Robot Videoface, Rotronics Wafadrive, and Tascalc mentioned.
Spectrum Software: White LightningZX Spectrum Software review Review of graphics development program for the Spectrum.
Spectrum-NotesTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Sources for Spectrum hardware and software.
Sprites 2068TS 2068 Software review SPRITES 2068 is a sprite development and handler package. Those of you that have the Technical Manual will note that there is an appendix, number C-5, devoted to this subject. This program is none other than this same code. SPRITES 2068 co-authors Tidwell and Ruegg have “debugged” the Timex sprite package code.
Starfleet 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable STARFLEET 2068 is an all BASIC, low-resolution graphics, shoot ’em up space wars game for the Timex Sinclair 2068. Scenerio: In the late 1990s, NASA finally perfected the first WARP DRIVE engine. Earth Federation, a joint US-Canada-European space agency quickly arose to control deep space exploration. Over the first several decades, 9 major STAR BASES…
Stud Poker: A Casino-Style Game Listing for the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Program to play five card stud power against the computer.
Summer Westcoast TS Fair Features an "All-Star" CastAnnouncement for the fair, to be held August 6 and 7, 1988, in Portland, Ore.
Sunstate Timex Sinclair Winterfest '88A lighter attendance than expected and heavy rain didn’t dampen the spirits of those T/S users who gathered in Orlando, Florida on March 5 and 6 for the Sunstate T/S Winterfest. A good time was enjoyed by all those who could make it. The area is one of the nation’s most popular tourist spots, with…
Super Detailed Disk DirectoryTS 2068 Type-in program 32 and 64-column disk directories for the AERCO FD-68.
SuperBASIC Editor for the QLQL Using Quill to edit SuperBASIC programs.
SupertapeTS 1000 Software review Review of the tape from JRC Software.
SynxTS 2068 Type-in program Machine code routine for AERCO disk users to turn off syntax checking when writing or editing programs.
T/S 1000 Digital clockTS 1000 Excerpt from Highfalutin’ Computin’.
- T/S 1000/ZX81 External Keyboard BufferZX81 TS 1000
T/S 2068 Grade BookTS 2068 Software review Short review of teacher assistance program.
T/S BBSBrief into to bulletin-board systems and a list of four that support TS users.
- T/S Computer Fest News: Sunstate Winterfest 88 just weeks away
T/S MODEMSTS 1000 TS 2068 Short article about modems available to TS users.
T/S V.I.P.Timex/Sinclair Video Identification Program
Tape Transfer UtilityTS 2068 Utility to transfer software from tape to the Rotronics Wafadrive.
TASPRINT and AERCO Printer InterfaceTS 2068 Type-in program Pokes necessary to adjust TASPRINT.
Tasword Two TipsTS 2068 POKEs for 2040 printing; large print.
Tasword Two+TS 2068 Type-in program Patches to add new features to Tasword.
- TASWORD Word Count Utility Modification
TDM Columnist Makes "Big Time"Duncan Teague is a regular contributor to COMPUTE! Magazine.
Technical Applications for T/S ComputersTS 2068 Type-in program Linear Programming, is the minimization or maximization of a linear form, subject to linear constraints, containing non-negative variables. Program uses the “simplex” method to do this.
- Terrific Tips
- Text87: An Advanced QL WordprocessorQL Software review
The BookshelfBook review Review of Minute Manual for the Dot Matrix Printer.
The DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive ReviewedTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the streaming cassette storage system.
The Disciple Disk-Operating SystemTS 2068 Hardware review The Disciple Interface is primarily a disk interface, but it also offers several other features which probably make it the best value in disk interfaces for the Sinclair Spectrum currently available. The Disciple is intended for use on a 48K Spectrum. To use it on a TS2068, it requires the addition of a “twister” board…
The Editor's ForumLetter from Jim Preston comments on Timex Sinclair Computer Fest in Indianapolis, repair options for TS owners. Tim Woods notes Jim passed away at 66.
The Editor's ForumZX81 Description of Tim Stoddard’s “souped-up” ZX81: 64K RAM, improved heatsink, digital aquisition module (A/D, D/A, realtime clock) as encountered at the 1987 Midwest TS Computer Fest.
