Sinclair Users Network
A BASIC UnderstandingTS 1000 Thoughts on composing programs.
A BASIC UnderstandingTS 1000 Introduction to comptuer terms.
A BASIC UnderstandingTS 1000 Tutorial about ROM and RAM.
A BASIC Understanding - 2More computer jargon for beginners.
A BASIC Understanding (array simulation)TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial on arrays.
A BASIC Understanding (memory management)TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial about memory usage on the TS 1000.
A FORTH PrimerTS 1000 Introduction for FORTH.
- AutotapeTS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project
BASICly SpeakingTS 1000 Type-in program Class record program.
BASICly SpeakingTS 1000 Type-in program Three short programs: NIM and two sorting routines.
BASICly SpeakingTS 1000 Type-in program Address book porgram.
BASICly SpeakingTS 1000 Type-in program Type-in game: Earth Defender.
BookshelfTS 1000 Book review Reviews of The Timex Personal Computer Made Simple and Mastering Your Timex Sinclair 1000 Personal Computer.
BookshelfTS 1000 Book review Reviews of Timex Sinclair 1000 by Robin Jones and Ian Stewart, The ZX81 Companion by Robert Maunder, The Watchmakers Guidebook to the Timex Sinclair 1000 Computer, and Computers for Kids ZX-81 Edition by Sally Greenwood Larsen.
BookshelfTS 1000 Book review Review of Timex/Sinclair 1000 User’s Guide, vols 1 and 2, by Joseph Giarratano.
BookshelfTS 1000 Book review Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex Sinclair 1000 and Machine Code and Better BASIC.
Co-Op NewsReports on vendors that offer discounts.
Consumer Electronics ShowTS 1500 TS 2000 This is where the big stores make their commitments for the Fall and Christmas buying season, so Timex was present with information on the TS1500 and TS2000 computers. The TS1500 is a sleek, silver and gray 9″ x 5.5″ x 1.5″ computer with a Sinclair ROM but with built in 16K internally with the capability…
From Theirs to OURSTS 1000 Comparison and conversion of Apple, PET and TRS-80 BASICs to Sinclair BASIC.
From Theirs to OURSTS 1000 Comparison of functions and commands in Apple, PET and TRS-80 BASICs.
Future Co-Op ItemsTS 1000 Details about upcoming releases from TimeWise that will be available to members.
HELP!TS 1000 Tips for using the Timex/Sinclair computers.
Input/OutputFeedback on address book program in March issue. Bug fixes to Money Analyzer I from Timex. Report on Sinclairs in Australia. Questions about VU-CALC, feedback on books.
Input/OutputTS 1000 Short notes from readers about resolving poor image quality by replacing the modulator, positive feedback about Bob Berch’s compiler, HOT Z. User dissatisfaction in dealing with Gladstone Electronics. Questions about VU-CALC. Replacement parts. LOAD/SAVE issues.
Input/OutputLetters from readers about ZX-G, CAI, ROM bugs, more.
Input/Output: A Big KeyboardTS 1000 Hardware project Instructions on interfacing a full-size keyboard to the TS 1000.
- Letters
Line RenumberingTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language routine to renumber programs.
Machine Code MagicTS 1000 Type-in program Introduction to machine code, short disassembler program.
Machine Code Magic - 2TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial about registers.
Machine Code Magic - 3TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial.
- Machine Code Magic IITS 1000 Tutorial
Mini-Reviews: Timex Sinclair User, Nightgunner, moreTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Timex Sinclair User magazine, Multi-Program tape from SyncWare, Nightgunner from Softsync, Key Stroke Management and Truth Tables from 2-Bit Software, Inventory Control and Manufacturing Control from Timex.
Mini-Reviews: XFORTH, Synchro-sette, moreTS 1000 Software review Short reviews of XFORTH by Hawg Wild Software, Synchro-sette magazine, direct video interface from AERCO, 123 Go and Making Treks by 2-Bit Software.
Modem and Serial I/OTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Byte-Back MD-1 modem.
More Hardware: BASICareTS 1000 Hardware review Review of BASICare by Microsystem Ltd.
