Volume: 2
Issue: 7
Beginners - Analyzing the ProblemZX80 ZX81 Tutorial The first step in solving a problem with a computer is analyzing how you would solve it without one.
Machine Language Programming - Logical FunctionsZX80 ZX81 Tutorial Differences between 4K and 8K ROMs can be overcome with machine language.
The ZX80 CompanionZX80 Book review Review of the book published by LINSAC.
Dear EditorLetters with improvements programs; corrections; math error in 8K ROM; converting 4K ROM programs to 8K ROM; ZX80 users online.
[These SYNTAX readers would like to hear ...]Readers from Kentucky, Nevada and Ontario.
ZX80 Check BookZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Program records up to 10 transactions at a time. Keep them on file by storing the program with the variables intact.
Loan Amortization ScheduleZX81 Type-in program Program gives you monthly payments and loan amortization information.
Annotated 4K ROM: LOAD RoutineZX80 Reference Assembly for the 4K ROM’s LOAD routine. LOAD begins in ROM location 0206H, or 518d.
Publications GuideLists over 350 computer, technology, electronics, and business magazines, newsletters, and report/database services.
Writing Game ProgramsZX80 Type-in program How do you start writing game programs?
ZX81, Sinclair Printer NewsZX81 TS 1000 Sinclair has submitted the ZX81 to the FCC for approval for sale in the US. Nigel Searle of Sinclair expects to ship American ZX81s this year, maybe September.
- Syntax Error
Maze OptionsZX80 Type-in program Otis Imboden’s 2-line Maze-O-Graphics inspired several readers. Here are their 4K ROM maze improvements , offering different methods.
4K RAM Units Available SoonZX80 MicroAce Static Memory Systems will sell 4K RAM packs for ZX80s and MicroAces.
News from MicroAceMicroAce MicroAce plans to sell plug-in 16K RAM boards with 3 extra connector slots. The extra connectors will be 50 pin, not 46 (as the rear edge connector is), because of the unavailability of 46 pin plugs. MicroAce is still without a full-time manager, but Bill Clark, engineer, is serving temporarily until they find a full-timer.
Full Annotated 4K ROM ListingZX80 Sinclair’s complete 4K ROM listing with original designer’s annotations will be available from SYNTAX by August.
Sinclair to Replace Faulty 8K ROMsZX80 A new ROM supplier produced 8K ROMs with a bug, and Sinclair has stopped shipping until a supply of perfect ROMs arrives.
Beginners' Dimensioned ArraysZX80 ZX81 Tutorial Although BASIC uses simple English commands, the DIM statement is one of those that takes a little explanation.