Before launching the TS2068, Timex showed the TS2000 to the press. Initially planned to be two models (16K and 48K RAM), they dropped the 16K model and launched the TS2068.
Learn moreTS 2000
- 48K RAM for TS2000
- Abacus Controller for TS2000
- Advanced Math
- Artist's Friend
- Astro Map & Conversion
- Astro Maths
- Bio-Map
- Color Hi-Res Helper
- Custom Case
- Cycloids
- Design List
- Escaping the Maze
- Finance Manager for Spectrum and TS2000
- Full Screen Editor/Assembler
- Graph with Submarine
- Growing Snake
- Hi-Res Graphics in Action
- Hungry Animal
- Jungle Maths
- Light Pen
- Machine Code Test Tool for Spectrum and TS2000
- Multi-Color Images
- Multiple Screens
- Music Anth
- Omnigraph
- RAM for TS2000
- Savings & Loan Advisor
- Speech Synthesizer
- Star Reader
- Timex/Sinclair 2000
- Wizard Box
- 1983 Winter Consumer Electronics Show
- Color TS2000, 16K TS1500, Modem This Summer
- Comments on the January 20th Meeting
- Computers and Confusion
- Consumer Electronics Show
- DISA-Z: A Z80 Disassembler
- Editor Ramblings
- Editor Ramblings
- Editor Ramblings
- Games for Your Timex/Sinclair 2000
- Glimpse of the Series 2000
- Here comes the 1500!
- Highlights from the December Meeting
- Highlights of the January Meeting
- Highlights of the Last Meeting
- In Focus: Home Is Where the Computer Is
- In this Corner...
- Letter from England (Sync v3 n3)
- New Features on TS2000, TS1500
- New Home Computers At The Winter Consumer Electronics Show
- Perceptions
- Rumors from the Editor's desk
- Sinclair Study Group
- Softly, softly
- Softsync Ready with TS2000 Software
- Software Received: Stock Control
- Some micros may die
- Spectrum launch in the States
- SYNC at the Library
- Sync Notes
- The Bookshelf Goes Supernova
- The Chicago Consumer Electronics Show
- The Essential Guide to T/S Home Computers
- The Fall Computer Collection At The Summer Consumer Electronics Show
- The New Arrivals
- The New Timex 2000
- Timex Developments
- Timex shows color computer with 48K for under $200
- Timex Sinclair 1000 sales disappointing
- Timex Sinclair Color Computer
- Timex Slashes Price
- Timex-Sinclair 2000
- Timex, Sinclair, and the Clones
- Timex: 16K TS2000 Scrapped; Software Deals
- TRS-80 MC-10 'battles' T/S 2000
- TS1500, Modem Delays
- TS2000 News
- What's In Store: Timex Sinclair 2000
- Winter Consumer Electronics Show Report
- An Introduction to VU-Calc Spreadsheeting for the Timex/Sinclair 2000 and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
- Brain Games for Kids & Adults Using the Timex/Sinclair 1000, 1500 & 2000 Series
- Inside the Timex Sinclair 2000 Computer: a Guide to the Anatomy of the Hardware
- Machine Code and Better Basic
- Programming the Timex/Sinclair 2000
- Tantalizing Games for the Timex/Sinclair 2000 Series
- The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home Computers
- The Timex/Sinclair 2000 and How to Get the Most From It
- The Timex/Sinclair 2000 Book of Games
- TS2000 Programmer's Reference Guide
- Press Release: Timex/Sinclair 2000
- The John Oliger Co. Product Lists
- Zebra Universal Prototyping System For The TS-1000, TS-1500, TS-2000, ZX-80, ZX-81 and Spectrum