Date: Summer 1988
- Bits & PiecesQL
- 32K NVM System RevisitedTS 1000 Hardware project
- Larken Electronics' LKDOSTS 2068 Hardware review
- BBS Listing for the Lower Mainland
- Print or LPrintTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Simple Video Inverter for ZX81TS 1000 Hardware project
- Playing With Electricity: MultiplicationQL Type-in program
- The Cassette ConnectionTS 2068 Hardware project
- QL RAM ExtensionQL Hardware project
- Logical OperatorsTS 1000 Reference Type-in program
- Using the PC8300 with 64K RAM PacksHardware project
- Telecommunications on the QLQL
- World's Simplest Volt-MeterHardware project
- The Trump CardQL Hardware review
- Uploading Big Memotext FilesTS 1000
- T/S1000 VerifyTS 1000 Type-in program