Date: January/February 1987
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
SincbitsTS 2068 QL Mentions SPECDRUM and other music software/hardware for use with the ZX Spectrum. Improvements on SAFE DOS from John Oliger; SPDOS. $99 QL kit.
ZX ProgrammingTS 1000 Type-in program Reprint of article from ZX Computing Monthly. Article includes several utilities for loading machine code into REM statements.
How to Disable the "MERGE" FunctionTS 2068 Type-in program Presents a method of preventing others from “merging” your program by saving as CODE.
QL CornerQL Review of QL-related news over the year.
Zenith MonitorQL QL user recommends Zenith monitor and COPAL WriteHand model 1200 printer.
QL NotesQL Reader recommends QUANTA; expansion products from Sharp’s.
Digital Imagitizing, Part 1TS 2068 Hardware project Have you ever wanted to have some REAL pictures for your 2068? 1 don’t mean your usual pictures from your typical drawing programs but real pictures, such as your face, for example. This tutorial will show you how to hook up a video camera to your 2068 with a fairly simple hardware attachment. I chose…
Disk DroppingsTS 2068 Notes on using Tasword II
Bob's Notebook: TIMACHINETS 2068 Notes on using TIMACHINE, how it differs from Sinclair BASIC.
2068 VideoTS 2068 Using a VCR to improve composite video signal quality.
Art StudioTS 2068 Software review Review of the drawing/graphics package for the ZX Spectrum from Rainbird Software.
Answers AnswersTS 2068 Answers to questions posed in earlier issues.
Spectrumizing the TS 2068TS 2068 Describes ROMswitch available from Daniel Roman.
2068 Colour AdjustmentsTS 2068 Hardware project Short program to print color bars and instructions for adjusting the color output.