The breadth and depth of hardware accessories may be best represented by this section.
Users and enthusiasts pushed their Sinclair and Timex computers to do a very wide variety of tasks, including:
- programming EPROMs that they then used to extend their systems
- adding light pens to draw images with the computer
- interfacing to and programming the Atari 2600
- adapting the computer to be used in a car and more.
Some of these tools and expansions are obvious and sensible and others just make you scratch your head.
Board adds the ability to program 2764 and 27128 EPROMs to your 2068 system. Board comes with documentation on assembly, use, theory of operation, tips and details on replacing the Home ROM of the 2068 with a 27128 EPROM. Programmer requires the Vpp Power Supply or a 4-22VDC regulated adjustable power supply with voltmeter.
TS 2068
Plugs into the cartridge port of the TS 2068 computer. Can hold two 2764 or two 27128 EPROMs in any combination. It allows TS 2068 owners, when used with the TS 2068 or TS 1000 programmers, to store BASIC programs in cartridge form. Includes assembly instructions, schematic and instructions for its use with BASIC programs.
TS 2068
This programmer was also described in SQ #s 1 and 2, so this article is recommended reading on this one, too. The programmer is memory mapped at 2000-27FFh and programs easily from Basic by simply poking the desired data to one of the epromsâ locations. The programmer has its own latches onboard and does NOT
TS 1000
This programmer is identical to the 2716 Programmer except for the following: The circuit has been changed to accept 28 pin 2764 eproms : The eprom is mapped 2808-3FFFA. 21VDC is now required for the programming voltage. This board comes with its schematic, assy instructions, and a theory of operation sheet.
TS 1000
This modular system was designed to expand a ZX81, TS 1000 or TS 1500 computer into machine capable of handling advanced applications. The cornerstone is the PERSONA, a module that is the interface between the computer and the other modules. With the PERSONA and other modules, the TS 1000 could be expanded to one megabyte
TS 1000
Conduct experiments safely at home. Complete instructions, plans and ideas for use. 2K.
TS 1000
Brain waves control computer to give 256 commands. Can control a programmed English vocabulary with print to screen, printer, or voice synthesizer and can control an external robotic device. Or use galvanic skin response unit to output percentage of stress with English sentences. Can be used as talking lie detector. Based on the book “Human
TS 1000
Accessory for the Timex/Sinclair that turns it into a traveling companion. The Car Comp is a rigid platform to which the computer and cassette recorder are attached. It can be used anywhere with AC power or a 12-volt cigarette lighter outlet.
TS 1000
Allows you to plug cartridge peripherals into the rear expansion bus of the TS 2068 computer. Unit includes a through connector to allow connection of other peripherals.
TS 2068
Printed circuit board that holds a ROM, RAM or EPROM chip. Use of the cartridge board is documented in the Dock It manual.
TS 2068
Hardware and software package to allow for programming TS 1000 software on a TRS-80 Model I or III. Circuit board connects TRS-80 to TS 1000. Develop on TRS-80, transfer to TS 1000 for testing.
TS 1000
A RAM/ROM plug-in to extend the unit to support the CP/M operating system on the TS2068. An optional module can be plugged into the interface unit to extend the operation of the system to acommodate the CP/M Operating system. The CP/M module consists of a plug in card with 32k bytes of dynamic RAM and
TS 2068
Piggy back as many as 3 modules with no further loose mounting problems. Also allows for quick mounting or removal.
TS 1000
TS 2068
Programs 2716 EPROMs with data provided by a 2816A EEPROM or another 2716 EPROM. Ideal for low-cost permanent storage of data or programs.
TS 1000
Interfaces via three parallel I/O ports on the I/O Unit. Programs 2716 EPROMs.
TS 1000
Programs EPROMs directly in the 8192-10239 region of the TS 1000 memory map. The bytes to be stored being POKEd directly at the required address. Full software and instructions supplied.
TS 1000
EPROM demonstrators intended for use in stores as selling tools. EPROM contains a BASIC demonstration program that starts on power up. It includes graphics and interactive examples of what the computer could do. A description of the kiosk retailers could purchase that used this demonstrator is in the Timex Price List 1983. The E. Arthur
Downloadable TS 1000
A flexible ribbon for connecting any RAM or expansion device. Prevents the usual system crashes caused by RAM pack movement.
TS 1000
Game module with cartridge interface, sound and Atari-compatible joystick ports. Cartridges would support up to 8K ROM via 2716, 2732 or 2764 EPROMs. Black anodised aluminum case, 6 1/2″ long x 1″ deep. Joystick ports are two 8-bit parallel ports. Built-in speaker. No evidence it was ever produced. All ads claimed it was soon to
TS 1000
Cross-connects the Atari 2600 VCS and TS1000, allowing either to take control of whole blocks of shared memory. The shared memory includes the ROM inside the Atari game cartridge and shadow copies of that ROM in the TS1000 RAM. Using this system, you can download ROM games to your ZX/TS, disassemble the 6502 machine code,
TS 1000
KoalaPad, Zebra Graphics Interface, ZebraPainter software and manual. Graphics interface has two 6-pin DIN connectors for the graphics tablet or analog joysticks. Expansion connector for additional peripherals.
TS 2068
Uses lithium battery, good for far longer than ordinary batteries. Plugs in to 8049 socket, and 8049 is installed in it.
TS 1000
Female solder-tail connector with key to match the TS1000/ZX81. Custom label identifies each pin number and corresponding signal name.
