SYNC v3 n2

Date: March/April 1983
Volume: 3
Issue: 2


  • Just for Fun
    Four Quadrants; Hi-Res “Draw It”; 3-D Cube; Blastoff; Train; Random Rectangles; Ricochet
  • Resources (Sync v3 n2)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Minotaur
    This active-animation program displays a full-screen picture of a maze, and shows your progress through it to its only exit. Meanwhile, the Minotaur (a mythical half-man, half-bull creature which inhabited the Labyrinth at Minos) is on the prowl and determined to have you for lunch!
  • ZX Maze
    Have you dreamed of writing a graphics game complete with maze, treasure, and gobbling hunter? Perhaps you figured out how to move your man and draw the maze, but how in blazes do you teach your treasure seeker that he cannot just march through walls to collect his prize? Finding a way around this dilemma
  • Math Support from Your ZX81
    Four routines to help with math or algebra.
  • Deleting Blocks of Basic Statements
    Simple routine to delete a block of lines.
  • Flight Simulation
    Flight Simulation puts you at the controls of an airplane in midflight, and your objective is to navigate to the airport and land. This is something like saying your objective in pinball is to keep the ball in play: not as easy as it sounds. Review of the Gladstone Electronics program.
  • 8K Non-Volatile Memory Kit
    Review of Hunter board. The Non-Volatile memory (NVM) kit is a battery backup powered RAM board that is primarily designed to fill the transparent address area between 8K and 16K in the Sinclair ZX80/81. The key feature of this product is that with the onboard battery, the routines stored in NVM are retained even with
  • A Regulated-Voltage Power Adaptor
    Schematics to build power supplies for the ZX81.
  • System Expansion Hardware
    System Enclosures and Radio Frequency Interference; an add-on expansion bus.
  • Machine Language Storage in REM
    When a series of consecutive REM statements is to be used to provide storage for machine language the leading four bytes of the second and subsequent REMs cannot simply be overwritten. Your machine language program would almost certainly crash. The solution is relatively simple. Change the byte count of the first REM statement to include
  • Looping the Loop
    How can you do long, complicated jobs using machines code— without having to write long, complicated programs in machine code? The answer, in a word: loops.
  • Understanding Number Systems
    This explanation of number systems was written to explain the working of my home computer to my son. It is all too easy to destroy enthusiasm for learning by trying to teach a technical subject from generalizations (boring) or from technical terms (confusing); either way can be self-defeating.
  • Knowing Your Strengths
    As an Industrial Designer, I am often required to specify the minimum practical amounts of material and the most effective configurations that will safely support a given load before spending thousands of dollars in tooling to produce parts for testing. The program I developed for this task has proved extremely rewarding. Now I can try
  • The Sinclair Grade Book
    In preparing a grade book program for the Sinclair, it was first necessary to decide upon the form the recorded data should be returned in. One of the advantages of a good program is that it may be returned in any number of forms, at the operator’s discretion.In the following program, I have included provisions
  • Macro Photo
    This program will allow the photographer to input the data which the ZX81 will use to figure the adjusted exposure time (for bellows length and reciprocity), the proper subject to lens distance, and the proper film to lens distance for a given image magnification.
  • A Small Business Payroll Program
    Every business with paid employees has the complicated task of doing its payroll. The program in this article will provide accurate payroll information for up to 35 employees. If the number of employees is greater then 35, the list can be broken down into shorter lists and the results combined where needed.
  • Archaeological Research Using the ZX81
    With slight modifications, this program can be adapted to other categories of archaeological data such as pottery, artefacts, or settlement research. The possibilities of the ZX81 are not exhausted by this program. Among other things, the high resolution capabilities of the ZX Printer enabled us to write a program which generated user-designed characters, in our
  • Managing with the ZX81
    The program below, written for a ZX81 with 16K RAM, is designed to answer management questions. It is, in fact, a suite of five programs linked together, with an initial menu to enable the user to choose from among them. It is based on a series of rapid statistical tests devised by Eric Duckworth, a
  • Adding Feet and Inches
    The program assumes the following conventions: dimensions are entered in feet, inches and eighths. Fractions involving sixteenths and beyond are not used. A dimension 12″ or larger is expressed in terms of feet and inchies. For example, 16″ is expressed as 1’4″.
  • Using the Byte-Back BB-1 and the ZX81 as a Control Device
    Describes using the ZX81 and Byte-Back device with a Skinner box.
  • Glitchoidz Report
    A Machine Code Graphics Line-Drawing Subroutine; Renumbering Basic Statements; Random Walks; Block Transfers: Variables Transfer; A Cheap and Simple EPROM Programmer; Programming the LOAD Command
  • Sync Notes
    Timex/Sinclair 2000; SYNC on the Job.
  • Letters
    Mouthful; Draw and Store; Rounding Off


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