Triangle Sinclair Users Group
"PRO" a Program for SurveyorsTS 2068 Software review Program to facilitate work by civil engineers and surveyors.
- 2068 Header Reader ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
2068 NotesTS 2068 Type-in program Here is a program that will give you the correct time whenever you enter “GOTO tm”.
- 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code ProgrammingTS 2068 Type-in program
- 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code ProgrammingTS 2068
- 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code ProgrammingTS 2068
2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming, Part 6TS 2068 Tutorial Tutorial on relative jumps.
- 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming, Part 9TS 2068 Type-in program
2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming, Parts 3 & 4TS 2068 Tutorial Programs to help peek and poke code.
- 2068/80 Column Printer TypewriterTS 2068 Type-in program
3D Letters for the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program to print words in large, 3D letters.
64 Characters and a Clear Screen?TS 2068 Type-in program Program that allows the user to reallocate RAM to make way for a clear screen in the 64 column mode.
64 Column ScreenTS 2068 Type-in program Here is a way of seeing the special 64 character mode in operation and convincing yourself that you need a high res RGB monitor or some such new addition.
8K of Very Low Power CMOS RAM In aWorld Class Computer For Only $40TS 1000 Hardware project Here is a method for installing a Toshiba TCS5S65 PL-15 Very Low Power CMOS SK X B RAM ($40 from Microprocessors Unlimited) in a TS1000 computer. Two of the great advantages of installation are the reduced power consumption (maybe as much as a 30% cut) and the absence of RAM pack wobble and crash. Who…
8K ROM Board for the TS 1000TS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Hunter 8K ROM board.
- A Game and a Graphics PastimeTS 2068 Type-in program
A Loading Aid That WorksTS 1000 Hardware review You may be interested in a TSZX loading aid which really works; further, it allows one to easily align ones tape heads (the latter has been the source of all my load problems with the TS1000): no tape recorder has been properly aligned when purchased.
A Look at the TS 2068TS 2068 If you already own a ZX81 or a TS1000 you will be able to use this machine easily from the start. And, provided that the whole system of keyword entry did not turn you off completely with your earlier version of Timex-Sinclairese, this computer should be downright fun to run. One big advantage and also…
A Review of Sinware's "STEP"TS 1000 Software review STEP is a program from Sinware. The ad says STEP is the ultimate debugging tool for programs in BASIC. I cannot say if this is true or not, But it sure comes close. STEP permits the execution of a program by several methods. The simplest is one line at a time. To use STEP, first…
A Right-to-Left Pixel-by-Pixel Screen ScrollTS 2068 Type-in program Machine code program to scroll pixels on the screen.
A Word Processor in BASICTS 2068 Type-in program Paragraph in a string word processor design.
AC Circuit Analysis ReviewTS 1000 Software review This is the review of the AC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS program I promised you last month, but didn’t get a chance to do. The program is simply called AC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM and it functions like a miniature version of ECAP. Anyone who knows what ECAP is can skip to the next paragraph. For those who…
- Anagram3-6TS 2068 Type-in program
Announcements!TS 2068 The TS 2068 computer will feature high resolution color graphics, a 4-channel programmable sound generator, full plastic keytop keyboards, typewriter format keyboard with full width space bar and dual caps shift keys. The 48K version will have a suggested retail price of $199.95. The TS 2068 has a range of eight colors, and allows separate…
Bank Switching for the ZX81, Part 2TS 1000 Hardware project In this section the various options in the menu of the BSOS (bank switching operating system) will be discussed.
Character Generator IITS 2068 Type-in program BASIC program for creating user-defined graphics.
Do You Own a 2068? Or Are You Getting One? And Are You Interested in Machine Code Programming?TS 2068 Undoubtedly you would like to own a nice machine code loader, and a Simple disassembler, and a hex/decimal decimal/hex converter. Then you could easily follow and learn from Dick Scoville’s machine language tutorial which starts in this issue.