TS 1000
Plug-on module with three modes: DRAW, ERASE, and CLEAR. Allows entering complex graphics by just touching the screen. Upper 90% of screen is free for graphics; lower portion divided into three zones for changing modes. Images stored in strings, can be saved to cassette.
TS 1000
Plot, draw, erase, modify, save. Produce high resolution illustrations with 16 pre-defined instructions. Requires twister board.
TS 2000 TS 2068
Light pen, manual, computer interface module, demonstration programs on cassette.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068
Small board to make RAM above 32K available for machine language. ULA plugs into this board, which corrects the M1 NOT memory addressing problem.
TS 1000
Eight LEDs indicate which bank of memory the Z80 is accessing. Uses only one IC. Can be useful in debugging hardware projects and machine code programs that cause the computer to crash by indicating where the CPU is after the crash. Supplied as bare PC board and schematic.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Two-board PCB set and software for transmitting and receiving Morse code. Split-screen display separates receive/transmit functions. Cliff Nunnery, NU4V, is the software author.
TS 1000
Program you computer to make the platform move in any direction. Battery powered.
TS 1000
The PERSONA is the base module of the BASICare Modular Expansion System, interfacing to other modules. It buffers all the signals from the expansion port via a ribbon cable. It connects to other modules via a 64-way Organic Bus, configured to fit into the ZX81/TS1000 memory map. Gladstone Electronics planned to introduce a PERSONA module
TS 1000
Modular expansion unit. Base unit (enclosure and expansion interface) was $49. Expansion modules included 64K RAM, color graphics (248×192 pixels), voice module, modem, Centronics and RS232 modules. Each expansion module was $99.
TS 1000
Digitizing tablet originally designed for the ZX80. User would have been able to write on the table and have the output appear as characters or draw on the tablet and output as graphics on the screen. The tablet was eventually available for Atari computers.
Contains keys and bare motherboard. Not available directly from Sinclair; this was available from third-party vendors.
Metal clamp that eliminates RAM pack wobble. It includes the capacity for printer and other equipment.
TS 1000
Clock with three year calender, battery backup to retain time and date. Board plugs into the cartridge port. Comes with BASIC and relocatable machine code software. Time and/or date can be displayed anywhere on the upper or lower screen, selectable attributes.
TS 2068
Clock module with battery back up. Logic signal output with LED status indicator can be used to control external devices based on time independent of the computer. DIP switches allow mapping of the module to the 8-10, 10-12, 12-14 or 14-16K areas of memory.
TS 1000 TS 2068
TS 1000
Add system reset capability to permit quick recovery from crashes without powering down peripheral equipment. Control attaches to computer with two wires.
TS 1000
Robot motion platform controlled by ZX80, ZX81 or TS 1000. Dedicated microcomputer controls the two drive motor positions.
TS 1000
TS 2068
Turn ZX80/MicroAce into a machine more powerful than the ZX81, e.g., run with either 4K or 8K ROMs.
Household robot with upgradable, transportable electronics and software to a full-size, man- rated domestic robot. Plug compatible with Timex/Sinclair.
TS 1000
Modular expansion system. Base system included metal cabinet, detachable keyboard, motherboard with four slots, power supply. Options included 32K and 64K RAM, Centronics interface, RS232 interface, floppy disk, modem, 80 column video and CP/M.
TS 1000
The TS2060 Interface Unit provides the electronics, connectors, and firmware to adapt the TS2068 Computer to control: Outputs will also included: Initially, the design of the interface unit was executed in LS-TTL to speed first production deliveries. A parallel effort was planned to provide a cost reduced version in gate array technology. The cabinetry and
TS 2068
Can be used for TS2068 program on EPROM, configured for use as non-volatile memory (32K to 128K), or as RAM disk.
TS 2068
Expansion system for the ZX81/TS1000. Included full keyboard. Additional features included direct video, battery backup, loading filters, expanded memory and STD Bus interface. No evidence that it was actually produced.
TS 1000
This small single sided board provides 4.4 volts, 21 volts, and 25 volts DC for use with any programmer offered by the John Oliger Co. This circuit is designed to put as little stress on the EPROM as possible during programming and is recommended for use with these programmers. The board is supplied with schematic,
TS 2068
Complete weather station with custom hardware. Features include rain gauge with 1/10 inch resolution, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, inside and outside temperature, outside light level and real time clock. Board comes with 32K RAM, used by the weather station software, and sockets for up to 256k RAM expansion that can run in the
TS 2068
Moves at speed of slow walk; on-board computer control by TS 1000. Hearing sense, human-approaching detection and alarm. Obstacle sensing, ambient light sensing. 8 channel remote radio control. Connect to TV and play games through the robot.
TS 1000
The Z-Clockâs built-in battery back-up feature lets you keep track of time even when your computer is turned off. When you turn on your TS2068, the Z-Clock can tell it the year, month, date, day of the week, and time of day down to the tenths of a second. Features a 64-pin bus extension connector.
TS 2068
Expansion unit for ZX81/TS 1000. Promised 64-key auto-repeat big keyboard, 15 colors, 32K RAM onboard, 3 kinds of sound, 33 new BASIC commands, multiple statement and input lines, 6 video pages, high resolution (256×192 pixels) and animation capabilities, user-definable characters and character sets and up to 9 user-definable functions. RS232 and parallel interfaces, two Atari-compatible
ZX81 TS 1000
Stand that holds ZX81, provides an angled stand for the TV, conceals cassette leads and power supply. Includes power switch.
TS 1000