Timex Sinclair User
... and snags awardGuardian named Clive Sinclair the Young Businessman of the Year.
... and software does tooNational software library set up as a research and reference facility for the microcomputer industry.
'RithmeticTS 1000 Software review Review of Supermath by Timex.
16 Pin BowlingTS 1000 Type-in program 1K program simulates bowling.
2K games will pleaseTS 1000 Software review Starblaster is one of six 2k games sold by Softsync.
3 in 1: Mixed Game Bag 1TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Timex.
3-D Xs and OsTS 1000 Type-in program 3D Tic Tac Toe.
3-D Xs and OsTS 1000 Type-in program Three dimensional tic tac toe.
3D Xs and OsProgram was only partially printed in prior issue. Full listing in this issue.
6 Keyboards Compared: Which is the one for you?TS 1000 Hardware review Add-on keyboards are available for your T/S — but which one should you buy?
A personal computer with many office applicationsTS 1000 Software review Biers describes using the TS1000 for business applications. He also authored several programs for business, incuding Business Pack I, Business Pack II and Personal Financial Planning Pack, all published by Gladstone Electronics.
A-maze-ing 3-D overviewTS 1000 Software review Review of Labyrinth, from Mindware.
Alien LureTS 1000 Type-in program Game which links bug-baiting with a battle against alien invaders.
Aliens AttackTS 1000 Software review Review of Galactic Invaders from Sams.
Aliens Attack AgainTS 1000 Software review In Invasion Force, you control a laser base and must shoot through a moving force field and destroy an alien ship. If you hit a black blob in the moving force field, all your damage to the ship is repaired. Smaller ships fly by and drop bombs on you. The game ends when you run…
Aliens earn top marks (3D-Orbiter)TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Melbourne House.
All about ROMsZX81 Book review Review of Understanding your ZX-81 ROM by Ian Logan.
- Also from Timex: a new printerTS 2040
Amusement for Brainy TypesTS 1000 Software review Reviews of The Nowotnik Puzzle, Mega Mind and The Cube Game.
An Illuminating IdeaTS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project Hardware and software to switch up to four 5-amp loads at up to 110v.
And Now the ComicsParent company of Timex Sinclair User has announced Load Runner, the “galaxy’s first computer comic.”
Angry ApeTS 1000 Software review Review of Krazy Kong by Intercomputer.
Arcade CorrectionsCorrections to part 1 of Programming Arcade Games.
Assembler offers aidTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX Assembler, from International Publishing and Software.
Back-up system for dataZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Short overview of the ZX-99 RS232C and tape control system.
Beginner's BASIC book a beautyTS 1000 Book review Review of David Lien’s Learning Timex Sinclair BASIC.
Binomial DistributionTS 1000 Type-in program Display shows a ball falling through a triangular matrix of pegs. When the ball hits one of the pegs, it rebounds to the left or right, entirely at random.
BlabbermanTS 1000 Type-in program Animation of a Timex/Sinclair lover. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Blue No MoreTS 1000 Use a giant rubber band to prevent RAM pack wobble.
Book-cassette package teaches programmingTS 1000 Software review Book review Review of Programming for Real Applications by Dilithium Software.
Britain's Software Pioneer Days are OverThe market has become more sophisticated and selling a good cassette can be just as difficult as writing it.
British prices fall againZX Spectrum Sinclair Research in Britain maintained its reputation when, with no more than a brief press statement, announced a massive cut in the prices of the two versions of Spectrum.
Build your own EPROM blower without blowing a fortuneTS 1000 Hardware project Build an 8255-based EPROM programmer, for 2516 and 2532 devices.
BulletinsUpdates from Hawg Wild, Silicon Valley North, Daydesign, T-S Systems, Intercomputer, Mindware, Micro Developments, DK’tronics, MicroSync, Florida Creations, Len Harmon, Filesixty, Data-assette.
BulletinsUpdates from Sirius Ware, Lipinksi Software, Stuart Software, Barlog Software, C.R.C. Software, 2-Bit Software, Sync Master.
BulletinsUpdates from ATC Software, Kentronics, Computech, SyncMaster, KIS Engineering, Gladstone.
