SINCUS Exchange Tape 103 – Potpourri Download Date: 198x Type: Cassette Platform(s): TS 2068 Contents Battleships ProgramSink the computer’s battleships. Cash Flow ProgramDrop coins in columns. Get five coins in one column to start the flow. Halloween ProgramA beWITCHing game. You play the part of a witch on her motorised broomstick, trapped in a seven floor castle. You have to work your way up the castle to the top (level 7) where, on escaping you will be able to fly away. Humorisq ProgramRespond to the last name of a comedian with the right first name. Pairs ProgramMatch all ten pairs in the fewest possible number of tries. Personal Net Worth ProgramCalculate your financial worth. Quizmaster ProgramQuiz tool for learning. Enter 25 data statements for the topic or change topic to one you are or want to be an expert on. Rifle Range ProgramArcade rifle range. Use any key to shoot at the targets. The game will end when you have no ammunition left. Santa's Dilemma ProgramGet 6 reindeer into the pen as fast as possible. Sinewave ProgramPlot a sine wave. Solitaire ProgramTraditional card game. Squawtime ProgramJoan Kealy’s pecan recipes. Squirm ProgramGame for joysticks. Star Spangled Banner Program States And Capitals ProgramQuiz on capitals or states. Taking Stock ProgramCalculate your Wall St. worth. Tychk ProgramGenerates checksums for program lines. Merge to check listings. Related Content Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS) (usergroup) Tags Archived Media, Downloadable, SINCUS, TS 2068 People No people associated with this content.
Halloween ProgramA beWITCHing game. You play the part of a witch on her motorised broomstick, trapped in a seven floor castle. You have to work your way up the castle to the top (level 7) where, on escaping you will be able to fly away.
Quizmaster ProgramQuiz tool for learning. Enter 25 data statements for the topic or change topic to one you are or want to be an expert on.
Rifle Range ProgramArcade rifle range. Use any key to shoot at the targets. The game will end when you have no ammunition left.