Nite-Times News
1988 Timex-Sinclair ComputerfestPlans announced for 1988 Timex-Sinclair Computerfest in Florida.
2040/Alphacom 32 Printer PaperTS 2040 Radio Shack TP-10 paper can be used.
4 Times Screen$TS 2068 Type-in program Print graphics with pixels scaled 4x on the Tandy DMP-105. Reprinted in Sinc-Link, TS-2068 Update and ZXir QLive Alive.
- A JLO FDD Interface Hardware ProjectTS 2068 Hardware project
- A National Timex Sinclair Directory Being Created
- A New World of Commercial Electronic Mail Services
- A Previously Undocumented Feature in QLuMSi DOS v4.30QL
- A Timexer's Guide to the Astral Plane BBS
- A ZX-TERM*80 QuirkTS 1000
- Adding a TTL Monitor To Your TS-2068TS 2068 Hardware project
- Adding Two More DrivesTS 2068 Hardware project
- An Easy Improvement for Your TS-2068 KeyboardTS 2068 Hardware project
- AOS-LKDOSTS 2068 Type-in program
- Archive PrimerQL Tutorial
Auto Scale and Bar GraphTS 2068 Type-in program Program to plot data like stock market results.
- Bi-Col TipQL
- Brief Overview of Artifical Intelligence on the SpectrumZX Spectrum Tutorial
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit for Your TS-2068TS 2068 Hardware project
Bus StopObituary for Pete Kwitkowski.
- C.A.T.U.G Club Officers
- C.A.T.U.G. Club Officers
- CATS Capitalfest Invitation
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Library Notes
- CATUG Meeting Notes
- CATUG PDL1 (QL) Disk
- CATUG Text Library
- Changes for QLUSTer 4.370QL Type-in program
- Changing Tasword Two Screen ColorsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Chicago Area FIDO Network
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (August 1, 1987)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (August 1988)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (July 1988)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (June 1988)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (Nov 1988)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (Sept 1, 1987)
- Chicago Area Timex Users Group (Sept 1988)
- Cleveland T/S Computer Fest
- Club Meetings
- Club Meetings
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000TS 1000 Hardware project
- Connecting The Amdek Amdisk III to the Zebra FDD 3000TS 2068 Hardware project
- Converting Tape Programs to Larken Disk ProgramsTS 2068 Tutorial
- Custom Disk/Tape DirectoryTS 2068 Type-in program
Data InterruptList of user groups.
Data InterruptTS 2068 Describes variations of Larken hardware and software.
- DBEasy v1.6 - A New Version ReviewQL Software review
- DEFine TEMPoraryQL
- Did You Know, Part 2TS 2068
- Directory to PrinterQL Type-in program
- Drop Down MenusQL Type-in program
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editorial
- EPROMS Are Alive and Well ... And Living in Redwood CityTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware project
- FIDO Network Update
- Fix the ZX-81/TS1000 Loose Jack ProblemTS 1000 Hardware project
- Fixing My FDD3000TS 2068 Hardware project
- Form Letter Name MergeTS 2068 Type-in program
- Free Z80 and 68008 Technical ManualsReference
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
From the Editors DiskWhat to Do When You’re Done With It
- From the Editors Disk
- From the President's Desk
- From the President's Desk
- From the President's Desk
- From the President's DeskTS 2068
- From the President's Desk
- From the President's Desk
- From the Presidents Desk
Gator's Twisted PairClub has 24 hour BBS.
- Gator's Twisted Pair
- Gator's Twisted Pair
Graphic Screen$ DumpTS 2068 Type-in program Print graphics screens to the Tandy DMP-105.
- Hardcopy (A QL Utility)QL Type-in program
- Hunt the WumpusTS 2068 Type-in program
- In Defense of Public Domain Software
- Increasing the Character Count Per Line on Tasword TwoTS 2068
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Input/OutputQL
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Input/OutputTS 2068 Z88
- Input/Output
- Input/Output
- Interface a Joystick to Your TS-1000 or ZX81TS 1000 Hardware project
- It Happened at the Fest
- Keyboard Mania, Part 1TS 1000 Hardware project
- Keyboard Mania, Part 2TS 1000 Hardware project
- Keyboard Mania, Part 3TS 1000 Hardware project
- Keyboard Mania, Part 4TS 1000 Hardware project
- Keyboard Mania, Part 5TS 1000 Hardware project
- Keyboard Mania, Part 7TS 1000 Hardware project
- Lil' Amp Rides AgainTS 1000 TS 2068
Loader VTS 2068 Type-in program Details about a program to send and receive files, for use with MTERM Smart Terminal II.