BulletinsTS 1000 Second anniversary celebration of Sinclair-Timex User Group of the Boston Computer Society; user seeks triangulation software; query about using TS1000 as a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD).
BulletinsUpdates from Intercomputer, Timextown, John Glazer, Warren Imports Group, KSOFT.
Bulletins: Software satirizes suburbanitesTS 1000 Games from 2-Bit Software, keyboard from Pegasus Micro Systems, motherboard from Syntech, programs from Orbyte Software, E-Z Key 60 recommended, programs from ZX-Panding Ltd and announcement of the Timex-Sinclair 1983 Directory from E. Arthur Brown Company.
Can Timex maintain its image of clocklike efficiency?Editorial about issues Timex has had marketing its computers and touching on articles in the issue.
Capital IdeasBook review Review of Home Computer Can Make You Rich by Joe Weisbecker.
Check our handy chess guideTS 1000 Software review Survey of chess programs including Timeware Chess, Chessmaster, Superchess, 1K Chess, 2K Chess, Timex Sinclair Chess.
- Christmas ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
Circuit training helps to build good charactersTS 1000 Hardware project Expansion to allow user-defined characters.
Clearing system bugsTS 1000 Tutorial Final article in series on programming in Bsci.
Clive runs up $200 millionSinclair Research valued at $204 million with the launch of the Spectrum.
Clive sells 1.6 million computers...130,000 ZX80s, 750,000 ZX81s and 200,000 Spectrums. Does not include at least 600,000 T/S 1000s.
- Clive Sinclair is Knighted
Color Me Gorgeous!TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Description and demonstration of the 2068’s color abilities.
- Comdex '83
Companies Battling For SurvivalReports of troubles with the microcomputer market in the UK.
CompoetryTS 1000 Type-in program Input a list of nouns, verbs and adjectives and computer produces a poem.
Computer Combat!TS 1000 Type-in program 1K mini Space Invaders program in BASIC.
Computerized Dee-JayTS 1000 Explains how one user created a database for 3,500+ records in The Organizer and some techniques he used to compress data.
Computerized Filing CabinetTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX-Data Finder by Thomas B. Woods.
Computers and ConfusionTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 Two new computers from Timex! That’s good news. The 2000 series is described on page 12. We looked at the 1500 in our previous issue. We’re glad these new machines are with us. Rut having said that, let’s look at the way Timex brought them to us. No sooner had we all bought our T/S…
Computers as teachers: do they work?Overview of how the Sinclair and Timex computers could bring affordable computer literacy to schools.
Contest WinnersTS 1000 Winners of the 2K program contest. Winning programs are:
Convert your T/S,ZX to ColorTS 1000 Hardware project Build an add-on to connect a 6847 video display generator (same as in Radio Shack Color Computer) to your TS1000.
Converting Your Computer Into An OctopusMicroAce How Cliff Danielson expanded his MicroAce to a powerful home computer. Initially purchased to be the front-end to his home-built Z80 computer, he expanded the MicroAce with an 8K ROM, circuit to add FAST mode, 32K RAM, full-size keyboard, interfacing to a second computer.
Copying More or Less than the Standard 22 LinesTS 1000 TS 2040 Type-in program Define the number of lines printed via the COPY command to reduce paper waste.
CountingTS 1000 Type-in program Demonstrates how fast machine language can count. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Crazy WordsTS 1000 Type-in program Madlibs on the computer. One of the Clever Contest winners.
DealersTS 1000 Type-in program Program to deal 52 cards at random without repeating a card.
Defend your planetTS 1000 Software review Review of Galactic Invasion, from International Computers Ltd.
Deja-vu (ZX Scramble)TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from International Publishing and Software.
Devices DeliversTS 1000 Hardware review Review of L-Monitor.
Dial-A-WordTS 1000 Type-in program Program to convert phone numbers into words/phrases.
DiceTS 1000 Type-in program Simple program to roll six-sided dice.
DISA-Z: A Z80 DisassemblerTS 1000 TS 2000 TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Disassembler for the TS2000, written and debugged on the 1000.
Disassembly book is complex, invaluableTS 1000 Book review Review of The Complete Timex TS1000/Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly by Ian Logan and Frank O’Hara.
Download from RadioMicroperipheral Corporation developed a 4800 baud modem that could download software broadcast over the radio.
