Personal Computing
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A Sampling of Diet and Fitness ProgramsTS 1000 Software review Personal Weight Control Program from International Publishing and Software for the TS 1000 listed, desccribed.
- Book Review: Your Timex/Sinclair 1000 and ZX81ZX81 TS 1000
- Book Reviews: Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex/Sinclair 1000TS 1000
- Book Reviews: Timex/Sinclair 1000 Programs, Games and GraphicsTS 1000
Engineers Get Personal With ComputerEngineers and scientists adopt personal computers to replace mainframe time and expense. One GE engineer purchased a Sinclair ZX80 but found it unsuitable.
Holiday Shoppers' GuideSinclair ZX81 among the computers listed.
- Letter: Using a ZX-81 for home control
More Computer Muscle To Power The MachineUpgrades for home computers. Memotech 64k RAM mentioned for Sinclair. Memotech listed in Memory Buyers’ Guide on pg 89.
Moving GraphicsProduct announcement for Double Breakout from Softsync.
Software Update: Moving GraphicsDouble Breakout from Softsync.
- The Man Behind the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000
The New Sound of Computerized MusicUsing your computer to compose and perform music. Micro-Music (Data-Assette) and Composer (Kopak Creations) listed in buyer’s guide.
- The ZX81: Upgraded Computing PowerZX81 TS 1000
Timex/Sinclair 1000: Programs, Games and GraphicsTS 1000 Book review.
Today's Personal Computers: Products for Every Need - Part IIComputers from Altos to Sinclair ZX-80.