DO-CALCTS 1000 Software review Review of the versatile calculation program.
Dunbar Aitkens: Silent Conversation and The Glass Plate GameTS 2068 Software review The Glass Plate Game is a conversational one. Idea cards and markers are used, and the challenge is to build patterns of thought by finding interesting connections between the cards.
- Encroaching, Disappearing Menu WindowTS 2068 Type-in program
Excellent Book by Fred Blechman: Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner/Intermediate GuideTS 2068 Book review If I were selecting an interesting, affordable textbook suitable far beginners or intermediates, ages 10 to adult, this would be the book. It has a large number of program listing, very well explained, and the programs are interesting as well as useful. Most important is the careful explanations it’s also very well illustrated (even colored…
Fall of the Third ReichTS 2068 Software review Review of the program by Mark Stueber.
Flash! Flash! Flash! Bad News (& Good)TS 1000 TS 2068 News and rumors in the Timex community.
Foreign Correspondent Richard Describes the New Sinclair QL ComputerQL Sinclair has done it again. I expect you haven’t heard about his new computer – the QL – as it was only announced last week in Britain. The specification of the machine is very good and I will list some of the main points.
Games for Your Timex-Sinclair 2000TS 2068 Book review Review of the book by Peter Shaw.
Good News for 2068 and Speccy EnthusiastsTS 2068 Updates on the user group; PRO, a CAD program from Pankow Engineering; MTERM and MSCRIPT; EMU-1 vs Spectrum ROM; Microdrives; Timex FDD system and more.
Hex to Decimal, Decimal to HexTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to covert between the two bases.
Hot Z II from SinwareTS 1000 Software review Review of the editor, disassembler, assembler program.
How Fast is Fast? How Slow is Slow? A Benchmark Program for the TS1000TS 1000 Type-in program Speed benchmark program adapted from BYTE, January 1983 issue, page 283, listing 5. It is a program for generating prime numbers based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Since it is designed to run in compiled languages, the program runs ten times, giving humans a chance to time its speed on faster systems.
How to Write Articles for your NewsletterOverview including word processing options.
- Interface 3TS 2068
JOY+TS 2068 Type-in program Program to demonstrate STICK command, button and diagonals.
- LabelMakerTS 2068 Type-in program
Letter from Edward LoxtercampTS 1000 Hardware project Offers help to users who want to build his RS-232 interface.
Letter from Gary SmithTS 1000 Response to review of XFORTH in the newsletter.
- Letter from Oxford Data
- Letter from Sharp's
LettersTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program Letters from Jesse Peeler, Clark Calkins and Weldon Baker about their projects. Jesse wrote about the issues with surplus TS1000s purchased from Zebra Systems; Clark wrote about his CP/M-like operating system for the Exatron Stringy Floppy and TS1000; Weldon asked for advice about using plotting research data in high resolution.
Linda Banta of Banta Software Sends Two Programs to Tell if 2040 is ON or OFFTS 1000 Type-in program The REM statement is a short machine code routine which must be the first line of the program. The other lines can be anywhere and can be modified to give other messages.
Maillist, MathZap, Measurement Conversions, Interest Calculator, MenuTS 2068 Type-in program Five type-in programs for the TS 2068.
- Making Readable Text on a 64 Column PageTS 2068 Type-in program
Making Your 2040 Printer Print Darker When Using the 2068 ComputerTS 2068 Type-in program Here’s a way of going through the display file and darkening up each dot, then printing out everything with COPY for a nice dark, hard copy image.
Mea Culpa, Tua VerbaBrief statement about non-copyright protected content reprinted from other newsletters.
- Meeting Minutes
More on Darkening the PrinterTS 2068 Type-in program Short machine language routine to print on the TS 2040 with darker letters.
Music MakerTS 2068 Type-in program Program to aid in composing music. Can produce a code string to allow for using the music in other programs.