Eat the dots ... (GULP)TS 1000 Software review Review of the Pac-Man clone game from Mindware.
Electric car, mini-TV, keep Sinclair's researchers busyUpdate on projects at Sinclair.
Exercise and CaloriesTS 1000 Type-in program Program to show calories used per activity.
Fast Action In 2KTS 1000 Software review Review of TS Destroyer and Space Raid, both from Softsync.
Fast Aliens (Galaxia)TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Artic Computing.
Filing and Inventory SystemsTS 1000 Software review Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
Flash and ScrollTS 1000 Type-in program Displays a string: flashes and scrolls it with machine language. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Flash CardTS 1000 Type-in program Program to make flash cards into a game.
Flying High: PilotTS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Mindware.
Flying Your T/S1000TS 1000 Software review Review of Night Gunner.
Follow our golden rules for better SAVEs and LOADsZX81 TS 1000 Tips for saving and loading.
For Football FansTS 1000 Software review Review of Pick ‘Em by Stuart Software.
Fresh air from RestonTS 1000 Book review Review of Making the Most of Your Timex Sinclair by Tim Hartnell.
Fringe BenefitsTS 1000 Software review Review of ZXAK-MAN by Pleasantrees Programming.
Fun In The CarrotpatchTS 1000 Software review Review of Packrabbit.
Glimpse of the Series 2000TS 2000 TS 2068 Hardware review To give you a head start on the Timex Sinclair 2000-series color computer, Fred Blechman explains how to use the keyboard of its prototype, the Spectrum from Sinclair.
Go with the flow and no illogical jumpsTS 1000 Type-in program Part two of a step-by-step guide to teach readers how to program. Translating a flowchart to a program.
- Hampson's PlaneTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
Happy Simulated LandingsTS 1000 Software review With the Flight Simulation program you must land your airplane successfully on the runway without crashing. Sitting in the cockpit, your control panel shows your speed, altitude, fuel and power. The top of viewing window for the landing.
Here comes the 1500!TS 1500 TS 2000 First they brought you the T/S 1000! Next they promised the T/S 2000! But from what we have been able to learn, the American public was not as accepting of the redone ZX81 (which is what the machine was originally called in the U.K.) and quite willing to wait for the more sophisticated machine. There…
HexDumpTS 1000 Type-in program Displays the contents of any portion of memory in hexadecimal.
HEXEDIT: A Simple Hexadecimal Machine Code EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Short BASIC program that allows you to write, enter and debug hexadecimal machine code routines.
Hot under the MicrochipTS 1000 Has your T/S1000 ever crashed? If so, chances are it was due to overheating – probabyl the most common cause.
How educational are the "educational" programsTS 1000 Software review Brief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
How I started a user groupA lot of people have asked me, “What is a user group and how does one get started?” A user group is a group of people who meet on a regular basis to share and discuss ideas and problems regarding the computer. There are many different types of user groups. Some are formed by owners…
How to Build an Inexpensive Joystick InterfaceTS 1000 Hardware project Simple circuit and software to interface Atari joysticks to the 1000.
In search of a golden memoryTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews Memopak 16K, Sinclair 16K and ZX-Panda. All fall short of perfection.
In The Fast LaneTS 1000 Software review Review of Timeblasters by Robotec.
Input/Output Board lets you add on peripheralsTS 1000 Hardware review Micro Developments’ I/O boards.
Inside the T/S1000, ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Description of the hardware that makes up these computers.
Instantaneous Keyboard ResponseTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Part III of Programming Arcade Games.
Joysticks to the WorldTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Zebra joystick interface and Atto Soft joystick, which solders directly to the motherboard.
KaleidoscopeTS 1000 Type-in program Prints thousands of constantly changing patterns. One of the Clever Contest winners.
KingdomTS 1000 Type-in program Manage a rural realm, attempt to increase personal wealth and protect your people from flood, famine and the depredations of the ruthless local banditry.
KingdomTS 1000 Type-in program Reprint of the program that appeared in issue 3 with missing code.
Knight's MoveTS 1000 Type-in program Use the movement pattern of the knight in chess to cover every space in a square.
Kwikplot: A program for investigating correlationsTS 1000 Type-in program Plots the correlation coefficient between two variables.
