SQ Syntax Quarterly
- 16K RAM Pack SchematicZX81 Reference
- 555 Timer CalculationsTS 1000 Type-in program
A Program to Index ArticlesZX81 Type-in program Program lets you index and instantly find articles from your favorite publications by name, category, volume, issue and page.
At Your FingertipsTS 1000 Hardware review Review of KOPAK Creations’ Touch-A-Matic.
Beginners' Basic: Exploring String FunctionsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Introduction to the Sinclair methods for manipulating strings.
Beginners' Basic: Getting Information into Your ComputerZX81 Type-in program Tutorial Introduction to variables.
Beginners' Basic: Inside FOR-NEXT LoopsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial about FOR-NEXT loops.
Big Graphics - Small ChallengeTS 1000 Software review Review of Orbyte Software’s Mega Mind.
- Bond Yield to MaturityTS 1000 Type-in program
- Build a 64K Dynamic Memory BoardTS 1000 Hardware project
Build Your Own EPROM Programmer and Centronics Printer Interface - Part ITS 1000 Hardware project Multi-part article series.
- Build Your Own EPROM Programmer and Centronics Printer Interface - Part IITS 1000 Hardware project
CheckmateTS 1000 Software review Review of ZXCHESS from Gladstone Electronics.
Exclusive Review: Timex PrinterTS 2040 Hardware review Review of the TS 2040 printer.
Fantasy IslandTS 1000 Software review Review of Psion’s Fantasy Games.
Federal Income Tax PlannerTS 1000 Type-in program Program to calculate income deductions.
Fiz-zy FloppyTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Floppy Interface for ZX81 (FIZ) from Macronics Systems.
Gammon Your ZX/TSTS 1000 Software review Review of Psion’s Backgammon.
- Geography Review - U.S. States Quiz ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
Getting Your Head StraightTutorial on cassette tape head adjustment.
Go FORTHTS 1000 Software review Review of ZXFORTH from Gladstone Electronics.
Hi Res SolutionTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Memotech’s Hi-Res Graphics module.
Hot StuffTS 1000 Software review Review of SinWare’s HOT Z.
Improved Super Monzxer GameZX81 Type-in program Improvements to Super Monzxer, which originally appeared in the November 1981 issue of Syntax.
Inside StoryTS 1000 Book review Review of Secret Guide to Computers by Russ Walter.
Inside Your ComputerTS 1000 Reference Reprint of material from Zilog’s Z-80 Z-80A CPU Technical Manual.
Keyboard Conversions for ZX/TSTS 1000 Hardware project Overview and how-to attach a full-size keyboard to a ZX81 or TS1000.
Keyboard QuicknessTS 1000 Hardware review Review of auto shift keyboard kit for ZX/TS from Research Applications Products.
Know Your CPUTS 1000 Book review Review of Z80 User’s Manual by Joseph Carr.
M(inus) CoderTS 1000 Software review Review of Personal Software Services’ M-Coder.
Magic on TapeTS 1000 Software review Review of Programmer’s Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync.
- Make-It-Yourself Quiz ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
Making an ImpactHardware review Review of Mindware’s MW-100 printer.
MC Programs - Where and How to Load ThemTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on machine language and tools for loading machine language programs.
Memory with a MemoryTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Hunter 8K non-volatile RAM board.
New CalcTS 1000 Software review Review of VU-CALC.
Operation Codes of the 8080, 8085, and Z80 ProcessorsTS 1000 Reference Conversion tables across the three processors. Reprint of article from March 1980 Byte magazine.
Personal Data BankTS 1000 Software review Review of Psion’s VU-FILE.
Pocket InformationTS 1000 Book review Review of The ZX81 Pocket Book by Trevor Toms.
POKEing Directly To The Display FileTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Writing directly to the display file instead of using PRINT or PLOT to speed up programs.
Simultaneous Linear Equations and Matrix InversionTS 1000 Type-in program Solve simultaneous linear equations or invert N*N matrices by forward and backward row reduction.
Sinclair ZX 16K RAM Pack Issue 3-SRC104TS 1000 Reference Schematic.
Sky-High ZX/TSTS 1000 Software review Review of Psion’s Flight Simulation.
SLOW MotionZX80 MicroAce Hardware review Review of Video Upgrade Board Kit from Computer Engineering Services. Board adds SLOW mode to ZX80 or MicroAce with 8K ROM.
Software Joystick in BASIC and MCTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial about programming joystick routines.
Spelling Mastery through SinclairTS 1000 Type-in program Program to help children learn spelling words.
SQ-upsTS 1000 Corrections and errata for prior articles.
SQ-ups - Winter 1982TS 1000 Corrections to problems with articles in the first issue.
SYNCWARS - An InvasionTS 1000 Type-in program Video game.
Syntactic Sum with VariablesZX81 Type-in program Modified version of Syntactic Sum to check variables in memory as well as program.
The Floppy AlternativeTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the CAI Stringy Floppy.
The Miracle WorkerTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX Compiler-Integer BASIC Compiler from Bob Berch.
The Parellel ConnectionTS 1000 Review of Memotech’s parallel printer interface and Seikosha GP100A printer.
The ZXADreamTS 1000 Software review Review of ZXAD Assembler and Debugger from Scientific Software.
Using Extra Keys on Big Keyboard - A Simpler ApproachTS 1000 Hardware project Connections to map a single key to replace two keystrokes.
ZX Memory MapTS 1000 Reference Memory map as designed, where current peripherals fit in the map and suggestions about standardization.
ZX/TS Directory ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Telephone directory program; stores up to 90 names, addresses and telephone numbers.
ZX/TS Home BudgetTS 1000 Type-in program Program to manage home finances.
ZX/TS Power SuppliesZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Reference Table of details about and schematics of the ZX80, ZX81 and TS1000 power supplies.
ZX/TS UniversityTS 1000 Software review Review of several learning programs from Sinclair Research.
ZX80 Circuit DiagramSchematic of the ZX80.
- ZX81 SchematicZX81 Reference
ZX81/TS1000 Circuit boardTS 1000 Reference Photos of top and bottom of circuit board showing component placement.
Publisher: Harvard Group, The
Glossy magazine by the same group that published Syntax. Only 3 issues published.