Date: November/December 1986
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
- The Folks Who Bring You Time Designs
"Remember Back When.."Fred reminisces about the Timex/Sinclair computers.
LettersTS 2068 Type-in program Redirecting output from the screen to the printer on the 2068; Ski and Cavern games a hit; mathematic equalities; help with Larken disk drive; football prediction program.
TS Computerfest II Plans AiredGroundwork for the Second Annual Mid West TS Computerfest underway.
New Spectrum Off to Giant; Start American Travelers Abroad Report on PC ShowZX Spectrum American Timex Sinclair distributors Rob and Debbie Curry of Curry Computer and John Warburton of Sunset Electronics attended the annual Personal Computer Show in Olympia, Great Britain, the first weekend of September.
"All The News Fit to Print"ZX81 TS 1000 QL Arctan Computer Ventures offers programs for ZX81/TS1000 users; E. Arthur Brown has exclusive publishing rights to The Hacker’s Handbook; Dungeon of Ymir version three available; Money Machine II available; Soundesign and Tracer available from RMG; replacement SCLDs from Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group; Tomahawk from Knighted Computers; ROMON for Sinclair QL; Zebra Systems purchased the…
Smart Text TS-2068TS 2068 Software review “SMART TEXT TS-2068” is Bill Jones’ effort to create an AppleWorks environment for your TS-2068. The package includes a text editor and manager integrated with a small mailing list routine. Other convenient features are printer formatting for a variety of utilitarian purposes and in a variety of type styles.
Musician RoyalTS 2068 Software review MUSICIAN ROYAL is one of the most recent programs released for the 2068. Written by Dr. Oleg D. Jefimenko and sold by Electret Scientific Company, it proves to be one of the more comprehensive music programs available.
Sprites 2068TS 2068 Software review SPRITES 2068 is a sprite development and handler package. Those of you that have the Technical Manual will note that there is an appendix, number C-5, devoted to this subject. This program is none other than this same code. SPRITES 2068 co-authors Tidwell and Ruegg have “debugged” the Timex sprite package code.
KaleidoscopeZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Many “Kaleidoscope” programs have appeared over the years. These simple, but fascinating graphics displays have been adapted to virtually every computer ever built. The ZX81/TS family is no exception. Unfortunately, since the Z80 CPU in these machines is {effectively} clocked at only -5 mHZ in SLOW mode, the result is rather slow and BO-RING.
TS1000/TS1500 Program Chaining, Part FourTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program For a practical demonstration of a chained program, using the Above RAMTOP method of passing data from one module to another, I have chosen one consisting of three modules. A module to set RAMTOP (“RT”), a text entry module (“TE”), and a text LPRINT module (“PRT”). The program will allow you to enter, store above…
Understanding and Upgrading The TS1016 RAM PackTS 1000 Hardware project This is the second part on upgrading your TS 1016 RAM pack to 64k. Last issue we discussed the ins and outs of dynamic memory and how the Sinclair RAM pack works.
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 5TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- The Mystery of the Missing 253, Part ThreeTS 2068 Reference
Tone/Phone 2068?TS 2068 Type-in program Program to simulate the tones produced by a touch-tone phone.
Simply MusicTS 2068 Type-in program Basic program that uses the three sound channels of the TS 2068 to create music.
Son of Ultra-Easy Designer GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program Patches to upgrade Ultra-Easy Designer Graphics to handle 116 UDGs.
BASIC2text .... Extending the use of MTERM IITS 2068 Type-in program Program to remove non-ASCII control codes and expand tokens to full ASCII equivalents so that programs may be uploaded to BBSes and shared with other users.
QL EtcherQL Type-in program Etch-a-Sketch for the QL.
I Built a QL KitQL Hardware review Review of user-assembled QL available from dealers.
- QL Quill/Word Processor TipsQL Type-in program