Date: July/August 1981
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Keyboard BeeperZX80 Hardware review Simple device that beeps when a key is pressed.
Software Review: And the Walls Came Tumbling DownZX80 Software review After the successful introduction of Super ZX80 Invasion, Softsync has come out with Double Breakout, its second active display game. Double Breakout is just as much fun as Super ZX80 Invasion, and even more challenging. This, too, fits into 1K of memory.
Glitchoidz ReportZX80 Type-in program Corrections to errors, problems and other Glitchoid activities discovered in prior articles.
Sync NotesMicroAce ZX81 ZX81 —The Family Increases; PERCEPTIONS; SYNCSUM; Spaces in PRINT Statements; MicroAce II????; SYNC Subscribers Pass the 6000 Mark; A P.S. from Alger Salt.
- LettersZX80
PerceptionsZX80 Type-in program SYNCSUM is a method of checking whether you have entered the program correctly. If you are submitting an article, we ask you to include the SYNCSUM at the end of any program listing.
Machine Code Keyboard Scanning ProgramZX80 Type-in program Machine code routine to decode the keyboard and a Basic program for entering/saving machine code programs.
The TL$ FunctionZX80 Type-in program Do not overlook the use of the TL$ function when you are creating programs. It is a very useful item. This function allows the ZX80 user to process a string in much the same way that other computers READ DATA statements.
A Subroutine for Serial Data OutputZX80 Type-in program Hardware project Trying to write machine code subroutines for the ZX80 presented some problems. This article details the problems with their solutions, and shows a simple subroutine to output data serially by bit to an asynchronous peripheral.
TR$ and LET A$=A$+B$ on the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program String handling on the ZX80 is reasonably good. The 4K Integer Basic lets the user print, input, and compare strings. and do specialized routines that will transform numbers into strings or characters. Sinclair’s Integer Basic has no string concatenation commands at all. The first will truncate a string from the right side, the second will…
Multi-Dimensional Arrays for the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program Techniques for simulating multi-dimensional arrays on the ZX80.
Bisection Interation Square Root ProgramZX80 Type-in program This program operates by means of bisection iteration, which is basically just a variation of the old high-low game. The size limitation of the integer basic (variable size) limits the maximum root to 181.
Setting Up Bar ChartsZX80 Type-in program This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.
Screen ScrollingZX80 Type-in program This article shows how a routine can he written and entered into a ZX80 that enables the user to SCROLL the display. In the 4K monitor there is no facility at all for doing other than printing to the last line of the display, and then, when the display is full, the program will stop…
Multiplication Three-in-a-RowZX80 Type-in program “Multiplication Three-in-a Row” is based on the program “Multiplication Bingo,” by Jean Wilson, Special Education teacher at Leadville High School, Leadville, Colorado. She was seeking a way to motivate students who were having difficulty learning to multiply and found that completing five in a row on a Bingo board helped supply the motivation. An array…
The ZX80 Makes the GradeZX80 Type-in program In this article we present two programs running on the 1K Basic machine. The first determines the test scores and keeps track of which question caused the class the greatest difficulty. The second finds the class distribution of grades, enabling the teacher to scale the grades.
DetectiveZX80 Type-in program A murder has been committed and the perpetrator has threatened to strike again! It is up to you to uncover the two pieces of evidence which will identify the murderer before he can carry out his threat. The game consists of searching the 4 rooms in the building where the crime occurred for the incriminating…
A Parallel Interface for the ZX-80/MicroAce ComputerZX80 MicroAce Hardware project Construct a simple parallel interface for the ZX80/MicroAce computers with the Z-80 PIO.
Mini-BillboardZX80 Type-in program Program to print an eight character string on two rather large lines to create a “Mini-Billboard” on the TV screen.
- Try ThisZX80 Type-in program
8K Basic ROMZX80 Hardware review While the 4K Integer Basic in the Sinclair ZX80 is adequate for many applications, most programmers will eventually feel a hunger for more power. True, advanced functions can be simulated by way of subroutines, but such measures eat memory at an alarming rate. Enter the 8K Basic ROM. The chip costs a mere $39.95, which…
Resources (Sync v1 n4)MicroAce Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.