- Musical Christmas with TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program
My Pet DinosaurTS 2068 Hardware project Interfacing a Model 28 teletype to a TS 2068.
New Product News & Old Product OffersTS 1000 Delphic Enterprises offers programmer’s utility EPROM, for use with Hunter board. Savage Software, Biocal Software, and Kopak have special deals.
New Product News, Old Product OffersTS 1000 TS 2068 Updates on products from Budget Robotics and Computing, ROMPAK, Hunter, Oliger, Compusa, Softmark, W. T. Associates, Markel Software, D. Lipinski, Siriusware and Ace Software.
New Product News; Old Product OffersTS 1000 TS 2068 64K inside the case from Independence Research, ROMPAK programs; disk drives; CAI Instruments products and more.
New Product News; Old Product OffersTS 1000 TS 2068 GREAT NEWS! TIMEX SINCLAIR USER magazine does NOT appear to be dead, as we last reported, but it may be changing colors! We hope to be hearing from them soon: though in the newsletter press there is some skepticism about this magazine’s reappearance in its original form, now that TIMEX is joined by SYNC who…
Non-Breakable Programs: 2068 Back-up CopiesTS 2068 Type-in program Code to allow for backing up programs.
- Oliger 2068 Expansion RGB Circuit InstructionsTS 2068
Olivetti PR2300 Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program Program to print screens to the Olivetti printer.
Operating VOTEM on the Timex 2068 ComputerTS 2068 Type-in program Instructions and program.
Phil & the TSZX Computer Demonstrate Algorithmic Approaches to Artificial Intelligence & Image UnderstandingTS 2068 In our joint meeting with the TI group in January we heard a presentation by Phil Kegelmeyer, son of Bill K, and watched in fascination as a simple program demonstrated ways that a computer can detect edges, vertical edges and corners. We’ll present a report on this program in our March issue. And we’ll also…
Phil Kegelmeyer's Edge Detection Programs Demonstrate Artificial IntelligenceTS 1000 Type-in program This is really a collection of short programs, reached by appropriate ‘GOTO’ commands. The first part of the program gives the appropriate line numbers names which are easier to remember, and dimensions the arrays.
Programmer's Utility EPROMTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the product from Delphic Enterprises.
Programs, Reviews, InformationTS 2050 Hardware review Review of TS 2050 modem.
Pseudo ROM ProgramsTS 1000 Type-in program Program to create and save character sets for the pseudo ROM board developed by Demby.
QSAVE RevisitedTS 1000 Adjustments to QSAVE for memory, speed et cetera.
- RAMPAGER: A ReviewTS 1000 Software review
Ray Kingsley Takes a Look Inside a Timex Cartridge and Adds Other CommentsTS 2068 Inside [a Timex Cartridge] one finds three blobs of what looks like high quality tar on a circuit board. Apparently they must weld down the silicon wafers themselves, which gives them a pretty good proprietary grip.
Report from Boston Computer Society Timex-Sinclair CelebrationTS 2068 We have been to Boston to the Boston Computer Society Timex-Sinclair Celebration and were thoroughly introduced to the upcoming wonders of this machine. It is a very fine color computer with wonderfully fine color – much better than most of the competition: it will be able to send signal to a color monitor, color TV…
- Review: Aerco FD-68 disc interfaceTS 2068 Hardware review
- Rotronics Waferdrive Questions & SpecificationsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Routine to Print HeadersTS 2068 Type-in program
RPNZL QuartetTS 1000 Short article republished from RPNZL Notes.
ScreensTS 2068 Type-in program Programs that draw interesting designs on the screen and their output.
- ShadowFireZX Spectrum Software review
- Sinc Artist 1.3Software review
- Sinclair NewsQL
Sinclair NewsUpdates on the Spectrum+, flat screen TV, wafer drives, cell phone and QL.