LanderTS 1000 Type-in program Lunar Lander.
Laser CannonTS 1000 Type-in program Space Invaders like game that fits in 1K.
Lazy Monster: 3D Monster MazeTS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Melbourne House.
Learning to Love the BeastBook review Review of How to Cope with Computers, published by Hayden.
Let the structure flow and you are well on the wayTS 1000 Tutorial Part one of a step-by-step guide to teach readers how to program. Article discusses flowcharting programs.
Let this software help you run your homeTS 1000 Software review Reviews and compares four programs specifically designed to help manage money; one to set home files straight (birthdays, recipes, phone numbers, and so on) and one full 16K program just for all those bonus coupons that accumulate.
LettersZX81 TS 2040 On UK imports; overworked ZX81; reader service cards; support from South Carolina; question about RAM pack compatibility; on the 2040; pricing RAM packs; Cosmos revisited.
LettersLetters from readers about full-size keyboards, disk drives, learning Basic, the Spectrum.
LettersLetters about balance of articles between 1000 and 2068; 2040 paper; user support; overheating; program improvements; submitting programs; non-games programs; readability; improvement of the magazine.
LettersTS 1000 Letters about largest integer that can be stored; compatibility of TS1500 cartridges with 1000; saving memory; difficulty saving; differences between ZX81 and TS1000; tape recorders; inverse characters.
LettersLetters about articles in previous issues, Winky Board 2.
Letters: Lending an Ear, Keeping the Faith, Complaint DepartmentTS 1000 Kujawa seeks help in learning to program. Brehm pleased with his expanded TS1000. Odan expresses frustration with broken TS1000.
Lifetime's obsession can easily be acquiredTS 1000 Advice for new and prospective TS1000 owners.
Limited mail-order availability for new ZX MicrodriveSinclair Research used a limited mail order system to launch the Microdrive.
Link to the real worldZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Review of Down East Computing’s VOTEM, an all-purpose voltage and temperature measuring system designed to interface with the TS1000, ZX81 computer or any Z80 based system.
Locking UpTS 1000 Type-in program POKEs to prevent others from loading your programs.
Looking Back and Looking AheadEditorial about the state of the magazine.
Machine Code Tape Offers Seven UtilitiesTS 1000 Software review Review of Machine Code Test Tool from Oxford Computer Publishing.
Machine language simplifiedZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of Machine Language Made Simple For Your Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81.
Making A Good Thing Even BetterTS 1000 Hardware review Review of dk’Tronics’ replacement keyboard.
Meet the man who clogged up Connecticut's phone systemIn our premier issue, Timex Sinclair User features an exclusive interview with Dan Ross, the man who heads up the Timex computer division. His decisions will hopefully make T/S computing ever more fascinating in the future. Managing Editor Joe Gladstone reports. Probably the man most difficult to reach in the computer business is Dan Ross,…
Merging in BASICTS 1000 Type-in program Technique for merging two data sets.
Microdrives for T/S Machines?Sinclair Research is close to announcing the launch date for the Microdrive.
MinibreakoutTS 1000 Type-in program Breakout program in Basic.
MinotaursTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Maze game: avoid the hungry minotaur.
Mixed-Use 4-Pack is a Mixed BlessingTS 1000 Software review Review of Powerpack 1 from Timex.
More Missile MadnessTS 1000 Software review Review of Missile Launcher, from Intercomputer.
More than Electronic BabysittingTS 1000 The man behind the camp program at Wesleyan College in Fort Worth, doesn’t Iike to make predictions. But one fact in the future of education Dr. Mark Wasicsko is sure of: computers.
More Than One Can ChewTS 1000 Book review Review of Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex Sinclair 1000 published by Wiley.
National ListingListing of user groups.
No Faire for TimexTimex was not at 8th West Coast Computer Faire.
Note TesterTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Program to print a note at a random spot on the musical scale; user names the note.
Now in CanadaTS 1000 TX Computers Canada (the official name of Timex Computers in Canada) will be launching the TS1000 in Canada this summer.
Now your computer talks backTS 1000 Hardware review Brief of the DCP Speech pack.
Of Things To Come1983 Summer Consumer Electronics Show included representatives from Timex.
