Volume: 2
Issue: 5
Beginner's ROM and RAM AddressesZX80 Reference ROM and RAM addresses in 4K ROM, 1K RAM machines.
Machine Code MonitorZX80 Type-in program Utility program enables you to edit and execute hex Z80 machine code.
Intro to Machine LanguageZX80 Reference Start of series on machine language programming for beginners.
[These readers would like to hear ...]Readers in California and Texas.
Dear EditorZX80 Letters about adapting the ZX80 to work worldwide; beginner questions about programming; request for 8K ROM listing; recorders.
New 8K ROM FeaturesZX80 Reference Updated list of the redesigned 8K ROM features not available on the 4K ROM and a brief explanation of their functions.
Video Display NotesZX80 MicroAce Article describes the gut workings of the MicroAce/ZX80 video display.
Super ZX80 InvasionZX80 Software review This game creates impressive continuous graphics on the ZX80, but limited memory imposes severe limitations on convenient play.
Annotated 4K ROM ListingZX80 Reference The 4K ROM SAVE routine listing, including the original designer’s notes.
Line RenumberingZX80 Type-in program This program renumbers the line numbers in any other program in memory.
Frequency HistogramZX80 MicroAce Type-in program Program tests how random the ZX80/MicroAce’s random number generator really is.
HangmanZX80 Type-in program ZX80 version of the 2 person spelling game, Hangman.
Syntax ErrorZX80 Joe Chaiet’s Bar Chart program contained an error.
Automatic Recorder ControlZX80 Call the LOAD routine directly.
Check Your VoltageMicroAce Check cassette voltage level if you experience problems loading.
New PublicationsQZX newsletter serves amateur radio operators who own ZX80s, published by Martin Irons.
Sinclair News - ROMs and RAMs HereZX80 By the time you read this, Sinclair will have delivered all 8K ROMs and 16K RAMs on order, according to Nigel Searle of Sinclair.
8K ROMS, New Machine from MicroAceMicroAce MicroAce will sell 8K ROMs for MicroAce and ZX80 computers within 8 weeks, according to Chris Cary, head of Compshop, Ltd. The ROMs are identical to Sinclair’s and are licensed by them. By August MicroAce expects to ship their new MicroAce II. Also in kit form, the MicroAce II will have 16K RAM, 8K ROM,…