SYNC v1 n6

Date: November/December 1981
Volume: 1
Issue: 6


  • Perceptions
    Conversions: 4K ROM to 8K ROM and 8K ROM to 4K ROM
  • Glitchoidz Report
    Corrections to Widget (Sync v1 n2), Looking inside the ZX80 (v1 n3), A Trick and a Graphic System (v1 n3), Perceptions (v1 n5), Gra+Pix (v1 n4), and Hangman (v1 n4).
  • Kitchen Sync
    This month’s column was inspired by two other articles appearing in the May/June issue of SYNC. In the first, David Lubar told of his experiences in using the NOT operator of Sinclair Basic. In the second article. Bill Eckel introduced a game called Black Hole and presented a version which he “almost” got to fit
  • Sync Notes
    ZX Microfair Report; ZX81 Launched in the U.S.; The World of Compukid; Second ZX Microfair to be Held
  • Letters
    Thick Black Bars; Help Wanted; Scrolling REM Statements; Cecil Bridges’ LED Load Monitor.
  • Machine Language Teaches the ZX80 to READ
    In Part 1 (SYNC 1:5) we saw what a READ statement is, how it functions, how to run a machine language subprogram with the USR function, and how to get your machine code into memory with Basic loader program. In this part I will give you the machine language READ subroutine, present a few tips
  • An Inventory System
    Mass data storage is accomplished more efficiently by a disc system than by a cassette recorder. However, until such a system is available for the ZX80/1 computers, Sinclair owners will have to rely on the cassette system. This article offers a program for a modest inventory system based on the 8K ROM and 16K RAM.
  • Experiments in Memory and I/O Expansion
    How memory works in the ZX80; adding RAM using 2114 chips; adding I/O; adding RAM using HM6116 CMOS chips.
  • An Introduction to Machine Code
    The ZX80/1 microcomputer system as supplied by Sinclair Research is capable of being programmed in two different languages, i.e., Basic and Machine Code.
  • The Hidden Chessmen
    The Hidden Chessmen is a search and find game like Hurkle. A knight, a bishop, and a rook are hidden on a chessboard by the computer. You begin the play by guessing a square on the chessboard. The computer tells you if you have found a chess piece and/or what pieces are attacking the square.
  • "You Are in a Maze..."
    “…of twisty little passages, all alike.” This message, in Adventure of Zork, tells you that you have embarked on one of the most challenging phases of the game: mapping the maze and finding your way out. Even without the rest of the dungeon, a maze can make an exciting puzzle in itself —especially if there
  • Artillery with Motion
    Improved version of Artillery.
  • Hampson's Plane
    Program translates the three dimensional Rubik’s Cube to the two dimensional TV screen via the ZX80.
  • Resources (Sync v1 n6)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Two Challenges of Taxman
    The computer will lay out the integers from 1 to a maximum which you have entered. You pick one of these numbers; Taxman gets all the remaining factors of that number. If there are no remaining factors of the number chosen, you cannot have it. When there are no remaining factors of any unchosen number,
  • Create a Word Search Puzzle
    By using this program in the ZX80 or MicroAce, you can create your own 15 by 11 character word puzzles and have fun solving them or give them to your friends to solve.


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