Lemke Software Development
2144 White Oak, Wichita, KS 67207
Stan Lemke
Stan Lemke developed graphics and desktop publishing software for the Timex/Sinclair 2068 using TIMACHINE.
Most of his program development was done on cassette. In early 1988, Stan purchased an AERCO disk drive system for his TS2068.
Pixel Print Professional used the extra 64K RAM in the AERCO to bank switch a second column, allow the user to switch between left and right columns in the desktop program.
Lemke also published a newsletter for Pixel Print users called Pixel Print Press.
14 month calendar. Loads into Pixel Print DTP; personalize in Pixel Print. Print 1 or 4 months per page. Comes with 80 calendar icons.
TS 2068
Banner designer program similar to The Print Shop. Prints horizontally on TS2040 printer or on a full-size printer supported by Zebra Systems’ ZPrint-80 printer driver.
TS 2068
TS 2068
7 fonts, each in a 16×16 bit matrix, for use with Pixel Print. Includes 16-Point Font Designer, a program for editing and creating new fonts.
TS 2068
Downloadable TS 2068
Based on Pixel Print Plus! desktop publisher. Bank-switching for perfect page layout, 64 column printing. Available for cassette, Aerco disk, A&J Microdrive, Oliger disk, Larken disk and Zebra disk. Most version require a 32K RAM cartridge. Larken requires 64K RAM disk.
TS 2068
Desktop publishing program, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).
Downloadable TS 2068
Graphics design program that works with the standard, extended color and high resolution video modes. Uses joystick and simple key commands to draw and edit graphic designs.
TS 2068
TS 2068
Convert a TASWORD (word processor) file to the Pixel Print Desktop Publisher File. This gives the user the choice of creating a text file while in the Desktop Publisher program, or by using the TASWORD word processor program.
TS 2068
A New Professional DTPTS 2068 Software review Review of Pixel Print Professional 5.0, available from Stan Lemke.
- An ISTUG Software Review: Pixel Print Plus!TS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Pieces
Bob's Notebook: Pixel Print PlusTS 2068 Demo of Pixel Print Plus.
ColossusTS 2068 Software review Like it’s namesake, the Colossus of Rhodes, Lemke Software Development’s graphic banner designer utility “Colossus” stands head and shoulders above similar software. Colossus contains features that heavyweight software developer Broderbund Software has just recently added to its popular program “The Print Shop”.
Correction to Pixel Print PlusTS 2068 Fix a coding error.
- Death of a Professional ProgrammerTS 2068
- Did You Know?TS 2068
For Your SinclairTS 2068 Z88 Desktop publishing software from Lemke Software Development and Charles Stelding. Z88, Spectrum +3 announcement. Notes about Second Annual Midwest Timex Sinclair Computer Fest. PC8300, products from John Mathewson, Specterm 64, Larken disk interface, Sharp’s, more.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware and software announcements from many vendors.
For Your SupportZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 QL Product announcements from G. Russell Electronics, Byte-Back, Variety Sales, Chia-Chi Chao, Larken Electronics, Sams, Fred Nachbaur, Lemke Software Development and E. Arthur Brown.
- Lemke Software
- Lemke Software - New DevelopmentsTS 2068
- Lemke Software Goes Public DomainTS 2068
New Customized Pixel PrintTS 2068 Software review Description of new features added by Steve Spalding.
Pixel Print Plus (ver 4) releasedTS 2068 Indiana Timex Sinclair User reports program was almost finished when Stan Lemke, the author, exited market. Steven Spalding of Sting Graphics completed program.
- Pixel Print Plus Keyboard OverlayTS 2068
- Pixel Print PressTS 2068
Pixel Print Users Shocked by Lemke Pull-Out!TS 2068 Stan Lemke announces decision to depart Sinclair world, months after releasing Pixel Print Professional 5.
Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor (PS/GE) 2.0TS 2068 Software review The Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor, Version 2.0 (or PS/GE, for short) uses the standard video mode, the extended color video mode with eight times the standard color resolution, and the high resolution graphics video mode to draw and to print text. This versatility is very useful especially if you like lots of color or…
Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor Version 2.0TS 2068 Software review Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor lets you create, edit, and label original graphics and modify, merge, and analyze existing screens with electronic tools. Some of the editing functions on PS/GE are found in Apple graphics software like Mouse Paint and Dazzle Draw.
- Service CornerTS 2068
Sinclair Survival ColumnTS 1000 TS 2068 Fourth annual year-end wrap up. Notes about products from Silicon Mountain Computers, Pixel Sketch & Graphics Editor and Pixel Print Desktop Publisher from Stan Lemke.
The Great Sinclair Desktop Publishing Journal Product Roundup for Spectrums and TS2068sTS 2068 Table of desktop publishing programs and support software.
Those Zebra IconsTS 2068 Overview of Zebra’s contribution of a common file format to desktop publishing with TS 2068.
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
TS-2068 Cottage Software SupportTS 2068 Fairware (Jack Dohany), Chia-Chi Chao, RMG Enterprises, S&K Enterprises, Lemke Software, Byte Power, Grey & Clifford, Bill Pedersen.
Utilizing Pixel Print’s SCREEN$ Save UtilityTS 2068 Using the screen save feature to create marked-up images.
- 16 Point Font Designer
- Colossus manual
- Icon Package
- Lemke Advertisements
- Letter to Don Lambert
- Letter to RMG Enterprises
- Pixel Print Font Package
- Pixel Print Plus v3.1 Manual
- Pixel Print Plus! manual
- Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor v 2.0 manual
- Poly-Scroll
- Tasword Conversion
Computer Media
- 64 Column Utility
- Font Library 1
- Font Library 2
- Pixel Print Font Utility Package 1
- Pixel Print Graphics
- Pixel Print PLUS!
- Pixel Print v1
- Pixel Sketch and Graphic Editor
- Tasword to Pixel Print
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n6
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n1
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n4
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n6
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n4
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n6
- Update April 1988
- Update January 1989
- Update October 1988