- Lottery Random Number PickerQL Type-in program
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the Larken DS-400TS 2068 Hardware project
- MDIR_basQL Type-in program
- Meet Phillip Kwitkowski
- Minimuf 3.5TS 2068 Type-in program
- Modem Time! 1st MTERM IITS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
- More Mineral Oil!TS 1000
- More QXL NotesQL Hardware review
- Moving Programs From Tape to Disk Using NMITS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
My Report of the T/S Fest '87My wife Heddy and І arrived in Indianapolis at 5:30PM local time on Friday May ist after an uneventful USAir flight from Los Angeles. The Holiday Inn North’s airport bus arrived in about 25 minutes to take us to the hotel. The accommodations seemed to be very nice. The pre-festival banquet began at 8:00PM and…
- New Product Announcement
- New Timex/Sinclair BBS Notices
- News Items
- Nite-Times Information
- Northern Illinois Timex Users
- Notes from the Library
- On QL Disk InterfacesQL
- On the QLQL
- On the QLQL Type-in program
- On the QLQL
- On the QLQL
- Pascal for the TS2068TS 2068 Software review
- PreVIEWQL Type-in program
PRINT or LPRINTTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Each new book І have bought on the TS 2068 has taught me quite a bit about programming on the computer. The things I have learned lately on the keyword PRINT are quite interesting. The latest book I purchased, “Introduction to 2068 Machine Language” by Dr. Lloyd Dreger, explained quite a bit about it. Many…
- PRINT or LPRINTTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Programming TipsTS 2068 Reference
- QL Color Composite Monitor JackQL Hardware project
- QL Emulator for the AmigaQL Software review
- QL MenueQL Type-in program
- QL TipQL Reference
- QL vs. TS-2068TS 2068 QL
- QL WoesQL
- QLUSTer UpgradeQL
- QLUSTer v4.305QL
- QXL NotesQL
- RAMDISK for PhillipTS 2068
- Relocating Machine Code Programs in the TS-2068TS 2068 Type-in program
- Relocating Machine Code Programs in the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program
- Removing Lenslok Protection from Art StudioTS 2068 Type-in program
- Reports and Comments from the First SNUG Conference
- Retrieving LOST_DOCsQL
- SAFE Disk Up-Date
- Saga 3 Elite Keyboard ReviewTS 2068 Hardware project
- SCOPY 1.06QL Type-in program
- SCREEN$ to Tasword TwoTS 2068 Type-in program
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Secretary's Notepad
- Simple Modem UpgradeTS 2050 Hardware project
- Sinclair Migration 1.01TS 1000 Type-in program
- Sinclair Northamerica Users Group
- Sinclair/Timex Midwest Computer Fest Update
- Specterm-64 v4.0 & v4.1TS 2068 Software review
- Stepping Rate FixTS 2068 Type-in program
- Sunstate T/S Winterfest '88
Sysop's Twisted PairTS 2068 Swoger describes the club’s BBS, which he wrote. It runs on a PDP 11 under RSX-11M. The BBS has been up since 1984 and was written by me at a time when I had never seen any other BBS. As a result it looks like no other board you’ve seen before. I wrote it from…
Sysops Twisted PairPDP 11/23+ obtained for BBS.
- Tape UnlockerTS 1000 Type-in program
- Tasman Printer Interface PokesTS 2068 Type-in program
- Tasword 2 v1.8 for LogiCallTS 2068 Type-in program
- Tasword EnhancementTS 2068 Tutorial
- Tax-I-QL TipQL
- Telecomm Guide Premiers at Computer FestTS 1000 TS 2068
- Telecommunications Corner
- Telecommunications Corner
- Telecommunications CornerTS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
- Telecommunications CornerTS 2068 Type-in program
- Telecommunications Corner
- Telecommunications Corner
- Telecommunications on the QLQL
- Telecommuter's Corner
- Telecommuter's CornerTS 2068
- The 1988 Regional Computer Users Conference
- The CATUG Software Library
- The CATUG Telecomm Home-Port
- The Editor's Soapbox
- The Editor's Soapbox
- The Software Exchange
- The Software Exchange
- The Ultimate AUTOSTARTTS 2068 Type-in program
- Third Annual Great Northwest Timex/Sinclair Mini Fair Report
- TIMACHINE and FDD System CompatibilityTS 2068
- TIMACHINE and FDD System CompatibilityTS 2068
- Timex 1000 CloneHardware review
- Timex Computer Repair CentersTS 1000 TS 2068
- Timex Sinclair Computer Fests
- Timex Sinclair Publications Update
- Timex Sinclair Pubs Update
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex TidbitsZ88
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex TidbitsTS 2068 QL Z88
Timex TidbitsOur Timex brethren in Milwaukee are producing Digitizers for the TS-2068. The cost of a completely assembled and tested unit with postage is $52.95 while the bare board alone costs $22.95! These prices include the software. For more information write to SMUG, Р.O.Вох 101, Butler, Wisconsin 53007. RMG Enterprises have expanded their Timex/Sinclair inventory by…
- Timex-Sinclair BBS Update
- Timex/Sinclair BBS Directory
- Timex/Sinclair News and TipsZ88
- Timex/Sinclair Newsletters and Other Publications
- Tom Woods NVRAM BoardTS 2068 Hardware review
- TRA_BAS 1.2 RS-232 TranslationQL Type-in program
- Transferring Z-88 Files to the 2068TS 2068 Z88
- Treasury Notes
- Treasury Notes
- Tricks Sinclair Never Gave UsTS 2068 Tutorial
- Trump Card on QLQL
- TS-2068 Christmas LabelsTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS-2068 Home ROM BypassTS 2068 Hardware project
- TS-2068 Memory ExpansionTS 2068 Hardware project
- TS-2068 Programming TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS2068 Key Top ProtectorTS 2068
- Twist_Q & PotpourriQL Type-in program
- Understanding Baud RatesReference
- Use Less RAM By Typing MoreTS 2068 Tutorial
- Using Art Studio, A Kempston Mouse and the JLO Disk SystemTS 2068
- Using Fidomail as a TS Network
- Using the TS-2068 Joystick Ports with Art StudioTS 2068 Type-in program
VC2LP.B1TS 2068 Type-in program Prints VU-CALC files to a large printer.
VC2TAS.B1TS 2068 Type-in program Converts VU-CALC files to Tasword 2 files.
- Why Can't Johnny Write
- XOPYQL Type-in program
- Z-SI/O Serial InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware project
- ZTERM Fix MisprintTS 2068 Type-in program
- ZXTERM-64 Xmodem FixTS 2068 Type-in program
Publisher: Chicago Area Timex Users Group (CATUG)
Nite Times News was the newsletter for the Chicago Area Timex Sinclair Users Group (CATUG). The group met until the early 1990s.
User group members included Abed Kahale, Jim Brezina and Bob Swoger.