Volume: 3
Issue: 8
Syntax ZX80 Updates NameSYNTAX ZX80 now answers officially to its abbreviated name, SYNTAX.
Video Upgrade Kits for ZX80 in US AgainZX80 MicroAce Once again ZX80 and MicroAce owners can enjoy the flicker-free qualities of ZX81/TS1000s
Syntax Quarterly Debuts Nov. 82SQ, The Syntax Quarterly, will be available by subscription and on newsstands Nov.
Syntax ErrorsError corrections for previous articles.
News, New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n6)New products offerings from Gladstone, Memotech, Instant Software, Sinclair, Hopper & Company, Robill Products, Dilithium Press, data-assette.
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Two Problem-Solving Circuits: Preregulator and Battery BackupZX80 ZX81 Hardware project Add a voltage regulator to your Sinclair power supply; build a batter backup unit.
Printing Strings FasterZX81 Type-in program Use a full-length string of characters to print a bar graph instead of plotting each section.
Blast Effects on ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Subroutine simulates laser, cannon shot and other effect used in arcade-type games.
Machine Code Screen FillZX81 Type-in program Simple 16-byte machine code program fills the screen with any character.
Machine Code -- CP Branching TestsZX80 ZX81 Tutorial CPs are 1-3 byte codes that compare two numbers. More exactly, they subtract the number you are looking for from what has been loaded into the accumulator.
Spaces in REM StatementsZX81 Type-in program If you put your machine code in large REM statements, you need not laboriously type in spaces or digits.
EntrapmentZX81 Type-in program This game pits you against your computer.
Getting Acquainted with Your ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Book review This British book is a good way to move beyond the ZX81 manual if you’re new to computers.
Dear EditorLetters about power supply ripple; keyboard labels; crashing; jack connections; where to get parts; saving programs.
Program ImprovementsZX81 Type-in program Improvements to Big Characters, Line Renumbering and Powers of Negative Numbers.
Printing on the Bottom LineZX81 Type-in program Here are two different ways to PRINT where you aren’t supposed to.
The Expandable ZX80 and ZX81ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Author offers seven documented projects and several ideas for additional projects.
Memotech 64K MemopakZX80 ZX81 Hardware review The Memopak is undoubtedly the ultimate memory expansion for the Sinclair. Try DIM A(9500)!
Teach Kids to Count with the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program With your ZX81 and some intelligent program design, your TV can provide sharp graphic images of concepts you want to teach.
String Function Translation for 8KZX81 Type-in program Equivalents of LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$ and TL$.
Diagonal LinesZX81 Type-in program You can make 45 degree angles with two nested FOR-NEXT loops.
Shifting MazeZX81 Type-in program This program prints a maze on a 1K ZX81. Run in SLOW for best effect.
Machine Code Programming -- Understanding the StackZX80 ZX81 Tutorial Often when writing machine code (MC) programs, it’s useful to keep the MC above RAMTOP. But few people understand how to move RAMTOP and the Z80’s stack pointer from within MC.
Syntactic Sum LoaderZX81 Type-in program Machine code routine to help assure correct program entry.
Dice RollZX80 Type-in program This program turns your ZX80 into a totally fair dice roller.
Cardioid PlotZX81 Type-in program Plots a heart-shaped curve.
Sine NameZX81 Type-in program Print any string in the form of a vertical sine wave.