Date: March/April 1984
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
MeteorsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program How to use the display file; demonstrated in a video game.
Just for FunZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Short programs from readers:
Try ThisTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Short programs from readers.
Glitchoidz ReportZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Corrections to Search and Replace (4:1), Brick Busters (4:1) and Tax Shelter Time Bomb (4:1).
Knight's TourZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program How to write a program to implement the Knight’s Tour chess puzzle.
The Anatomy of a Program LineTS 1000 TS 2068 Reference In-depth analysis of how the Timex 1000 and 2068 store and process program lines.
Crazybugs and CyberzoneTS 2068 Software review Reviews of Crazybugs (Timex) and Cyberzone (Softsync).
LettersZX81 TS 2068 Uses of 64K RAM; 2068; Bulletin Boards; ZTX-650 Transistor; Correction to ‘Say What’
Defining CharactersTS 2068 Type-in program Working with user defined graphics characters on the 2068.
Sync NotesDiscussion of current issue, announcements of Timex Command Cartridge.
The Array AdvantageTS 1000 Type-in program Discussion of arrays with examples.
An Assortment of SortsZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Several sorts implemented for the 1000: bubble, float, shell and quick sorts.
TS2068 Programming TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Graphics programming techniques for the 2068.
In and Out of SYNCTS 2068 Hardware review Review of competing systems for reader comparison. The Commodore 64 is reviewed in this article.
Whither Clive?Some background on how Clive Sinclair came to purchase the DeLorean factory in Ireland to manufacture the C5.
ZX/TS ROM and RAM AddressingZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Investigation into PEEKing and POKEing outside the 16K-32K address range and how to use a 74LS138 to decode RAM in the 16-32K range.
Go-ferZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of sophisticated data base system that supports cassette and disk drives.
Resources (Sync v4 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
The ZX Pro/FileTS 1000 Software review Review of Thomas Woods’ data base program.
The Circle GameTS 1000 Type-in program Drawing circles in BASIC and machine language.
The Great RAM RescueTS 1000 Hardware project Remap the internal RAM to the 8K-16K block. For ZX/TS computers with a 16K RAM pack.
ParcleTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language routine to clear just part of the screen.
The IntercontrollerTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Intercomputer’s Intercontroller HV bus device.
The ROMPAK SystemTS 1000 Hardware review Review of a expansion board that supports EPROMs in the 8-16K block; board uses a ZIF socket. The company had several programs on EPROM.
Programming BouleTS 1000 Type-in program Implementation of the casino game.
ForthTS 1000 Overview of Forth and review of Tree Systems PLURI-FORTH EPROM.
Using RAM PacksTS 1000 TS 1500 TS1500 Plus 16K RAM Getting the TS1500 and the TS1016 RAM pack to work properly involves a little more than plugging everything together and turning the power on. The following steps are suggested: Plug the RAM pack in, type in: These will clear everything (program lines and variables) out of the system and activate the…
Letters: 2068TS 2068 Enthusiastic reaction to the 2068.
Letters: Say WhatZX81 Suggestion for improving code in “Say What” (Sync 3:6).
Letters: Bulletin BoardsReader requests list of BBSes.
Letters: The ZTX-650 TransistorZX81 Replacements for the transistor.
- 2-Bit Software
- 21st Century Electronics
- 3G Company
- A&J Micro Drive
- A.C.C.S. Labs
- Ace Software
- Apple Pie Software
- Audio Vision
- Basic
- Basically Programming
- Bonnie & Clyde Software
- Busyness
- Byte-Back Co
- Bytes & Pieces
- Christian Software
- Roman F. Beck
- Gerald "Jerry" Bennett
- VAL Corporation
- White Lightning
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- Thomas B. Woods
- Wizard Works, The
- Toronto Software World
- Timex Computer Corporation
- Timewars
- Suntronics
- Sunset Electronics
- Stratagem Cybernetics Inc.
- Story Software
- Stock Market Software
- Spectracomp
- Sourceware, Inc.
- Solutions
- Solid Software
- Softmark Associates
- Richard Smith
- Smalltyme Software
- SKOK Software
- Skinner Electronic Enterprises
- SiriusWare
- Simplex Software
- Sharp's
- Semper Software
- Secondbase
- Scitech Software
- G. Russell Electronics
- Rom-Pac Applications
- Robotec, Inc.
- Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.) Inc.
- Reston Publishing Company
- Random Access
- RAm
- Poretsky & Poretsky
- Pheonix Enterprises
- Peak
- MULE Electronics
- Time X Town/Monixware
- Microtech Marketing
- Memotech
- Ron LeMon
- Lacrosse
- Knighted Computers
- JST Enterprises
- Isthmus
- Interface Design
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Integrated Data Systems
- Independence Research
- Huron Valley Research, Inc.
- Hunter Electronics
- Hobby Robot
- Heller Paper Company
- HD Software
- Group Technology Ltd
- Golden Stair, The
- Gibson Data Services
- Games to Learn By, Inc.
- E-Z Key
- Ener-Z
- Nissim Elmaleh
- Earthscenes
- D-RAM Products
- Down East Computers
- Cyberanimation, Inc.
- Curry Computer
- Cottage Technology
- Computer Add-Ons
- Computer Continuum
- Compusa Corporation
- Crystal Coast Software