
Programs to perform small functions, like converting numbers from one base to another, all the way to printer drivers.

Explore the mechanics of your computer; block transfer operation; gain advanced programming skills; store up to 10 multiple programs; four games; learn how machine code works.
TS 1000
Short program to demonstrate the character set, colors and graphics.
Downloadable TS 2068
Assortment of programs from games to utility programs for using ZX/TS graphics better.
TS 1000
Customizable printer driver for parallel (Centronics) printers. While it was written for the CP-68 parallel printer interface, it does work with other parallel printer interfaces.
Downloadable TS 2068
Make back up copies of programs. Machine code loading routine will stop any program after loading enabling the use of the SAVE command.
TS 1000
Base conversion tool for machine language programmers. Converts numbers between binary, octal, and hex; accepts any base up to base 16 and returns its base 10 equivalent or vice versa; whole or fractional numbers; detailed instructions. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine language aid. 16K.
TS 1000
Convert numbers from one base to another quickly; up to base 36. Includes decimal fractions.
TS 1000
Group of SUPERBASIC and Archive programs (DIRLUX, FILEX, DBEasy) to help organize disks/microdrives.
Make backup copies of programs, including Spectrum software.
Downloadable TS 2068
2K listing.
TS 1000
Software backup system interfaces two inexpensive cassette recorders to provide a reliable method of tape to tape transfer of any program compatible with ZX80, ZX81, and TS1000 computers.
ZX80 TS 1000
Copy standard and protected tapes.
TS 1000
Enter a number in any of the following bases: decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal. Get the equivalent in the other bases. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Programs for the 1K ZX80.
Read tapes and display program names. 1K.
DIRECTORY allows you to read names of programs saved on cassette. RECORD program allows you to save and load 96 byte data records on tape and can be incorporated into other programs. 1K.
Several different graphics techniques are used to create pictures and plots.
TS 1000
Tape file: computer program organizer with data sort & print-out.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Program to speed the “learning” of Big Ears.
TS 1000
Up to 20 times faster (4800 baud). Full variable speed save, save any part of memory. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine language program that sorts up to 255 floating point numbers stored in a Basic array in 4 seconds. A comparable Basic program takes over 16 minutes in the FAST mode. 16K.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Tool kit functions that work with both expanded and standard QLs to provide complete microdrive and disk management of files and programs. Ideal for use as a BOOT program to manage an entire microdrive or floppy library.
Index file of up to 200 programs on tape. Table of contents and selector for cassettes tapes. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine language utility. Routines included are REM line generator, delete lines, line address, line length, string address, copy (LDIR and LDDR), IN, OUT, change RAMTOP, and more.
Downloadable TS 1000
Unlocks unSAVEable, unLISTable cassette programs. After LOADing this short machine language program, any TS/ZX cassette program subsequently LOADed instantly becomes SAVEable and LISTable. Also allows LOADing two programs, one after another and MERGE them into one program. Display number of bytes remaining in RAM for programming at any time, instantly.
TS 1000
This program allows you to enter the TIMEX BASIC keywords, one letter at a time. This is useful to those who have custom keyboards without legends. You can toggle this feature on and off with a PRINT USR statement.
Downloadable TS 2068
Utilities for the 1K ZX80.
ZX81 TS 1000
Merge BASIC programs, renumber lines, and display size of each program. 16K.
TS 1000
Utility for use with Hunter 8K RAM.
TS 1000
Allows the Seikosha and Radio Shack printers print the entire Sinclair character and graphics set using the Memotech Centronics interface. Includes renumbering routine. 16K.
TS 1000
Tape loader program, menu driven. Add, change, delete, sort, list.
TS 1000
Store from 2 to 47 programs, depending RAM. Allows programs to be swapped in a split second. Memory is divided into uniform sections, so programs must be roughly same size. 2K.
TS 1000
Multi-tasking program for the TS1000. Features include a real-time clock, automatic program line tracer, auto-repeat on all keys, and more.
TS 1000
Collection of utilities for use with OS-64 cartridge. Includes:
Downloadable TS 2068
The ultimate in support for your Epson-compatible printer with AERCO, Tasman or A&J parallel interface. Features: 100% correct LLISTings, accurate aspect ratio screen dumps, text-only screen dumps and more.
TS 2068
Cassette program directory allows the user to catalog programs that were stored on tape. Program name can be added/changed/deleted. 2K.
TS 1000
Programmed directory to organize your programs and ease loading. 16K.
TS 1000
Reads all names of programs on tape: prints to screen or to printer. Sees names one at a time as they are read from tape. Operates from REM statement at 16514. 1k.
ZX81 TS 1000
Load and save 6 times faster.
TS 1000
Saves/loads programs fifteen times faster. Stores megabyte on one cassette.
TS 1000 TS 1500
Utility for use with Hunter 8K RAM.
TS 1000
Renumber/length utility. Automatically renumber program in any increment plus list new line numbers containing GOTO and GOSUB with necessary edits. Also shows amount of RAM required. 16K.
