Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Timex needs higher profileMagazine still seeking entries to programming contest. Timex absent from the West Coast Faire.
Letters: Lending an Ear, Keeping the Faith, Complaint DepartmentTS 1000 Kujawa seeks help in learning to program. Brehm pleased with his expanded TS1000. Odan expresses frustration with broken TS1000.
Shoot Your Way To SafetyTS 1000 Software review Review of Combat Flight from Melbourne House.
2K games will pleaseTS 1000 Software review Starblaster is one of six 2k games sold by Softsync.
Aliens AttackTS 1000 Software review Review of Galactic Invaders from Sams.
Fast Action In 2KTS 1000 Software review Review of TS Destroyer and Space Raid, both from Softsync.
A-maze-ing 3-D overviewTS 1000 Software review Review of Labyrinth, from Mindware.
Assembler offers aidTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX Assembler, from International Publishing and Software.
Defend your planetTS 1000 Software review Review of Galactic Invasion, from International Computers Ltd.
In search of a golden memoryTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews Memopak 16K, Sinclair 16K and ZX-Panda. All fall short of perfection.
When the lights go out ...TS 1000 Hardware review Cramic-81 is a low-power, battery-backup RAM.
Clive sells 1.6 million computers...130,000 ZX80s, 750,000 ZX81s and 200,000 Spectrums. Does not include at least 600,000 T/S 1000s.
... and snags awardGuardian named Clive Sinclair the Young Businessman of the Year.
No Faire for TimexTimex was not at 8th West Coast Computer Faire.
U.K. Hoax Exposed“Machine Code Converter” published in April Sinclair User turns out to be hoax.
The Great Connecticut Kit-Building ExperimentZX81 New Haven teacher Chris Baldwin enrolled 28 kids in his 10-week ZX81 workshop.
Computers as teachers: do they work?Overview of how the Sinclair and Timex computers could bring affordable computer literacy to schools.
How educational are the "educational" programsTS 1000 Software review Brief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
Check our handy chess guideTS 1000 Software review Survey of chess programs including Timeware Chess, Chessmaster, Superchess, 1K Chess, 2K Chess, Timex Sinclair Chess.
Go with the flow and no illogical jumpsTS 1000 Type-in program Part two of a step-by-step guide to teach readers how to program. Translating a flowchart to a program.
Laser CannonTS 1000 Type-in program Space Invaders like game that fits in 1K.
16 Pin BowlingTS 1000 Type-in program 1K program simulates bowling.
Use ItTS 1000 Type-in program Short program to demonstrate several features of the computer.
Knight's MoveTS 1000 Type-in program Use the movement pattern of the knight in chess to cover every space in a square.
SurroundTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Game where the goal is to surround your opponent before they surround you. Uses PEEK to read the keyboard.
Alien LureTS 1000 Type-in program Game which links bug-baiting with a battle against alien invaders.
Computer Combat!TS 1000 Type-in program 1K mini Space Invaders program in BASIC.
Who says that graphics have to be complicated?TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on TS1000 graphics.
Build your own EPROM blower without blowing a fortuneTS 1000 Hardware project Build an 8255-based EPROM programmer, for 2516 and 2532 devices.
Vast support network growingTS 1000 List of user groups across the country.
The basic route to a habit-forming hobbyTS 1000 Guide for new owners.
Vast database soon available to Sinclair usersReport on microdrives and Micronet 800, an online service offered by British Telecom.
The Paradoxical World of Clive SinclairBrief overview of Sinclair’s career.
All about ROMsZX81 Book review Review of Understanding your ZX-81 ROM by Ian Logan.
These kids' books make learning funBook review Review of Computers for Kids and Katie and the Computer, both from Creative Computing Press.
Fresh air from RestonTS 1000 Book review Review of Making the Most of Your Timex Sinclair by Tim Hartnell.
Bulletins: Software satirizes suburbanitesTS 1000 Games from 2-Bit Software, keyboard from Pegasus Micro Systems, motherboard from Syntech, programs from Orbyte Software, E-Z Key 60 recommended, programs from ZX-Panding Ltd and announcement of the Timex-Sinclair 1983 Directory from E. Arthur Brown Company.
More Missile MadnessTS 1000 Software review Review of Missile Launcher, from Intercomputer.
- Gladstone Electronics
- Timex Computer Corporation
- Harvard Group, The
- Innovation
- Filesixty
- Melbourne House Publishers
- Byte-Back Co
- International Publishing & Software Inc
- Expense Cutter Products, Inc.
- Kempston Micro Electronics
- Micro Developments
- Sinclair Place
- Felix Software
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- E-Z Key
- Mindware, Inc.
- DK'tronics
- Hunter Electronics
- Brainchild Computer Works, Inc.
- Notting Dale Technology Centre
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Prism Microproducts
- Run-It Software Club
- Thomas B. Woods
- E. Arthur Brown Company
- Laserscan Electronics Corp.
- Electronic Technology Today Inc.
- S & S Company, The
- Computex Cases
- Cascade Software
- Cover Craft
- Memotech