Synergistic Design

Chicago, IL 60641

Originally called Hard/Software Design. Press release appeared in Infoworld with a photo of their keyboard.


Incorporates a 58 key keyboard, 14 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25%. Aluminum and steel construction. The Synergistic Design keyboard shown in their early advertisements was not the product delivered.
TS 1000
The System Logic KBD-2 incorporates a 58 key keyboard; 15 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25% and reproduced onto a white field. Aluminum and steel construction reduces RFI (radio frequency interference). Keyboard features single-stroke/single-entry electronic shift/shift lock and auto repeat. ENABLE prevents unwanted key entries. Connects without soldering.
TS 1000


  • New peripherals
    A new keyboard enhancement for the Timex/Sinclair 1000: produced by Hard/Software Design, the KBD-1 features 58 plunger-type keys, 12 spare keys, reversed silk screen, Lexan keytops and a black anodized aluminum cabinet.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n3)
    New products from Compuwiz, R.I.S.T., Banta, Software Unlimited, Z-West, Synergistic, Sinware, Spectra Computer Products.
  • Vendor Report
    Updates from Synergistic Designs, E. Arthur Brown, G. Russell Electronics; about Timex Sinclair User and KOPAK.



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