On the Future of the 1000TS 1000 TS 1500 Editorial about the direction of the magazine and continued support for 1000 and 1500 owners.
Packrabbit With A JoystickTS 1000 Type-in program POKEs to make Packrabbit, a program Timex Sinclair User sent to new subscribers, work with Righter’s joystick interface.
Paradox of the TwinsTS 1000 Type-in program Demonstrates the “Twin Paradox” of one person travelling through space at a speed near light versus a person who stays on Earth. The person on Earth ages faster than the one travelling.
PatternTS 1000 Type-in program Draws lines bouncing off the sides of the screen. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Points Lost for Program FlawTS 1000 Software review By skillfully piloting your ship through space and firing at enemy craft, you must protect your convoy from destruction in Cosmos, You must direct your ship near an alien and fire your laser before it gets away. Points are scored by destroying alien ships.
Preparing for Machine Language ProgrammingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Excerpt from Programming Arcade Games, to be published by Reston Publishing.
Previously ReviewedTS 1000 Software review Short summaries of previously reviewed software.
Program Printout: BeethovenTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Program to play tunes via the television speaker.
Program Printout: LemonadeTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable You are the budding entrepreneur of a lemonade stand, trying to outsell your rivals and lay the foundations of a fast food empire.
Program Printout: London BridgeTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable London Bridge calls for nerve, thought and luck. The display is a graphic representation of the bridge, seen from above. The roadway is made up of a random mix of numbers 1 to 5, representing five types of flagstone. You must cross to the other bank but as you would expect, the bridge is falling…
Program Printout: PhasorTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Remarkable graphics effects are the striking feature of Phasor for the 16K TS1000, ZX81. You are an infamous space pirate travelling home through hyperspace after a hard day’s murder and mayhem.
Program Printout: ProbabilityTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Poisson’s formula is a method of calculating the possibilities of recurrence of an event, based on a number of occurrences in the past. This program implements the formula.
Program Printout: Rear GunnerTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Rear Gunner is a program included specifically for the computer novice, to demonstrate the use of graphics mode and the maneuvering of a display under cursor control.
Programming Arcade Games, Part ITS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tools and techniques.
Programming Primer a PeachTS 1000 Type-in program Review of Programming Your Timex/Sinclair 1000 in Basic, published by Prentice-Hall.
RAMKIT: Build your own 64K RAMTS 1000 Hardware project Build the RAM module with parts from Gladstone Electronics
Rebuilding the PyramidsTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Gamestape 2, Pyramid, Artist, all from Melbourne House.
Regarding PEEKTS 1000 Tutorial Overview and tutorial about using PEEK to reveal information about the TS1000.
ReviewsTS 1000 Software review Short reviews of Mothership, Gamestape 1, Graphic Golf, Mazogs, Wallbusters, Caves of Zulu, Combat Flight, Vault of the Centaurs, 80 Hours Around Europe
Roll up for the ZX circusReporting on Sinclair events in the UK.
SaveTS 1000 Type-in program Program SAVEs itself ad infinitum. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Saving MemoryTS 1000 Type-in program Two methods of memory saving coding.
Screen monitor improves graphics, saves eyesightHardware review Review of the Gorilla monitor.
Screen SortTS 1000 Type-in program Fills screen with random characters then performs a bubble sort. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Screener: An 'Instant' Screen Display RoutineTS 1000 Type-in program Short utility program that will let you print an entire screen almost instantly.
Search and DestroyTS 1000 Software review Review of Spacetrek from Beam Software.
Searching at routine speedTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on programming search routines.
Setting ForthTS 1000 Tutorial Overview of the Forth language, comparison to Basic and how Sinclair Basic uses Forth-like methods.
Sharp ShooterTS 1000 Type-in program You are the black-hatted villain confronting a posse of lily-livered bounty hunters.
Shoot Your Way To SafetyTS 1000 Software review Review of Combat Flight from Melbourne House.
Shooting RangeTS 1000 Type-in program Fire at a range of constantly changing letters.
Shopper's Guide: About T/S Computers...TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 Overview of the three Timex/Sinclair computers.
- Shopper's Guide: BooksTS 1000 TS 2068
- Shopper's Guide: HardwareTS 1000 TS 2068
- Shopper's Guide: SoftwareTS 1000 TS 2068
Shopper's Guide: SuppliersTS 1000 TS 2068 List of hardware/software suppliers.
