Volume: 3
Issue: 9
Attention TS1000 OwnersTS 1000 All information about ZX81s in SYNTAX also refers to Timex-Sinclair 1000s.
BASICare Offers ZX81 Megabyte Memory DecodingZX81 TS 1000 BASICare of London introduced their Organic Micro system for ZX81s.
Rosetta Stone Nominations Being AcceptedNominations are open for the 2nd annual Rosetta Stone award, given for the best independent product (application, software package, peripheral) for ZX/TS computers.
QSAVE Cuts Save/Load TimeTS 1000 Software review QSAVE, a 2-part package, drastically cuts your ZX81 SAVE/LOAD time. The software increases the baud rate, or data transfer, of ZX81s to 4000, saving or loading 16K in 29 seconds.
New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n9)New products from f/22 Press, NIM Electronics, Stuart Software, Norris Electronics, G. Russell Electronics, Lyon Ware, Fulcrum Products, Martin Irons.
Programming ContestComputer Engineering Services is sponsoring a Sinclair ZX programmers’ contest.
Monthly CalendarTS 1000 Type-in program Displays a calendar for any month in any particular year.
Maximize Display File for MCTS 1000 Type-in program Poke RAMTOP to create a full display file.
TV Sync SolutionZX81 Hardware project Dim lines and horizontal distortion moving up or down the screen are signs of the computer not syncing with horizontal sweep.
TS1000 Test and ReviewTS 1000 Hardware review Syntax purchased and tested the TS1000.
A Report on the SpectrumZX Spectrum Hardware review The Spectrum is a ZX81 that has been developed by adding a hi-resolution display, color board, improved cassette interface and larger keyboard.
Beginning Programming: ZX81 MathZX81 TS 1000 Tutorial Article expands on bits, bytes and binary numbers over the ZX81 and TS1000 manual.
MULTIFILE -- A Data Storage SystemTS 1000 Software review Review of the program available from Gladstone Electronics.
Dear EditorLetters about tv/cassette recorder placement; crashes; static electricity; merging programs; suggestions for manufacturers; using extended RAM; tape head alignment; vendor complaints.
- Users' Groups
Math Function Execution TimeTS 1000 Reference User-tested timing of math functions.
Significant Figures SubroutineTS 1000 Type-in program Display the significant figures of a number.
Syntax ErrorsCorrections to Printing on the Bottom Line.
Program Improvements/RefinementsImprovement to Harold Miller’s MC screen fill program.
Machine Code Programming: #9, Testing Bits for BranchingTS 1000 Tutorial You can test any bit in any address simply by loading a register and choosing the right instruction code.
ZX99 Tape Control SystemTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the system available from data-assette.
- M. R. Madigan
- Softsync, Inc.
- Memotech
- ZETA Software
- Byte-Back Co
- Sinclair Research Ltd.
- Gladstone Electronics
- Robill Products
- Zamis Engineering
- Funware
- Rosetronix
- Lamo-Lem
- Screenmakers
- Down East Computers
- Spartan Software
- OCH Jr.
- Upstate Labs
- Atlantic Computer Products
- M. C. Hoffman
- SiriusWare
- P Symonds
- R. H. Enterprises
- Amanda Systems
- Maracomp
- Stuart Software
- Phoenix Engineering Systems
- Ephemeris V
- Panero Software
- Jenn Products
- John Oliger Co.
- New England Software
- Powertronix Electronics
- Q&M Publishing
- Savage Software
- B. Sanzone
- Professional Electronics
- Thomas B. Woods
- Pierce Co.
- Computer Continuum
- Bob Berch
- Hunter Electronics
- Non-Trivial Solutions
- Computa-Dek