Date: January 1989
The QL Beginner's Column: "Software Dependant" SoftwareQL Confused title? Nope! We need to understand that the bread and butter for QL computing are the many new softwares, American made, inexpensive, that depend upon the Psion group for operation
LKDOS Off Switch (For MAX DOS Operation)TS 2068 Hardware project Add an off switch to resolve conflicts with Oliger NMI functions.
TS-2068 Power WarningTS 2068 As more devices are hung on the I/O port, the rated output of the voltage regulator is stretched to the limit.
The MAX DOS SagaTS 2068 Some are having problems with conflicts. LKDOS users should use RANDOMIZE USR 100 instead of PRINT #4, which conflicts with Oliger DOS.
LDOS Version 3TS 2068 Software review One can upgrade to version 3 by ordering a new EPROM for LKDOS. It provides a raft of great improvements.
Publishing DataUpdate has more than 400 subscribers.
Disk Drives, the Repair thereof, and analogiesDisk drive repair cost exceeds new replacement cost, by way of an analogy about Lincoln cars.
Sinclair Publications: Quantum Levels Still KickingQL Quantum Levels will continue publishing and will absorb Syncware News.
The Cambridge Z88 Personal ComputerZ88 Reprint of press announcement.
SNUG UpdateBrief update on progress in establishing the Sinclair Northamerica Users Group.
Club Z88 PipelineZ88 Letter about plan to develop a Z88-specific newsletter.
Larken TipTS 2068 Recommendation for LKDOS users to subscribe to SINC LINK.
QL TipsQL Tips on printing from the QL.
QL Repair Sources/TS-2068 Repair SourcesTS 2068 QL Dan Elliott and Tom Bent are recommended for QL. Elliot also repairs TS-2068.
- Letter about Z88Z88
Creating Export Data Files With PSION Software (Abacus/Quill) Then Importing Them to QuillQL How to export files from Abacus and read them into Quill.
- Another QL Beginner TipsterQL
TS-2068 VARS Save and Re-LoadTS 2068 Type-in program Program find and save VARS for Larken DOS or cassette.
Letter about converting Microsoft BASIC programs to SuperBasicQL Type-in program Letter includes a program to replace MID$, LEFT$ and RIGHT$ functions with Sinclair equivalent functions.
- Letter updating REFIELDQL
HELPER: A SuperBASIC ProgramQL A set of toolkit-like functions presented in menu format.
The FD-68 UpdateTS 2068 Using RP/M (a clone of CP/M by Micro-Methods) with the TS-2068 and FD-68.
Let's Talk About Printers and Bit Image GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program When it comes to printers and graphics, there is very little standardization. However, IBM compatible printers all use the same common command format.
- More on Printers and Printer Buffers
Money Machine, Puzzle Maker and additional comment on Money Machine IITS 2068 Software review The original Money Machine is a little different than Money Machine II: it does not have Bann Brite nor the enlarged type of the latter. It has 400 puzzles and provides for loading in new puzzles.
2068 Power Supply Problem?TS 2068 Hardware project From my own personal experience and information gleaned from articles, it is clear that the method of powering the 2068 has serious problems. My solution to these problems is to provide a husky linear power supply to the computer, printer and accessories.
The Index PrinterQL Type-in program Last issue we gave an index printing program for the TS-2068. This time I was determined to make the QL do it. Actually it turned out to be pretty good, and it has some other applications as well. It could be an “outline printer” or could be used for just about any purpose that one…
Sinclair Z-88 Filling a Market Niche?Z88 What makes the Z88 unique is its packaging. The computer is eight by eleven inches, weighs under two pounds and is only three fourths of an inch thick! This makes it the first truly portable computer.
Tax Software for the QLQL Software review TAX-l-QL (rhymes with icicle) is the lead program from the Boston QL software house of EMSoft. It is a spreadsheet template to run under ABACUS on the QL to make the IRS tax preparation easier but is does require at least 384K RAM.
Z88 ReviewZ88 I have owned a Z88 for about five months now. I thought I would give my impressions of it. I have always been interested in laptop computers and wanted to buy one for a long time. But they were either too expensive or not powerful enough. That is until the Z88. It is both powerful…
Microdrive Cartridge RepairsQL I recently encountered a “stuck” microdrive cartridge. I mean, it was working one minute, and suddenly, all I could get from my QL was “not found”, whatever that means. What it means is that the tape is inserted incorrectly and not moving. In my case, reinserting the tape did not help, so I started looking…