- The Folks Who Bring You Time Designs
The Future of the QL in America and Some QL Graphics SystemsQL Status of the QL and how to potentially improve the commercial viability of the product; discussion of QL drawing/graphics programs.
The Great Game and Graphics ShowTS 2068 Software review Review of the cassette (with 17 programs) from JRC Software.
The Lords of MidnightZX Spectrum Software review Review of the game.
The Mystery of the Missing 253TS 2068 Reference When Timex released its Technical Manual for the TS2068, we learned how to add memory to and switch between its three internal memory banks. This was wonderful stuff, and it’s given us many excellent TS2068 products long after the “profane world” thought that the Timex computer was dead. Still, if we think back, we may…
- The Mystery of the Missing 253, Part FourTS 2068 Reference
- The Mystery of the Missing 253, Part ThreeTS 2068 Reference
The Mystery of the Missing 253: ConclusionTS 2068 Reference Part 5 of series of articles about bank switching as originally designed in the TS 2068.
The NewsroomA Sinclair IBM “Clone” (the Amstrad PC-1640 rebadged as a “Sinclair”). Summer T/S shows: Third Annual Northwest/International Timex Sinclair Mini-Fair; 1988 Midwest Timex Sinclair Conference.
The Old Shell GameTS 2068 Type-in program Simulation of shell guessing game.
The Oliger 2068 Floppy Disk InterfaceTS 2068 Review of the disk drive system.
The Omni-EmuTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Spectrum emultor from Doug Dewey.
The Portuguese ConnectionTS 2068 Tips on using the Zebra disk drive system.
The Portuguese ConnectionTS 2068 Converting VU-3D, VU-CALC, VI-FILE and Timex Chess to the Zebra disk system.
The Programming CornerTS 2068 Questions about Larken disk system; programming in machine code; recovering from data loss.
The Rise and Fall of the Timex Computer Corporation, Part 1: What Happened?I don’t know exactly what came to your mind when you heard the news, but as for myself, I experienced the five classic reactions to a death. First denial, then anger, and so on. It crept suddenly up on us all like a trap catches a mouse. We should have seen it coming. We should…
The Rise and Fall of the Timex Computer Corporation, Part 2: On the Drawing BoardTS 2068 Throughout the month of January and even into the early part of February, before the bad news had hit, the product planning department at Timex was bustling. Led by director Billy Skyrme, a long time company employee, this division was creating a bit of excitement among TS user groups and in the computer press. Speculation…
- The Super-QL: Using the Sinclair QL with 640K RAMQL
The TS 2068 Software DirectoryTS 1000 TS 2068 Listing of vendors and their products.
The TS2068 and the Commodore 1520 PlotterTS 2068 Hardware review Review of John McMichael’s interface and driver software to allow for printing to the 1520.
The Z-Link Interface ... a synopsisTS 2068 Description of twister board and other accessories for the TS 2068.
Through the Magnifying GlassTS 2068 Software review Short review of Sherlock, a game for the ZX Spectrum.
TIMACHINE - A BASIC CompilerTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Software review Timachine will compile virtually all of the Sinclair BASIC commands into a much speedier program.
TIMACHINE on AERCO DiskTS 2068 Type-in program Hint for moving Novelsoft’s TIMACHINE to disk.
- Time Designs TestsQL Software review
- Time Designs Tests: QRAM, Archivist MP, Text87 & MailbagQL Software review
- Time Designs Tests: Speedscreen, Flashback, Type 22 and RefieldQL Software review
Time Designs Tests: Tax-I-QL/87, PACIOLI and THE SPYQL Software review Reviews of the programs.
Time ZonesTS 2068 Type-in program Determines time differences in global location.
Timex Meets Dave HigginbottomUpdate on Higgenbottom’s effort to take over the 2068.
Timex/Sinclair Lives!Editorial announcing magazine.
Tips on ZX81/TS1000 Computer RepairZX81 TS 1000 Tips for resolving common problems.
TomahawkTS 2068 Software review Review of the flight simulator program.
