Date: Spring 1984
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
The Complete Gamer's Guide for all Timex and IBM PC UsersTS 1000 Short descriptions of games from Creative Software, HES, Melbourne House, Mindware, Orbyte Software, Reston Publishing, Softsync, Timeworks and Timex.
$99! ComputerTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the TS 1000 and overview of software and hardware available for the computer.
Computer Workout: TS 2068TS 2068 Hardware review While many computer companies play “Waiting For Peanut” before upgrading their current machines, Timex Sinclair has forged ahead with the 2068 Personal Color Computer, which should be readily available by the time you read this. The TS 2068 is a 48K computer that is based on the extremely successful Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, introduced a…
Star Softrev: VU-CALCTS 1000 Software review Brief review of the program.
EditorialDescribes purpose of the newsletter, as compared to others.
GozzipSinclair announces ZX-83, Timex the 2000. Timex plans a 3000 for 1984. Mindware printer back ordered for six months.
ApplicationszCatalogs received from Z-Ware, Computer Continuum, Softsync, Data-Assette, Cleva Computerware.
Mizzle CommandTS 1000 Type-in program Short video game program.
The Timex-Sinclair 1000TS 1000 One user’s opinions about his TS 1000.
Star BookrevTS 1000 Book review Review of ZX-81 Horizon by Adrian Watney. An excellent introduction to advanced programming with a detective game, a graphics game, a file management system, and a machine code programmer/toolkit. Very clearly presented. Many hints and tips. The cassette includes all the program texts – so it saves a lot of time and protects you from…
Hardware Hintz: Preventing CrashesTS 1000 How to prevent RAM pack wobble crashes and minimize static electricity.
Softrev: Graphics KitTS 1000 Software review Reivew of the graphics kit tape from Softsync.
Bookrev: Timex/Sinclair SourcebookTS 1000 Book review Review of guide published by Microdesign Concepts.
EF's 50 Best GamesTS 2068 Software review Round-up of the magazine’s top 50. Flight Simulator for the TS 2068 is number 45.
This inaugural issue was almost entirely advertising.