T-S Horizons n19

Date: May/June 1986
Issue: 19


  • inQLings
    New software and other news about the Sinclair QL.
  • Sign Designer, Banner Designer
    Design and print greeting cards, signs, and banners with your 2068 and full-size printer. The quality of Sign Designer and Banner Designer are equal that of Greeting Card Designer. Commands are identical for all three progams. With the Graphic Designer Utility (provided with each of the three programs), you can design your own graphics that
  • Design Tips for the Zebra Designer Series
    Banner, Greeting Card and Sign Designer are programs that give us the chance to be a little creative, and make even more constructive use of your 2068. After spending much time with all three programs, I have come up with a few suggestions to make your final product even more impressive.
  • Mailing List
    The program is written entirely in BASIC language. It stores from 100 to 425 NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS; lists all names; searches by NAME, by CITY, by ZIP code, or by PHONE number. It allows changes to entered data, or deletions of data. It allows a print out of the complete listing, or a
  • Hacker's Handbook
    The HACKER’S HANDBOOK is written by Hugo Cornwall (an alias?) of England. In this book, Hugo goes into detail of what goes on in the mind of a true “hacker”, one who revels in the ability to break into the most secure computer systems. He starts in very simple terms, and describes the subject in
  • Bank Switching... The Timex/Sinclair 2068 Computer, Part I
    Details of bank switching, starting with the CLOSE command. Errors in the ROM are described and a short solution is proposed. Disassembly of the CLOSE command is provided.
  • Switchable Spectrum ROM Project for the TS 2068
    I recently purchased some Spectrum ROMs from Zebra Systems with the hope that I might be able to make my own “ROM-switch” circuit without having to pay the price of those that are commercially available. When I examined the TS-2068’s ROM circuitry I realized that this was an easier task than I had originally assumed.
  • Enter
    Report on Midwest T/S Computer Fest; Sinclair Research sold to Amstrad.
  • Solution of Quadratic Equations
    From the book “Small User’s Math”.
  • In Spec: Trans-Express by Romantic Robot [Review]
    There are two main things you will find you can do with the program. The first is transfer programs from tape to wafer… but not all programs. The main problem with this is that the Wafadrive uses a bit over 2K of the computer’s memory for itself, so that programs that use a lot of
  • ZX81 News and Resources
    Larken Disk system for TS1000, Mini XMODEM 1.7 for ZX81 and TS 2050, Fred Nachbaur’s JOBASIC.
  • Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32K Bank Switchable NVRAM
    With HM6264LP-I5 28 pin RAMS at less than $4 each, l have devised a not-too-difficult revision to a Hunter board which will give your ZX81/TS1000 four switchable 8K sections of write-protected NVRAM on the one board.
  • Pictures from the 1986 Midwest TS Computer Fest
    Pictures taken by Charles Dickson of Lanham, MD.
  • In Sync: Exploring 2068 Video Modes
    One of the reasons I bought a 2068 was to use the advanced video modes described in appendix C of the BASIC manual. I was disappointed when I found it impossible to access these modes using only BASIC.  After learning machine code, I was able to use the Dual Screen Mode in my BASIC programs.
  • Letters
    Using Wafadrive in Spectrum mode; right to life ad in #18.


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