Thomas B. Woods
Tom Woods was an entrepreneur and educator who produced software and hardware for Timex/Sinclair computers.
Tom’s entry into the Timex/Sinclair community was via amateur astronomy. He was interested in building telescopes and had an idea for a different telescoppe design. A friend of his, a math teacher in the local high school, said “it sounds like you need a computer for this.” He saw ads for the ZX81 kit, saved his money and purchased one around Christmas.
One of Tom’s programs, ZX Pro/File, was a database written for the ZX81/TS 1000. He wrote a version for the 2068 that improved on the original. The manuals for both programs not only showed how to use the programs but how the programs were coded and how users could improve/customize them.
He was also involved for several years in publishing SyncWare News, one of the more “technical” magazines for the TS computers.
Tom joined our user group meeting in 2022 to talk about some of his projects.

"MemoNotes" DebutsTS 1000 TS 1500 Syncware Group announces a newsletter for Memotext and Memcalc users.
2068 Screen CopyTS 2068 Type-in program Printer driver based on 117-byte routine derived from Tom Wood’s Pro/File 2068.
2068 Word ImagesTS 2068 Type-in program One particularly strong fascination the computer holds over me is its almost magical ability to conjure up powerful images in my mind. You can use the computer to illustrate this phenomenon by programming it to choose and print words on the TV screen. By consciously thinking about the images your mind creates in response you’ll…
A Message from Thomas B. WoodsTS 1000 TS 2068 Open letter promising continued support; announcing Pro/File 2068.
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits and Bytes
Computerized Filing CabinetTS 1000 Software review Review of ZX-Data Finder by Thomas B. Woods.
- Converting Pro/File to DiskTS 2068 Type-in program
- Database ShowdownTS 1000 TS 2068 Software review
Dear EditorTS 2050 Complaints over proposed magazine price increase; altering Westridge modem software; retain memory contents after crash; bugs in JRC assembler/compiler.
Dear EditorTS 2068 TS 2040 Comments on Timex leaving market; question about 64 column mode; thermal paper for the 2040; questions about various programs.
Decimal to Hex and BackTS 2068 Type-in program Converting from hexadecimal to decimal number systems has been the bane of many an aspiring machine code programmer. This listing does the converting for you. When you RUN the program, a prompt asks you for a hex number. You can either type one in to get the decimal equivalent, or press ENTER to flip to…
EnterExcitement for First Annual Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest. Speakers include Mark Fendrick, Jerry Chamkis, Jack Roberts, Thomas Woods.
- Extended BASICTS 1000 Hardware review
Extended BASIC for the TS 1000TS 1000 Software review Review of Thomas Woods’ Extended Basic. Reprinted from The Plotter, vol 2, no. 7 & 8.
Extended Basic For The TS1000/ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of Thomas Woods’ Extended Basic. It is an extension/BASIC interpreter which lives in a 3.5K long 0 REM statement. All commands are entered after an initial REM statement on a line; multiple statements can be entered with a colon.
- Extended Basic for Your TS 1000TS 1000 Hardware review
Extensions to Pro/File ReviewTS 1000 Software review There are four issues of Extensions that total 31 pages of well documented changes, additions, and instructions. These modifications can either be keyed into your computer or you can purchase the programs on tape.
Filing and Inventory SystemsTS 1000 Software review Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware and software announcements from many vendors.
For Your SupportProducts from Allan Wolach, C. W. Associates, Chia-Chi Chao, Don Dailey, Ed Grey, Fred Nachbaur, G. Russell Electronics, Newpower Inc., Paul Bingham, Robert Fischer, SAF User Group, Samson Okoloko, Steve Wyatt, Time Designs and Tom Woods.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware and software offerings from Chia-Chi Chao, Mike Trivisonno, Jack Donahy, Fred Nachbaur, Tim Worcester, Games to Learn By, Kraig Pritts, John Oliger, Tom Woods and Knighted Computers.