Tone/Phone 2068?TS 2068 Type-in program Program to simulate the tones produced by a touch-tone phone.
- Top Ten Newsletters
Top Ten of 1985TS 2068 ZX Spectrum Top Spectrum games and programs for the year.
Trouble-shooting the QLQL Hints on overcoming issues with faulty QL computers.
- TS 1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part OneTS 1000 TS 1500
- TS 1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part ThreeTS 1000 TS 1500
- TS 1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part TwoTS 1000 TS 1500
TS 1000/TS 1500 Program Chaining, ConclusionTS 1000 Tutorial Last article in series on loading programs in sequence.
TS 2068 Products for Experimenters from the John Oliger CompanyTS 2068 Cartridge boards, expansion boar, EPROM programmer.
TS 2068/Spectrum-WaresTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Update on Spectrum emulation options, accessories for TS 2068 users with an emulator ROM.
TS 2068/Spectrum-WaresTS 2068 Spectrum ROM/adapter options from Doug Dewey, Pheonix Enterprises, Foote Software and Long Island Sinclair Timex Group.
TS 2068/Spectrum-WaresTS 2068 Updates on the Clifford and Associates Z-LINK 2068/Spectrum interface card, new products from DAMCO and English Micro Connection.
TS CommuniqueTS 2068 QL Change R67 on TS2068 to adjust output impedance of composite video out. Saving Tomahawk to disk. Joystick and printing problems.
TS CommuniqueTS 2068 Questions about MSCRIPT, monitors, interfaces for the Okimate 10/20, glitches printing to Smith-Corona TP-II.
- TS CommuniqueTS 2068 QL
TS CommuniqueTS 1000 TS 2068 Programming ROMs to contain multiple operating systems; problem with Amdisk III; problem with converted TI keyboard; saving certain programs to disk with NMI SAVE button.
TS CommuniqueA forum for people having problems with their 1000, 1500 and 2068.
TS Communique: Your Hardware Problems ExploredTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Mindware MW-100 printer with TS2068; composite/RGB monitor blanking when used with 1000; interfacing to TTL monitors; Hacksel interface with Radio Shack DMP-105; DMP-105 with Memotech I/F and 1000; non-linearity of 2040 printout.
TS Computerfest II Plans AiredGroundwork for the Second Annual Mid West TS Computerfest underway.
- TS1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part FiveTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program
TS1000/TS1500 Program Chaining, Part FourTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program For a practical demonstration of a chained program, using the Above RAMTOP method of passing data from one module to another, I have chosen one consisting of three modules. A module to set RAMTOP (“RT”), a text entry module (“TE”), and a text LPRINT module (“PRT”). The program will allow you to enter, store above…
TS2068 Drop Down MenusTS 2068 Type-in program Utility program to support Macintosh-style dropdown menus.
Turbo EspritTS 2068 Software review Review of the ZX Spectrum game.
TurbosTS 2068 Type-in program “TURBOS” is a computer program for engine building enthusiasts. By taking an engine that has no turbo, blower, ect., and using its rated horsepower, the rpms it was rated at, and the engine’s cubic inch displacement, one can figure the cubic feet of air flow through the engine and thus calculate new horsepower.
Two Names Change - Service Remains the SameEd Grey Enterprises (formerly Grey & Clifford Computer Products) continues to support Timex/Sinclair market. Variety Sales changes its name to Variety Computers & Electronics.
Two Programs from Executive WorkshopTS 2068 Software review Review of the Straits of Hormuz and Executive Clue, both for the TS 2068.
Ultra-Easy Designer GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program A colorful little utility which leaves you all the fun of designing user defined graphics and little of the drudgery. It allows the user to design four UDG characters on screen at once and by the use of on-screen menus to alter, move or save them.
Understanding and Upgrading the TS1016 RAM PackHardware project This is the first of a two-part article on how dynamic rams operate, how the TS1016 works, and how to upgrade the ram pack to use the newer 5 volt 64k dynamic rams.
Understanding and Upgrading The TS1016 RAM PackTS 1000 Hardware project This is the second part on upgrading your TS 1016 RAM pack to 64k. Last issue we discussed the ins and outs of dynamic memory and how the Sinclair RAM pack works.