Simple ways of sorting dataTS 1000 Type-in program How to program and comparison of sorts: bubble and shell.
Sinclair's searching for super softwareTS 1000 With much media ado last April, Sinclair Research Ltd. licensed the Timex Corporation to sell its line of personal computers and peripherals in North America. Their first joint product, the Timex Sinclair 1000, hit the stores in August of last year and has been anteing upmarket share in thousands of outlets nationwide ever since. With…
Sleeper (Demolisher)TS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Intercomputer.
Softsync kit enhances graphicsReview of Graphics Kit from Softsync.
Software BluesPoor software experiences; discussion of rating system in the magazine.
Something for EveryoneTS 1000 Book review Review of What Can I Do with my TS1000? Lots! published by Wiley and Sons.
SquashedTS 1000 Type-in program Variation on Breakout.
Star GatesTS 1000 Type-in program Guide each ship through star gates to escape the impending super nova.
Stranded on MarsTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Aardvark’s Mars, Softsync’s Super Invasion, Melbourne House’s Reversi.
Strong and DurableTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Memotech’s keyboard.
SurroundTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Game where the goal is to surround your opponent before they surround you. Uses PEEK to read the keyboard.
T/S EntrepreneursTS 1000 Products that have come from the Central Pennsylvania Timex Sinclair User Group include the Winky Board, ZXLLR8, math packages, inverse video circuit, robot.
T/S Goes To CampTS 1000 Computing is fast becoming the latest thing in both day and overnight camps, and many camps across the country already include it among some of their activities.
T/S Goes to the LibraryTS 1000 “Fantastic! A great idea! I can think of no better way to show people what a great machine the T/S1000 is.” This excitement was generated when Greg Melko of Timex Computers of Canada discovered that two library systems in the Toronto area were allowing library users to become T/S users by borrowing a machine. The…
T/S2068 Display PrimerTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Explains how to get your computer to put things on the screen where you want them to go.
Tape does a variety of tasksTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX-Toolbox by Melbourne House.
The 2040: Efficient, Fast and AffordableTS 2040 Hardware review Review of the printer.
The Anatomy of a MicrocomputerTS 1000 Book review Review of The Ins and Outs of the TS1000 and ZX81 published by Melbourne House.
The basic route to a habit-forming hobbyTS 1000 Guide for new owners.
The Binary BannerTS 2068 Type-in program Article based on material later published in the book by Fred Blechman. Prints a banner on the TS2040.
The Great Connecticut Kit-Building ExperimentZX81 New Haven teacher Chris Baldwin enrolled 28 kids in his 10-week ZX81 workshop.
- The invasion of the U.K. softwarecrats
The Microchip DemystifiedTS 1000 Book review Review of Mastering Machine Code On Your Timex/Sinclair.
The Music MakerTS 1000 Type-in program Program that plays music on the TS1000.
The New ArrivalsTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 Overview of the Timex Sinclair 2000 and 1500.
The Paradoxical World of Clive SinclairBrief overview of Sinclair’s career.
These kids' books make learning funBook review Review of Computers for Kids and Katie and the Computer, both from Creative Computing Press.
This book is clear, witty, usefulTS 1000 Book review Review of Timex Sinclair 1000: Programs, Games and Graphics by Ian Stewart.
- Timex introduces the 1500TS 1500
Timex needs higher profileMagazine still seeking entries to programming contest. Timex absent from the West Coast Faire.
- Timex responds
Timex Speeds UpTS 2068 Timex has narrowed the TS2000 computers to one model, the TS2068, in an effort to speed up delivery.
Timexpectations: What Can You Expect?What to expect from the magazine and future Timex products.
Tiny invention makes perfect saves & loadsTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Winky Board 2.
Tips for BeginnersTS 1000 Warning: using a T/S1000 can be habit-forming.
Totally AwesomeTS 1000 Type-in program Prints the name of the magazine as a graphic. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Treasure HuntTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Maze game.
Treasure HunterTS 1000 Type-in program Find treasure hidden at a random position on the screen.
U.K. Aids the HandicappedSeries of computer fairs to highlight what is being done in microelectronics to help the disabled.
