Volume: 1
Issue: 2
- ZX80 and MicroAce Bus PinoutZX80 MicroAce Reference
Big Character ProgramZX80 Type-in program Make your video characters 8 times bigger using ROM character images and substituting graphic symbols for dots.
New MagazineZX80 Announcement of Creative Computing’s SYNC magazine.
Subroutines -- Super Step-SaversZX80 Tutorial Subroutines are mini-programs; they execute a series of steps apart from the main program. In essence, you tell the computer, “Go do those steps and then come back here and proceed with the main program.” The ZX80 remembers where it was and returns to the following line after executing the subroutine. You can call the…
How to Wire a Big KeyboardZX80 Hardware project Although the ZX80 has many fine features, some people complain about the small pads of the touch keyboard that comes with it. But this is not a serious problem. The ZX80 uses a matrixed keyboard, so you can easily add a bigger, parallel keyboard.
TAB SubroutineZX80 Short subroutine to simulate the TAB function.
Reverse Video for ZX80ZX80 Letter to the editor describing a reverse-video circuit for the ZX80.
Comparison Between The Sinclair ZX80 and The TRS-80 Color ComputerZX80 Table comparing the various hardware and programming language features.
Compu-CalendarZX80 Type-in program This three-part program returns correct day name, changes Gregorian dates to corresponding Julian day numbers, and computes total days between any two dates from Jan. 1 AD to Feb. 2300.
Season's GreetingsZX80 MicroAce Type-in program Here is our personalized holiday greeting to you, courtesy of your ZX80 or MicroAce. With a little clever substitution in lines 450- 640, you can adapt this listing to produce your own video Christmas card.
Cassette EavesdropperZX80 Hardware project Use this simple circuit to listen to your programs as they save and load or to search for programs on tape without pulling the earphone cord and adjusting the volume control each time.
Make-Do ConnectorsZX80 At SYNTAX we use a Radio Shack connector. Their solderless edge-card, 40-pin connector (#276-1558) usually picks up all the contacts we need. We also use 40- conductor, insulation displacement, ribbon cable and mount the connector with a metal-jawed vise.
Multiplication ExerciseZX80 Type-in program This program asks for the multiplier (any number up to 3276) and then presents 5 problems, randomly choosing a number from 1 to 10. You get two tries to answer correctly. After the second try, the machine gives you the right answer with the next problem. At the end, it displays the number correct and…
Extended ZX80 Service ContractsZX80 Sinclair now offers extended service contracts to ZX80 owners. $25 per year will cover all parts and labor and return shipment of the unit.
New ModemZX80 MicroAce MicroPeripheral Corp. will introduce a modem for ZX80 and MicroAce machines by 1 January 1981, enabling you to connect to other computers by telephone.
8K ROM Programs Here!ZX80 Our technical staff has the only prototype 8K ROM in the U.S. and we’re wording on programs so you will be able to use your new ROM immediately. We’re especially impressed by the graphics capability and the PLOT-DRAW-PRINT sequence.
Sinclair Shipments Pick UpZX80 Sinclair caught up with their ZX80 shipping schedule in November because production rates are up to meet the demand.
Software Catalogs AvailableZX80 MicroAce Software catalogs for ZX80 and MicroAce owners available from Image Computer Products.
Authorized SoftwareZX80 Image Computer Products of Northbrook, IL, is the authorized ZX80 software producer.
New 8K ROM Plus PrinterZX80 Sinclair is revamping the ROM. The new chip will support the low cost printer Sinclair plans to introduce next year.
Dear EditorLetters about inverting video signal; TAB subroutine; contacting other owners; machine language programming.