Date: Summer 1987
- Bit & Pieces
- Minutes: June 1987
- 0 REM
- Impossible TriangleTS 2068 Type-in program
- A New Life for Sinclair/Timex ComputersTS 1000 Hardware project
- A Review of Tech Draw Jr.TS 2068 Software review
- Copy A Portion of Screen To PrinterTS 1000 Type-in program
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit For Your TS-2068TS 2068 Hardware project
Dungeon of YmirTS 1000 Software review Dungeon of Yair is a multi-level maze adventure game written completely in machine code. Ymir requires 24K of RAM, and versions are available for the 1500 with a Hunter Board or other 8-16K RAM, OR for the 32K 1500 (with 16k RAMpack). Ymir is true HI-RES, using a HI-RES technique which works only with the…
- CommunicationsTS 2068
- The Zeeper Speaks
- Sinclair QL to IBM XT File TransferQL Type-in program Hardware project
- PC8300 Preliminary Technical ReportHardware review
- ThreadsTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS2040 Printer SwitchTS 2040 Hardware project
- Variable Size PrinterTS 2068 TS 2040 Type-in program
- Playing With Electricity: JobsQL Type-in program
- Mystery ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS 1000 NotesTS 1000 Reference
- Timex Tips: ESC or Control Keys?
- Perpetual Calendar 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable
- QL Real-Time ClockQL Hardware project
- Queens DominantTS 1000 Type-in program