U.K. Hoax Exposed“Machine Code Converter” published in April Sinclair User turns out to be hoax.
Universal PatternerTS 1000 Type-in program Generates patterns at random.
Up or DownTS 1000 Type-in program Displays a message upside-down in enlarged characters. One of the Clever Contest winners.
Usborne books are delightful & funTS 1000 Book review Review of Understanding the Micro, Computer and Video Games, Computer Spacegames and Computer Battlegames.
Use ItTS 1000 Type-in program Short program to demonstrate several features of the computer.
Useful programming tipsTS 1000 Book review Review of The ZX81/Timex Pocket Book by Trevor Toms.
Vast database soon available to Sinclair usersReport on microdrives and Micronet 800, an online service offered by British Telecom.
Vast support network growingTS 1000 List of user groups across the country.
VideographityTS 1000 Type-in program Program to draw on the screen.
What'll They Think of Next?Hardware review Review of Hand Saver and Octoputs, by Electrocomp; both are accessories for Atari joysticks.
When the lights go out ...TS 1000 Hardware review Cramic-81 is a low-power, battery-backup RAM.
Where to find everythingTS 1000 Book review Review of The Timex Sinclair 1983 Directory by E. Arthur Brown.
Who says that graphics have to be complicated?TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on TS1000 graphics.
Word processing potentialTS 1000 Hardware review Brief article about the Memotech parallel printer interface.
World's First Computer Museum One Year OldBrief overview of the Computer Museum in Marlboro, Mass.
You Could Be Your Computer's Worst EnemyTS 1000 Ways to manage problems using the TS 1000.
ZXAD: Assembler is full-featured, easy to useZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of the assembler program from Scientific Software.

Published by ECC Publications, who also published Sinclair User, the UK version, Timex Sinclair User was headquartered in Buffalo, NY. The print run on the first issue of the magazine was 100,000 copies.
The American magazine has a separate editorial and advertising staff but members of the British Sinclair User team came to the U.S. to coordinate the launch. They included John Sterlicchi, who acted as editor-in-chief, and John Ross, advertisement manager of Sinclair User.
Only seven issues of Timex Sinclair User were published before Timex left the market. In December 1983, Syntax magazine reported that:
”Organization of ECC’s North American magazine will be restructured, according to observers close to the scene, but no decision has been taken to stop printing. Changes will delay issue 8, for which ECC apologizes.“
In just seven issues, they published a nearly 250 articles, reviews, programs and projects for Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2068 owners.
The magazine shared some staff with Gladstone Electronics, whose American office was just a few miles away on Kenmore Avenue. They also shared an address with Prism Microproducts.
After the American office of Timex Sinclair User ceased publishing the magazine, it was sold to James Povec in Camden, Maine, who intended to bring it back. In an open letter to subscribers, reprinted in the April 1984 issue of The Plotter, Mr. Povec promised that the ”April issue will be on press shortly.“
Timex Sinclair Shopper, published by the same group, was ”created to serve the needs of the Timex Sinclair computer owner and the vendors committed to that market. With the departure of Timex Corp. from the computer market, there is a greater need for information and support than ever before.“
Timex Sinclair Shopper contained an advertisement for Timex Sinclair News. It promised to keep readers ”informed of events at Timex here in the U.S., and bring .. news of Sinclair in the U.K.“
Behind the scenes, there was some confusion about Timex Sinclair User and TS User. The new owner of Timex Sinclair User changed the name to Timex Sinclair News and TS User ceased publication immediately after.
A month later, Povec threw in the towel and announced that subscribers to Timex Sinclair News would receive issues of K-Power.
Syntax magazine announced its purchase of Timex Sinclair News in its July 1984 issue.
Timex Sinclair User shared a number of staff with its parent publication, including Richard Hease (chairman), Terry Cartwright (president), John Sterlicchi (editorial director) and more.
Though headquartered in Buffalo, NY, much of the local staff were Canadian, including:
- Joseph Gladstone, managing editor
- Vladyana Krykorka, art director
- Bill Gladstone, production editor
- Andres Hannach, Don Kletke and Gwen Egan, art assistants
- Robert Fraser, Igor Nowikow and Tom Perrone, technical advisors