Date: November/December 1986
Volume: 4
Issue: 6
Letter from the PresidentNotes declining membership.
ZX81 ResourcesTS 1000 Type-in program Update on ZX81 disk drives, Dungeons of Ymir, correction to program in prior article.
Circle GamesTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Type-in program for JOBASIC or other high resolution routine to draw patterns with circles.
Signal BoosterHardware project Correct cassette loading problems with this transformer-based signal booster.
TS 2068 TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Short programs to invert screen display, find elapsed program run time and check if printer is enabled.
MacrolifeTS 2068 Type-in program Conway’s Game of Life on a larger scale. Adapted from Toni Baker’s Macro-life article published in ZX Computing, October 1986.
Larken UtilitiesTS 2068 Lists and describes utilities members of the Toronto Timex Sinclair User’s Club wrote for the Larken disk system.
Larken TipsTS 2068 Three tips for dealing with quirks in the Larken disk system.
Transmit Using MTERM IITS 2068 Transmit files between two Timex/Sinclair computers.
Bob's Notebook: Password ProtectionTS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and a routine for adding password protection to a TS 2068 program via ON ERR.
QL CornerQL Author discovers depth of support, touches on number and variety of products.
JLO Disk Interface - A ReviewTS 2068 Hardware review Brief review of the John Oliger disk interface system.
CommunicationsTS 2068 Overview of TS 2068 communications options.
QuestionsQuestions from users about a variety of issues.