Jack Dohany

390 Rutherford Ave, Redwood, CA 95061
Owner(s): Jack Dohany

Jack Dohany worked in the electronics industry as a field engineer from 1962 to 1970. After seeing the Vietnam War up close, he became a pacifist and eventually left his job.

Jack took up woodworking in 1970 and started a business called The Merry Toymaker, which he ran until 2009.  He sold his toys mainly at craft fairs and did no advertising.

Jack passed away in 2019.


Customizable printer driver for parallel (Centronics) printers. While it was written for the CP-68 parallel printer interface, it does work with other parallel printer interfaces.
Downloadable TS 2068
EPROM to correct bugs in the 2068 ROM.
TS 2068
Collection of fonts, user defined graphics and font editor/manager.
TS 2068
This program allows you to enter the TIMEX BASIC keywords, one letter at a time. This is useful to those who have custom keyboards without legends. You can toggle this feature on and off with a PRINT USR statement.
Downloadable TS 2068
Machine language word processor developed exclusively for the Timex 2068 by Micro Systems Software, Inc., the authors of MTERM II (Smart Terminal II). It is the only popular word processor that takes advantage of the Timex 2068 64 column extended screen mode for a 64×22 text display. Other features include full control of text width
Downloadable TS 2068
Public domain package to read a Dallas Semiconductor SmartWatch clock/calendar chip. The device installed in the 2068 under the Home ROM.
TS 2068
This emulator consisted of a 32K EPROM that replaced the 16K ROM. The EPROM contained the 2068 operating system in the lower half, and Spectrum operating system in the upper half. Errors in both operating systems were corrected. Error correction is detailed in documentation. The lower or upper half of the 32K EPROM is selected
TS 2068
Renumber, REM kill, list variables or compact program. Adapted by Jack Dohany from a program by John Charlesworth printed in Your Computer vol 4. no 4.
Downloadable TS 2068
Word processor with graphics capabilities, and with optional graphic designer, LQ fonts and desktop publisher. Optional featured required an Epson-type dot matrix printer. Word-Master was written for the Spectrum by Paul Sneesby and Barry Parkinson, of PCG Software in England. Jack Dohany customised, sold and supported it in the US. Word-Master was a full-featured “extendable”
TS 2068


