TEC News
Kids' KornerTS 1000 Type-in program Short program by Lorie Floy, a 7th grade student at Handley Middle School in Fort Worth.
Lessons for TeachersTS 1000 Type-in program Mini-lesson for teaching BASIC.
Questions & AnswersTS 1000 Future of Timex computers; educational software and support from Timex.
The TEC NewsIntroduction to the newsletter.
Timex-Sinclair 1000 - The Educators' ComputerTS 1000 Overview of the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and its utility in computer instruction.
User Section: Computing on a Shoestring BudgetTS 1000 How to build a computer library for faculty; teacher inservice; summer computer camps.
Publisher: Texas Wesleyan College
Publisher: Educator's User Group
Publication supporting educators using Timex computers.