SyncWare News v2 n6

SyncWare News v2 n6
Date: July/August 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 6


  • Contest Nears Conclusion
    60+ contestants who submitted over 80 programs to the Big Contest; Timex 2068 disk drive has been submitted to the FCC for approval; Kirt Olsen of Syntax has stated that he will not take on any new subscribers; QL is out of the FCC (after one year) and is available by mail order.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Softaid, TEJ Computer Products, G. Russell Electronics, Integrated Data Systems, Sharp’s, Richard Booth, J. Keene, Pratt Programs, Robotron Industries, Knighted Computers, Ray Rash and Fred Nachbaur.
  • Building a 2068 Database, Part 1
    The concept of a Completely Interactive Database System (CIDS) that has been implemented on a micro-computer is interesting in that this type of environment Is normally only found on mainframe computers. What I hope to do is cover the various aspects of implementing just such a system in the next few issues.
  • Forum
    Make Mscript work with Tasman interface; 2040 printer and Memotech 16K RAM; pull-up resistors on data lines; load amp circuit; print command compiler.
  • TS1500 Fix
    A bug in the LOAD command that puts the stack pointer at the address where the bad load occurred. The listings (done with Hot Z) show the original ROM and the fix for an EPROM.
  • TI99 Keyboard
    So, you got one of those TI99 keyboards from Radio Shack for $2.95 and still have not wired it up to your 1000 or 2068, right? I was going to write this up a while ago, but I learned that so many different companies made the circuit boards that it would be difficult to give
  • Adding On To Gladstone
    Many memory expansion boards have been offered for ZX81’s and TS1000s. One of the first to break down through the $100 price barrier was the Gladstone 64K RAM pack. It gave you use of RAM memory from locations 8K through 64K. Its only short coming was that you had to ALWAYS use all of the
  • Universal Printer Driver
    In Volume 1, I ran a series on getting the most out of your ZX/TS with full-size printer and Memotech Centronics interface. Since then, this CIF has become unavailable. Fortunately, several other printer interfaces (both parallel and serial) are available. These include Centronics Parallel IF’s by Aerco, Byte-Back, John Oliger, and Tasman, and serial IF’s
  • Expanded 2068 Input Prompts
    One day, as I was rummaging through the TS2068 ROM, I discovered that there was more to the INPUT command than what was described In the manual. Digging a little deeper, I found that what’s presented here is covered In detail In the Spectrum manual. Well, so much for international communications.
  • Tasman + Quadra Chart
    This program addition will allow you to make full size printer copies from Quadra-Chart.
  • QL Super Basic
    In the last issue I gave you a brief overview of the hardware angle to Sinclair’s latest computer, the QL. This time, I’ll tell you about some of the features available in this computer’s built-in Super Basic language.
  • Basil's Compendium: Deluxe Loader Program
    This installment gives you a simple loader program that will make it very easy for you to enter machine code in decimal notation.
  • Celestial Computing: Astronomical Software 1, Planet Finder
    AS1 provides functions frequently found only on more expensive software for more expensive computers. Combined into two compact “Time Options” and “Coordinate Options” menus, we see many selections that were treated as separate programs in Eric Burgess’ ‘Celestial Basic.’ Planet Finder is a collection of astronomical images and information. It’s a cleverly designed, graphically interesting


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