For Your SupportProduct announcements from Chia-Chi Chao, NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, Fred Nachbaur/Silicon Mountain Computers, Robert Fischer, Larken Electronics, Bill Bell, Thomas Woods, Jim Houston Enterprises, WIDJUP Co., David Hill.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Column announcing hardware, software for Timex/Sinclair owners. Products from Bruce Taylor, Fred Nachbaur, Tom Woods, John Oliger, Jack Donahy, 21st Century Electronics, Zebra Systems, Steve Wyatt, G. Russell Electronics and Tad Painter listed.
GoodiesDescriptions of catalogs from Beaver Computer, WMJ, Thomas Woods, Knighted Computers and E-Z Key.
Key Support Operations Will StayAnnouncements of support from SoftSync, Byte-Back, Microsync Services, Thomas B. Woods, Banta Software, Kopak. Timex will honor warranties.
- Mid-West TS Computerfest
New and Upcoming in 1987TS 2068 QL Details about upcoming 2nd Annual Mid-West Timex Sinclair Computerfest; Larken developing RAMdisk for 2068; Thomas B. Woods will be offering RAM board in kit form that operates in the cartridge slot of the 2068. User-expandable from 8K to 120K; TS telecommunications, Sinclair QL; Zebra/Timex Disk support group; new programs and hardware.
New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n10)New products from Tom Woods, Hunter, Miller-Zamis, International Publishing and Software, King Software, Hamrich International, P. Pollak, E-Z Key.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n12)TS 1000 TS 2068 New products from TAG Software, Gesang Associates, Intercomputer, ACE Software, Thomas B. Woods, Delphic Enterprises, Sinware, E. Arthur Brown, Softsync, Macshak Software.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n7)New products from Tom Woods, Kopak, L. Harmon, f/22 Press, 2-Bit Software, Barlog Software, Celestial Software, SyncMaster, CRC Software, Timeworks, K.D.V.H.E. Publishers, Starburst Software, Intercomputer, Hawg Wild, D. Lipinski Software, Polymath, Russell Brewer, Bob Fingerle.
New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n11)Tom Woods sells enhanced Mscript; Byte-Back offers new A/D converter; Tom Bent’s 8K ROM; Powerful Projects with Your Timex/Sinclair; D. Lipinski’s buyer’s guide; Spec-Tax; control your computer with brain waves; green screen monitors.
New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n3)TS 2068 Updates and new products from Thomas B. Woods, ROMPAK, JRC Software, Games to Learn By.
New UpdatesComputer Updates appears from the shadow of Pro/File Updates. 12 page quarterly includes updates to all software from Tom Woods.
Not Out of the Woods YetTS 2068 Tom Woods promises you will get PRO/File’s manual, but he is not yet finished. Work on the 100-page book proceeds regularly despite Tom’s new SyncWare News responsiblities.
Pictures from the 1986 Midwest TS Computer FestPictures taken by Charles Dickson of Lanham, MD.
Pro/File 2068TS 2068 Software review Review of Tom Wood’s database program.
- Pro/File 2068 + OS-64TS 2068 Type-in program
Pro/File 2068 Filing System: An Outstanding ValueTS 2068 Software review In-depth review of substantive data base program for the 2068.
Pro/File CartridgeTS 2068 Software review Review of the database program. Cartridge-based version has greater data capacity (37k) and boolean operators.
- Pro/File for the A & J Micro-DriveTS 2068 Type-in program
PRO/FILE on the QLQL With a Gold Card and PC Conqueror, one can run PC Findex on the QL.
- Pro/File2068 Utility and the Inelegant SlugTS 2068 Type-in program
- Profile +5 for the 2068TS 2068
Profile 2068TS 2068 Contrary to popular belief, there is a Profile manual under construction. (I have seen the proofs with my own eyes.) There is however, one chapter to go before it is ready for the printer. The manual is comprised of not only instructions, but several modifications, program improvements and upgrades and will be a good tutorial…
- Profile Again!TS 2068
QL Super BasicQL In the last issue I gave you a brief overview of the hardware angle to Sinclair’s latest computer, the QL. This time, I’ll tell you about some of the features available in this computer’s built-in Super Basic language.
