Sinc-Link v5 n3

Date: May/June 1987
Volume: 5
Issue: 3


  • General Notes
    New software added to the club library includes a graphics package from Jim Turner of the Ottawa/Hull Users group.
  • Sincbits
    Updates from the Midwest TS Computer Fest, Spectrum, TS 2068 and QL news.
  • LARKEN Cartridge DOS
    Description and review of the LARKEN Cartridge DOS.
  • Spring Cleaning
    Recommendations for cleaning disk drives.
  • 2068 Expanding Array
    If you create an array for the storage of data, the chances are that you will dimension the array to be as large as it might need to be some time in the future. In this way, data can be added as needed without having to worry about ‘outgrowing’ the array. However, if you are
  • Communications
    Instructions for using Specterm-64 with disk drives.
  • Bob's Notebook: Print a Disk Directory
    Program to print a Larken disk directory.
  • Disk Droppings
    Modifications to TS 2068 version of VU-Calc to print to a standard printer.
  • Game Tips
    Tips for Tomahawk.
  • Software Review: Multi-Draw 2068
    Review of the graphics/drawing program.
  • The Great RAM Rescue
    Reprint of article from SYNC magazine.
  • QL Wayfarer
    Overview of QL software/hardware.
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