Date: May, June, July 1984
Volume: 2
Issue: 5/6/7
QSAVE RevisitedTS 1000 Adjustments to QSAVE for memory, speed et cetera.
2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming, Parts 3 & 4TS 2068 Tutorial Programs to help peek and poke code.
Understanding Sinclair BasicTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial to teach BASIC on the TS 1000.
Programs, Reviews, InformationTS 2050 Hardware review Review of TS 2050 modem.
The UDGs Meet The Data StatementTS 2068 Type-in program Acey-Ducey, a type-in game that demonstrates user-defined graphics.
Super VariableTS 1000 Type-in program Program to demonstrate use of arrays
Smart MailboxTS 2068 Type-in program Mailing list program that uses a long string to store data instead of an array.
Pseudo ROM ProgramsTS 1000 Type-in program Program to create and save character sets for the pseudo ROM board developed by Demby.
Programmer's Utility EPROMTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the product from Delphic Enterprises.
Olivetti PR2300 Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program Program to print screens to the Olivetti printer.
Non-Breakable Programs: 2068 Back-up CopiesTS 2068 Type-in program Code to allow for backing up programs.
User Friendly Programs for the BeginnerTS 1000 Tutorial Introduction to programming.
The Continuing Saga of 64 ColumnsTS 2068 Reference Analysis of Carole Corcoran’s code from the technical manual.
Fall of the Third ReichTS 2068 Software review Review of the program by Mark Stueber.
- Oliger 2068 Expansion RGB Circuit InstructionsTS 2068
Spectrum Emulator or ChameleonTS 2068 Product announcement for Doug Dewey’s EMU-1 and EMU-2.