Issue: 15
The QL Report from Curry ComputerQL Software review Review of QL software.
Software Review: British TS1000/ZX81 SoftwareZX81 TS 1000 Software review Reviews of Rocketman, Forty Niner and ZXtricator.
Reviews for the Non-Programmer: Word* from SiriuswareTS 1000 Software review Word processor for the 1000.
More Educational Games [Review]TS 2068 Software review Reviews of Logic Levels, Number Tumblers, Up & Add ‘Em, Alphabet Zoo and Aegean Voyage. Ports of educational games by Fisher Price/Spinnaker.
YS MegabasicZX Spectrum Software review YS Megabasic adds 35 commands to Spectrum basic, several fonts, window capability, sprites, multi-tasking, enhanced sound, named procedures, a Z80 monitor, trace function and more.
Products from Russell Electronics [Review]TS 2068 Software review Reviews of ROMFIX, GAMESMATE JOYSTICK INTERFACE. ROMFIX upgrades the Russell Electronics ROMSWITCH to run all Spectrum programs. The joystick interface is a cartridge dock board that gives your 2068 a Kempston style joystick port.
TS Help and Information: Modifications to Add-on KeyboardTS 1000 Hardware project Add one-key shift-lock, delete and function keys to a TI keyboard converted for the 1000.
EnterThis issue contains the first of a series of machine code articles for the TS1000.
ZX81 Hardware and Software NewsZX81 TS 1000 Short notes on ZX81/TS1000. This issue includes brief info on Larken, COMPUSA, Aerco and Oliger 1000/2068 disk systems. Also, why Aerco CP/M was never released. Short reviews of Sinc-Artist for the 2068 and ZX HI-Res. And one user, a Kolorworks owner, mentions writing a TMS9918 toolkit for the ZX81.
Try TheseTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Short programs for the 1000 and 2068.
Spectrum Conversion Notes: The Spectrum Expansion ConnectorTS 2068 Hardware project Convert the 2068 expansion connector to a Spectrum connector; add pull-up resistors to the EXROM socket; Spectrum Hardware Manual by Adrian Dickens; Easy Add On Projects for Your Spectrum, ZX81 & ACE by Owen Bishop.
The WizTS 2068 Software review Review of small business accounting system.
ArtworxTS 2068 Software review Review of drawing program for the 2068.
Notes on Vucalc and the 80-Column PrinterTS 2068 Type-in program Modify the original VU-Calc program to print on an 80 column printer via Memotech Centronics interface.
In Sync: Effective Graphics on the TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program to create a scrolling message ticker.
Comment on Graphic ProgramsTS 2068 Notes about managing expectations for skill vs tools when it comes to graphics/drawing programs.
Byte-Mapped ScrollTS 2068 Type-in program Most printing to the screen involves just 22 lines and 32 columns. One line scrolling is quickly done with RANDOMIZE USR 2361. This program takes scrolling a bit further. It will scroll each scan-line row of any defined block of graphics or text on the screen. The block will wrap around or scroll off the…
Machine Code for the MassesTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Intro to writing machine code on the 1000.
- 21st Century Electronics
- G. Russell Electronics
- Tom Cole
- English Micro Connection
- Christian Software
- Byte-Back Co
- AND Software
- WMJ Data Systems
- S.B.C. Software
- SUM: The Sinclair/Timex Users Magazine
- Curry Computer
- Imre Auersbacher
- Peech II Productions
- Budgetsoft
- Zeen Graphics
- Games to Learn By, Inc.
- DAMCO Enterprises
- Knighted Computers
- Zebra Systems, Inc.