Date: July/August 1986
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Editorial: Quantum Levels Premiers; Timex & Other Rumors; Amstrad InvasionQL August/September issue of Quantum_Levels available; Timex Portugal announced plans to bring the home computer battle back to North American shores; Sears, Roebuck will be offering Amstrad’s new word processor.
Word Sinc II.5 & Wordfont: TS1000 ReviewTS 1000 Software review If you’re looking for a general use word processor program for home use, WORD SINC II.5 might just be for you. Although several people who have used the earlier versions of WORD SINC, including myself, did not care for the program, this adaptation has several features that make it worth buying.
For Your SupportProduct announcement from Bill Bell, G. Russell Electronics, Dunbar Aitkens, I. B. A. Computer Users Network, Brice Road Pharmacy, Damco Enterprises, Sharp’s, C. W. Associates.
ForumTS 2068 Type-in program Short program by Arthur B. Marzano; introduction of new editor, Jeff Moore; SUM, Time Designs merge.
Q&AZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 Problems with quality of 2068 display; TS1500 high res video; Aerco/Royal printer compatibility; curing interference on 2068 saves; more on spikes; print message notes; Canada customs.
Tom's Soapbox: Sink or Swim, We're All In This TogetherEditorial about copying versus supporting individuals/companies directly.
Circuit Board HintAfter building circuit boards from artwork or kits, it’s a good idea to clean all the rosin from the board. This makes it easier to see bad connections and shorts, and also gives a cleaner appearance.
Put Those Extra Banks To WorkTS 2068 Type-in program Several recent developments in the Timex 2068 hardware have made our computers much more flexible and powerful. Extra memory banks available to us now give us room to do things never before possible. Such extra memory banks are available on the AERCO disk interface and RAM cartridges. Relocate ZEUS assembler to a different bank.
Basil's Compendium: Let A = ...TS 1000 Type-in program This installment is going to show you how to assign values to a number of variables — or, as computer jargon has it, to load registers.
A TS2068 Music MakerTS 2068 Type-in program The Timex/Sinclair 2068, with its built-in sound chip is capable of producing sound and music in three parts. The program included here will allow you to create, enter, and play music in three-part harmony.
Tyd-Bits: Fun with Hot-Z IITS 1000 Hot Z II uses a fascinating “trick” for getting back into itself if you should stumble into the error restart, RST 08. This is done by jimmying the ER_SP system variable.
TMS9918A Video Upgrade For The TS1000TS 1000 Hardware project As can be expected with any major hardware upgrade, there are a few conflicts when the Oliger video system is used in conjunction with other equipment. Summarizes the fixes we and others have come up with to date.
BASIC Tipics: Use LogicTS 1000 Type-in program This article explores a blend of two forms of logic: arithmetic and Boolean logic (AND, OR, and NOT) operations.
More About MscriptTS 2068 Type-in program MSCRIPT uses the true 64 column mode of TS-2068, and therefore, the border does not change color during loading and saving. It would be better if a message is printed after “Start tape & press ENTER” to indicate the acceptance of the keystroke. Also, MSCRIPT does not confirm the Restart option, so hours of work…
Halt Right There!TS 1000 Type-in program You ZX/TS users have been told, and told again, “Don’t mess with the interrupts” and “Never use the HALT command.” The severity of the admonitions seem to imply that a fate-worse-than-crashing awaits those who would tamper with such things. When HALT is encountered, the Z80 CPU stops running your program. In this way it is…