Upgrading Your QLQL Recommended hardware upgrades.
- User Group UpdateTS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Using Oliger SAFE DOS Version 2.52TS 2068 What’s new and updated in the Oliger DOS.
VAMP: TV to Monitor KitHardware project Conversion kit for TVs to allow for direct composite input.
Vieword Mailist FormailTS 2068 Software review VIEWord, MAIList, and FORMail are utility programs that would be most suited for the small business environment or personal home computing. VIEWord is an interesting (but easy-to-use) word processor. MAIList, as the name implies, is an address manager, and FORMail is a utility that uses files from both VIEWord and MAIList, to print formal type…
Warren's 2068 Basics: Horizontal Bar ChartTS 2068 Type-in program Routine to plot and print bar charts.
What's NewTS 1000 TS 2068 ZX Spectrum QL Update on the Spectrum 128K, TASWORD Three, computer astronomy newletter.
Where Are We Going?An interview with the editor/publisher of Time Designs Magazine.
Where Goest Fred?Fred Nachbaur accepted a position with a firm in Ottawa.
- Which System Do You Use? Reader Tips and Hints for Mass-Storage
Who Was There? What Was There? Another look at the 1987 Sinclair Extravaganza...Report from the 1987 Midwest Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest, held May 2nd and 3rd, 1987, in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Why the QL?QL Reasons not to give up on the QL.
Why the QL? Reasons Why You Should Take The Quantum LeapQL The Sinclair QL, with its compact and efficient keyboard console, its 32-bit CPU, its twin Microdrives, its excellent operating system and highly regarded SuperBASIC, its exceptional “bundled” software, its comprehensive user guide, and finally, its available hardware and software support, is a “best buy” by a considerable margin at $299.
Wind Chill ChartQL Type-in program Type-in program inspired by similar program in Computer Shopper.
You Too can be an ArtistTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Software review Review of The Artist by Bon Jangeborg, published SofTechnics. Requires Spectrum ROM.
- Z ColumnZ88
Z-ColumnZ88 Column about the Z88.
Z88 ... more on Sir Clive's microchip wonderZ88 Hardware review Overview of the laptop computer.
Zebra Disk Drive System for the 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Unless you have been out of the country for the past year, I am sure that you have heard about the Timex Portugal Disk Drive System that was made in Europe and might be sold here in the United States. For a time, it seemed that this system would not be sold here. But thanks…
Zebra Graphics Tablet for 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Koala Pad and adapter, plus software.
Zebra-Talker Speech SynthesizerTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Votrax SC-01-based speech synthesis unit.
Zebra/Timex FDD Disk SystemTS 2068 Disk handler (program) and tips for using the Zebra disk drives.
Zeus UtilityTS 2068 Converts Zeus source code files into ASCII files for either Mscript or Tasword Two.
ZIP Basic CompilerTS 2068 Software review Review of the program, notes issues.
ZX ... Phone HomeTS 1000 Type-in program Program to determine words based on the last four digits of a phone number.
ZX Color? Chroma-SoftZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of Russell Electronics’ “experimental software color graphics” that used software tricks to create the illusion of color.
ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G.TS 1000 Software review ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G. is a complex and comprehensive spreadsheet/accounting package. R.F.R.G. is a supplement to ZX-CALC called an “accounting model” (R.F.R.G. stands for Rodriguez Financial Report Generator). The author states that it is used primarily for sole proprieterships who do not have the company’s assets tied up in land.
ZX-Term*80TS 1000 Software review Review of the terminal program for the TS1000.
ZX81 Data Acquisition ModuleZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project A/D converter for the TS/ZX using the TLC548.
ZX81 Data Acquisition ModuleTS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project Part two of series on building a digital-to-analog converter.
Publisher: Time Designs Magazine Company
Started in late 1984 by Tim Woods and others, Time Designs Magazine was a bi-monthly that had aimed fill the void created by the departure of SYNC, TIMEX SINCLAIR USER, and SYNTAX. By 1986, their mailing list included more than 3,000 Timex Sinclair readers.
The first year of the magazine was republished in The Best of Time Designs.