More Hardware: Clock/Calendar, Winky Board IITS 1000 Hardware review Reviews of Clock/Calendar Board by JK Audio, Winky Board II by G. Russell Electronics.
More Software: Educational SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Educational software from Softsync and Timex.
More Software: FAST DUET, LINGO 1, DominoesTS 1000 Software review Product reviews of FAST DUET by Cosmonics, LINGO 1 by Mornae Software, Dominoes by JPR Software.
More Software: Hot ZTS 1000 Software review Review of the disassembler/monitor from Sinware.
More Software: Key LoadTS 1000 Software review Review of Key Load by G. Russell Electronics
More Software: Timex Household ProgramsTS 1000 Software review Reviews Home Asset Manager, Home Improvement Manager, Personal Finance Planner from Timex.
- New Products and Services
Product Updates: Hunter, MemotechTS 1000 Hunter produces EPROM version of its 8-16K RAM board. Memotech keyboard being shipped in black.
- Programming PearlsTutorial
SinclairTS 1000 News from Sinclair Research, offering packages of games software.
SinclairDeals on tapes from Sinclair. No firm date on flat TV.
SinclairStarting in January 1983, Sinclair Research will act as an independent distributor of Timex/Sinclair 1000 products.
SinclairSinclair Research goes public.
Software: Z Extra by SinwareTS 1000 Software review Product review.
The Truth about 'DATA & READ'TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Ways to emulate DATA and READ in Sinclair BASIC.
The Truth About INKEY$TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial on how to use INKEY$.
TIMEXTS 2000 Speculation on TS 2000 features and availability.
TIMEXTS 1000 Timex launches TS2040 printer. TS1500 will retail for $99.95. Timex developing more software.
TIMEXTS 2000 This month Timex goes to the Consumer Electronics Show to announce a range of existing new products.
TIMEXNews about upcoming products from Timex including the 1500, 2000 and modem.
To Buy or Not to Buy?Software review Reviews of Frogger from Timex, Games Sampler and Mind vs Machine by 2-BIT Software.
To Buy or Not to Buy?TS 1000 Hardware review Software review Reviews of ES-II system switch box by Electronic Shop, ZXFORTH by the Forth Dimension, Memotech keyboard.
To Buy or Not to Buy? FirmwareTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Memotext by Memotech.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews of Mindware MW-100 printer, Crash Guard from Expense Cutter Products, Power Line Filter from HB Industries.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1500 Hardware review Review of Timex/Sinclair 1500.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Memocalc by Memotech.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews of E-Z Keyboard from E-Z Key, Timex 2040 printer, Battery Backup from SyncWare.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Hunter Board.
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Review of Z-Tools and Step by Sinware.
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Reviews of Mothership from Softsync, ZX Compiler from Bob Berch,
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Review of Mega Mind, Expo Tic Tac Toe, Words and Compatibility from Orbyte software.
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Review of Understanding Sinclair BASIC from A+ Associates.
To Buy or Not to Buy? SoftwareTS 1000 Software review Reviews of the Programmers’ Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync, CIOUTIL by Cosmonics, Flight Simulation from Timex.
TS2000 NewsTS 2000 TS 2068 Along with the TS 2048 and TS 2068 computers, 35 software packages will be released, some on cartridge.
- Upgrade?
Using the Power of "VU-CALC"TS 1000 Hints on using the spreadsheet program.
Using the Power of VU-CALC IITS 1000 More tutorial on using the program.
What's Under the S.U.N.Changes to newsletter format. Overview of issue contents.
What's Under the S.U.N.Updates on the publication.
What's Under the S.U.N.Computer and RAM pack schematics, program exchange, programming help.
What's Under the S.U.N.Changes to the newsletter. Blank cassettes and software available.
What's Under the S.U.N.Details about newsletter content.
- WOWTS 1000 Type-in program
Publisher: Sinclair Users' Network
Published by Bill and Diana Wright, Sinclair Users’ Network billed itself as “The Users Group for Timex & Sinclair Computers.”
They published a newsletter every other month and a shorter bulletin in between issues. Members had access to blank cassettes, software and other materials as a co-op.