Date: May/June 1983
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
- Suppliers
- Miscellaneous Products and Services
Enjoying Your Computer: GamesZX81 TS 1000 Games available for Sinclair computers.
Using Your Computer: ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Graphics programs and aids, educational programs, loans, stocks and investments, spreadsheets, checking, inventories, appointments, word processing, miscellaneous programs.
Programming Your ComputerTS 1000 Programming aids, utilities, toolkits, assemblers, disassemblers, compilers, monitors.
Extending Your ComputerTS 1000 Hardware to expand Sinclair computers (RAM, ROM and EPROMs; interfaces, boards, connectors).
Improving Your ComputerTS 1000 Hardware to improve use of your computer (keyboards, saving/loading, power supplies).
Letter from England (Sync v3 n3)TS 2000 Description of the Spectrum.
Timex, Sinclair, and the ClonesTS 2000 TS 2068 At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, there was much fan-fare surrounding the official introduction of the Timex/Sinclair 2000. Dan Ross, Vice-President for Computer Products, and the entire Timex crew were there as well as Clive Sinclair and Nigel Searle from Sinclair Research in Britain. On a much lower key, a Sinclair clone…
Sync NotesHow to Use the Buyers Guide; The TS1000 for $69.96; Glitchoidz Report; Printers
- Data-assette
- Softsync, Inc.
- ORBYTE Software
- Robotec, Inc.
- Sinware
- MBR Distributors
- Mindware, Inc.
- Graphicomp
- Filesixty
- Mornae Software
- Frog Software
- Memotech
- Bob Berch
- Simplex Software
- MicroSync Services
- Synergistic Design
- Plus + Pac Systems International
- Commonwealth Agency, The
- Que Corporation
- Computer Add-Ons
- Birkhauser Boston Inc.
- Powerplay Systems
- Compu-Pak
- Timex Computer Corporation
- Software Supermarket
- Panda Software
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- Hunter Electronics
- Suntronics
- RAMEX International
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Microcomputers Plus, Inc.
- UPSystems
- Brainchild Computer Works, Inc.
- Video Arcade
- E-Z Key
- Apropos Technology
- Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.) Inc.
- Sight & Sound Electronics
- Comprocsys, Ltd
- Cobra Technology Limited
- Fourth Design, The
- L-Monitor
- E. Arthur Brown Company
- Polymath
- Custom Electronics Device Corp.
- Wiley Press
- Sinclair Place
- Stratagem Cybernetics Inc.
- ZOR KHAN Industries
- Rayco
- GCM Electronics, Inc.
- PleasanTrees Programming
- Melbourne House Publishers
- Computer Trader, The
- Tree Systems of Grand Rapids
- CLEVA Computer Ware
- Computer Continuum
- Expense Cutter Products, Inc.
- JK Audio
- Business Management Specialists
- C-20 Magazine
- Software Development Associates
- Brown Cottage Industries
- Double H Electronics
- Software Farm, The
- Bonnie & Clyde Software
- ZOPF Industries
- Sourceware, Inc.
- User Friendly Research
- Micro Developments
- Audio Vision
- Computa-Dek
- Haymarket Software Co.
- Forth Dimension
- Sussex Software House
- Micro Design Concepts
- CompuSoft Publishing
- Syber, Inc.
- Cottage Technology
- Applied Software Development Association, Inc.
- People's Computer Supply, The
- G. Russell Electronics
- 2-Bit Software
- Z-West
- Earl W. Powers Associates
- Space Breaker
- New World Concepts
- Synergics Unlimited
- Ultimate Blackwood, The
- Laminar Inc.
- BI-PAK Semiconductors
- Discount Software, Inc.
- General Systems Consulting
- K.D.V.H.E Publishers
- Interface Innovations
- THM Software
- Microsystems Specialists, Inc.
- Orion's Belt Enterprises
- Pegasus Micro Systems
- RAm
- A. +Associates
- Bytesize Micro Technology
- Original Programs
- 3G Company
- Atto-Soft
- Felix Software
- MULE Electronics
- Spyder Electronics
- Heath Computer Services
- Ener-Z
- Yagsee Publications
- Ganhart/EARTHings
- Hurricane Electronics Lab
- SyncMaster
- William Don Maples
- Cosmonics
- ClearTouch
- Sophia Systems
- Powell Hargrave
- Savage Software
- Katt's Computers
- AB Engineering
- Skinner Electronic Enterprises
- Sinclair Supply Shack
- Bronze Star Software
- Edson Electronics
- Lamb's Software, The
- SiriusWare
- Teletek Co.
- A.T&A Compu-U-Ware
- Micrografix
- Nanosecond Computer Services
- Compuwiz Software
- Robert Cannon
- Curry Computer
- Thomas B. Woods
- KOPAK Creations, Inc.
- Calliope Software
- Upstate Labs
- Horizon Simulations
- R. T. Darin Enterprises
- P.A.L. (Programmers at Large)
- Executive Workshop
- Bob Norman
- Sinclair Users' Network
- Technology Products and Services, Inc.
- Down East Computers
- Computer Engineering Services (The Jarrett Company)
- Maranatha
- T. W. Vessels
- Hensley & Associates
- Troiano Software Company
- Youngs' Computer Publications
- SKT Enterprises
- J. M. Yocum
- MT-Soft
- Sunflower Systems
- Computer Ware Publishing
Buyer’s guide issue: more than 1,200 products from over 300 suppliers and manufacturers of peripherals and software for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and Sinclair ZX81.