Volume: 5
Issue: 5
The T/S 2068 ExploredTS 2068 Book review This book’s cover quotes Clive Sinclair: “Teaches skills of programming which, without its aid, might take years to aquire.” Those who have struggled with the lack of advanced programming information in the TS2068 manual should take note.
The ArchitectTS 1000 Type-in program This brief program produces an interesting, constantly changing display and demonstrates an interesting point about ZX/TS graphics.
BookwormTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable This program will help you manage your book, comic book, or phonograph record collection. See the article for special LOAD/RUN instructions.
HOT Z-2068TS 2068 Software review Ray Kingsley has brought out one of the most powerful machine-code monitors I have ever seen. Everyone planning to write machine code routines on the 2068 owes it to himself to buy a copy of this package.
Dear EditorTS 1000 TS 2068 Everyone knows that Sinclair Timex computers are dead now that Timex quit, right? Well, I’m always the last to get the word, darn it! In May, I completed my “Super JO1000”, a TS1000 upgraded to full color, 124K system with EPROM programming, EPROM read, and Centronics parallel printer interface. (“JO” stands for John Oliger, who…
Games for Your Timex/Sinclair 2000TS 2000 TS 2068 Book review Games published include very clean listings of working programs. I was struck by the originality of the games presented. Even those with the usual game plans have unique twists and amusing graphics.
ACZ General LedgerTS 1000 Software review ACZ General Ledger, a very reliable double entry bookkeeping and accounting system, caters to small business needs.
Magic SquareTS 1000 Type-in program Short program to generate magic squares for any number 35-99.
The Essential Guide to T/S Home ComputersTS 1000 TS 2000 TS 2068 Book review This book has useful programs galore. There are exercises for you to practice on. There are games and ways to apply general programming skills to specific problems.
ZX/TS RAM Pseudo DiskTS 1000 Type-in program If you have a 64K RAM on your ZX/TS, you can recover from crashes by periodically saving your work in high memory, as a snapshot of your current 16K environment.
New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n5)Updates from Biocal Software, Hydridion, John Oliger, Rheesware, Pheonix Enterprises, Timensa Software.
Vendor ReportE-Z Key and Knighted Computers have modems; Timeworks no longer produces software for ZX/TS machines.
Timex 800 Number Still ActiveTS 2068 Timex says you can still buy 2068s and software from them via their 800 number.
Timex Releases 2068 ManualTS 2068 Reference Timex began to deliver copies of its comprehensive technical manual for the 2068 computers.
Simulsion Releases 16K ZX/TS SoftwareTS 1000 Simulusion now offers 11 cassette packages for ZX/TS machines, including 2 with recipes for drinks and party snacks.
Rumors Persist, But Still No DealDespite many persistent rumors, Timex says no group has emerged to take over their computer business.