Smart MailboxTS 2068 Type-in program Mailing list program that uses a long string to store data instead of an array.
Software Review: Snake Eyes and Truth TablesTS 1000 Software review Review of the programs from 2-Bit Software.
Spectrum Emulator or ChameleonTS 2068 Product announcement for Doug Dewey’s EMU-1 and EMU-2.
SphereTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to plot a sphere.
- Suggested 2068 ROM ChangesTS 2068 Type-in program
Super VariableTS 1000 Type-in program Program to demonstrate use of arrays
- SyncbitsTS 1000 TS 2068
Technical Comments relating to Sinclair ZX-81 and Timex-1000 Computers and 16K External RAMsTS 1000 Identifying issue 1 vs issue 3, modifications for better load/save, opening the computer and other suggestions.
Telecommunication NotesTS 2068 TS 2050 Resolving issues with the 2050 modem when used with 2040 printer. Byte-Back keeping up with 2068 modem orders.
The Continuing Saga of 64 ColumnsTS 2068 Reference Analysis of Carole Corcoran’s code from the technical manual.
The Early SinclairLetter from a reader about Sinclair’s first product, a radio called the Micro-6.
The March 4th Meeting and Bill McCotter's GiftWe will have the Timex modem on hand far a hands on demonstration, continue with the software sharing that went on last meeting, and we will come up with a group project that can be done in a one to two month time period. We will also have an auction of donated materials: Step, Rampager,…
The Nickels' Family Job Jar: A Program Promoting Harmony at HomeTS 2068 Type-in program Our family had initiated a “job-jar” of weekly chores to spread out the housekeeping duties. My wife, who works, had strongly suggested that we all pitch in for the good of the family. Our two sons (aged 7 and 10) agreed and we selected a list of 20 jobs to be completed weekly. These jobs…
The Power of the StackTS 2068 Type-in program BASIC program to demonstrate how FORTH makes use of a stack.
The QL ReportQL Volume 1, issue 3 of the short newsletter about the Sinclair QL.
The Timex Sinclair 2068TS 2068 Book review Review of the book by Roger Valentine.
The Timex Sinclair 2068TS 2068 Book review Review of the book by Roger Valentine.
The UDGs Meet The Data StatementTS 2068 Type-in program Acey-Ducey, a type-in game that demonstrates user-defined graphics.
This is Word Sinc II.5TS 1000 Software review Product announcement. Includes WordFont examples.
- Tidbits from Fred Nachbaur
To Exchange a "BASIC" Program Via MTERM-IITS 2068 Steps for tranferring programs via modem.
Understanding Sinclair BasicTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial to teach BASIC on the TS 1000.
User Friendly Programs for the BeginnerTS 1000 Tutorial Introduction to programming.
Using Two TS1000 Computers and Two VOTEMS and John Snakenburg's Data Program for a Jr. High Science ProjectTS 2068 In my Physical Science class we were given the assignment to do a science fair project. I chose to do a project to see whether north or south facing rooms differed in temperature from one another. We discussed all of the problems with using a real house to take measurements and decided that we would…
- Video Board Upgrade for Your TSZXTS 2068 Hardware project
VU-File as a Word ProcessorTS 2068 Letter detailing how the author uses the database program as an ersatz word processor.
War in the East: The Invasion of Russia, July 1941TS 1000 TS 2068 Software review Review of the war strategy game, for both the TS1000 and TS2068.
- Welcome
What to do with an extra TS1000 (and some extra cash)?TS 1000 Options include adding a FORTH interpreter, modem from Byte-Back, and ham radio uses.
- Word Sinc II.5/Oliger Video Upgrade NotesTS 1000 Type-in program
XFORTH XChangeTS 2068 Open forum for owners of FORTH kernels and related products. Distributed by Hawg Wild Software.
XForth Xchange v2 n1TS 1000 TS 2068 Full copy of the newsletter.
Publisher: Triangle Sinclair Users Group