Date: Spring 1983
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
SQ-ups - Winter 1982TS 1000 Corrections to problems with articles in the first issue.
SYNCWARS - An InvasionTS 1000 Type-in program Video game.
Beginners' Basic: Exploring String FunctionsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Introduction to the Sinclair methods for manipulating strings.
- Geography Review - U.S. States Quiz ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
POKEing Directly To The Display FileTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Writing directly to the display file instead of using PRINT or PLOT to speed up programs.
Simultaneous Linear Equations and Matrix InversionTS 1000 Type-in program Solve simultaneous linear equations or invert N*N matrices by forward and backward row reduction.
ZX/TS Home BudgetTS 1000 Type-in program Program to manage home finances.
Getting Your Head StraightTutorial on cassette tape head adjustment.
- Make-It-Yourself Quiz ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
- Build Your Own EPROM Programmer and Centronics Printer Interface - Part IITS 1000 Hardware project
Operation Codes of the 8080, 8085, and Z80 ProcessorsTS 1000 Reference Conversion tables across the three processors. Reprint of article from March 1980 Byte magazine.
Sky-High ZX/TSTS 1000 Software review Review of Psion’s Flight Simulation.
New CalcTS 1000 Software review Review of VU-CALC.
Magic on TapeTS 1000 Software review Review of Programmer’s Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync.
Go FORTHTS 1000 Software review Review of ZXFORTH from Gladstone Electronics.
The Parellel ConnectionTS 1000 Review of Memotech’s parallel printer interface and Seikosha GP100A printer.
Fiz-zy FloppyTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Floppy Interface for ZX81 (FIZ) from Macronics Systems.
Keyboard QuicknessTS 1000 Hardware review Review of auto shift keyboard kit for ZX/TS from Research Applications Products.
Pocket InformationTS 1000 Book review Review of The ZX81 Pocket Book by Trevor Toms.
Know Your CPUTS 1000 Book review Review of Z80 User’s Manual by Joseph Carr.
Inside StoryTS 1000 Book review Review of Secret Guide to Computers by Russ Walter.
- Brainchild Computer Works, Inc.
- Byte-Back Co
- Down East Computers
- E-Z Key
- Frog Software
- General Systems Consulting
- Gladstone Electronics
- Innovation
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- International Publishing & Software Inc
- JK Audio
- KOPAK Creations, Inc.
- M. C. Hoffman
- Melbourne House Publishers
- Memotech
- Mindware, Inc.
- Sinware
- Softsync, Inc.
- Thomas B. Woods
- Z-Ware