Resources (Sync v2 n5)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n1)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Syncware News Reorganizes to ContinueThomas B. Woods will take over publication of SyncWare News as volume 2 begins. The final arrangements call for the newsletter to go to a full-size, 16-page format with spinwriter type and remain bi-monthly. Fred Nachbaur will provide technical input, and Tom Bent will take over editorial chores.
T-S NewsTS 2068 Zebra Systems announced that the price of the Zebra-Talker has been reduced and the software is compatible with their disk drive. Thomas Woods has developed a 32K Bank-Switched programmable memory cartridge for the 2068.
- T/S ResourcesTS 2068
The ZX Data-FinderZX81 Software review The ZX Data-Finder is one of quite a variety of data handling programs now available. Typical uses for such programs include: names & addresses; inventory catalogues; customer/client records; graphic charts; product descriptions; statistics; appointment calendar; personnel files; hobby collection/with cross referencing. ZX Data-Finder does these and more because the flexibility of the program lends itself…
The ZX Pro/FileTS 1000 Software review Review of Thomas Woods’ data base program.
Three Software ReviewsTS 1000 Software review Reviews ZX PRO/FILE, Critical Path Analysis and The Fantastic Music Machine.
- Timex-Sinclair ResourcesTS 2068
- Tom Woods NVRAM BoardTS 2068 Hardware review
- Transfer Files/ProFileTS 2068
Vendor Report and NotesUpdates from Barlog Software, Tom Woods, Biocal, Quicksilva, Memotech.
ZX PRO/FILETS 1000 Software review Review of the database program.
ZX PRO/FILETS 1000 Software review ZX PRO/FILE uses one of the most sophisticated and efficient data storage and retrieval systems I ever expect to see for the ZX/TS.
- 2068 Programmer's Cartridge Toolkit
- 32/64K Non Volatile RAM board for the T/S 2068 Computer
- How to Run Pro:File 2068 on the A&J Microdrive
- Pro/File 2068 Manual
- Pro/File 2068 preliminary manual
- Supplementary Printer Driver Software for the Tasman Centronics Interface
- The 32K Non-Volatile RAM Owner's Manual
- Thomas B. Woods Pro/File 2068 Announcement
- Thomas Woods price list
- Tom Woods NVRAM Board
- ZX Pro/File: A Machine Language Data Base For The Timex manual
Computer Media
- 2068 Programmers Toolkit AROS
- Delphic Toolkit
- Extended Basic
- Mad Dog Tank Blaster
- ProFile +5
- ProFile 2068
- Profile 2068 AROS
- ProFile 2068 AROS
- ProFile with Machine Code
- ZX File Finder
- ZX Profile
- Computer Trader Magazine Oct 1984
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n5
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n7
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n9
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v3 n2
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v3 n3
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v3 n4
- SQ Syntax Quarterly v2 n1
- SQ Syntax Quarterly v2 n2
- SYNC v2 n4
- SYNC v2 n5
- SYNC v2 n6
- SYNC v3 n1
- SYNC v3 n2
- SYNC v3 n3
- SYNC v3 n4
- SYNC v3 n6
- SYNC v4 n1
- SYNC v4 n2
- SyncWare News v3 n3
- SyncWare News v3 n4
- SyncWare News v3 n5
- SyncWare News v3 n6
- SyncWare News v4 n1
- SyncWare News v4 n3
- Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v3 n5
- Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v3 n9
- T-S Horizons n4
- T-S Horizons n5
- Timex Sinclair Shopper v1 n1
- Timex Sinclair User n1
- Timex Sinclair User n2
- Timex Sinclair User n4
- Timex Sinclair User n7