  • 'Fontman' Varies Type Styles on 2068 Screen or Printer
  • 3 Font Packages for the TS2068/Spectrum You Should Know About
    Reviews of Byte Power’s First Class Fonts II, Jack Dohany’s Font Manager and Bill Ferrebee’s Font Packages and Font Editor from Mountaineer Software.
  • Announcing the IKI (IBM Keyboard Interface for 1000/2068)
  • Announcing: The IKI (An IBM Keyboard Interface for 1000/2068)
    The IKI can be used with the ZX80, ZK81, T/S 1000, T/S 1500, Spectrum and T/S 2068 computers. It is compatible with all interfaces for those computers. The IKI works with any IBM XT-compatible keyboard. The keyboard must have an XT/AT selector switch.
  • Become a Sinclair Tycoon
    Advice on how not to run a software/hardware business.
  • Bits & Bytes
  • Bits & Bytes
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Dear MSCRIPTers
    Updates and features new in version 6.
    Updates, bug report and version report.
  • Description of Word-Master
  • Description of Wordmaster (USA version 1.08)
  • Drifting Away?
    THE PLOTTER was originally produced as a vehicle to dispense news to the membership of CCATS about the meeting time and date as well as to disseminate information about the new and exciting Timex/Sinclair computers. That was over 12 years ago! The purpose of the newsletter has not changed. It is still sent to members
  • FAT M-Script
    Use this listing in place of the Basic loader supplied with M-Script. It gives a backup capability and will provide larger letters that help improve readability.
  • FDD Express: More Letters
    Letters from Bob Orrfelt about the FDD technical manual he was writing; Jack Dohany about Zebra FDD system; Dennis Bryant about Amdek DXY-100 Plotter and sound; Tom Dunlop about moving Profile 2068 to disk.
  • For Your Support
    Column announcing hardware, software for Timex/Sinclair owners. Products from Bruce Taylor, Fred Nachbaur, Tom Woods, John Oliger, Jack Donahy, 21st Century Electronics, Zebra Systems, Steve Wyatt, G. Russell Electronics and Tad Painter listed.
  • For Your Support
    Hardware and software offerings from Chia-Chi Chao, Mike Trivisonno, Jack Donahy, Fred Nachbaur, Tim Worcester, Games to Learn By, Kraig Pritts, John Oliger, Tom Woods and Knighted Computers.
  • From the Editor's Desk
    This month’s newsletter contents includes a nice review of a Jack Dohany series of utilities for working with Larken disk systems. It is nice to know that there is still more information and use being generated for this system so it is far from being dead.
  • From the Editor's Desk
    This issue devotes a fair amount of space to the word processor, MSCRIPT. Being fairly conversant with Jack Dohany’s revisions I find it easy to write about. The early edition of it has surfaced again, possibly the original, as an MSDOS program. Do any of our readers know the history of this word processor? We
  • Good News
  • Good News
    Jack Dohany developed version of Mscript for 80 column printers with other features.
  • Input/Output
    Letters from Hugh Scriven, Peter Lievert-Adelt, Gil Parrish, David Lassov, Frank Davis, Bob Swoger, Steve, Johnson, Jose Moreno, George Chambers, Ken Harbit, Jack Dohany, Les Cottrell.
  • Jack Dohany, Software/Hardware
  • Jack in the Redwoods Heard From
    SYNX is a 46-byte relocatable machine language reoutine for Aerco disk users. It allows you to turn off the BASIC syntax checker when writing or editing BASIC lines and to turn it back on. Syntax checking during program execution remains in effect.
  • Jim's Programming Notes
    In spite of what experience may have shown, the choice of language is not a big deal. The choice of a particular language implementation IS!
  • Let's Talk Briefly About Word-Master Graphics
    Short description of how Word-Master captures a portion of a saved screen file.
  • Letter from Jack Dohany
  • LLIST Graphic Characters
    Techniques for printing the special Sinclair graphics characters to conventional dot matrix printers. Jack Dohany’s GYPSY and SD9 programs are mentioned.
  • MScript on Your IBM Clone
    YES! RMG has it in the shareware/PD library. The program was released in 1984 and is version 1.0 for DOS. The commands are almost identical to those that we saw in the 2068 version. There are no docs with it. But, from what I can tell, you can use the original manual. If anyone is
  • MScript upgraded to 5.5
  • Mscript with MSDOS
    Many of us made a choice years ago of using either TASWORD II or MSCRIPT for word processing on our 2068 computers. As I recall, I was the only member of our user group to use MSCRIPT on a continuing basis though I used TASWORD when forced to. Then when Jack Dohany developed his nice
  • News From Around the Clubs
  • Printer Ink Cleaner
    Those who have re-inked larger printer ribbons know that it is almost impossible to use re-inking equipment without getting ink on one or more fingers. Rod Gowen, RMG Enterprises, recommends using WD 4 0 lubricant as a hand cleaner. Recently I had re-inked a 17+ yd ribbon for my Epson printer but neglected to clean
  • Product News
    Oliger 2068 floppy disk interface available; Larken drive controller with Spectrum ROM; uncased 2050 modems; Tech Draw Jr, Spectrum Emulator cartridge, Zebra Talker from Zebra; Amdek plotter; Jack Dohany’s shareware announcement.
  • Product Review: Spectrum Emulator for 2068
  • Products and Supplies
    Use a poker chip to pad out space when using Radio Shack printer paper.
  • Public Notice from Jack Dohany
  • Public Notice from Jack Dohany dated January 1, 1991
    Retired from 2068 support activities as of January 1, 1991. Will continue developing/programming.
  • Redwood Goodies
    Larken DOS programs from Jack Dohany.
  • RLE Graphics
    Introduction to the file format, explanation of where to find and view them. Jack Dohany has written an encoder/decoder program.
  • The Great Sinclair Desktop Publishing Journal Product Roundup for Spectrums and TS2068s
    Table of desktop publishing programs and support software.
  • TS-2068 Cottage Software Support
    Fairware (Jack Dohany), Chia-Chi Chao, RMG Enterprises, S&K Enterprises, Lemke Software, Byte Power, Grey & Clifford, Bill Pedersen.
  • TS2068 SOL BBS Report
    Progress report on improving the features and reliability of the database software with the help of Jack Dohany and Larry Kenny.
  • Word-Master USA Version 2.0 Now Available
    Improved version of the program available from Jack Dohany.


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