TS 1000
Renumbers BASIC programs. Tags lines with RUN, GO SUB and GO TO. 1K.
TS 1000
Utility for AERCO FD-68 disk system. Automatically transfers cassette programs to disk. Header reader determines length and starting address of machine code files.
TS 2068
Changes any tape program to allow BASIC commands immediately after loading.
TS 1000
Public domain package to read a Dallas Semiconductor SmartWatch clock/calendar chip. The device installed in the 2068 under the Home ROM.
TS 2068
Provides RS232 input timing and ASCII to Sinclair character translation.
TS 1000
Provides correct RS232 timing and translation to ASCII.
TS 1000
16K listing.
TS 1000
Break through any machine code software, list on screen, save to another tape or print out.
Downloadable TS 1000
High speed load, save and verify system. Able to load and save data separately from program. Free memory and renumber routines included. Comes with filter to improve signal from tape.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Utility for working with machine language programs and memory.
Downloadable TS 1000
Programming utilities. REMkill, header reader, renumber, variable dump, program tracer et cetera.
TS 2068
Comprehensive 1K machine code input routine as on large commercial computers. Input from anywhere on the display. Easy user interface through one string variable and GOSUB. Data types entered, validated, and displayed including strings, numerics, compacted numerics, dates, and verify prompt. 16K.
TS 1000
Downloadable TS 2068
Machine code program to break into programs for listing or making backup copies. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Allows you to print documents in 5 different type-styles. Provides underline, boxed and inverse printing. All type fonts have true descenders and may be merged with TASWORD TWO or your own BASIC programs. Requires TASMAN printer interface.
TS 2068
This is utility lets you print in 64 columns, including program listings, by using a 4×8 narrow font. The code loads at location 63222 and is 2146 bytes long. You should use a CLEAR 63221 before loading it. To use it, just make a call once then PRINT CHR$ 3 and clear the screen to
Downloadable TS 2068
Machine language routine that allows a continuous display. Intended for use with user’s programs.
Program compression utility. Machine language program that automatically applies memory saving techniques like VAL “148” and INT PI to an entire program.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Program listing.
TS 1000
Allows programmer to step through/watch a program as it runs. Sold by Weymil as Tracer 2068.
TS 2068
Creativity and planning aid. 3 screen formats, BASIC routines to enter and rearrange data, 10 screens in 16K; 36 with 32K. Use with any printer that will accept COPY routine.
ZX81 TS 1000
Renumber, REM kill, list variables or compact program. Adapted by Jack Dohany from a program by John Charlesworth printed in Your Computer vol 4. no 4.
Downloadable TS 2068
Extended bank switching disassembler. Features include offset for relative branches, database of information about the 2068 ROM, universal printer driver.
Downloadable TS 2068
Supports printing to via wide variety of printer interfaces and printers. 16K.
TS 1000
Allows user to make backups of programs using only 1 tape recorder. Provision to make multiple backups.
TS 1000
Ledfor: Ledger formatting. Sort: 3 sort routines and demo.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Machine code sort, search (alpha and numeric) and renumber. Can be merged with other programs.
TS 2068
User-defined graphics made easy. Draw UDG with a joystick, copy to printer and save to memory.
TS 2068
User-friendly 64 column mode. Menu-driven demo.
TS 2068
Merge (combine programs), line renumber, word search, block delete and inverse video.
TS 1000
Memory display, hex code monitor, renumber, memory search. 1K.
268-byte machine language program lists all variables and values in memory . Handles strings, arrays, token characters, numeric and E-format variables. Useful for debugging Basic programs.
TS 1000
Machine code program designed to verify that a saved program is reloadable. Can be embedded in important programs or used as a programming aid. 16K.
TS 1000
Ten page information display system. Can display both text and graphics in any sequence with variable speed. Applications include shop window displays, education, animation.
Lets you use all the features of the Gorilla Banana printer. Dump the screen to the printer in normal size or enlarged.
TS 2068
Lets you use all the features of the Olivetti PR2300 printer. Dump the screen to the printer in normal size or enlarged.
TS 2068
Cassette storage system that SAVES/LOADS 6-10x faster than normal, with error checking. Fast array variable and binary data save/load independent of program save/load. Available as EPROM, mapped to 14-16K, or cassette tape, mapped to 16-18K, 25-27K, or 30-32K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Print grey-scale reproduction of color screen to an 80-column printer. Includes high and low memory TS 2068 and Spectrum versions. Includes 80-column LPRINT and LLIST support. Use your 80-column printer with your own or existing applications programs. Supports a 2040-size COPY to your 80—column printer. Compatible with Zeus Assembler and Zeus Monitor/Disassembler. Only LLIST and
Downloadable TS 2068
System to save, load or enter 96-byte records. 1K.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Suite of test programs. Tests, displays, memory, keyboard and primary basic functions. 1K.
Self-running utility program to ensure programs SAVE and LOAD correctly. Creates a 10 byte checksum when SAVEing and verifies the stored code upon LOAD.
TS 1000
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