1990 University Computer Fair ReviewReview of the University of Washington computer fair.
2068 Fix Star NX-1000/AERCO Centronics I/F FixTS 2068 Hardware project Fix to accommodate STROBE line requirement of Star NX-1000 printer.
- 2068 Second ScreenTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- 40K Non-Volatile MemoryTS 1000 Hardware project
- An Open Letter to All Interested Parties of S.N.U.G.
And Now For Something Completely DifferentTS 2068 Hardware review Make t-shirt transfers of TS 2068 artwork using John McMichael’s hardware and software. Reprinted from Sinc-Link v8 n1.
- Cheap 32K RAM Add on For The 2068TS 2068 Hardware project
- Circuit CircusTS 2068 QL TS 2050 Hardware project
- Disassembled BASICBook review
- Editorial
- Editorial
- FDD Express Also FoldsTS 2068
- FLIB EvolutionTS 2068
- FLIB Evolution IITS 2068 Type-in program
- Game Software ReviewTS 2068 Software review
- Games To Play Now That The War Is OverTS 1000 TS 2068 Software review
Growth Plans and Pains: An Interview with Nigel SearleReprint from SYNC magazine.
- Hardware Review: Panasonic KX-P1124 PrinterHardware review
- Hardware Review: Roklan Un-Roller ControllerHardware review
- Input & Output
- Input & Output
- Input & Output
- Input & Output
- Interview with Clive Sinclair
- IQ BoosterTS 2068 Type-in program
Laptop Computer ReviewZ88 Overview of less-expensive laptop options, including the Z88.
- Laptop Computer ReviewZ88
- Larry Zunk ReviewTS 2068
- Las Vegas Odds EvenerTS 2068
- Las Vegas Odds Evener RevisitedTS 2068
- Library News
- Library News
- Linked Lists & Recursion, Part 1TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Linked Lists & Recursions, Part 2TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- LOG-ON!TS 2068 QL
- Making the T/S 1000 & ZX-81 Even BetterTS 1000 Hardware project
- Malcolm's Minutes
- Membership News
Mike's Notebook: BITSTS 2068 Type-in program Knowing the bit patterns of a specific byte can also help to better understand machine code among the many other uses. The following BASIC program will print out all 256 bit patterns, their hexadecimal and decimal equivalent.
Mike's Notebook: GETPUTTS 2068 Type-in program Here are two commands found in other computer BASICs which are missing from Sinclair BASIC. They are GET and PUT, and are used transferring screen images.
Mike's Notebook: LINESTS 2068 Type-in program Sinclair BASIC graphics commands PLOT and DRAW have several disadvantages and shortcomings. One of them is that they only address a 256 X 176 pixel screen and cannot draw to the bottom two character lines.
Mike's Notebook: LOADERTS 2068 Type-in program Read the output of CAT via SCREEN$ and load programs.
Mike's Notebook: LOADERTS 2068 Type-in program Program uses the SCREEN$ function to facilitate loading software from a Larken disk system.
Mike's Notebook: LOTTOTS 2068 Type-in program Lotto number generator that can be modified for your geographical requirements.
Mike's Notebook: MACROTS 2068 Type-in program Did you ever do a lot of repetitive keying or wish you had programmable function keys? Here’s a clever little utility which will do just that. It was originally written for the Spectrum and uses the interrupt mode 2.
Mike's Notebook: MKDATATS 2068 Type-in program One of the “must have” utilities that any self-respecting software “hacker” needs in his/her arsenal of tools is a DATA line maker. Although there are several available, especially for the Spectrum ROM, mv favorite one appeared in the May 1988 newsletter of the Capital Area Timex Sinclair Users Group by H.E. Weppler. I have simplified…
Mike's Notebook: PARSE64TS 2068 Type-in program The following bit of machine code will allow you to print any text string using a clean, fast 64 column character set. What distinguishes this program from similar ones is that instead of requiring 768 bytes to define the characters (96 characters X 8 bytes per character), this program uses half the usual number of…
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
Minutes with SEATUGReport on the August 2, 1990 meeting.
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- Minutes with SEATUG
- New Columns
- News From Around the Clubs
- Obsolescence
- Oops!TS 1000 Type-in program
- Project SuggestionsTS 1000
- QL CornerQL
- QL PrimerType-in program
- QL PrimerQL
- QL PrimerQL Type-in program
- QL PrimerQL Type-in program
- QL PrimerQL
- QL PrimerQL
Random BitsTS 1000 TS 2068 Notes on Bill Ferrebee’s activities, a Timex/Sinclair kite camera by Mike Deluc, bulletin-board systems, updating TS 2068 programs.
- Random BitsTS 2068
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Random Bits
- Repeat KeyTS 1000 Hardware project
- Russian Peasant MultiplicationTutorial
- SEATUG's Coming Attractions
- Shell SortsTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Sierpinski's GasketTS 2068 Type-in program
- Sinclair EchoTS 1000 TS 2068
- Sinclair ECHOTS 1000 TS 2068
- Sinclair EchoTS 2068 QL
- Sinclair EchoTS 2068 QL
Sinclair Echo: Sinclair BBS Newsletter August 1990TS 1000 TS 2068 Bulletin-board message insert in newsletter.
Sinclair Echo: Sinclair BBS Newsletter June/July 1990TS 1000 TS 2068 Bulletin-board message insert in newsletter.
- Sinclair NewsTS 2068
- Sinclair/ECHO
- Sinclair/ECHO
- SNUG Roundup
- Software Review: Circuit DesignerTS 2068 Software review
- Software Review: LetteriterTS 2068 Type-in program
- Software Review: MSCRIPT v5.5TS 2068 Software review
Software Review: Pix Fix by John T. NguyenTS 2068 Software review Review of the image editing/creation program for the TS 2068.
- Software Review: PIX-FIXTS 2068 Software review
- SWYM Reviews the SEATUG Library Catalog
- T/S 1000 40K Non-Volatile Memory Expansion Project, Part IITS 1000 Hardware project
- The Joy of Joysticks: Add This to "Repeat-Key!"TS 1000 Hardware project
- The Trials and Tribulation of Reading an MSDOS Textfile DiskTS 1000 Type-in program
- Time That SortTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- TOS Revealed By CP/MTS 2068
- Z88 NewsZ88
- Z88 NewsZ88
- Z88 NewsZ88
- Z88 NewsZ88